Aspen's Stunt

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Aspen's Stunt Page 20

by Melissa Grace

  “They better have it ready in less than two months,” Producer Szekely responded. “Time is money.”

  Several staff members gasped at the condensed timeframe. Faint, incredulous whispers of, ‘two months’ were exchanged at the back of the studio. It hardly seemed like it would be enough time to complete such a huge undertaking.

  Director Wolff nodded in agreement. “Yes, that’s an aggressive schedule, but with all the publicity and action we have been receiving, we must press forward and be ready, no matter what.”

  “Precisely,” Producer Szekely added. He stared directly at Wren and Aspen who stood on both sides of JT.

  “Wren and Aspen,” Director Wolff said facing them. “You guys have done a remarkable job with keeping the paparazzi excited about your…togetherness.” He waved at the air like he was shoeing a fly. “Plan to be ready for opening night in seven weeks. You will be viewing it together, along with JT and Malachi. Producer Szekely and I have already discussed options with our publicity team and we are ready to take action.”

  “And…” Producer Szekely chimed in, “we already have your outfits picked out for the grandiose occasion. It will be a spectacle—like no other—in the history of filmmaking.”

  Aspen looked at Wren, who just stood there and listened.

  Director Wolff continued, “No matter what your status is at that time, plan to look like you’re together—”

  “And be all smiles,” Producer Szekely cut in.

  Aspen wanted to say something, but didn’t.

  “I am sure we will appreciate the outfits,” Wren answered Producer Szekely, “but we would still like to have them in advance. Just to make sure of proper fitting.”

  “Of course they will fit.” Producer Szekely’s chest puffed up. “I don’t think it would be a very good image for this production, and your fellow actors, if you two let yourselves go in the next few weeks.”

  “Understood.” Wren’s jawline tightened. It was apparent that the little stunt she and JT pulled a few weeks earlier, with their so-called “breakup”, still didn’t sit well with the producer.

  “We will be in touch.” Producer Szekely marched out of the studio.

  Director Wolff clapped his hands. “Places everyone. We have a few scenes to complete and the sooner they get done, the sooner this production will be finished. Time is of the essence.”


  “So, what are your plans for the next few weeks?” JT asked Wren. “You going to stick around here until opening night?”

  “I think I may go visit family.”

  Aspen’s head turned so quickly she almost fell off her dirt bike.

  “What family?” Kerri asked with a snarky voice. She was hurriedly touching up Wren’s make-up.

  Wren didn’t answer. “How about you JT? Got any plans?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Thought I might attend some of the elite parties. You know…keep up with appearances.”

  “Pick up the ladies,” Malachi added. He was seated on his dirt bike next to Aspen.

  JT chuckled. “We’ll see.” He blew on his knuckles and polished them against his chest. “How about you, Aspen? You going back home to Oregon?”

  “Um….” Wren’s plans to visit family still left her in a bit of shock. She assumed they would leave the production and head to Christmas Valley together, but they never really did discuss what would happen right after filming was over. “Yeah, I’ll be headed back to Christmas Valley when we finish up here. I’ll need to get back into some competitions soon.” She smiled at Jasper. “I feel more than ready to compete, thanks to an awesome stunt coach.”

  Jasper winked at her. He was going to miss his favorite stunt double. He approached her and hugged her padded shoulders. “You are going to take all the medals, Aspen.” He squeezed her again and she dropped her head on his shoulder.

  “Places everyone,” Director Wolff shouted.

  “That’s our queue,” Jasper passed Aspen her helmet. “Let’s do this.”

  “I can’t believe this is it,” JT said. “Our last scene.”

  Aspen slid her helmet on and winked at Wren. “Ready?”

  “Ready.” Wren’s helmet was already in place and she was buckling the chinstrap. “Let’s ride!”


  “You were incredible!”

  “Well, I learned from the best,” Wren answered Aspen.

  “I can’t take all the credit. You learn so quickly.”

  “Aw, shucks.” Wren hugged her. She didn’t care who on set was watching. Kerri turned her back right before the exchange of affection.

