Aspen's Stunt

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Aspen's Stunt Page 2

by Melissa Grace

  “Dad, you won’t lose me. You could never lose me. This is a great opportunity. An opportunity that has presented itself for a reason.”

  Cole looked at his daughter realizing how sincerely she spoke. “When did you become such a little adult?”

  She hugged him as tight as she could. “I really believe this is what will get us back on our feet.” She pulled away, still gripping his upper arms. “It’s my turn to help you, Dad. You have always been the provider. Now it’s time for me to help.” Her eyes grew bigger. “I can even do it using the skills you have helped me develop. I can help save our farm. I’m finally going to make some money. We need that money more than ever, Dad.”

  Cole looked down at his weathered steel-toed work boots. He knew he wouldn’t be able to convince her differently. He knew she was right. “Aspen, I know you have the skills to be safe on your dirt bike. I worry about everything else. How the other people may treat you. How far away you’ll be. California is so different from Christmas Valley. The pace is totally different. You are so sweet and kind with a generous and tender heart. Those California types are notoriously superficial. I worry about how they could change….” The look of panic overtook his face. “I have never taught you about how poorly people can treat one another. They can use each other. Take advantage of one other without feelin’ any remorse.”

  “Dad, I honestly know that, and I will be careful. I’m there to do a job and make the money we need to save our farm. I am not there to make friends. I don’t need friends. I need you. I need this place.”

  “I don’t trust Felix Silverlight.”

  “Well, that makes the two of us.”

  Chapter 3 – Los Angeles Bound

  The smell of cologne, leather, and antiseptic punched Aspen in the nose as she entered Felix Silverlight’s office.

  “Aspen, come on over here and take a seat.”

  Her overstuffed army sack made a thump on the hardwood floor. She let her backpack slide off her shoulders and she straddled it between her feet as she took a seat.

  Felix repositioned his Rolex watch and tapped his fingers against the surface of his heavy wooden desk. “Producer Zoltan Szekely and Director Gideon Wolff are going to be ecstatic when I tell them you’re here in L.A. How was the trip south?”

  “The bus ride wasn’t bad. Got some reading in. Met an elderly couple coming in to meet their grandbabies for the first time.”

  “Good…good, good, good, good. I’ve got some questions for you.”


  “How do you feel about jumping through windows?”

  “Not a problem.”

  “How about doing it while on a motorbike?”

  “Even better.”

  “While lit on fire?”

  “Still no problem.” She made sure not to hesitate, even though the last question made her anxious.

  “Good. I’ll get the waiver drawn up.”

  Aspen reached for what resembled a snow globe resting atop Felix’s desk and tipped it. The goal was to get the floating golf ball to sit on the tee in the center of the glass. She had the ball positioned correctly within a matter of seconds. She rested it back in place on the mahogany desk.

  “Wow, that was quick.” Felix nodded in approval. “Do you golf?” He asked as he stood up to retrieve the paperwork he had just printed.

  “Not really. Not enough action in the game. I hear Christmas Valley has a nice course though.” She smiled. “You play?”

  “Three times a week, at least.” He sat back down in his leather chair. “I would play more often, but gotta spend some time at home with the wife and kids.”

  Aspen noticed a picture of a lady sandwiched between two young boys and assumed it must be his family. “Great looking family.”

  “I feel pretty blessed.” His bright-white teeth glistened against the fluorescent lights. He shoved the papers toward her. “Sign these.” He laid a pen across the paperwork. “You can use my Mont Blanc.” Another gaping smile appeared on his face.

  She positioned the pen in her hand and glanced down at the paperwork.

  “In a nutshell, we won’t be held responsible for any mishaps. No matter what happens on set, you can’t sue us.” He pointed to a six-digit number. “And this is your salary.”

  Aspen stared at the amount in disbelief.

  “We will pay you in four installments. Your first installment is right here.” He yanked the check from his desk drawer and shoved it toward her. Just sign on the line and it’s yours.” He tapped the edge of the envelope against the palm of his hand.

