Dirty Bonds: The FULL BOOK: Part 1&2 of Dirty Bonds Series (Extra Sneak Peek included)

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Dirty Bonds: The FULL BOOK: Part 1&2 of Dirty Bonds Series (Extra Sneak Peek included) Page 1

by B. M. Hardin

  Dirty Bonds

  Lola J. & B.M. Hardin

  “Money Ain’t the only thing that will get you out of Jail on Bail”

  This book is Dedicated to one of North Carolina’s Top Bail Bondsman:

  Bail Diva Bail Bonds

  LaQuasha Massey


  We Stay Hustlin’ to get you Out!

  (Please note the book was not inspired by nor has any relationship to any events of the bondsman listed above. This book, people, locales and events are fictitious)

  All Copyrights belongs to:

  Savvily Published LLC, 2014





  Chapter One

  I stared silently out the window as the black BMW drove speedily down the driveway and hastily out of the closing gates. I couldn’t believe that it was over.

  This just couldn’t be happening to me. No, not to me. I had been nothing but a good wife to him and this is how he repaid me?

  But the truth was...my husband didn’t love me anymore. He was leaving me…just like my daddy did.

  Imagine my surprise to find out that my husband had a mistress…well a mister.


  Carter had all the money ten men could ever ask for. He had a beautiful home, a stunning wife, who gave him pussy on the everyday and I do mean every single day, if he was home, so why on earth would he choose him over me…them over us?

  I just couldn’t understand. It just didn’t make sense. But indeed it was happening. All the pain, all the tears, and every ounce of the embarrassment…were real. Carter had left me for a man and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it.

  Though technically there was no bright side to this mess, or true happy ending to this story, at least Carter wasn’t being a complete asshole about the situation. He had left me the mansion, both of my cars my Bentley and BMW, and a generous amount of money---twenty million dollars to be exact.

  Since he was already established before I came along, of course I signed a prenuptial agreement, so he didn’t have to; so my guess was that it was simply a gracious amount of hush money---to keep his little secret.

  But who in the hell did he think I was going to tell?

  I sure as hell wasn’t going to broadcast that my husband of ten years had left me for a man that he hardly even knew! At least that’s what he had told me. He had met him only three months ago but they were in love….

  What is this world coming to?

  Though I was thankful, no amount of money could repair the heartache that I felt.

  But aside from heartache and hurt were accompanying by a ton of other emotions. I was furious, scorned, but most of all I was confused.

  What was I doing wrong?

  What was I going to do now?

  Who was going to love me now?

  With so many unanswered questions running around in my head, I headed up the stairs to the bedroom that we once shared. I thought to call my sisters Shanay and Reese, but decided that I would rather be alone. After all, I was going to have to get used to it. Unsure of what to do next, I began to whimper. I cried similar to a newborn baby who wanted and needed the touch of its mother.

  How could he do this to me?

  I did everything he asked of me and more…why wasn’t that enough?

  I talked aloud to myself in between my sobs for hours. I still couldn’t come up with a reasonable explanation; except for the obvious.

  Carter just didn’t love me anymore…or love women anymore for that matter.

  For some reason or another, the ordeal reminded me of a time in my past. I reminisced about the day that my daddy left us. He and Mama had the type of relationship that I had always wanted for myself. They were perfect for each other. I was only about ten at the time, but I was the only one of his three daughters that actually really remembered him. Reese was around five or six at the time, but she soon forgot about him after he left and Shanay was barely walking so of course her memories of him were faint; but not mine.

  That day was similar to today; gloomy and rainy. I remembered hearing our Mama, Rebekka, begging him; begging him to take us with him.

  “No, it’s too dangerous. I’ll send for you as soon as I can, I promise,” he had said to her.

  Not that it’s anything to brag about, but back then Daddy was the man. And I do mean the damn man. He was the top dog in the drug business and he had that gut feeling that the police were about to make their move on him. Being half black and half Mexican he had plenty of relatives and connections in Mexico and had traveled back in forth plenty of times. Knowing that he wouldn’t have an issue crossing over, Daddy decided to cross the border to Mexico for a while, but he promised that he would come back for us…that promise was broken.

  After he told us all how much he loved us, Daddy and his best friend Papa Paul, loaded up his bags and drove away. I remembered staring out the window at the car driving away similar to today, crying, eagerly wanting to go with him.

  “He will be back soon baby,” Mama whispered in my ear.

  Needless to say, Mama died, still wondering why Daddy had never come back for us.

  That was almost twenty years ago. That day was the last day we ever saw him. We never heard from or seen Daddy again. But his absence would affect me forever.

