Dirty Bonds: The FULL BOOK: Part 1&2 of Dirty Bonds Series (Extra Sneak Peek included)

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Dirty Bonds: The FULL BOOK: Part 1&2 of Dirty Bonds Series (Extra Sneak Peek included) Page 5

by B. M. Hardin

  My sister had gotten pregnant by my husband? Talk about some bullshit! I whooped her ass just as if she was a bitch on the streets and I smacked the fuck out of Reese’s pregnant ass, grabbed my pursed and walked out.

  That was almost three months ago. I hadn’t spoken to either of them since.

  How could she do something like that to me? And how could they have kept something like that from me? I was nothing but good to both of them. I had taken good care of them and this is how they repaid me?

  Fuck both of them!

  I was furious, hurt and full of rage…still. I knew that time would heal my broken heart but it was taking too long. I mean, I loved my sisters but I hated them too. And Carter, oh, if I ever seen his old raggedy trifling ass again, it would not be pretty. He had better been glad that he didn’t know where he lived or even how to get a hold of him.

  Okay, yes I was a mess. I was mad at the world and nothing seemed to be helping me…not even sex. But that hadn’t stopped me from getting it. I had been on a fucking rampage. I had had sex with every man I had help get out of jail the last few months and let’s just say I had lost count. I had even done it without putting them under contract. I just helped them out and simply asked for the dick afterwards. Every one of them had said yes. But of course that wasn’t the safest way to do things so for the past few days I was back to only dealing with Devon. Not one person was under a dirty bond at the moment and it was time to get a whole new team of players. Devon was only around because he was always available. And I was trying desperately to get rid of him too. The only time I was thankful for him was on those lonely nights and I knew he would come over and of course leave me satisfied. He somewhat acted as though we were a couple, no matter how many times I told him that we weren’t. He was even becoming just a little, well a lot, possessive. He wanted to know my every move. I stayed cursing him out and putting him in his place but he would only calmed down for a few days, and then he would be right back at it again. And I know it was him that was calling my phone private too. They only called when I wasn’t around him but he wouldn’t admit to it.

  Of course after having sex with someone for as long as we had, feelings become attached but the truth was that when I thought of a husband and kids…it just wasn’t with him. Today was my birthday, but it didn’t exactly feel like it. Of course, I had spent the morning with Devon, and had pitched him a lie about spending the day with my sisters so that he would go away. No, he didn’t know of our issues and I preferred to keep it that way. Shanay and Reese were calling over and over but I continued to ignore their calls. I had nothing to say to them and they for damn sure had nothing to say to me. So, from the looks of it, I didn’t have any plans and no one at all to spend my day with. I decided to head to the park. There, I could simply sit and clear my head. There was nothing like the laughter of small children to help wash your troubles away.

  I sat quietly on a bench and watched the children run back and forth.

  Laughing, falling, screaming, and jumping. I immediately began to think about my unborn nephew. It wasn’t an option that I wouldn’t be a part of his life despite the fact that I hated his mother. I had over ten thousand dollars worth of clothes, shoes and everything else you can name, at home still in bags, waiting on the day of his arrival or until I could get up the nerve to drop them off to his Reese. Naturally, I began to think about Shanay and her abortion. I didn’t believe in them at all but I would have probably killed everybody if she had had it. I know it sounds bad, but there was no way I could have been a step mama and auntie to that baby. She had definitely made the right choice. I tried to shake away the thoughts of the past. The fact was that they were all that I had left. I had no mama, no daddy, no kids, and no husband…just them. So, I knew that eventually I would have to make up with them, but God knows I just didn’t want to.

  My phone began to ring and I automatically assumed that it was one of them or Devon, but it wasn’t. It was private. It never failed. Every time I wasn’t around him, I got private calls. Usually I just ignored them but this time, I was going to teach him a listen.

  I answered the phone in a moan and if I was busy getting busy.

  “Hello,” I moan.

  Dead silence…so I repeated myself.

  “Hello,” I moaned again, this time I had to keep myself from giggling. Just as I pulled the phone away from my ear I heard them speak.

  “I didn’t get you that day on the highway. You got lucky. But believe me, your luck just ran out. You ruined my family, and you were going to pay for it if it’s the last thing that I do,” she said and hung up in my face.


  Chapter Seven

  I threw my Blackberry at the bedroom wall.

  I was so frustrated. The one time I was actually looking for Devon, he was nowhere to be found. My guess was that he was still mad at me for accusing him of lying about his marriage situation. When the lady called my phone the other day threatening my life, I automatically assumed that it was his wife. Since I never actually got to meet her that day she called to inquire about my services, I didn’t know what she looked like. And the second, third and fourth time I had answered her private call, she made it clear that she had had someone else take the rap for her during the whole accident incident. But she admitted that it was in fact her that had tried to run me off of the road.

  The sad part was that it could have been the mate of any of the three men that I was screwing at the time… but which one?

  Devon had stated his case and proved that he was indeed separated and had been since the day he had told me. In fact his divorce was soon to be final and she had already moved on. He had taken to heart my accusing, stating that I was only looking for a way to get rid of him. He was somewhat right…but also somewhat wrong. The truth was, he seemed to be the only one at the time that truly gave a damn about me. And now he wouldn’t even take my calls.

