Web of Deception

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Web of Deception Page 7

by Blake, Nina

  Her eyes shot up at him. “I’m just wary. Meeting you. Sleeping with you. None of this was part of my plans.”

  “Not everything goes to plan.” His lips curled to a suggestive smile. “It doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy ourselves.”

  “I didn’t want things to go so fast.”

  “Don’t you trust yourself?”

  “Of course I do.”

  Daniel drew her closer. “There’s a strong pull between us. You can’t deny the chemistry.”

  “I told you I don’t believe in that kind of thing.”

  He knew he had her. “No. That’s the reason you’re reluctant. Because you know there’s something between us. Come away with me for the weekend and show me there’s nothing there. Prove to me you don’t feel anything.”

  Kate looked flustered. “I don’t want to go away for some dirty weekend.”

  Daniel took her hand and the two of them started walking away from the beach.

  “It won’t be anything like that,” he said. “Was last night dirty? Certainly not. And I know you enjoyed it every bit as much as I did. Why are you so scared?”

  “Just because I don’t want to go away with you doesn’t mean I’m scared.”

  “But you are.”

  She shook her head as she walked. “No, I’ve just made my share of mistakes and I don’t want to repeat them.”

  “Last night was no mistake.”

  “I meant before that. Before I met you.”

  “Everyone makes mistakes. It’s a risk you take by living.”

  The wind whipped her hair around her face. She pushed it back in vein. “But I kept making the same mistake over again and now I’m worried I’m doing it again. Falling for the wrong man. The one with all the glitz and glamour.”

  “Kate, don’t be ridiculous. You’re not that shallow.”

  She smiled wanly. “I was once. I was twenty-four at the time so I can’t even use my age as an excuse.”

  Daniel tried to think back. She’d mentioned something about a high-flyer. That was what she’d called him.

  “Was this the ad guy you talked about once?”

  She nodded. “Craig Deal. I was smitten. Completely taken in by him. I thought we had so much in common because we both work in creative fields. He was a director at an ad agency, and he mixed with exciting people. Knew everyone in the industry. Very well-connected. He was always getting free VIP tickets to concerts. He had no problem getting a table at any restaurant, any time. I thought he was fabulous. Fell for him hook, line and sinker.”

  “And you found out he wasn’t as wonderful as you thought?”

  “We were together for about six months. It took me a while to work out that with Craig everything was to do with appearances and being cool. It was all about being seen at the right places with the right people. He knew hundreds of people and they all seemed to bend over backwards for him but I never saw him do the slightest favour for anyone. He never went out of his way to help anyone. Not even me.”

  “Was he seeing someone else?”

  “No, nothing like that. He just lived his life on the surface and as soon as I started to question that, he dumped me. I found out later that he liked blondes. That was his first criteria in selecting a girlfriend. It made me feel very insignificant. So, after me, it was a younger woman with bleached hair and a bigger bust than mine. I meant nothing to him.”

  “You made a mistake. That doesn’t mean you’re shallow. And it certainly doesn’t mean I’m like that man.”

  Kate squeezed his hand. “I’m attracted to you, Daniel. That’s what makes me so wary. You can buy whatever you want. I’m sure you only travel first class. You live a glamorous lifestyle. Maybe that’s the part of you I’m attracted to.”

  “That’s not the case at all,” he said. “I’ve made my mistakes too but I know you’re not just attracted to money, to appearances. Believe me, I can spot a gold-digger a mile away and that’s the one thing you’re not. You don’t have to be quite so cautious. I’ve been up front with you all along.”

  “Yes, you have.”

  “I’m not going to marry you and carry you off into the sunset. But we can still enjoy ourselves. We can have a good time. You know we’re good together. Why on earth wouldn’t you come to the mountains with me?”

  Kate hesitated and Daniel knew she was considering his offer. “I guess it’d be silly to turn you down because I was afraid of enjoying myself too much. That wouldn’t really make sense.”

  He stopped and cupped her face in his hands. “It doesn’t have to be the way it was with any other man that came before me. We can set our own standards. Do it our way. Do what works for us. Because, so far, this is working nicely. I know you’ll enjoy our weekend away.”

  She smiled. “I will.”

  He covered her mouth with his, sliding the fingers of one hand into her hair until he cradled the back of her head in his hand. She was so soft and responsive, her mouth so pliant, that it felt right. Like this was meant to be. Then she pulled back and giggled.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “A drop of rain. A big one.”

  Daniel felt something cold and wet on his cheek. Enormous drops of rain were falling around them and onto them.

  He grabbed her hand and pointed towards the buildings away from the beach. “I’ll race you.”

  Before he had a chance to move, Kate pushed his hand away as she ran towards shelter. Glancing back, she turned to check he was following.

  He had to admit it was a pleasure to admire her from behind, especially in those jeans that cupped her shapely bottom. Still, despite that and despite the head start, he wasn’t going to let her win. He thrived on competition too much. He thrived on a lot of things.

  The more he found out about her, the more he thought she would be his perfect match.

  Just right for what he had in mind.

  * * *

  As Kate Henry unpacked the last items from her suitcase, she looked around Daniel’s suite at the Lords Hotel. Though recently refurbished, the timber ceiling looked original and remained a feature. Made of cedar, it filled the room with a sense of old-world warmth, a striking contrast to the modern décor.

