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The Good Sister: Part One

Page 17

by London Saint James

  “Then shall we?” he asked, offering his arm once more.

  I smiled, allowing my insecurities to fall away. “Yes.”

  We exited the home, crossed over a large section of snow-covered lawn, walked through a vast garden, which in the right season would be breathtaking I was sure, then came to a tree lined path. As we approached the stables, I took in the old world charm of the structure, constructed with a mixture of wood and stone. The stable was large with a courtyard to the north where a grove of trees stood. An old wooden bench sat perched within them.

  “My dove, do you like horses?”

  “I’m unsure. I’ve never been around horses.”

  Ashton led me into the stables. A man stood with the most beautiful pitch-black stallion alongside him. The stallion’s mane and tail were long, flowing, and as black as night. Its body was tall, strong, and the color of his coat was so black he looked shiny, slick almost.

  “This is my horse. His name is Phantom Knight. He is an Arabian. I breed Arabian horses,” Lord Archer announced.

  “Oh my. He is so beautiful.” I approached the stallion, holding out the palm of my hand. The horse placed his velvet nose into my palm. I giggled when his warm breath tickled me. “Hello, Phantom. I am Trinity,” I said.

  I rubbed Phantom’s nose. Phantom whickered. I froze.

  “Do not be frightened. Phantom likes you very much, my dove.”

  “Oh,” I said going back to rub the top of his nose.

  My hand flowed over the strength of his neck, feeling the power of the horse, stroking the black silk hair then petting.

  “You are beautiful, Phantom,” I whispered.

  The horse placed his big head against my face. I rested my forehead to his nose as I patted his neck, taken in by this gentle giant.

  “Phantom,” I whispered. He nickered then snorted.

  “My dove, you have no idea how extraordinary you truly are. Your beauty and touch are such to even tame a wild beast. You have him eating from the palm of your delicate hand.”

  “You say such things to me,” I said, shaking my head. “No one has ever talked to me the way you do.”

  “I speak the truth.”

  “Thank you for showing him to me.”

  “Would you like to ride him?”

  “I don’t know how to ride.”

  “Something which is easily corrected,” he assured.

  Ashton approached Phantom, saying something to Phantom in a low voice, and in an unfamiliar dialect. He moved to Phantom’s side where he patted the horse’s hind quarters. In a quick fluid motion he placed himself upon the exquisite black saddle. If I thought Lord Archer was handsome before, I was wrong. Something about him sitting astride this beautiful black animal made my breath catch when I looked up at him.

  Ashton instructed, “Give me your hand, and place your foot into the stirrup.”

  I approached Phantom’s side, placed my foot into the stirrup, and stretched up. Ashton clasped onto my hand.

  “Now, when I pull, you pull up in the stirrup,” he said.

  Ashton pulled. I pulled up in the stirrup. Phantom side stepped. Ashton kneed him with a stern word, straightening Phantom out while heaving me up. Ashton grabbed onto my waist. His large hands took up the entire span. He lifted me.

  “Throw your leg over, Trinity.”

  I threw my leg over. Ashton helped me down upon the saddle, placing me in front of him. I secured myself up against him quite tight.

  “I did it,” I said.

  “That you did, my dove,” Ashton replied. “We are going to move. You can place your hand onto the saddle horn. I have you though. I will not allow you to fall.” He secured his arm around my waist like an iron clamp.

  Ashton kneed Phantom, and with the click of his tongue Phantom walked forward. I grabbed at the saddle horn with a death grip. We walked from the stables out into the open air before Aston kneed Phantom again. Phantom started to high step then transitioned into a trot. I felt the clopping of Phantom’s hoofs. Ashton held me close to his chest.

  “Feel the movement of the horse. Relax into it,” Ashton instructed.

  I sensed the upward and downward movement then began to relax. My body flowed into the natural rhythm of the trot. Ashton heeled Phantom. The horse broke out into a proud gallop. I leaned back against Ashton. Phantom was powerful, built to run like the wind.

  “Relax your body,” Ashton instructed.

