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Backstage Dirty (The Savage Light Rockers #1)

Page 11

by Jenika Snow

  “Hey.” Jacks’s voice was deep, but there was no doubt pleasure laced that one word.

  Before Tanner could even look at him he was right by her side. He had an arm wrapped around her waist, his other hand cupping the back of her head, and then had his mouth on hers. She was so stunned that for a second she just stood there with her eyes wide, and feeling his tongue moving slowly along the seam of her lips, as if he was seeking entrance. And then she opened her mouth, and he plunged his tongue inside. He was like an animal as he took possession of the kiss in front of all of these people. It was such a random act, one he had never done before, that she idly wondered if he was doing it to make a point.

  He leaned back only half an inch and murmured, “Kiss me, Tanner. Don’t worry about anyone else.” And then his mouth was right back on hers, and she put everyone else who was staring at them in the farthest part of her brain. This was as random and right in their face PDA as it got, but as the kiss heated and Jacks pushed her up against the wall hard enough that the sound of her body hitting it was loud, her whole body heated and her pussy became uncomfortably wet.

  The air left her in hard, fast pants in between kisses, and she was vaguely aware of a few of the guys clearing their throats.

  “Damn, I feel like I am in the middle of watching a show on Skinemax.” And Five’s voice was what pulled her back to reality.

  Placing her hands on Jacks’s hard chest, she pushed him back, but he only moved a couple of inches. They were both breathing so hard, and their eyes were locked on each other’s. “Jacks.” His name came from her on this almost breathy sigh, and she hadn’t even meant to say it.

  “God damn, Tanner.” Jacks lowered his gaze to her mouth, and the hooded expression he now had caused her inner muscles to clench and a fresh wave of wetness to come from her. She so aroused all of the sudden when she should be humiliated.

  Looking over his shoulder she saw that everyone was watching them with startled expressions. Surely they had seen any of the other guys with women before? Or maybe it was the fact Jacks had gone all caveman when he all but slammed her against the wall and took her mouth like he owned it? But he had owned it, and she had melted right into him like she was this pliant submissive ready to give herself to him without any thought.

  “Everyone is watching.” But honestly Tanner didn’t care. Jacks slowly lifted his eyes, and their breathing continued to match that hard, fast tempo.

  “I feel like I just walked in on my parents having sex, and I have those ‘What the fuck is happening feelings’,” Five said, and there was a round of laughing after that.

  His words seemed to break whatever spell had grabbed both her and Jacks, but even that wasn’t enough to stop her arousal from slowly escalating, especially when Jacks pressed his lower body right up against hers and she felt the hard, big outline of his erection on her belly. A sound escaped her, but it was too low for anyone but her and Jacks to hear.

  He smiled, and it was filled with cockiness. It turned her on more. He looked over his shoulder, and there was a round of throat clearing from the guys before they all went back to doing what they had been doing and stopped being voyeurs. But one person didn’t avert her gaze, and that was, of course, Laura. Tanner glanced at Laura, and they held stares for a second. Tanner wasn’t going to let this woman intimidate her with a look, and that was clearly what Laura was aiming for.

  “I really need you, Tanner.”

  She looked over at Jacks, and the sound of his deep, soft voice had every erogenous zone in her body tingling. She’d ask Jacks what the deal with that Laura chick was just so she wasn’t getting a secondhand watered-down version from Five, but first she needed Jacks as much as he clearly needed her. He must have seen the look of acceptance in her eyes, or maybe her face just screamed “fuck me” because he took her hand and led her back down the hallway.

  “Working on graphics. Don’t fucking bother us,” he yelled over his shoulder. They were in the room seconds later, and right before he shut the door Tanner heard the guys laughing once more. “I really need you, Tanner. Like right fucking now.” He spun her around and pressed her against the door, and had his mouth on hers once more. “I can’t do slow and long this time, baby,” he said in between kisses, and all she could do was murmur these incoherent sounds. At the same time he went back to kissing her, deepening it and moving his tongue along hers. He slid his hand up her bare thigh, under her skirt, and placed his open palm right on her pussy.

  “Oh. God.” She let her head fall back on the door, and he immediately started licking and nipping at her throat. He rubbed her pussy right through the thin cotton of her panties, and she knew he had to feel how wet the material was. It was like she had a constant gush of arousal leaving her, and it had all started the moment Jacks had kissed her like a man possessed. But before she could just ask him to take her right then and there he tore her panties away. He shoved her skirt up and over her hips, and then started messing with the button of his jeans. The sound of his zipper going down and of their near frantic breathing had Tanner grabbing chunks of his hair and pulling his head back toward her mouth. They groaned at the same time their lips touched. This moment wasn’t about anything but getting this carnal need out of them. The feel of his hot, hard length right up against her now bare pussy lips had a startled gasp leaving her He was scorching her alive, and when he thrust his hips forward she couldn’t stop from pulling at his hair.

  “Hold on, baby.”

  “What?” She gasped the word out. He went to pull away. “What are you doing? You can’t stop now.” The grin he gave her had her nipples hardening almost painfully.

