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Reborn Page 6

by Lynda Filler

  Luke continued.

  “Here’s the other challenge. She’s scheduled to go with the Prince to cover an economic meeting in Qatar. Special Branch is suggesting they reschedule the meeting and make it in London. But apparently, Ms. Sayyid wants to go. They leave tomorrow after the palace—actually, the Queen herself—makes the announcement.”

  “And the wedding, how is that going to happen? Will we be needed for six months or so?”

  “Apparently not. The Prince and Ms. Sayyid wish to marry within the month. They see no reason to wait. The wedding will be a private affair at a non-disclosed location. No press, no filming. Very few guests. A total break with protocol. But the Prince has a brilliant mind for war and strategy. They will make a vague statement that they’ve not yet decided on the wedding date. Prince Xavier sees the wedding as a dangerous opportunity for ISIL to create havoc. It doesn’t help the situation that Ms. Sayyid is a vocal television journalist who reports negatively on ISIL on a daily basis.”

  There didn’t seem to be more to say. Luci was ready. She didn’t realize how much she missed the action. It was a strong part of her life—who she’d become. And since her last mission, which included rescuing Rasha and her children and helping Luke work with the worlds’ governments to solve the refugee crisis, she had changed her appearance and felt ready to do what she did best.

  If ISIL wanted to bring their fight to British soil and take shots at the Royal Family, she would be ready to protect them.

  “Since Tariq was eliminated during his fatal underwater dive, who’s in charge in the Middle East, Luke?”

  “There are rumors it’s one of the remote Qatari royal cousins. He’s laying low, except for televised rants by a lieutenant in his inner circle. RB is all over that. He’s been listening and collecting information. We will know more by the time you take off for Qatar.”

  “And what about Alice?” Luci gave Luke a look that required no interpretation.

  “RB will be here, and Lorena arrives tomorrow at ten from Puerto Vallarta. She will stay as long as we need her. And I’m going to operate from Paris until further notice.”

  “Alice will be so happy!” Maggs announced. Then looked over at Luci and Luke. Luci was conflicted. Now might be a good time to disappear.

  “All right then, I’m off to bed.” Maggs left the sometimes lovers alone.

  “Samaar, I know you told me to stay away, but this is important. I will be staying as long as it takes, so Alice will never be without protection.”

  She watched him for any signs of deceit or a hidden agenda. From the moment he’d walked into the room, memories of their times together had taken over her thoughts. Maybe it was the wine. Or the complete absence of sex in her life. But she realized that she wanted Luke Raven, all six-foot of lanky muscle and soft heart. Luke let his guard down and smiled, showing her his vulnerable side. But before she could do or say anything, he turned, and walked out of the room.

  “I know where the guest room is located. See you in the morning, Samaar.”


  Buckingham Palace, London, England

  “YES, SPECIAL BRANCH. I’m very aware of the extra work entailed.”

  She listened, but her mind was way ahead of the current conversation.

  “Ma'am, Britain, and London in particular, is considered the most likely place in the world for the next big terror attack. We’ve thwarted over one hundred minor and major events in the last twelve months. This decision to marry a Muslim woman could be catastrophic for the nation, the economy and, if I might add, the Monarchy.”

  “You may be right. But Xavi has spoken, and I’ve given my approval. Xavi is a modern man. He sees a bigger picture than you, and I. This decision could impact Britain in a positive way. He feels that as a nation, if we are going to prosper, we must be different than the United States. We cannot close our borders. The Arab world and the Muslim faith dwells within our country side-by-side with the Church of England. It will be difficult, but he has chosen this life for himself. And we must keep them safe. Do you understand, Director?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Now, here’s the reason I’ve called you in this morning. We’re making the announcement in the next few hours. I will address the world. The couple will be with me. Xavi has contacted people he knows who should arrive shortly, and they will offer protection for Sabrina. I understand both women are elite operatives and associated with the Raven Group. Perhaps you remember their help on national security in the past?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “The Prince and his fiancée will be leaving for the airport after my announcement. They will attend the economic conference in Qatar. We must be ready by then. That will be all.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I will be right here with my teams, making sure all goes well.”

  He exited the royal office and proceeded to inform his top sniper team of an announcement that was to be made in the Princess Diana gardens.

  “God help us.”


  “YES, OF COURSE I’m nervous. We’ve been able to keep our relationship out of the public eye. The security is the worst part. Right now, people may or may not recognize me from television, but no one approaches. There are three male agents with me at all times. But after today, everything will change. I wish you were here.”

  “I’m not certain when I can get away from the office, but you will do fine at the Palace—wow, I can’t believe I said that!” Rosy laughed.

  “I know, a fairytale.” Sabrina allowed the agent to open the door for her at the Medical Building. “I’ve got a quick appointment at my doctor’s, then I’m off to the Palace.”

  “You’re still not feeling well?

  “I’m sure it’s nerves and all the excitement of our engagement.”