  I retrieved my phone, thankful that the blow from the wall hadn’t shattered it.

  Instantly upon picking it up, it began to vibrate. Only for a second I had become hopeful but when I saw that it was Shanay, I frowned. I sent her to the voice mail and seconds later she called again. I hadn’t heard her voice in months.

  Sure, yea, I missed her but that wasn’t the point. She called back again and I decided to answer.

  “What!” I screamed at her. I wasn’t as aggravated with her as I sounded…but she didn’t need to know that.

  “Reese had the baby,” she said softly.


  I missed the birth of my nephew, Jonah, and I wasn’t the least happy about it. We didn’t have much family as it was, it had always been just us, and I felt like crap that I couldn’t be a part of a special moment all because of my actions; all of our actions.

  Needless to say, the baby had brought us all back together.

  There was some cussing out, fussing it out, talking it out and crying it out, but we were finally trying to restore a sisterly bond that had never been to easily broken.

  I loved me some Jonah! He was the cutest baby I had ever seen. Being around him always made me so happy; and then again it also made me sad. I was in my thirties, and I should have had a baby by now. I should have had a couple of kids right now. I had done everything right. Met a man, married him, and I was supposed to live happily ever after with him in our mansion, with a house full of kids.

  It’s funny how life never seems to work out the way we plan it to or how we hoped it’d be.

  One thing was for certain, you absolutely never know what the future has in store for you.

  Since finding a dead cat hanging from the gate that surrounded the mansion, I decided that it was time for a change of scenery. I was surprised that I had stayed in my home so long considering all of the memories that it held of Carter and I, but I just never imagined living anywhere else but there.

  But since some crazy bitch was causing a scene, I felt that selling it was my best option.

  I found a buyer tha
t was willing to pay more than it was actually worth, so with an expected move date and check in my hand, I set out to find me something that I could call home.

  I was more than ready for change. I guess I had to start somewhere.

  Since it was just me, and because I had also included all of the furniture in the selling of the mansion, I decided that I would buy an oversized and over priced condo.

  It was still more than enough room for just me and if I was ever lucky enough to find love again, I could always resell it or rent it out.

  Feeling accomplished, I headed back to my car, where I found an unexpected surprise.


  How in the hell did he know where I was?

  “Hey, I saw you goin’ inside when I was drivin’ by. Decided to wait around,” he said. He looked good and smelled even better.

  I hadn’t seen him since the day we had gotten into the argument and I missed him to be honest.

  “I missed you,” he continued.

  “I missed you too,” and that was nothing but the truth. I walked closer to him and I did something I had only done all of three times since we had been fooling around…I kissed him.

  At first he didn’t kiss me back. He was fed up with me simply using him for dick, but in my opinion, he should have felt honored. After I stopped kissing him, he looked at me, long and hard. I could tell that he was in deep thought about something. Unsure of what to say, I turned to walk away.

  “Ay, look, I know I ain’t rich and all that. And I know you don’t need shit from me. But tell me what to do to have somebody like you? What, you want me to give up the streets? Shit, no problem. I mean shit, let’s make somethin’ happen,” he said.

  I was unsure of how to tell him that he could never be what I wanted and needed him to be.

  How do you tell someone that you are out of their league?

  Yes, he was good enough for my present and definitely good enough for some penis, but the fun for me was soon to come to an end, and I would be looking for the real men to fill the vacant position of being my man. But hell, for now, I could play by his rules. At least let him think that I was. I was lonely and horny and trust me…not a good combination.

  “Okay,” was all I said as he approached me. He smiled like I had never seen him before just before devouring my lips. Instantly I became aroused and whether he knew it or not, in broad day light, in the back of his Escalade, he was about to be a victim of a naughty and nasty sex crime.

  Thank God for tinted windows.


  “Look Bitch, either you’re going to meet me and let’s get this over with like two grown ass women…or you’re going to leave me the fuck alone! What’s it going to be?” I was fed up with the bitch playing on my phone! I wasn’t changing my number, my business was booming and besides, I wouldn’t give the bitch the satisfaction. She was playing games and I still didn’t know who her man is…was…or whatever!

  “Bitch, do you think moving is going to save you from what you got coming to you? You’re going to pay for ruining my family and you can bet your life on that. What little life you have left!” she yelled and hung up in my face.

  Previously I had had a discussion with the other two men that were once under contract and none of them said that their mates suspected that I was the one that they were sleeping with. Sure, they had been accused of unfaithfulness, but they were still in their relationships and with their family. Devon was the only one of the three that wasn’t. Though Devon was now divorced, luckily he and his now ex-wife didn’t have any children in the mix. From what he had told me, she had moved on and even when I forced him to contact her in front of me, she didn’t seem to want to be bothered with him.

  So, somebody was lying…or somebody was just being fucking stupid! Either way it was getting on my last damn nerves!

  I took a deep breath and headed out back where Devon was sitting with his shirt off.