  Aspen’s heartbeat danced. She pressed the pen into the paperwork and scribbled in her name. “I’m always up for a challenge.” She rested the pen atop the signed paperwork and the agent quickly took it and pocketed it in the breast pocket of his suit.

  “Good.” He pulled the pieces of paper toward him and tapped the edges against the surface of his desk to line them up. “I’m sure you’ll find Miss Wren Emerson quite challenging.”


  Aspen barely had time to set her things in her assigned trailer before she heard a knock on the door. She opened it.

  “Hi, Aspen. I’m here to take you to the set to meet Jasper Raven, your stunt trainer.”

  “Okay.” She grabbed her duffle bag of motocross gear and jumped out of the trailer.

  “Have a seat.”

  She climbed into the passenger seat of a golf cart and off they went.

  “My name is Chris, by the way. You probably won’t be seeing too much of me. They just asked me to deliver you to the studio since it was on my way.” He didn’t take his foot off the pedal as he took the sharp corners. Aspen shifted hard in the seat, but held on just fine. She would have enjoyed the ride more if she hadn’t been worried about the possibility of someone getting run over.

  “Well, thank you for your help, Chris. I’d be lost without you.”

  “Don’t mention it.” He pressed the brakes with vigor and they rocked in their seats. “Here we are.” He motioned toward the studio. “Right through those doors.”

  Aspen slid out of the seat with her bag hung over her shoulder and went to turn toward Chris, but he had already pulled several feet away before she could wave. “Bye,” she yelled out, doubtful he could hear her. She entered in through the doorway.

  The set looked remarkably large for its apparent size from outside the building. It was a full-blown motocross arena, but without the stadium seating. Two men looked her way when she approached the jump.

  “You must be Aspen.” One of the men approached her as the other turned and left out the exit door on the opposing wall. “I’m Jasper Raven. Feel free to call me Jasper.”

  “Pleased to meet you.” She liked his lopsided haircut, but couldn’t help but stare at the large round holes in his ears. She could see clearly behind him through the large black rings lodged in his lobes.

  “The dressing room is out in the hallway, third door to the right.” His tattooed arm pointed toward the hallway. “Why don’t you gear up and meet me back here in ten minutes. All your clothing is in locker eleven. You’ll have your pick of helmets when you get back here. I’ll pull the dirt bike around.”

  “I brought a helmet if that’s okay.” She raised her duffle bag.

  “Sure, your helmet will work for the interim. Director Wolff will let us know what he wants when he gets here.” His large smile was reassuring, even though he seemed all business.

  Aspen nodded. “Third door to the right?”

  “You got it.” He patted her on the back as she passed by. “Don’t hesitate to let me know if you need anything. I’m here for you.”

  Chapter 4 – First Day on Set

  Jasper Raven waved his hands in the air giving Aspen the signal for her next stunt. She assured him the Cordova wouldn’t be any problem for her. By the looks of her competence with every other stunt she had already performed in the studio, he was certain the Cordova wouldn’t be a problem for her, either.

>   Aspen twisted her head to one side and then to the other giving off a crackling sound within her neck. She felt so in her element that she didn’t notice the two observers enter the studio. She revved the engine and headed straight for the jump at full throttle.

  In midair, Aspen hooked her feet beneath the handlebars and arched her body backward so far she could see the ramp she had just dismounted behind her. Before touching down she shifted her body back into riding position and landed gracefully on the pile of compacted dirt. She turned and just before reaching the platform Jasper stood upon, stopped abruptly with her back tire skidding sideways, kicking a fan of dirt underneath the riser.

  He drew his hand across his throat in a slashing motion, signaling for her to cut the engine. He jumped down next to her. “That was totally sick, Aspen.” He patted her on the back. “You make it look so damn easy.” He scribbled some notes into his clipboard while leaning his head to one side so the long black strands on one side of his head wouldn’t block his sight.

  “That’s because it is.” Her goggles hid her friendly wink.

  “Come with me. It’s time for you to meet the actors.”

