Dirty Bonds: The FULL BOOK: Part 1&2 of Dirty Bonds Series (Extra Sneak Peek included)

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Dirty Bonds: The FULL BOOK: Part 1&2 of Dirty Bonds Series (Extra Sneak Peek included) Page 3

by B. M. Hardin

  I had already decided that if I was going to do this, my style was going to have to be blunt, straight to the point so I gave it to him, with all bullshit aside.

  “Look, I don’t need the money. I have plenty of money. But let me tell you how this works. You see this contract…let me tell you what it says. It says I’ll post your bail, and have my one hell of a lawyer or judge friend get you off, or pay somebody to get you off under one condition…that DICK belongs to me; anytime, anywhere, until the contract is up. That means, your wife can’t know a thing about our little agreement and that also means that I want the works; I want to be fucked…not played with. Pleased not left unsatisfied; no in between, straight like that. So, where we go from here is up to you. So, what’s it going to be?” I said in closing as I licked my lips.

  Devon leaned back in his chair and eyed me as if he was trying to read my mind. My guess was that he was trying to figure out if I was serious or if it all was some sick, twisted joke.

  But I was dead ass serious.

  He eyed me up and down, just before biting his bottom lip. After a few more minutes, he cleared his throat and crossed his tattooed covered arms over his chest.

  “Okay,” he said…I grinned.

  Bond Number One…and hell yes it was Dirty.


  “Hello,” he answered in a low voice.

  “I need a payment,” I said sternly.

  “I’m on my way.”

  What can I say…I was months in of being out on my own and I was enjoying this bondsman thing!

  After me, my sister Reese, and her married judge boyfriend, had gotten Devon off; he and his wife had referred tons of people to me for help. In total, though I had helped roughly twenty men on my own so far, I had three under the dirty bonds contract…and let’s just say they kept their end of the deal. Two of them were married, and the other one was in a relationship with his baby mama. Honestly, sometimes, I felt bad for what I was doing, but I didn’t put a gun to their heads…they made the ultimate choice to sign the contracts; and a deal was a damn deal.

  I was getting exactly what I wanted; sex every day, sometimes a few times a day, minus the heartache and headaches. I had had all three of them tested for STD’s, before our first time and everything. I was more than generous too. I only made the contracts six months long, by then I figured that I would have someone else on the team to take their place.

  I had already developed a favorite though and his time was coming to an end. Of course it was my first signee, Devon. He was the definition of what hit it just right actually meant. If you weren’t careful, he would make you fall in love with his good dick having ass. I even found myself getting jealous when he had to go home to his wife, but it’s what I signed up for. But I had discovered that after him and Zoe, my other married man, married men would be out the question. At least if I accidently caught feelings it wouldn’t be so bad if he only had a baby mama and not a wife. But it was getting to be too late with Devon. Though I had oral with all of them, he was the only one that got down with me without a condom. It happened once by mistake and ever since then, he refused. We were five months in and he came to see me every single day, and not only at my request…sometimes he would be the one to call me. Naturally, I’m sure they all had developed some kind of feelings for me. Not only had I saved their asses from jail time, I sexed them better than their main bitch did, and I looked out for them financially if they were ever in a bind. Hell, I had even gotten Devon a Cadillac Escalade. Not to mention that I had pulled a few strings and gotten the other two, full-time, legit jobs. Nothing fancy of course, but it complied with their probation requirements that I had also had a hand in with getting them.

  The doorbell ranged and I smiled as though I was a child on Christmas morning. Devon was here!

  I opened the door to find that it wasn’t Devon at all; it was Latrell. Latrell was my least favorite of the three; but he had the biggest Johnson of them all. He was a lot younger and less experienced. Though he could eat a pussy to sleep, his stroke game absolutely bored me…unless I was on top; that’s where the magic happened. So, for now he was still on the team. I was starting to reconsider the fact that I had given all of them the pass code to the gate. I made a mental note to change it.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” I questioned him. I closed my robe, hoping that he hadn’t caught sight of the sleazy outfit that I was wearing for Devon.

