Backstage Dirty (The Savage Light Rockers #1)

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Backstage Dirty (The Savage Light Rockers #1) Page 12

by Jenika Snow

  “Jacks, what are you—”

  He cut off her words with his mouth on hers and loved that she immediately moaned and clutched at his shoulders. He pulled away only enough that he could speak. “I have wanted to do that since we got into the venue.” He kissed her once more, and slid his hands over her shoulders, across her chest, and covered her breasts. The mounds were large, soft, and overfilled in his hand. He fucking loved it. Laying little kisses along her collarbone, he inhaled the sweet scent of her along the way, and followed the path with his tongue down to where her cleavage rose just slightly over her shirt. “I could take you again, Tanner. Christ, I could take you again right here in this dark corner.”

  She gasped, and he felt the prick of her nails dig into his skin through his shirt. “You’re insatiable.”

  He was, but only for her. He could be hard ten minutes after they fucked, and it felt like he hadn’t even been with her. She did something to him, did something so powerful that even five years ago he hadn’t been able to stop thinking of her. Jacks had never really believed in soul mates or love at first sight, but with Tanner things were very different. He was very different. “What can I say? When I’m around you I can’t get enough.” He started making a trail back up to her mouth with his tongue and lips while he continued to squeeze her breasts, and the dirty images of him sliding his dick between her tits and fucking her that way slammed into his head. “I won’t be able to play with this fucking hard-on, baby.”

  “Yo, man, get your ass moving,” Matty yelled over at him.

  Jacks groaned against Tanner’s neck. “We will finish this afterwards.” He pulled away and looked at her, and the way her eyes were half-lidded, her lips parted, and her cheeks red, was a sight that nearly had him saying fuck it all and dragging her back to the tour bus.

  “Go on.” She smiled and placed her hands on his chest. “I’m anxious to experience this, too. I’ve never been backstage like this and watched a band perform, let alone Savage Light, one of the biggest bands in the world.” There was no sarcasm in her voice, as if she were trying to mimic one of the screaming fans or young girls that wanted their autographs. She sounded genuinely excited, and that pleased him.

  The sound of Black Pearl belting out their last song was loud, angry, and sounded incredible. They might not be nearly as well-known as Savage Light, but for how awesome their music was, Jacks knew they would rise to the top in no time. With one more kiss to Tanner he turned and headed to where Matty, Five, and Beats were. The band always gave the best show they could for their fans, but now his girl was watching, and he was going to really fucking make sure it was a night she wouldn’t forget.


  Tanner watched the guys move on stage, and the sound of the crowd going wild was insane. Even from where she stood far behind the scenes she could lean to the side and partially see the massive auditorium of the Quicken Loans Arena. There were thousands upon thousands of people, and she had overheard some of the staff comment on how there were at least twenty grand. Pride filled her that these guys—Savage Light—had made it so far in their career.

  “They are pretty spectacular, aren’t they?”

  Tanner turned and glanced at Laura, who had spoken behind her. The woman gave her a saccharine smile, but Tanner could tell it was fake as hell. But she smiled and nodded. “Yeah, they really are.”

  Laura moved in front of her and leaned against the wall, partially obstructing her view.

  What the shit? Before Tanner could make a comment on the fact she had obviously stood right in front of her Laura started talking once more.

  “Yeah, I’ve been on tour with them for the last six months.” Laura looked over her shoulder and grinned, like she was trying to rub it in that she had been with the band for less than a year. It was hard to hear her talk as it was because of the noise, but now this woman was trying to make it seem like she had some kind of claim with the band without actually saying the words? No. Just no. “I’m pretty close with the band since I am around them all the time.”

  Laura may not have said the words out loud, but Tanner could hear the laced meaning behind them. Again, another jab that Laura had some kind of claim on the band, like she was close with them in more ways than one. Tanner supposed she was in a sense.