  As she followed Jasper toward the doorway she noticed two people standing as though they had just appeared out of thin air. Upon approach, she removed her helmet, tucked it under her arm, and ran her gloved hand through her blonde locks of hair.

  “Damn,” JT spoke from the edge of his mouth. “Check her out.” He nudged Wren with his elbow.

  Wren took a step away from him in disgust. Folding her arms over her chest, she glanced in Aspen’s direction for a brief moment before staring up at the studio’s lighting. “I’ll never get used to this potent smell of motorcycles and dirt.” She had said the words so quietly, JT didn’t catch the complaint.

  “Wren? JT? This is Aspen. Aspen, this is the magnificent Wren Emerson and talented Julius Test. They are the leading actors.”

  Julius flashed her with what appeared to be an overabundance of bright white teeth and offered his hand. “You can call me JT.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Pleased to meet you.” She shook his hand.

  Julius looked down at the strange texture in his clasp.

  Aspen pulled her gloved hand away in slight embarrassment and her cheeks flashed pink as she turned to Wren.

  Wren didn’t offer her hand. She kept her arms folded tight against her chest.

  “I am very excited about this opportunity, Miss Emerson.” Aspen wanted to tell her that she loved her movies, but she had never watched any of them.

  Wren flashed her with a half-smile and then snapped back to an expressionless glare.

  “Ah, good. The introductions have been made,” Director Gideon Wolff said as he hurried in through the doorway. “You guys will be seeing a lot of each other the next few weeks.” He passed a manila folder to Wren and then one to JT. “Have your lines memorized by tomorrow.” He turned toward Aspen. “Miss Kennedi, so nice to have you here. I am ecstatic that you have decided to join us on this project. You will make Wren here look as though she has been riding motorbikes since before she could walk.”

  “I appreciate the opportunity, Sir. I will do my best.”

  “When it comes to riding motorbikes, I hear you are the best.”

  Aspen smiled with a slight nod of her head. She felt as though she should almost curtsey before the famous director. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Gideon. Call me Gideon.”

  Wren and JT looked at each other and mouthed the word ‘Gideon’ as though it were a question.

  “Gideon? Yes, Sir,” Aspen replied.


  “Yes, Director Wolff?”

  “I would like you to schedule spare time with Aspen to discuss pertinent aspects of your character. You, my child, have acting in your blood. I want her to have a clear understanding as to each and every emotion you will be having, prior to each scene she will be in, and she will be in many.”

  “Of course.”

  He turned toward JT. “No getting any of the Extras pregnant, JT. Last year’s fiasco was less than desirable. The paparazzi still mention it today.”

  The comment didn’t seem to faze JT. “Anything you say, Director Wolff.”

  Director Wolff turned on his heels and exited the studio just as fast as he had appeared.

  “Gideon, eh? Looks like the big boss man has already picked his favorite.” JT’s light brown eyes twinkled at Aspen. “Are you hungry?” He wrapped his arm around her shoulder armor and squeezed her close. “Maybe we can grab a bite and then you can help me learn my lines?”

  “Not so fast,” Jasper interrupted. “We’re not finished here. Aspen’s got at least one more hour of free styling to do before hitting the weight room. Besides, you heard the director…Aspen and Wren need to spend time together. I didn’t hear him make mention of you.” He flipped his long hairs back with a quick throw of his head.

  Aspen breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t want to go anywhere with JT. She just wanted to get back on her dirt bike and execute a few more aerials.

  Julius let go of Aspen. “Duly noted.” He held the palm of his hands out toward Jasper and took a step back, laughing. “I submit. I submit, oh great Jasper. Talk to you later, Aspen.” He walked with long strides toward the door whistling an unfamiliar tune.

  Aspen watched him leave, taking notice that Wren had already slipped out during the awkward exchange.


  “What was he thinking?” Wren held out both hands while pacing up and down her super-sized trailer. “She looks nothing like me.” She stopped to look Kerri’s way and then grabbed a bunch of her dark brown locks into her hand and held them out for Kerri to see. “I mean, do I look blonde to you?” She let the hair fall back into place. “Wait ‘til you meet her. You will totally see what I’m talking about.”