  Just as Carter had looked out for me, Daddy had stashed an ass load of cash away for Mama to take care of us. It took a while but as soon as the police and Feds backed off of us, one day, Mama loaded up our black SUV with us and a few other things. She made a stop at an old abandoned house and went inside. Mama came out one by one with five or six thirty gallon black trash bags full of money. She also came out with a disposable phone and a key. That day, we left Mississippi and never looked back. A few days later we settled in Columbus, Georgia, where a huge white house with a white fence had been waiting almost months for our arrival. Mama never told me just how much money Daddy had left us, but we always had more than enough and Mama never worked a day of her life, so after awhile, I stopped asking. We had everything we wanted and for awhile that was enough. Our childhood ended up being quite swell. But the memory that I hated the most was the one of Mama sitting by that disposable phone for almost five years, simply waiting; hoping that one day Daddy would call. All he had to do was make one simple phone call…but that day never came.

  On my sixteenth birthday, finally Mama threw it away and told me that she would soon be remarrying again. Surprisingly, I was happy for her. As much as I loved and missed my Daddy, I loved my Mama more. She had done her part. She had waited as long as she could. We could only assume that Daddy, Vernon Jackson, was either dead…or had decided that it was best if he went on living without us.

  Either way as the years went by, I continued to miss him…and hate him.

  The sudden ringing of my phone scattered the images and memories in my head.

  It was my little sister Shanay.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I asked her, trying not to sound so sad.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked immediately. Shanay was the youngest of the three. She was only twenty two. Reese was twenty six, and I was the big three zero. Though I loved both of my sisters, Shanay was my heart. She was just like my own daughter. There was nothing that I wouldn’t do for her.

  “I’m fine, honey, what’s up?” I repeated.

  “I know something is wrong with you. But okay, we can talk about it later. Any
way, I got my beautician license this morning! I was calling to see if I could get a small loan from you and Carter to start my own hair salon. I promise I’ll pay y’all back,” Shanay stated, knowing paying us---well me, back wouldn’t be necessary. I had married a movie producer; the urban, new age Spielberg, in my opinion, but long story short, he had plenty of money. So, his money had always been my money, and I had always taken care of my mama and my sisters. Strangely, Carter never seemed to mind…he had always been rather generous with money. He never seemed to care much about it; or how or where I spent it.

  “Shanay, is $50,000 enough?” I questioned her, rolling out of bed and heading to my purse. I then sat in front of my computer for only a second to check my balance. Indeed, Carter had placed the 20 million dollars, along with the three hundred thousand that I already had, into my account. I could no longer see his personal account or our joint account. He must have already had them closed. I felt a lump in my throat and the tears once again, made their presence known. Having money was nothing if you had no one to share it with. And that was nothing but the truth.

  I wrote out Shanay a check and told her I would drop it by to her a little later, I decided to call Reese, simply to see if she needed money too. After all, someone was going to have to help me spend it.

  Reese was the smart one; and I do mean smart. She had just passed the Bar Exam and was going to be a lawyer…or was already technically a lawyer. I was so proud of her.

  “Hey Reese, what are you up to?”

  “Hey, nothing, I was just about to call you. Shanay texted me and said something was wrong with you,” she stated in concern. It was funny how closely I had to listen to her. She talked just like a white girl these days. But then again, what else was a well-educated, lawyer supposed to sound like?

  “Well, don’t tell Shanay yet, but Carter left me today,” I said ashamed. I was their role model, the one that my sister’s looked up to. I was constantly telling them what to do to get and keep a good man, and I had just lost my own man…to another man.

  “Oh no, I’m so sorry. Was it another woman?” she asked.

  “No,” I was able to answer truthfully. I continued to tell her my version of the story, which eventually led me to asking her about her needs.

  “Well, since you are going to be a lawyer and all, I figured that maybe you should start your own firm. I have a $100,000 check with your name on it…what do you say?”


  Let’s just say, my sisters’ had their businesses up and running in about two months tops! I guess for the right price, you could get anything done, in just a small amount of time these days. I, for one, was very proud of their success. I had been playing the role of Mama for the past few years and I must say…job well done. Neither of them had a whole bunch of kids, and both of them were in the fields of their desired careers. Both of them were in committed relationships…well kind of. But that’s a whole different story. But nevertheless, I couldn’t have asked for better sisters.

  It had been two months two long, and it was time for me to start living again. I had cried more than enough and it was time for me to get up and move on.

  Of course, I still loved and was still in love with my soon to be ex-husband; despite how disgusted I was with him. But I was confident enough to say, that even if he wanted me back; he could never and I do mean never have me. I had no problem with men who chose to bat for the other team; their life; their choices, their problem. But I did have a problem with my man batting for the other team. That was some straight, you know what.

  Carter had sent me text messages a few days prior stating that our divorce would be final in just thirty days. I just needed to sign a few things and that he would be sending the lawyers by my house. It was funny that he had yet to even pick up the phone and call me. He didn’t even care enough to call.

  Of course, the whole separation for a year thing was supposed to be our next step but we knew some pretty important people, in a few high positions, so I’d already known that Carter wouldn’t play by the rules and that we would be divorced pretty quickly. And despite my broken heart… I was okay with that. I was still a decent age, and not to mention I was rich, so basically I had my whole life left to live…I just had to learn to live it without him.