  “Yeah, I heard you’re here with your dad.” Tanner wasn’t going to say anything, but of course the words came out of her mouth on her own.

  Laura didn’t crack a smile or respond right away, but that was okay because Tanner just wanted to hear the band. Right now Jacks was speaking to them, getting them worked up, and it was doing the job as the noise became thundering.

  “Listen.” Laura turned around so she could face her, but Tanner refused to move back so she had a small amount of personal space. “You do realize that the guys, especially Jacks, have women coming and going through that tour bus like it is a revolving door?” Laura lifted a dark eyebrow, one that didn’t match the shade of her bleached blonde hair. She had her hair currently teased and put in one of those high ponytails that reminded Tanner of the eighties. She was also wearing these acid washed jeans that were tight enough they looked like they were painted on. Yes, the girl had a nice body in a very skinny model kind of way. But the amount of make-up, hairspray, and the clothing she chose to wear, just made her look cheap.

  “And what exactly are you getting at?” The band had started playing, and although she had to shout to be heard, Tanner was focused on this woman that was basically calling her just another groupie. Tanner should have let it go, should have just told Laura that she wasn’t just another chick they were fucking, that she was actually working for the band, and was with Jacks. But of course she hadn’t. Maybe it was because she wanted to see how far Laura would go, wanted to see when she would stop this petty and jealous shit and just come out and say what she wanted to say instead of beating around the bush.

  Laura got this hardened look on her face. Good, maybe she’d finally just spit it out, and then Tanner could say what she was going to say. “Once they have had their fun, Jacks especially, your ass will be gone, just like the rest of them, and I’ll still be here—”

  “With your dad?” It was Tanner’s turn to lift a brow. “Because that’s what you said, right? You’re here with your dad? What, you’re like twenty but don’t have a job and instead are jumping all over my shit because you’re jealous?”

  Laura opened her mouth, but promptly snapped it shut and narrowed her eyes.

  “Listen, I’m not in high school any longer, don’t need this shit, and am certainly not a girl the guys are just passing around.” Tanner took a step closer and leaned in so her mouth was only inches from Laura’s ear. She had to give the girl credit. She didn’t move away.

  “You know how many girls thought the same thing? Thought they were special?”

  Tanner smiled and shook her head. “I don’t really care how many girls thought that. You’re trying to intimidate me and place some kind of proprietary stake on the band or Jacks.” Tanner shrugged. “Do what you want, because in the end you are just wasting your time.”

  “I wasn’t wasting my time when Jacks fucked me good and hard, told me I was the best he’d ever had.”

  Tanner wasn’t about to fall for that one. Instead, she breathed out, just wanting this conversation to end so she could enjoy the show. “And I’m telling you this strictly because I wanted you to fully understand, and not because I’m trying to prove anything.” Tanner moved back an inch so she could look in Laura’s eyes. “I work for the band, and have known those guys my entire life.” She smiled just as fake and sweet as Laura had done to her. “The only guy I am letting fuck me is Jacks, but it is because I love him and he loves me.” She let those words sink in, but Laura didn’t even blink. “So, now you know where I stand, and it’s clear I know where you stand. I think it’s safe to say we will keep our distance from each other since we won’t likely be best friends.”

  With that because she was over talkin
g to Laura the moment the other woman had opened her mouth, Tanner moved away from her and closer to the stage. She could only get so far as there were staff and security all around, but she could see the band just fine.

  They were playing one of their more popular songs, one that had the crowd singing right along, too. This was a song that Jacks played his guitar to, and she was mesmerized by the sight of the muscles in his arms flexing as he strummed the strings. He was working up the crowd, and she glanced around at the other members. Matty was in the middle of a guitar solo, and even from the distance she could see the sweat drip down his face. But there was also this excitement that covered his expression. It moved over all the guys’ faces. She looked at Five, and the bassist had his eyes closed as he pumped his arm up and down and followed along with the other band members on the song. His hair covered his eyes, and sweat beaded down his face as he moved his hand up and down on the thick strings. The song had turned into something harder, darker, and had a faster beat to it. Five and Matty were getting more into the song, moving along the stage back and forth, and Beats pounding on the drums like he was possessed. The guys were getting into the song, and Jacks was nearly screaming the lyrics out. It was a popular one, and Tanner found herself singing along to it and moving her head up and down to the beat.