  “You did well,” Malachi said to Wren. “It’s not very often you see actors actually performing some of their own stunts.” His sarcastic tone was meant for JT. He gave him a firm pat on the back. “Right, JT?”

  “What? And ruin this pretty face?” JT laughed. He punched Malachi in the arm and pulled his fist back like it hurt. “Damn, you must have packed on another pound of muscle since yesterday.” JT could charm anyone.

  Malachi flexed. “What can I say? It’s my job to make you look good.” He kissed his bicep and everyone laughed with him.

  “What say ye, we all go out for a drink tonight? You know, to celebrate our last day of filming?”

  Wren looked at Aspen. “You want to, Aspen?”

  “I would love to.” She looked at JT and Malachi. “I really am going to miss you guys,” Aspen admitted.

  JT wrapped his arm around her shoulder. “Do you think there is any chance that you and I can have a moment together before you head back to Christmas Valley tomorrow?” He looked at Wren before looking back at Aspen and whispered in her ear loud enough for everyone to hear, “I won’t tell Wren if you don’t.”

  Aspen burst out laughing. He really had grown on her.

  “Watch yourself, Buster.” Wren joked. “I haven’t forgotten those martial arts skills I learned for my last movie. Kicking your butt in front of all your adoring fans would be a piece of cake.”

  “All right, all right.” He let go of Aspen. “Can’t blame a guy for trying.” He looked over at Kerri, who was texting. “Hey Kerri, you going tonight?”

  “Can’t make it. Got a date.” She never looked up from the screen.

  “Ooh, who’s the lucky lady?”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “No one you know.”

  “Well, if you guys get bored and want to come meet us, I was planning on taking us to the Chateau for some drinks and inappropriate dancing with the locals.”

  “Whatever. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She turned and left.

  Wren looked at JT and scowled. “Did you really think she would want to join us?”

  “In all honesty, no, but let’s just leave it at that for the time being.”

  They heard the door to the exit slam behind Kerri.

  “Hey,” Aspen broke the tension. “Let’s make tonight the best ever.”

  “I’ll have the limo come get you guys at nine. Be ready.” JT walked off to go talk to a couple of Extra’s hanging out by the set. He spoke to them for a brief moment and then left with his arms draped around their shoulders.

  “Let’s go get ready,” Wren said to Aspen.

  “Yeah, I may need to borrow something to wear.” She looked down at her dirt bike gear. “I’m assuming all this padding won’t cut it.”

  “No worries. I’ve got you covered.”


  The limo pulled up right on time. JT and Malachi were already seated inside with an overabundance of cologne wafting through the air.

  “Wow.” JT ogled the girls’ outfits. “You guys look crazy-amazing!” He had on his typical tight pants and an oversized watch band made of leather.

  “Thanks,” Aspen answered first. “Wren let me borrow some of her clothes.” She tugged at the short button-up blouse that showed a bit of skin of her midriff. Its sky blue tint accented her light blue eyes. She looked at Wren, who wore something similar, only her shirt was black and her necklin
e decorated by mass amounts of different length necklaces. Aspen loved how the smoky eye shadow looked on Wren. She wasn’t sure how long she would be able to keep her hands to herself.

  “You do look stunning,” Wren said. Her eyes were darker than usual. She reached for Aspen’s hand and raised it to give it a light kiss. She contemplated telling the chauffer to stop so they could go back to her trailer.

  “You ladies want a drink?” JT pulled out a bottle of wine from the mini bar.

  “I’ll take a beer,” Wren said.

  “Really?” Malachi asked.

  “Me too,” Aspen said. She stroked Wren’s arm. “You may need to hold me up tonight.”

  “I’ll do more than that.”

  JT cleared his voice. He had already opened two beers and was presenting them to the girls.

  “I’ll take a beer, too.” Malachi grabbed one from the fridge.

  “Peer pressure prevails.” JT put the wine glasses away and popped open a beer. He sucked away the foam before it trickled over the edge and onto his hand.

  When Aspen took a sip of hers her face wrinkled. “Yep, tastes just like it smells.”

  Wren continued gulping hers down.