  “No way in fuck am I stopping, but I do need to get a condom.” He reached behind him, grabbed his wallet, and pulled out a condom to hold up in front of her. “No little Jacks and Tanners running around just yet.”

  She should have felt strange hearing him say “yet,” but God, it had her feeling a lot of other things, things that made her think of the future and the “what ifs”. She shouldn’t think that right now, though. All she wanted was to feel him inside of her, easing this ache that had settled deep in her body.

  He quickly sheathed himself and then looked right in her eyes. “It doesn’t feel like five years have passed.” He searched her face with his gaze, and she found herself shaking her head. “It feels like I am right back with you in my parents’ basement, you looking so fucking hot, and you not even realizing what you put me through.”

  She swallowed and glanced down at his mouth “What I did to you?”

  He shook his head. “You drove me crazy for a long time, Tanner.” He lowered his head and ran the tip of his nose up the length of the side of her throat. And then she heard him inhale deeply, and this low, almost animalistic sound came from him. At that moment Tanner felt so feminine that a fresh gush of arousal left her, which seemed to cause Jacks to jerk forward. “That’s it, get all fucking primed for me, baby.” He inhaled again. “I could fucking smell you all day long. You smell like lemons and fresh laundry. A weird combination, I know, but one that gets me so damn hard.” He slipped his hand behind her and gripped her ass, and in one move lifted her off the ground so she was forced to wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

  “God, Jacks.” That seemed to be the only words she could actually speak. Tanner felt lightheaded, out of breath, and so horny it was like she was floating away. He reached between their bodies, and then she felt him place the tip of his rock hard erection at her entrance. Holding her gaze with his, he pushed all of his dick into her in a swift, yet steady motion. The stretch and burn of having something so big inside of her consumed her. Even though they had done it several times already, she didn’t know if she would ever get used to his size. But Jacks was a big guy all around, hard, strong, muscular, and in his arms she felt like she was this small cherished thing.

  “I used to have to hide my boner from you, because every fucking time you walked in the room,” he pulled out of
her and shoved back in, “I instantly sported wood.” His mouth was at the base of her throat, and he groaned deeply. In and out he thrust, slow and steady and in no hurry. “Or you’d walk by and I’d smell you. Christ, Tanner, you smelled—smell—so damn good.” He pumped especially hard into her, and she tilted her head back and opened her mouth in a soundless cry.

  The sound of him slamming an open palm on the door beside her head, and the knowledge that he was holding her up with one muscular arm had Tanner going over the edge. The root of his cock continued to hit her clit every time he pushed deep into her, and his gruff sounds against her neck had her entire body shaking. “You should have told me, Jacks.” She hadn’t realized the words had been spoken until she heard them, but there it was, and she didn’t care that she had said them. “God, I wish you would have told me.” The fact she could actually speak as the pleasure moved through her was astounding, but the words tumbled from her, and she knew she had needed to tell him.

  “I should have.”

  She thought he would have come right there from the way he was shaking and the hard, powerful way he was pumping in and out of her but instead he wrapped his other arm around her and turned to move toward the bed. Once her back hit the mattress he wasted no time in flipping her onto her belly, grabbing her hips, and pulling to the edge of the bed. And then he was covering her back with his chest, aligning himself at her opening once more, and shoving deep inside of her.

  “You’re so fucking tight and wet, baby.” He pumped once, and twice, and on the third time she felt a gust of air right before he brought his palm down on her ass cheek. The pain morphed into pleasure as he smacked her ass again and again. The heat he was creating with his hand made her bury her face in the pillow and cry out as she came for the second time in less than five minutes. One more thrust, and another, and another, and on the fourth he buried himself fully inside of her, covered her back once more with his chest, and groaned out his orgasm.

  She had never known a sound to be especially erotic, but coming from Jacks it was such a turn on. They stayed in that position for several minutes, both trying to catch their breath, and then he finally rolled off of her but still she stayed on her belly.

  “Damn, Tanner.”

  She turned just her head so she could look at him. She knew the smile she gave him had to look goofy because it certainly felt that way But Tanner felt high from those orgasms. “Damn, Jacks.” If that wasn’t a quickie she didn’t know what was, but it was a really good quickie at that.

  He smiled and reached out to push a stray piece of hair out of her face. “You’ll come to the show tonight?”

  “Of course, I guess I’ve just been trying to get everything down because I want to get this right.” She rolled onto her back and lifted her ass so she could fix her skirt, and then went back onto her side, facing him. “But I would love to see you guys perform again.” They stayed silent for a moment, and she watched as he closed his eyes and placed his hands behind his head, taking on a more relaxed position. Tanner let herself look at the defined cords of muscles along the underside of his arms, the ones that not even the tattoos on his arms could cover. He was once again wearing a plain t-shirt, barely confining his strength. God, when had he gotten so big? Back in the day he had been taller than most of the guys around them, and had a bigger build, but his frame now was all hard and trained muscle. She moved her gaze up his neck and over his face. His eyes were still closed, and she could tell by his breathing that he was falling asleep.