  I found the rhythm again, and once more I relaxed into the movement. I felt the saddle pressing in between my thighs as I squeezed. Ashton’s body against my back secured me so I let loose of the saddle horn and rocked my hips with the motion. Crisp wind gusted against my face.

  “That is it, Trinity,” Ashton encouraged, “the movement you have found is like making love, my dove.”

  Ashton moved his arm from around my waist, took off his glove, and rested his hand on top of my right thigh. My body swayed with the movement of his body, and of his horse. My thigh hardened with effort as he gently squeezed then rubbed the muscle in my leg.

  “Making love?” I asked.

  “Yes. It is like a dance, the rhythm between two people. Just like the rhythm between your body, my body, and the horse.”

  Something hard pressed against my buttocks. I lost my rhythm and scooted up with a catch in my breath. Phantom slowed with the flick of his head. Ashton grabbed onto me before he pulled back on the reins, stopping the horse.

  I looked over my shoulder, and gazed at Ashton. “I’m sorry.” I glanced down at the impressive bulging crotch Ashton sported.

  “You must know what effect you have on me, Trinity. Do not be sorry.”

  “I didn’t mean to … you know.”

  Ashton smiled. “You did not mean to get me hard?”

  I worried my lip with my teeth, turned my head from him. “No. I’m sorry.”

  “Look at me, my dove,” Ashton requested.

  I twisted a bit and looked at him. Lord Archer’s eyes were silver white, his face subdued.

  “Trinity,” he said, “setting my gaze upon you will have such an effect on me. It is beyond both of our control, I am afraid. You are the most stunning woman I have ever had the privilege of laying my eyes upon. Something within you calls to something within me. I shall never lie to you. You shall always know where I stand, including where I stand in regard to my deep affection toward you. I desire you greatly, Trinity. I cannot hide my desire from you, nor do I ever intend to hide my desire from you. You have nothing to be embarrassed about, and nothing to be sorry for.”

  “Oh,” I mumbled.

  Ashton let out a low laugh as he touched my cold cheek. “Do you wish to still ride?”

  “Yes. If you wish it.”

  “My dove, I wish for anything which you desire,” he assured, kneeing Phantom.

  I tried not to feel anything, even thought I could not deny the warm tingle that was sparking through my entire body. I wondered at the feeling. I’d experienced it once before, only with Reid. To my horror, I realized I might be coming close to a climax. The movement, the pressure of the saddle, the warmth of Ashton, his hand making progress against my lower stomach, lulling me into the intermittent taps of my body against the saddle horn caused my clit to buzz. It was becoming too much. How was it possible to feel such a thing and on a horse?

  “Can we stop?” I asked.

  Ashton brought Phantom to a stop.

  “I think I need to get off the horse,” I confessed.

  Ashton dismounted Phantom, reached up, and I slid off into his arms.

  “Are you cold?” he asked, putting me down.

  I shook my head to indicate no.

  “Are you frightened?”

  “No,” I whispered.

  “What is wrong, my dove?”

  “I feel strange,” I admitted.

  “Strange, how?”

  “I cannot tell you,” I said.

  “My dove, you can speak to me of anything. Are you feeling ill?”

  I shook my head.

  He walked forward and lifted my chin. “Trinity, you must tell me. What is wrong?”



  I closed my eyes and blurted out, “I can’t take the rubbing any longer.”

  Ashton broke out into a serious laugh.

  “Don’t laugh. It’s not funny!” I huffed.

  Ashton pulled me into his arms. He rested his chin upon my head.

  “The movement was giving you pleasure, arousing you.” He was still laughing. The vibration of his laugh struck my very bones.

  “It’s not right to feel that,” I said.

  “Trinity, your pleasure is always right.”

  “Not riding a horse it’s not. What’s wrong with me?”

  “My dove, there is nothing wrong with you. And your pleasure is never wrong.”

  “I don’t want pleasure.”

  “Don’t you?” he asked, releasing me from his arms.

  “Well, maybe I want pleasure,” I admitted. He guffawed. “But not in that way. I don’t even really know how to obtain pleasure in normal ways.”

  I could not believe I was saying this to him.