  The elevator opened, and Sabrina turned to the agents. “I’m fine, this is a private clinic. I’ll be upstairs for probably half an hour, maybe forty-five minutes, if he is busy. Can you please wait here?” The three agents looked at Sabrina and studied their surroundings. The office was in an upscale part of London and they’d seen nothing remotely out of place on the drive, nor in the area of the building. The engagement hadn’t been announced. The paparazzi were aware of the privacy laws strictly enforced in Britain, ever since Princess Diana’s abominable death.

  “Yes, that will be fine. We will be here when you come down.”

  Sabrina went back to her call with Rosy as the elevator doors closed.

  “I’m in the elevator and I might lose reception. I will talk with you after the Queen announces our engagement and before we fly out to Qatar. Are you sure you can’t come?”

  “Hah, you live the life of the rich and famous now, Sab. I’m a worker bee. Go, enjoy. I will see you in a few days. Say hi to your ginger for me.”

  Sabrina closed her cell phone and entered the doctor’s office.

  “Have you been out of the country Ms. Sayyid?”

  “Yes, Doctor, but only in the last couple of days.”

  “And this has been going on how long?”

  “Three weeks. Some days are fine, others impossible. I may have developed a food intolerance. Maybe we can schedule allergy testing. It seems that after I eat in the morning, I feel faint.”

  “Yes.” The doctor examined the patient before him. He felt her stomach for swelling.

  “Are you lactose intolerant?”

  “Not that I’m aware of, no.”

  “Do you have to use the washroom often?”

  “Yes. But only to urinate.”

  “And are other parts of your body hurting.”


  “Wait one moment. I want to confer with my partner.”

  Sabrina started to get nervous. Bringing in another doctor frightened her.

  “Sabrina, this is Doctor Norton. I’ve explained your symptoms and she will give you a quick examination and take a test.”

  “Sure, okay. But I’m in a hurry. I have an im
portant appointment at two pm.”

  “Hi, Sabrina, I’m Doctor Norton. This won’t take long, and I can call you with anything you need to know. Could you lie down here, please?”

  Ten minutes later, Sabrina left the doctors’ office. If she hadn’t been so preoccupied, she would have noticed a man standing and waiting by the door. An arm reached out to grab her, and another hand covered her mouth and nose with a cloth. She attempted to fight her attackers, then everything went black.


  THE AGENTS QUESTIONED the two doctors and the receptionist.

  “When will Ms. Sayyid be finished?”

  The receptionist looked up from her computer.

  “Excuse me, but who are you?”

  An agent pulled out a card identifying him as British Special Branch.

  “She left about fifteen minutes ago.”

  “What? Are you sure?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Is there another way out of this building besides the front door?”

  “Yes, we have a small parking area in the basement. The stairs to the far right will take you down.”

  One agent spoke into his microphone, the other headed out the office door, racing down two flights of stairs until he hit the basement level.

  The senior agent listened to an extremely angry Director at Special Branch.

  “How could you not have someone at the back exit. Don’t you understand how important this woman is?”

  The Director of Special Branch took the phone from his ear and barked to the staff in the office. “Get the CCTV cameras up and zoom in on this address.”

  The agent reached the basement level and called out to his partner.


  “No. But look at this.”

  “There’s another problem, sir.”


  “There’s an underground parking facility. It’s a small 19th century building, and we didn’t realize it when we entered. These older buildings rarely have an excavated level.” He hesitated. “It seems she may have been taken down the back stairs and would be in a vehicle by now.”

  “Where’s the CCTV?”

  The agent followed his partner outside. They could see the camera immediately above them. The cable was dangling from the post.

  “The CCTV on the street by the back of the building has been disabled, sir.”

  “Check every vehicle coming from this side street out onto the main London highway over the last…wait.”

  He pulled up his phone. “How long ago was she taken?”

  The agent cringed. He was done. “Possibly fifteen minutes.”

  “Fifteen minutes!!! They could be anywhere in any vehicle!”

  What a colossal mess. How was he going to tell the Prince?

  “Get out on the street and talk to people. Call me back with any piece of information, no matter how irrelevant!”

  The Director chewed on his lip until it bled.

  “Get Prince Xavi on the phone right away.”


  LUCI AND MAGGS took their favorite weapons from the vault. They had their own state-of-the-art body armor and special forces equipment, refined over the years for their own special needs.

  They’d both continued training, running and shooting because deep down, they knew their dangerous life choices would follow them wherever they went.

  Luci emerged dressed in black yoga pants, a t-shirt and loose jacket. Even though she looked like every other woman on her way to yoga practice, every piece of clothing was chosen carefully. Her black t-shirt was actually a prototype bulletproof, bullet-resistant vest. Luke had invested in a company out of Columbia that specialized in everyday protective clothing for women.

  Luci traveled light, except for her weapons. She would wear her Prada sunglasses and blend in with the other security persons the Prince had ordered for his woman. She was ready for anything that ISIL or any other terrorist group could throw at them. Luci never lost.

  RB hugged Luci. He was family now and she wasn’t sure how to handle the affection that came with family. Zach arrived as she and Maggs were about to leave.

  “Hey, Luci, looking pretty cute. Love your change of face.”

  “Very funny, Zach. Wait until I come back. I will give you a workout you will never forget!”