  “You don’t like it?” JT asked Aspen.

  “It’s not that bad. Just got to get used to it.” She felt flashes of heat zip across her cheeks and forehead. Sure enough, as she continued sipping the beverage, the flavor improved.

  Wren set her empty bottle down and Aspen looked at her with a sly grin. “Thirsty much?”

  “Among other things.”

  Aspen handed her bottle to Wren. “Here, I could use some help.”

  Wren took it. “I’ll see what I can do.”

  The limo stopped and Wren looked out the window. “Where are we?” She looked at JT.

  Aspen’s head shot up to look at JT.

  JT laughed. “Don’t panic. I decided we would hit a new up and coming dance club I’ve been frequenting.”

  Wren scowled. “I thought we were hitting the Chateau dance club?”

  “Yeah, but the paparazzi are swarming it right about now.” He looked at his bulky watch. “After all, I did tell Kerri where we were going.” His grin widened.

  Wren nodded. “JT, have I told you lately that I love you…like a friend?”

  He wiggled his eyebrows. “I thought you might come around.” He opened the limo door and motioned for Wren and Aspen to get out first. “Ladies.”

  All four walked toward the doors of the club. The music from inside the building shook the ground. Malachi stopped them for a moment. “You guys need anything, I’m there for you. I can act as your bodyguard if you need me to.” His seriousness almost made them laugh.

  “Thanks, Malachi, but I think we’ll be okay,” Wren said.

  Aspen wasn’t sure what to expect. Why would they even need a bodyguard? Her nerves began to quiver, but Wren’s cool demeanor helped comfort her.

  Inside the club looked pretty hip with neon lights penetrating the darkness. A DJ stood off to the side laughing at some guy chatting with her. When several people motioned toward JT and Wren, they smiled, but none of the patrons rushed in to crowd the celebrities.

  “Thank you for coming, Miss Emerson.” A tall man that could have easily been a retired basketball player smiled at her. “My name is Jay and I manage this fine establishment. You can feel safe here, but if you need anything—anything at all—don’t hesitate to contact me.” He handed her his business card.

  “Thanks, Jay.” JT patted him on the back. They obviously knew one another.

  Jay left, dancing his way through the crowd, obviously friends with everyone along his way.

  “You ladies ready to dance?” JT squeezed between Wren and Aspen and draped his arms across their shoulders. “They’re playing our song,” he yelled out over the rhythm of the synthesized tunes.

  Wren gave Aspen a hopeful nod.

  “Let’s do this!” Aspen stepped toward the dance floor and JT followed with his arm still stretched over Wren’s shoulders.

  Aspen felt a little awkward getting into the techno beat, but she kept her feet and arms moving, hoping she wouldn’t stand out too much from the rest. JT was already dancing with a set of girls nearby. They giggled at everything he did, no matter how idiotic.

  Wren smiled at Aspen.

  “What?” Aspen yelled over the music.

  “You are absolutely stunning,” Wren said.

  Aspen blushed. “Do you always have the right words to say?”

  “When I speak from my heart.”

  Aspen reached her hand out to pull Wren closer to her. Their bodies pressed together firmly, blocking out any neon lights trying to glow between them. Aspen slid her leg between Wrens’ like she had seen Wren do during the ‘Truth or Dare’ game months earlier. It seemed to have the effect on Wren that she wanted it to.

  Their bodies swayed at a much slower pace than the beat of the music. “You are going to make it very difficult for me to not take you home, right now, so I can ravish you senseless,” Wren threatened.

  “Is that a promise?”

  When their lips pressed together everything around them turned into slow motion. Even the fast beat of the music softened.

  “Give me that!”

  The girls broke their connection when they heard Malachi yell.

  “Don’t touch me,” a girl yelled back.

  “I’m not touching you. I am taking your phone.” He grabbed at the device and yanked it from her hands.

  “That’s my property.” She swatted at him.

  He held it up high enough for her not to reach it and crushed it in his fist. “I’ll get you a new one.” He gritted his teeth. “One that won’t have pics of my friends that you can sell to the media in hopes of making a quick buck.” He dropped it on the floor and stomped on it.