  “So then, we should walk back for a while before mounting Phantom again, is this not correct?”

  “Yes,” I said, looking at my feet. “I’m sorry.”

  “My dove, look at me.” I glanced up. “No more telling me you are sorry. Do we have an agreement?”

  “Okay,” I mumbled.

  “Let us speak about you, and how to obtain your pleasure.”

  My cheeks felt hot.

  “You want to talk on such things?”

  “Yes. It is my wish at the moment. Will you grant it?”

  “Um…” I bit my lip. “Okay.”

  “If I am correct in understanding everything we discussed at the chateau, you have never been with a man.”

  I diverted my gaze from Ashton. “I have never...”

  “Had sexual intercourse,” he finished for me.

  “No, never.”

  “You offered yourself to Addison, and he being a complete and total boob did not take you up on your offer or at least not fully.”

  “I wasn’t good enough.”

  Ashton traced his finger down my cheek.

  “I assure you, my dove, it is he who holds the distinction of not good enough for you.”

  I shrugged, glanced down momentarily, then returned my attention to Lord Archer.

  “Now,” Ashton said, “if I am correct, you wish to understand how to pleasure a man, and in the process you are hoping to understand what pleasures you. In turn, you are hoping to become the kind of woman who Reid would not turn down because you would be experienced and no longer be a virgin, correct?”

  “Well … yes, I guess. When you put it that way it sounds—”


  “Yes,” I admitted.

  It was quiet for a moment, except for the crunch of our feet breaking through the untouched snow.

  “Do you find me sexually attractive, Trinity?” Lord Archer asked, breaking the silence.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “You do not find me too old?”

  “No, Ashton, you are perfect.”

  I could not believe I said that. He laughed, and the sound reminded me of a warm summer breeze.

  “Good,” he said. “So we can agree.”


  “We can agree we are mutually attracted to each other, can we not?”

  “We can.”

  “Trinity,” Ashton ran his hand along my cheek, “would you allow me to be the one, the man who teaches you the art of pleasure?”

  I lost myself within the icy blue of his eyes, the smooth lulling sound of his voice, the beauty of his face, and wondered if I understood him.

  “Are you offering to take my virginity?”

  Ashton smiled that smile which rivaled the sun.

  “I am offering to show you pleasure. I would not presume to take such a gift without your consent in giving it.”

  “So you want to show me pleasure, but you won’t take my virginity?”

  “There are many ways to pleasure a body,” he assured, “and I do not wish to take what is not mine to take.”

  Biting at my lip I tried to picture the ways. “Many ways?”

  Ashton placed his hand to my hair. “Many,” he assured.

  I pondered.

  “My dove, what are you thinking about?”

  “The many ways,” I admitted. Ashton let out a chortle.

  “You allow me such joy,” he said.

  “Ashton, I want you to show me.”

  “Then we shall start,” he said. I wasn’t quite expecting that response.


  Ashton picked me up in his arms, brushed his lips softly over mine then kissed my cheek. “Yes, my dove.” He placed me back up into the saddle, but sat me down in the opposite position.

  “Um … what are you doing?”

  Ashton placed his foot in the stirrup then mounted Phantom. He picked me up and sat me down on his lap, chest to chest.

  “Put you arms around my neck,” he said, “and hold on.” I placed my arms around Ashton’s neck, interlocking my fingers. Ashton took Phantom into a trot. “Find the rhythm.”

  I closed my eyes and found the rhythm, only this time when my hips came down it was not the front of the saddle that met me, it was Ashton’s manhood stretched hard through his riding breeches.

  “Oh,” I gasped. He grinned at me when I opened my eyes.

  “Stay with it, my dove. Allow your body to relax into the movement. Allow yourself the pleasure,” he said.

  I looked into his eyes, and relaxed into Ashton. He nudged Phantom into a gallop. My hips swayed to the motion, my secret place rubbing intimately against Ashton. Ashton kissed my lips softly then he molded his mouth to mine. I opened to him, and felt the gentle swipe of his tongue enticing me. It was unbelievable. The way he kissed, I felt it everywhere. Unlike Reid's frantic somewhat hard kisses, Ashton's kisses were firm yet gentle. Without any further thought or hesitation I gave my will over to Ashton’s.