  “Hah, wishful thinking.”

  “Look after my baby, guys.”

  The armored Mercedes was waiting at the curb. Luke looked out from the living room. He’d assured Luci that Lorena was on her way; and by the time Ms. Alice returned from pre-school with her bodyguard, one of Luke’s men, Lorena would be cooking Mexican food and ready to distract Alice and pick up where they’d left off in Seattle and Puerto Vallarta.

  Luci never tired of her adopted city. She had a visual in her mind of the map to the airport and was not surprised when their driver took them in the opposite direction. They attempted to keep a normal pace down Avenue du Président-Wilson. But the cacophony of African taxi drivers rushing to drop their fares at the famous attractions and pick up another, surrounded their car. Suddenly, the Eiffel Tower soared above them and Luke’s man used the distraction to take an immediate U-turn and blend into traffic. Luci and Maggs kept silent, fully aware of the driver’s intensity and expertise. They took the next immediate right and followed along the Seine. Luci shivered, remembering another evening spent on a Bateau Mouche, a romantic dinner along the Seine that had turned into a terrorist attack. The driver took another right back over the River Seine and blended into traffic going toward Boulevard Périphérique in the direction of the airport.

  They pulled onto a private road that would take them to Le Bourget. Luke’s latest flying toy was sitting on the tarmac. The driver sent a text as they were approaching, and the door of the jet opened. They pulled up the short aluminum staircase and began their ascent. No customs or security or interference of any kind was expected by the Raven Group. France was an ally of Great Britain, and the Raven Group had protected France from several incidents in the past. President Matisse had left instructions that whatever Luke Raven or anyone on his team required, it was to be approved immediately.

  Weapons were stored, and the women were ready for take-off. The trip would be quick and anonymous. They’d not left any information with Special Branch. Security in the world today was so porous, easily hacked, and Luci didn’t trust the intelligence services of any nation.

  “Have you ever been to Qatar, Maggs?”

  “No. The few times I’ve been in the Middle East, I stayed in Israel. Did you know I trained with the Mossad like you, Raven, and RB?”

  “No.” This was dangerous emotional territory for Luci. She’d worked with the Mossad against Hamas after her parents had been murdered by a suicide bomber. Israel was the country where she’d been born, but her memories were bittersweet. She had no desire to go back.

  “I’ve always wanted to ride a camel!”

  Luci’s mood changed immediately.

  “I’ve never had the urge myself. But I’d like to watch a race.” She opened her cell phone and searched ‘camels’ and ‘camel races’.

  “Look, Maggs.”

  The two girls watched a YouTube video of an eight-kilometer camel race.

  “What’s that on their backs?”

  “They outlawed child jockeys in the UAE, so now the owners are using tiny robot boxes. It looks like a lunch box!” Both women were laughing.

  “Now, watch this closely. The cars race along beside the track. There’re at least fifty camels in this race. And the ‘jockeys’ are in the cars with the owners. The jockeys communicate by giving commands to their handheld devices, that in turn, speak to the robot. Look! See that one telling his robot to whip the camel!”

  “This is so trippy!” Maggs was fascinated.

  “The purse for this win at Al-Shahaniya, not too far from Doha, Qatar, was a million dollars.”


  “No.” Luci added, “very hot!”

>   After an uneventful forty-eight-minute flight, London central came into view.

  “We’re ten minutes out from landing in Biggin Airport, but we have to circle. There’s a jet requesting immediate take-off. We haven’t been cleared yet.”

  Luci glanced out at the view of London England. It had been many years since she’d been here. She preferred France.

  Maggs interrupted her thoughts.

  “Look at that sexy private jet. Looks like it belongs to a wealthy Arab, probably a prince. It’s got Qatar markings. Sweet.”

  Luci admired the plane and imagined the luxury additions that the Arab billionaires chose to add to their rides.

  “I bet it’s very posh.”

  “Posh? You sound like Victoria Beckham, Maggs.”

  “Who’s Victoria Beckham?”

  “You better look her up. She’s married to a baller and runs an international design house. I’d imagine she’s on the short list for wedding dress shopping for Ms. Sayyid. And you know, we are definitely going to be asked our opinion!”

  The two agents were laughing. They were busy googling wedding gowns as the pilot landed their aircraft and taxied into a private hanger, pre-cleared by Special Branch.

  Luci’s and Maggs phones started to ring simultaneously.

  “Yes?” Luci grabbed her carry-on and started toward the exit door.

  “We’ve got a major problem. Sabrina Sayyid has been grabbed. Special Branch is frantic. You will head directly to Kensington Palace where the Prince and the heads of security are waiting. ETA twelve minutes.” Luke spoke rapidly in combat mode.

  “Okay. Any leads?”

  “No. A broken CCTV cam, sloppy security procedures. They were completely unprepared for this; caught off guard. This is a disaster.” Luci could picture Raven pushing his hair out of his eyes. “I mentioned last night that Zach has been monitoring rumblings from the Middle East. We’ve got RB on it, analyzing the feeds that are coming in. I’ll be in touch.”


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