  I hadn’t left the house since the day Carter left and it was time that I pull myself together and put my ego in my back pocket. I had finally gotten the courage to completely fill both of my sisters in on my situation and of course they gave me nothing but love and sympathy. I knew that they would help me get through it…after all; all we had was each other.

  When we moved from Mississippi, we left everyone and everything behind us. We hadn’t seen or spoken to any of our family since then. It had always been just us.

  After getting dressed, I decided that today was as good of a day as any to check out both of their new businesses, since I hadn’t been to see them not even once; I had missed both grand openings and everything.

  Hair We Go Again, was first on my list.

  I walked into the beauty shop and immediately I was in awe and impressed. The shop looked absolutely amazing! The black, pink and white décor was stunning. Pink and Black chairs, hair dryers, rugs and pictures…little sis had it going on! From the constant whines, I figured that she had put the daycare in the back of the shop; just like she said she would; just like she had always wanted. If you ask me, it was one hell of a marketing strategy and from the looks of it, it was working quite well. Being able to get your hair done, while someone babysits your kids in the back…for free…a black woman’s dream come true!

  And it showed; the place was packed!

  Taking my attention from the objects and turning it on the people, I noticed that all eyes were on me.

  Okay, so maybe I was a bit over dressed for the occasion, but what else was I supposed to wear?

  I was wearing a black and red Gucci sundress, red bottom, Gucci pumps, with a matching bag and matching shades. My thousand dollar weave still had every curl in its respectable place and hung long past my shoulders, gracing the middle of my back.

  Shanay immediately caught sight of me and headed in my direction.

  “What a surprise! I’m so glad to see you! What are you doing here? So, what do you think?” my sister Shanay, hugged me tightly.

  “I love it,” I answered her in all honesty.

  “Thank you, and why couldn’t you come in here dressed like regular people?” Shanay giggled, checking me out from head to toe. I playfully rolled my eyes at her. Shanay needed not to say a damn word about my clothes, shoes or anything else for that matter; she had just as much name brand and expensive items as I did. Trust me, I know; I had the receipts to prove it.

  “I just came by, just to check you out, and from the looks of it, you are doing just fine,” I smiled at her as I ignored all of the angry, hateful looks on all of the black women staring at me. They could look all they wanted to; but I dared one of them to say something. They would see one hell of a bad day. I swipe my card using credit for most of my purchases, and I’ll whoop some ass on credit too. It won’t cost them a dime to wear this ass whoopin’. No, we weren’t from the streets or the ghetto, but our Mama most definitely was and if she taught us nothing else, she taught us how to be tough and defend ourselves. And with the past two months I had had…I wish a bitch would.

  “Well, actually I was going to call you today anyway. Today is Wednesday, and every Wednesday, this guy, Vegas, brings his daughter in to get her hair done. I’ve maybe mentioned you a time...or ten. I know it’s a little soon, but we all know that eventually you’ll have to move on. And besides, you know your little problem that you have,” Shanay laughed.

  She was referring to my freaky side and the fact that I loved sex. And I do mean…loved it. I always had. I loved the way it made me feel, and I loved making others feel just as good. I was addicted to a good nut and a sucker for some good dick, which is why Carter had me wrapped around his finger for the last t
en years. Imagine these past two months without a piece of penis…Ms. Pussy definitely had an attitude! I was desperate these days that I was to the point of pleasing myself at least three times a day just to keep me sane. But nevertheless, the world just wasn’t what it used to be and you simply couldn’t sleep with just anybody. It was by the grace of God that I hadn’t caught anything too extreme in my teenage and younger years because I got down any chance I could; with whomever I could. I couldn’t even begin to count how many pieces of wood I had had and I wasn’t even about to try. My therapist said it was due to the lack of my father’s love; my way of seeking attention. He was probably right. But no matter how much we talked about it…the urges remained the same.

  But for the most part, Shanay was right; I wasn’t quite ready to date…not just yet.

  “Speaking of the devil…” Shanay said and nodded her head behind me.

  I felt her hand close my mouth. I wasn’t even aware that it had dropped open but in all honesty…it should have.

  The chocolate stallion that stood in front of me could have easily been compared to a walking, steamy, urban romance novel. You know the ones with just the right amount of sex in them, and the ones that always describes the main character as a man that you can imagine taking his boxers off with your teeth…yep, that one. He was just that fine. I don’t think I had ever encountered such a black beauty in all of my life; and trust me I had encountered many.

  They called him Vegas…and around him, my city…well my kitty, would definitely never sleep. With him only an arm’s length away, my pussy cat was purring as if she had just hit the jack pot. He was tall, but not too tall; six foot even at the most; jet black wavy hair, big, bright brown eyes with just the right amount of facial hair, and a pearly white smile that seemed to be a bit out of place. He made eye contact with me only for a second before looking down at the tiny person pulling him along.

  “Hi! Nice to see you guys again,” my sister greeted them both and sneakily elbowing me. She gave Vegas the eye as though she wasn’t being obvious.


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