  The girl looked over at Wren and Aspen. “I wasn’t going to sell it to the paparazzi, if that’s what you were thinking.” She lifted her chin. “I could sue you, you know?”

  JT walked over and picked up the broken cell phone. “What kind of phone is it?” He sifted through the pieces in his hand.

  “An expensive one,” the girl answered. “Along with numbers that can’t be easily replaced.”

  “If it’s as expensive as you say, I am sure your directory is backed up on some cloud or something.” He handed the pieces to Jay, who appeared over his right shoulder with a baggy in hand, already opened to hold the broken pieces. “In the meantime, this should more than cover the cost of your phone.” He handed her several hundred-dollar bills wadded up in his pocket.

  She reluctantly took it, but then shoved the bills into her bra. “You’re lucky I’m not the suing type.”

  “You’re lucky I’m not the—‘physically throw a woman out of my dance club’—type,” Jay interrupted. He pointed to the door. He had a stern look on his face which gave him a totally different appearance than the friendly one he wore earlier. “You know the rules about people’s privacy here. You aren’t welcome back.”

  “Whatever,” she said sarcastically as she walked out the door.

  “Sorry about that, Miss Emerson.” Jay looked at both Wren and Aspen, who were still standing there in shock over what just took place. His voice strengthened. “Everyone in here knows the rules about taking photos or videos. You just don’t do it. If anyone breaks those rules, your devices are mine and you’re not welcome back.” He left with the fragmented contents in the dangling baggy.

  “He’s a pretty cool guy, huh?” JT asked the girls.

  “What happened?” Aspen blinked a couple times.

  “That girl was filming your kiss. I wasn’t going to allow her to get away with it,” Malachi answered.

  “Thank you, Malachi,” Wren said.

  “No problem.”

  Wren looked at Aspen. “I think we better get going.”

  Aspen nodded. “I agree.”

  “Oh, come on guys.” JT gave them the best puppy-eyed look he cou
ld muster. “After what just happened, I highly doubt anyone else will be stupid enough to try it. Let’s dance in celebration of our final night together. We worked hard. We deserve it.”

  Wren took a deep breath and looked at Aspen. “What do you think?”

  Aspen shrugged her shoulders. Tomorrow she would be headed back to Oregon. Alone.

  “What is it, Aspen?” Wren took Aspen’s hands in hers and searched her eyes. She saw their sadness. “We don’t have to stay. I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “I’m sorry, Wren. I really wanted this to be a happy last night together, but my emotions seem to be getting the best of me.”

  “Tell me what’s on your mind and I’ll fix it. At least let me try.”

  “I don’t want this to be our final night together. I know it’s my fault for not discussing it with you earlier, but I guess I had assumed you would be coming home with me. To Oregon.”

  Wren grinned.

  “I know you want to spend time with your brother and nieces and I want you to, too. I guess I just wasn’t expecting it to happen so soon. I’m not sure how I can go from you filling my heart with so much love and joy to having you just up and—”

  Wren’s lips seized Aspen’s before she could complete her thought. She pulled away when Aspen’s body went limp. “You’re so silly, Aspen. I am going home with you tomorrow.”

  Aspen froze in place, wondering if she heard right. “But you said….”

  “I hoped my little tale I gave on set would buy us some time before the paparazzi made their way to Christmas Valley. I just want to keep you and your dad safe.”

  The DJ’s announcement cut through their conversation. “Okay, all you lovey-dovey birds out there. It’s time to get your slow on. If you don’t have a special someone with you tonight, you’ve got five seconds to find you one.”

  As the slow music began to hum through the speakers, Aspen wrapped her hands behind Wren’s neck and began to sway her hips. “Just you wait until I get you back to the trailer tonight,” she teased. “I am going to make sure to thank you and reprimand you for having me so worried. And don’t even think for a moment I’ll take it easy on you.”

  “I’m looking forward to it.” Wren rested her hands against Aspen’s bare midriff. They dropped their heads onto each other’s shoulders and swayed in unison to the music. “You’re stuck with me. That’s just how it’s going to be.”


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