  “Nadia trippin’, she put me out. She say she know I’m cheatin’ on her and she ain’t havin’ that. So, I was wondering if I could crash here?” Latrell asked sincerely.

  Hell no! I wanted to scream it in his face but decided that it would be rude. His baby mama put him out every other week. I mean, okay, it was semi my fault, but hell, what did he want me to do?

  “Hold on,” I said instead and left him waiting at the door. I grabbed my purse and headed back to him.

  “Look, I have family that will be coming in at any minute, so that won’t be a good idea. So, here’s some money for a five star hotel for the night, and here’s a ten thousand dollar check, get you your own spot. That way, she can’t put you out anymore,” I said handing him the cash and the check, which he took in a hurry.

  “Damn, thanks ma, you too good to a nigga. You want me to break you off before I go?” he asked.

  Hell no!

  “No, I don’t want to be in the act when my family gets here so I’ll just call you tomorrow,” I said politely and with a smile. He bought my bullshit and headed to his Expedition and drove off.

  No less than two minutes later, the doorbell ranged again.

  “Hey, Devon, I was waiting for you,” I smiled, but he didn’t.

  “Who was that?” he questioned me. I looked at him confused.

  “Who was who?”

  “Don’t play dumb with me, him that just left. I thought you said I was the only one fuckin’ you,” he stated just shy of a yell.

  Okay, so yes I had lied to them all. I didn’t want them to know how greedy I was or better yet how horny I was so I made it as if each of them were the only ones under contract with a dirty bond. It just sounded better that way. I assumed that it would make things less complicated.

  “You are the only one under contract; he was my boyfriend,” I lied.

  “Your boyfriend…you didn’t tell me shit about no boyfriend,” Devon stated offensively.

  “I didn’t know I had to. Don’t you have a wife? Didn’t you agree to this? So, why are we having this conversation?” I responded to him in aggravation.

  For a while he simply stared at me. He didn’t attempt to come in or even seem to notice my sexy getup; he simply just stared at me.

  “You’re right; it’s none of my business,” he said and pushed by me.

  Was he jealous? Probably.

  I got jealous of his wife all the time, but it was what it was. This was an agreement, an arrangement. Nothing more; nothing less.

  I could tell that Devon was tensed, maybe even a little upset but that was nothing I couldn’t handle.

  “Come here,” I called out to him.

  “For what?” he asked and turned to face me. His face instantly softened when he noticed that I was wearing his favorite royal blue bra and thong set. From the short distance, I could see his manhood began to swell. Though Devon called me, and wanted to see me every day, he didn’t exactly want to have sex with me every single time. There had been times where I would come on to him, and he would go to sleep. Though he might give it to me when he woke up, he just didn’t seem to have the type of sex drive that I preferred…but he definitely had the type of sex that I desired.

  Devon began to walk toward me and I grew eager, impatient, because me and my lady down below knew exactly what he was about to do to us.

  Devon was within kissing range and I licked his bottom lip. He stared deep into my eyes and for only a second I saw what looked a little something like---love. I sure hope I was wrong.

  In one swift motion, Devon
scooped me up off of my feet and wrapped my legs around his waist. I was always impressed when he carried me. I wasn’t a skinny ass chick so when he picked me up it showed me his strength, and that alone turned me on. Instead of heading up the steps, he headed toward the kitchen instead. He placed me on the cold, marble bar in the center of the floor. I heard a number of items hit the tile kitchen floor as he laid me on my back. Devon tugged on my thong, using only his teeth. Assuming that nibbling them down just wouldn’t do, he ripped them clean off, exposing my freshly shaved pussy pop.