  “I’m glad I’m not the only one that likes to stare at you.” He cracked one eye open.

  Without thinking she reached up and brushed his dark hair off of his forehead. “I prefer to say I am gazing longingly at you.” She grinned and moved closer to him so she could rest her head on his chest. When he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in tight, the feeling that she was right where she needed to be filled her. What was suddenly on her mind was probably a mood killer, but she’d prefer to get it off of her chest and move past it. If she didn’t ask him about Laura then she’d always wonder what had happened between the two of them, even if it really didn’t matter at this point in time.

  “I can hear you thinking.” Jacks sounded sleepy, but amused. Here he was, lying with his pants around his ankles and his junk hanging out, yet he didn’t even care.

  “How can you hear someone think?” She ran her hand down his chest and stopped when she got to the edge of his shirt. Pushing the material up slightly, she rested her open palm on his flat, rippled stomach and closed her eyes.

  “Even when I can’t see your face, and you’re not saying anything, I can read you. I always have been able to, Tanner.” He curled his fingers around her shoulder, pressed his nose to the top of her head, and once again she heard him inhale.

  “You fucked that Laura chick.” She didn’t phrase it like a question, because obviously she knew he had from Five telling her, and also from the way Laura looked at Jacks. He sighed deeply, but didn’t answer right away, and of course she felt like this petty jealous girlfriend. “I’m just curious is all, because she looks at you like she wants to tear your clothes off and glares at me like she wants to rip my throat out.”

  “She won’t bother you.”

  “I’m not worried about her bothering me. I guess I’m worried about her not realizing that you and I…”

  “Are together, Tanner, and I know you’re trying to not let it bother you or be jealous, but you are.” He pushed back enough that he could look down at her. “Remember when I said that this is a crazy road you’ll be agreeing to go on?”

  She nodded.

  “I meant it. I’m not trying to be cocky, but Laura isn’t the only one that wants to tear my clothes off. Fame and money make people insane, and make them want something they normally wouldn’t have wanted.” He smoothed finger down the bridge of her nose. “Yeah, I slept with, Laura. Once. But I told her before you even agreed to come on tour that there is nothing else between us. It was one night of drunken sex…” He seemed to stop speaking, as if he had caught himself before he said something he didn’t want her to hear. Tanner could only imagine the things that he had done, things that were exciting, exhilarating, and downright dirty. “But I’ll tell you this, Tanner. You’re the only girl I want from this point on if I’m the only guy you want.”

  Her heart was beating fast and hard, and she heard it in her ears and felt it in her throat. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” And it was the truth.

  “Laura’s dad is a roadie, and I know she’s had a hard life growing up. I can’t exactly tell her to leave the tour.”

  She shook her head before he finished speaking. “I would never ask you to do that, and I am sure my jealousy is nothing, and I am just letting my emotions get to me.” She smiled. Now she really felt like a petty bitch for bringing it up. Who knew how many women he had slept with, roadie daughters or not? She was just going to have to get used to it, because that was the life she had chosen to go along with.

  “But I only want you, baby.” He leaned in and kissed her. “If five years hadn’t passed the way it had, you would have been my girl, and there would have been no one else.” He had murmured the words against her lips, and when he pulled away it was to keep her close to him.

  She rested her head on his chest once more, listened to his heart beat a slow and steady rhythm, and knew that she needed to toughen the fuck up. No doubt she would see a hell of a lot more debauchery from the rabid fan girls in the weeks to come.

  Chapter Ten

  The band was in a backroom warming up in the way they did before every show. Beats was in his own world with his headphones on, his eyes closed, and his drumsticks in hand as he beat them on the table top to the rhythm of whatever he was listening to. Matty was in one of the chairs with his guitar in his lap, picking out a tune. And then there was Five, leaning over by the bar with a bleached blonde groupie hanging off every word. His form of relaxing or getting juiced up before a show was to
get his dick wet in some random chick. Not Jacks’s style, but whatever got the guys in the mood was their own business. He was on the couch with his headphones on, too, and his guitar in his lap. He mainly did vocals, but there were a few songs that he played rhythm along with Matty. The feeling of someone watching him had Jacks looking up and seeing Tanner leaning against the wall. She had her phone up to her ear, and he knew she was talking to Zoe. Over the last week she had talked to her at least once a day. He imagined it was hard being around a bunch of guys day and night, especially ones that had a tendency to live like slobs. He grinned and winked, and loved that her cheeks turned pink. She was so responsive to him, and damn if that didn’t make a guy feel good.

  He looked back down at his guitar, and then closed his eyes and let the music blasting through his ears clear his head. He couldn’t hear the song he was picking out, of course, but he knew what he was playing, and doing something with his hands helped ease him before a show. For thirty minutes they sat back there, alternating between doing their own thing, talking about the set list once more, and then finally making their way toward the stage. He took hold of Tanner’s hand and led her with him so she was right by his side, and he swore he could feel her hand trembling in his. He stopped, gestured for the other guys to go without him for a second, and used his body to push her into a small, darkened corner.


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