  “We artistically-inclined types can work total magic with a wig and make-up. We’ll see what we can do with her.”

  Wren gave her a look of dissatisfaction.

  “Well, won’t she be wearing a helmet most of the time anyway? The audience won’t be seeing her face. They want to see you. The great Wren Emerson.” She drew her hand across the air, as if reading a billboard sign.

  “That’s totally not the point. Director Wolff alluded to the fact that he wants me to take her under my wing. Show her around. Show her the ropes. She’s supposed to know what each of my emotions will be before each scene. I don’t have time for that.”

  “I don’t know what to say, Wren. Director Wolff gets what he wants.”

  “I mean, she’s a stunt double. All she should worry about is successfully completing the stunts and then go back to the hotel until it’s time to film her next stunt. Why the special request?”

  “Hotel?” Kerri forced a laugh. “I heard she—” She shut her mouth abruptly.

  “You heard what?”

  “Well, I don’t know if it’s true, per say.”

  “What, Kerri? Spill it.”

  “I heard that Aspen has her very own trailer.”

  “What? She’s not an actor.”

  “Well, due to the nature of the movie, she will be included in a lot of scenes. She will need to be onsite more often than most stunt doubles. Hence, they decided to provide her with her very own trailer.”

  “I can’t believe this. Do they realize how ostracized she’ll be by the other jealous stunt doubles? They certainly don’t get trailers. Not even Malachi.”

  Kerri shrugged her shoulders. “It’s just what I heard. I may be totally wrong.”

  “Kerri, you know you’re very rarely wrong. Actually, I rely on you for all the exclusive gossip you always find out about, well before the rest of us.”

  “I just apply the make-up, do hair, and most importantly…I listen.” Kerri smiled. “Ready to work on your lines?”

  Wren grabbed her folder and withdrew the pages from inside, tossing the empty folder onto a nearby table. “I better. I need to have this com
pletely memorized before tomorrow.”

  Kerri looked at the thick stack of pages pinched between Wren’s fingers. “I’ll get us some coffee.”

  Chapter 5 – On Kerri’s Radar

  “Who is that?” Kerri’s arms went limp and her lower jaw dropped.

  “Kerri, watch out!” Wren ducked from the hair iron. “You’re going to burn me with that thing.”

  “Wren, are you okay?” She knelt down, inspecting Wren for any skin damage. “Sorry about that.”

  “You didn’t get me, but man that was close.” She checked her reflection in the mirror. “What, do you want to have to spend even more time applying my make-up? You almost scorched my forehead.” She glared at her. “What got into you anyway?”

  “Did you see that girl that just walked in?”

  Wren turned her head to see Aspen seated across the room. “Who? Aspen?”

  “That’s Aspen?”

  “Sh. Not so loud.”

  “Okay, okay.” Kerri situated the hair iron in position atop Wren’s head like there had been no interruption. “So that’s Aspen,” she spoke through the side of her mouth. “She is so not what I expected.”

  “How do you mean?” Wren shifted uncomfortably in her chair.

  “Well, when you told me you didn’t understand why she was chosen as your stunt double because of her looks, I thought she would be hideous. She is so not hideous. Not. At. All.”

  Wren looked into the mirror where she could sneak a glimpse of Aspen’s reflection. “Well I wasn’t trying to imply she was hideous. I was just saying that we look nothing alike.”

  “Wren, Honey? I’ve always considered you to have the best taste in everything. Even almost as good as my taste…and that’s saying a lot. But knowing my personal preferences, did you really not think to tell me that the new girl is total eye candy? I mean…dang!”

  “I guess I wasn’t really thinking about your personal preferences when Director Wolff informed me of my babysitting task, and I certainly wasn’t thinking about playing matchmaker. Sorry.” Wren’s forehead wrinkled. “Do you think she would have a similar preference as you?” She squinted as she continued to study Aspen in the mirrors reflection.


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