  One song moved into the next in a fluid motion, and the music was like an aphrodisiac. She didn’t know how long the band played, but it ended far sooner than she would have liked. They headed off the stage, and there was a handful of staff that was there with towels, water, and firing off questions to the guys. She stayed back and out of the way. It was amazing watching all of this on the sidelines and in the back. The guys’ faces took on an almost euphoric quality, and their grins were wide. They were sweaty, but looked intoxicated at the same time. Everything was a blur of motion, but Tanner kept to the side, partially hidden in the corner and watched the action all around her. This was like another world. She could smell the sweat and salt in the air, felt the adrenaline and testosterone pulse all around her, and knew this was how it would always be.

  She honestly didn’t know how much time had passed, maybe ten minutes but probably less, and then the guys were right back on stage for their encore. Tanner took her phone out and snapped several pictures of all of the guys playing so she could send them to Zoe. Once they were sent she looked at the guys once more, and turned around to leave. Once the show was officially over with they would come out, and when the show ended it would be even more hectic. No way did she want to be in the middle of that. Besides, she wanted to see if Zoe had gotten the images. She could even hear in her head Zoe squealing in excitement.

  There were several rooms backstage, but she went to the one that the guys had hung out in right before they performed. There were a couple fold-out chairs around a small corner in the room. Once the door was shut and she was sitting in one of the chairs she dialed Zoe’s number. It was nearing ten at night, but Zoe had always been a night owl. It rang a few times, and Tanner leaned back in her chair.

  “OhmygodTanner.” Zoe’s excited voice filled the line instantly, and Tanner pulled the phone away.

  She started laughing. “I take it you got the pictures.” She had to pull the phone away again when Zoe all but screamed.

  “Yes Oh my God, I cannot believe you are so close to them.” For the next five minutes Zoe did most of the talking about what it was like being with the band, how the job was going, and if it was as exciting as Zoe had imagined.

  “It’s great, but honestly it feels like I am back with them and hanging out in Jacks’s basement. Sure, things are different because of the tour bus, the concerts, and the entire atmosphere, but they act just like they did in high school.”

  “I am so jealous that you get to experience that, but at the same time I wouldn’t have been able to handle it.”

  “You should have just talked to Beats, Zoe.” She heard her friend sigh on the other end, but Zoe didn’t respond right away. “I’m sorry. It isn’t my business.”

  “No, no, it is okay. Maybe I should have said something, but I was too embarrassed—still am actually.”

  The sound of raised voices right outside the door of the room she was in had Tanner turning in her seat and leaning over enough that she could see the door. She saw the handle turn, and the door was the getting pushed open. The voices became clearer. She knew right away it was Laura, and the older man’s voice Tanner assumed was her father. He seemed very angry, and the almost whiney quality in Laura’s voice was like nails on a chalkboard.

  “Zoe, hold on.” Maybe Tanner should have made her presence known, especially since it was clear these two were in an argument, but wouldn’t that make it worse?

  “Laura, you are embarrassing me, and starting shit with Jacks’s girlfriend—”

  “She isn’t his girlfriend,” Laura gritted out in an annoyed voice.

  “It doesn’t matter what she is, girl. She is clearly someone important to Jacks, and the other members of the band for that matter. That much is clear. I don’t know why she is here, what her relationship with anyone in the band is, but you back the hell off. The band was nice enough to allow you to come on tour with me because you had nowhere else to go. You don’t work for your keep here, and if it wasn’t for me you’d be out on your ass.”