  It was barely May, and as hot as Satan’s Mistress. His body and tattoos were glistening in the sunlight. I was glad that the backyard was fenced in by a tall, white, wooden fence, because Devon’s body could cause a wreck, or at least make any real woman gawk at him; and I didn’t have time for some horny ass neighbors. Devon caught sight of me and smiled. His hands were covered in dirt from planting my flowers. He motioned for me to have a seat on the ground beside him but I sat in the lawn chair instead. He laughed and went back to his current task, but I had something else in mind.

  Yes, I was falling for him…damn it!

  But there was still that one problem. I felt that he couldn’t hang with me on a sexual level. I mean, the dick was the best, don’t get me wrong, but some nights he wouldn’t even touch me…when I wanted to be touched. Which I’m starting to think was truly a problem.

  I had always used sex to relax me, please me, excite me, and soothe me. Even if the absence of Daddy was the cause of me wanting and needing a man to want and need me, according to my therapist, it was what it was.

  In some strange way it simply made me feel complete. I know it sounds strange but it was the truth. That was one reason why I loved my husband…well, ex-husband. He wanted it whenever I wanted it, if not more. Maybe he was trying to convince himself that he wasn’t gay, bi-sexual, or whatever, but whatever the reason was, I was always satisfied.

  But with Devon, though he loved sex…he didn’t love it the way that I did.

  So, this was definitely going to be a problem with this whole fake relationship thing…which meant there would be more dirty bonds to come.

  Married men were still off limits though…hell at this point I wanted to say anyone in a relationship was off limits considering the mysterious psycho woman that continued to call my phone, but hell, what single thug, drug dealer, do you know that didn’t have a main chick or a baby mama?

  You see the problem.

  Clearing my head I laid back on the lawn chair, almost becoming blinded by the sun. Turning my head slightly to regain view of Devon, I opened my legs and allowed my knees to fall to the side. I had purposely stepped out of my panties before walking out the door, so she, Ms Pussy, was already a tad bit moist.

  “Devon?” I called out to him, in my sexiest voice.

  He turned around slowly, as if he already had an idea of what I wanted. He grinned genuinely, letting me know that he was up for the party…this time. He stood, wiping his hands on his shorts, just before unbuttoning them and allowing them to drop to his feet. His boxers followed and his not-so-mini-me, was already standing at attention.

  I bite my bottom lip as he walked closer to me. My faucet of joy began to drip and my temperature began to rise. His naked body made every body part below my waist overly enthusiastic about what was about to take place. Finally he reached me and grabbed me by the hand. On my feet, Devon replaced me, lying on his back, waiting on me to mount him. Without hesitation, I rightfully took my position and placed him deep inside of me. The sun burned the open area off my back as I sat still a second too long, simply savoring the feeling that I frequently desired. Before long, my hips began to rock back and forth. My body movements began to go up and then down and back up again. Devon moaned softly and held firmly onto my waist. The birds were chirping in my ear, and over the fence I could hear someone talking, but I could have cared less. I screamed loudly as I rode all nine inches of him. I tried hard to keep my mouth shut but his sudden thrusts of pleasure beneath me, made it impossible. He lifted up from his back and held me close. I continued my movement as sweat raced hurriedly down the small of my back and from my forehead. My moans had turned into pants and Devon’s moans had turned into grunts. The lawn chair made a steady noise as we rocked to the tune of our own music. Our lips found each other’s and I allowed him to kiss me passionately. His kisses continued down my chest and then he nibbled on my nipples through the fabric of my dressed. I began to talk dirty to him and as always he talked back. I was losing control and my head felt as though it was spinning. I gripped his shoulders tightly as I
felt myself about to explode.

  “Cum for daddy baby, come on,” Devon whispered and I did just as I was told and we both released and collapsed backwards out of pure exhaustion.

  “I love you baby,” Devon said.

  “I love you too,” I uttered without thinking.

  Oh shit…what did I go and say that for?


  “Is there someone else Trina?” Devon asked. We had now been in this fake relationship for a few months now and…of course there was someone else. I currently had only one dirty bond, but I was definitely on the prowl for more. I had needs that needed to be met; it was just that simple.

  “Devon, why are you asking me crazy questions? There’s nobody but you baby,” I lied to him with a straight face. I guess the fact that some nights I wouldn’t come home was a dead giveaway. Since Devon and I were kind of living together now, I had to go out and play. I used any excuse I could to get away from him, but I was running out of lies to tell. Now I know how my ex-husband felt when he had to lie to me to get out of the house to go do his dirt. I could only imagine his frustration since I was always with him even on business trips, some that lasted for months; I would always go with him. The one time I didn’t was the time he had come home early…and had sex with my sister.

  “Trina, don’t fuckin’ play wit’ me! Or lie to me!” Devon yelled, startling me and interrupting my thoughts.

  The look on his face told me that he was serious.

  But I really didn’t give a damn. I was going to do what I wanted to do. He was the one that wanted a relationship…not me. I was just going with the flow. I’m not going to pretend as if I didn’t care for him but the truth was the truth…no matter how you spin it.

  “Baby, there’s nobody but you,” I lied once more before kissing his lips.

  It was time to find a better solution…


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