  Ashton’s pressed himself forward into my spread legs, giving me more, adding more pressure. I moaned. He held my moan within his mouth as if it were sacred. We were kissing, rocking, swaying against each other. Soon, I felt the burn, the tingle, the waves of bliss as they overtook my body. Ashton pulled back from my mouth, not fully leaving my lips as he spoke.

  “Give yourself over to me,” Ashton said. I shivered. “Feel my desire for you. Rock your sweetness against me and come for me, my dove.”

  I stared into his eyes. I saw the burning need. The pure unbridled hunger for me, for my pleasure. I wanted the heat of his body to mix into mine. I breathed in the sweet scent of his cologne, placed my nose into the crook of his neck, and kissed. Ashton groaned. His silken hair brushed against my interlocked fingers. The sway of my hips against his hard cock brought me to the point of no return.


  “Yes,” he replied in a breath that gusted warmth across my throat.

  I came, and bursts of color sparked behind my closed lids. He pulled me closer, allowing me to feel his strong arms around me. He ground his manhood into my quiver. His mouth engulfed me. I shook against his body, trembling, tongues dancing, bodies pressing against each other. I felt the swell of my womanhood, the hard tight tips of my breasts as they pressed against all the material concealing them. Heat surged. I could not contain the feeling. Another wave of bliss rocked my body, coming to the surface, overriding my last climax. I exploded for a second time…

  “Again,” I said, body shaking, my voice small and breathy. “You are making me come again.”

  Ashton pulled my hips forward with his hands, giving me that oh so tantalizing pressure to my swollen clit, and then he pulled back, kissed my mouth long and with a deep passion. My lips tingled, my thighs shook, and my body buzzed like sparks of l
ight penetrated through me. I wondered if I were glowing.

  “Did you enjoy that, my dove?”

  “Oh yes,” I said, licking my lips.

  “Good,” he said, “because we are almost home.” I glanced over my shoulder to see the estate in the background. “Lift up,” he said. I somehow found the strength to lift up even though my legs shook. “Swing over,” he instructed. He lifted me then helped me around into the correct position on the saddle. “Hold on,” he said. The horse cantered, slowed then high stepped before slowing to a walk.

  Ashton brushed back my hair. His mouth caressed my neck.

  “Ashton,” I moaned.

  “You are so radiant when you come,” he said. I shivered, not only from his words but also from the soft whisper-like kisses he placed into the hollow just beneath my ear. “We shall continue our pursuit of pleasure, I assure you, but for now,” he kissed my neck once more, “we should dismount Phantom. Can you dismount?”

  “Yes, but I may need some help.”

  He let out a low laugh at my confession then without much effort he lifted my compact body up and off of the saddle.

  “Swing down,” he instructed.

  When my feet hit the ground, I took in a breath. I tried to steady my noodle-like legs. Ashton dismounted, patted Phantom with a low murmur then handed the reins to one of the stable hands.

  “Make sure you cool him properly, as well as brush him,” Ashton instructed the stable hand.

  “Yes, milord,” the man returned.

  Ashton took hold of my hand, spread out my fingers palm side up, and placed a small box into the middle of my palm.

  “For you,” he said, “happy birthday, my dove.”

  A tear ran down my cheek, and he brushed it with his fingertip.

  “Thank you, Ashton.”

  “It is just a small trinket to remember this day.”

  “I doubt I shall ever forget it,” I assured.

  “Open it,” he encouraged.

  I peeled back the paper to find a blue jewelry box. I looked up at Ashton from beneath my lashes. I witnessed the cool silver-blue of his eyes as he smiled at me. I needed to learn his smiles, for he had many. I looked back down at the box in my hand and lifted the lid. Inside was a platinum charm bracelet with a diamond studded horse charm. This was not a small trinket.

  I think my mouth formed an O before I found my words. “Oh my.” Slowly I ran my fingers over the sparkle of the charm. “These are real diamonds.”


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