  Tanner looked around the corner just enough that she could see the back of Laura and her father. Her dad had a red face and pointed his finger at her.

  “I don’t even know what you’re going on about.”

  The guy made an exasperated noise. “You know exactly what I am going on about. You slept with Jacks, that much I’ve heard through the rumor mill, but you think no one can see that you’re continuously trying to put the moves on him, and that he keeps pushing you back?” He didn’t wait for her to answer. “You’re embarrassing yourself and me for that matter. Knock that shit off, got it?”

  Before Laura could answer, her father had turned his back on her and was out the door. Tanner could still hear Zoe breathing heavily, and she wondered if she’d heard the exchange. The guy had certainly been speaking loud enough. Tanner stayed silent, because she sure a shell didn’t want Laura to know she had eavesdropped on her conversation. She sat back forward and winced when the chair squeaked. For a second she held her breath. It wasn’t because she was afraid of Laura, but because there was a part of her that knew listening to their conversation wasn’t cool.

  “Who’s back there?” Laura’s shrill voice started to come closer.

  Tanner closed her eyes and sighed. Well, she hadn’t wanted this to happen, but it looked like she was going there. She stood and turned around at the same time she saw Laura round the corner. The other girl’s eyes widened slightly, and then they promptly narrowed.

  “You heard everything my dad said.” It wasn’t phrased as a question, but then again why would it be when it wasn’t like she hadn’t been in the same room? Tanner didn’t have time to respond because Laura was speaking again. “Just stay out of my way. Ever since you joined the tour Jacks has had these blinders on. Before you came along he was all up on me, couldn’t get enough in fact.” Laura sneered the last part and looked up and down Tanner’s body. “Didn’t think he was a chubby chaser,” she shrugged, “but then again I guess twat is twat.” Laura took a step closer, but Tanner was not about to be intimidated by her. She could say what she wanted, could even act like she and Jacks had something going on, but Tanner knew better.

  “How about you keep out of my way?” Tanner cocked a brow and glared at Laura just as hard as she had done to her. No way in hell was Tanner allowing this twig of a woman to act like she was marking her territory with Jacks. She wouldn’t go on and on about how Jacks had already told them about the little one time sex fling they had, because it really didn’t matter. That was in the past, and exactly where it was going to stay. Besides, she wouldn’t give Laura the satisfaction of firing back with more lies, which was what Laura would do.

  Laura s
tared at her and then chuckled humorlessly. “Girl, I have eaten cunts like you my whole life.”

  That had Tanner laughing. “You’re like twenty.”

  “Regardless, I guarantee that I have lived a harder life than what you have.”

  “That’s not an excuse to be a bitch.” Where was this strength coming from? Well, Tanner was thankful because right now she wasn’t about to be trampled on by some wannabe groupie.

  “Just stay out of my fucking way, and leave Jacks alone.” Laura turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the door on her way out.

  Leave Jacks alone? That girl was insane, possessive, and scary-crazy. All Tanner could do was shake her head.


  She heard the high-pitched yell of Zoe still on the other end of the line. She brought the phone to her ear. “Did you hear that insanity?”

  Zoe whistled low. “Those are the ones you have to watch out for, because they will go to any length to make things go their way.”

  “Maybe, but she doesn’t scare me, and I think she is just misplaced. I don’t think she is really a threat. She’s one of those girls that is all talk and no bite.” The words fell from Tanner, but even though she said them she didn’t know if she believed them.

  Chapter Eleven

  The alcohol was flowing, the groupies were aplenty, and the band was high on the adrenaline that always consumed them after a show. Jacks tipped back another shot—one that had to be his sixth, or maybe seventh. Shit, he couldn’t even remember. He was feeling pretty drunk, but fantastic. He moved over to the couch of the hotel they were in, and sat his ass down on the couch. The room was huge, filled with people he didn’t even know, and only a handful that he did recognize. But, that wasn’t unusual for these gatherings.


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