  Eye to eye with my most prized possession, he blew kisses at her, teasing her with abrupt and short, light licks. His index finger traced the folds of her lips and he moaned as he tasted her delightful juices. I was growing more and more impatient by the minute. I couldn’t take much more of his bullshit or his torture. I forcefully grabbed the back of his neck but he didn’t budge. I whined for him to taste me, I begged for him to please me with his mouth and his thick wet tongue. Finally, he gave in and dived in head…well mouth first. He sucked and licked as if it was his last supper, as if he was a squirrel storing nuts for a long winter. His tongue played tricks on my mind, diving deep in my sandbox, causing my juices to stream effortlessly out; from deep within me. He slurped and sucked for what seemed like eternity. My legs began to shake uncontrollably and before I could stop myself, sweet vanilla cum oozed out of me, painting his chocolate lips. I cleared my throat and looked down at Devon as if to say, it’s your turn, but he apparently had other things in mind. He stood and dropped his pants and then his boxers. Once I heard him kick his sneakers to the side, he open my legs wide by throwing my knees what seemed like a mile apart. Devon climbed on top of the bar and entered my dominion of ecstasy immediately. Deeper and deeper his snake slithered slowly inside of me until it reached the bottom of my stomach.

  “Ohhh,” I moaned in pleasure as Devon began to stroke. At first, it was at a slow and steady pace, but then something happened. His pounding grew rough and reckless. He ignored my cursing, he ignored my screams. He was tearing my insides apart…but I liked it. Hell who am I kidding, I loved it! I had cum so many times that I had lost count. Devon was rocking my world, and before I could stop myself I asked him a question that I knew that I shouldn’t have.

  “Who’s dick is this huh?”

  “It’s yours baby,” and somehow, I knew he meant it. Only a few seconds more and he erupted inside of me. I allowed him to release himself inside of me and even lay inside of me for a while. I had a dresser drawer full of Plan B’s, so I wasn’t the least bit worried about having his baby. I was surprised that he never bothered to question me on it as many times as he has cum inside of me, and quite frankly, it was a conversation that I dreaded to have with him.

  All and all, I still had my priorities in order. I was in love with Devon’s sex, but somehow I feared that Devon was actually in love with me.

  Chapter Four

  “I was thinkin’, since my contract is up at the end of the week, shit, let me take yo’ fine ass out,” Devon said in my ear.

  I looked at the phone and rolled my eyes. I was unsure of how I felt about his request. Don’t get me wrong, these last almost six months with him had been sexually amazing. And I would be lying if I said that I didn’t just feel a hint of something for him…because I did. Hell among the three, he was the one I spent most of my time with. He was the only one of them that I had done more than just have sex. I had cooked for him a few times. We’d had a number of personal and serious conversations. We had shared a number of laughs, and even watched a few movies here and there. But the reality was; he was married. He had a whole wife at home. And though I had calling all the shots, I was technically the definition of a mistress…which in my heart of all hearts, I just didn’t want to be.

  I was positive that I wouldn’t deal with other married men after I got rid of the two that I had; one down, one more to go.

  So, Devon needed to understand that he had fulfilled his duties and played his purpose…hell, now…he was free.


  “Trina; it’s just dinner---not a proposal. And don’t worry, I got da’ wifey situation covered,” he said and his very statement made my ass itch.

  Life just wasn’t fair.

  “Damn, you look even betta’ wit’ yo’ clothes on,” Devon joked. He opened the door to my champagne colored Bentley and I got in. I hadn’t been in the car in over a year and the last time I was in it…I was in it with Carter. For that very reason I drove the BMW most of the time; which still had some sort of sentimental value. Carter had one just like it. He had gotten them for us on our last anniversary as “His and Her’s” presents.

  Devon didn’t seem to notice how uncomfortable I was. He fastened his seat belt and turned the radio all the way up. I studied his attire. It was the first time that I had actually seen him dressed like somebody, and might I add, he cleaned up nicely. His tatted arms and bold, broad chest looked rather tasty in his fitted black Polo shirt. His khaki pants were the right size and up around his waist with a belt, instead of hanging down past his ass. He even had on a pair of new, clean Sperry’s on his feet. So, he wasn’t excessively dressed, but he indeed was dressed enough.

  “Where are we going? You can choose any restaurant you want,” I asked him.

  “Trina, I got dis’,” was all he said.

  We drove for about an hour or so. I assumed that he was taking me somewhere out of city limits because of his marriage and all, and boy, for some reason, I didn’t like the feeling that it gave me.

  Finally, we arrived at what looked like a campground. I had never seen it before or even heard of it. I couldn’t see the fires, but I could see different areas of smoke. Though it was nearing the end of November, it wasn’t its coldest yet, one of the perks for living in the South, but still yet it was fairly chilly. And though Devon wasn’t overly dressed…of course I was. I could get by with my pants and blouse, but my Manolo pumps weren’t going to be happy about this. Without asking too many questions, Devon led me behind the stone walls and inside I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were gazebos, candle light, camp fires, a lake, couples on picnic blankets, servers bringing out food and drinks. It was indeed one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen.

  “What is this place?” I asked him.

  “People call it “Heaven on Earth” but to my family, it’s called home,” Devon said. I looked at him confused. Come to find out, his family owned the place and his grandparents actually stayed on site. He explained that the business had been passed down from generation to generation. Not many people even knew of its existence; except generations of the families that have been around since the very beginning. It’s only open during the winter time and check this out; everything was absolutely free.

  I was amazed. I was astonished that Devon had even thought enough of me to bring me to such a special place; especially with it being owned by his family and he was married and all.

  “Size eight right?” Devon asked, reaching me a pair of plush pink slippers. I removed my shoes and placed them in my bag. Devon grabbed my hand and led me to a blanket right beside the lake. It was already full of food, wine and fruit. I couldn’t help but smile at him.

  How could something so wrong and dysfunctional…feel so right at the same damn time?

  “Um, isn’t your family going to say something to your wife?” I glanced around nervously as we sat on the blanket.

  “She left me two months ago Trina, my family knows,” Devon said calmly.


  This was all news to me! He never mentioned anything about them not being together before.

  “What Devon? What do you mean? What happened?”

  “You,” he said sternly.

  “What? She knows about us?”

  Okay, so this was the first time, I really, actually, truly felt bad.

  “No, she don’t. Well, she knows there’s someone. I mean, I know that this was some twisted ass deal, but since
we got started I kinda’ started neglectin’ her and shit. I wouldn’t even touch her. Finally, she got tired and walked away. She ain’t neva’ been one to take bullshit too long, “Devon shook his head.

  I didn’t know what to say so I didn’t say anything.

  “Look, I know I ain’t yo’ kinda’ man and all, but I mean I’m diggin’ the hell outta’ you,” Devon expressed himself.

  He was right; he wasn’t my kind of man. He wasn’t the type of man that I would even consider marrying. He didn’t have anything to offer me…other than penis. And besides, I wasn’t looking for love; I was too busy loving my lust.

  “Look, Devon, I’m really not looking to date right now. The boyfriend thing was a lie. I’m not seeing anyone on that level. After the divorce, I just want to have a little fun right now,” I said to him and I actually meant it. I couldn’t believe that I was in that frame of mind, but I was. I was always the type that wanted and needed a man, but I just wasn’t in that space anymore.

  “Then who was he that night?”

  Damn it…I forgot about that.

  “He was nobody but a friend. He needed help, I wrote him a check. Period,” I defended myself.

  “And you ain’t fuckin’ wit’ nobody but me?”

  “Really Devon, what does that matter? We had an agreement,” I said growing bored of the conversation.

  “So all I was to you was some damn agreement?” Devon voice went up a few octaves.

  “Really Devon, really, you want to do this right now?”

  “I ruined my marriage for you bitch and all you can say is we had an agreement?”

  Is he serious? And did he just call me a bitch?

  “No, you didn’t ruin anything for me. I didn’t ask you or tell you to stop fucking your wife, nor did I tell you to take the agreement and sign the contract. Those were your choices. Deal with them. Look, I’m not seeing anybody and you aren’t with your wife so who says after the contract is up, we can’t still get down? I’m not saying that. You put it down and if you are a free man, we can still get down with no strings or contract attached. I’ll only be screwing you if that makes you feel better. How about that?” My lies continued to add up, and I didn’t exactly know why.


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