  The bed was decked out in pale linen, scattered with cushions in shades of mocha, in front of a feature wall in a rich chocolate tone. At the far end of the room was a sitting area with two long leather sofas.

  Two walls were lined with windows that looked out to the ski slopes onto what would have been a spectacular view except combination of fog and falling snow meant only a wall of white was visible.

  Kate had been involved in a couple of hotel refurbishment projects and kept up with trends through the latest architecture and design magazines. The chic contemporary design came as no surprise to her and, in fact, wasn’t dissimilar to the interior of her own bedroom though that was on a much smaller scale.

  Yet though she may have designed buildings like this one, she’d never stayed anywhere so luxurious and expensive before.

  “Did you say you’ve booked this for the season?” she asked.


  “If that’s the case, I’m surprised you ever leave.”

  Daniel shrugged. “I have to work occasionally too, you know.”

  She walked over to one of the windows and looked out even though she couldn’t see a thing. Not that she cared.

  Kate heard his footsteps behind her and felt Daniel’s breath on her neck as he came nearer. “I’d rather have room service.”

  She turned to face him. “Is that what you had in mind for the rest of the afternoon?”

  He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “Actually, as much as I’d like to do that, I had other plans. We’re meeting my father. He’s not here for long and I wanted to spend some time with him. It’s time to get dressed for cocktails at the bar.”

  Kate pursed her lips. She didn’t like being told what to do. This was her holiday as much as his.

  “We only just got
here,” she said.

  “There’s time.”

  She looked Daniel in the eye. “Perhaps your father will have to wait.”

  “He’s a difficult man to catch.”

  That wasn’t her problem. She stopped short of saying it.

  “I’m getting dressed, all right.” She wandered over to the wardrobe where she’d hung her clothes. “For tobogganing.”

  Daniel sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her, clearly exasperated. “But you saw the toboggan run. It was full of kids. Little kids at that. With their parents.”

  She pulled off her polo neck jumper and the tee shirt she wore under it. “Then it’ll be full of children. And me. Because I’m going tobogganing.”

  His lips curled to a smile. “In your bra?”

  Kate glanced down at her chest, then back at Daniel. “It’s a bit fresh out for that.”

  She reached across for her candy striped thermal shirt and quickly put it on, then pulled her jumper over it. Daniel had provided most of the snow and ski gear but she’d brought along thermal underwear and her favourite beanie.

  She reached across the bed for the ski jacket. “You’re welcome to join me. I’d love the company.”

  “I’ve already said I’d meet my father. I said we’d meet him.”

  “You should have checked with me first. I’d love to meet your father. But not right now. I came here for the snow.”

  “And me?”

  “I came here for you, too,” she said.

  Kate gave him a quick peck on the lips.

  Then she left.

  * * *

  Daniel looked out onto the toboggan run outside the hotel. The weather had fined up slightly so he could make out the figures on the snow. It was still full of children accompanied by a few parents.

  And Kate.

  Though hazy, the air had cleared enough for him to see her at the top of the run. Three small children were sitting on a toboggan and Kate pushed it hard, running down the slope a few steps until the toboggan took off. Even from the distance, Daniel heard the kids’ shrieks of glee.

  Seconds later Kate, too, was sliding down the hill and as she came closer there was no mistaking that smile on her face. She hadn’t seen him yet. Her eyes were on the children ahead of her, one of whom had fallen off and was crying.

  She steered her toboggan closer to them, slowed to a stop and jumped off to help the small child. Then she pointed up the hill and the children scampered away.

  Standing with her hands on her hips in her snow gear, she looked cute as hell. Daniel figured perhaps this had been a good idea after all.

  “Kate,” he called out.

  She ran towards him, leaving her toboggan behind.

  “You decided to come?” she asked, momentarily short of breath.

  “I called my father,” Daniel said. “Told him we’d meet him later.”

  He’d chosen the perfect colour for her jacket. The burnt orange went well with the dark brown pants and showed off the colour in her face. It also matched her crimson beanie with its snowflake pattern.

  Daniel pointed in the direction of the children she’d just helped. “Do you like kids?”

  She nodded. “Nothing wrong with that.”

  “Not at all. It’s a side to you that I haven’t seen before. You’ve talked about work and relationships and lots of other things. But never children.”

  “Obviously, you hadn’t raised the subject before.”

  “So you want children of your own one day?”

  “Of course I do. I’ve got a career but that doesn’t mean I can’t have children too. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.”

  He turned towards the toboggan she’d abandoned and the two of them walked towards it.

  He’d hoped she was keen on having children of her own. His plans for them depended on it. Not that he’d spent much time thinking about what he’d do if she didn’t want children. He’d assumed she wanted the same thing as him.

  “You’re not worried about the biological clock ticking away?” He asked the question in a light-hearted tone, hoping she wouldn’t be offended.

  “I’m only thirty. I’m not over the hill yet.” She looked up at him, then straight ahead. “Things just haven’t worked out that way for me. I haven’t been in the right position. I haven’t had the right man in my life and it’s not something I plan to do on my own.”

  “No, you’d need a man to contribute a little something,” he teased.

  She whacked him gently on the shoulder. “I know that.”

  Kate might not be worried about her biological clock. That didn’t stop Daniel having his own concerns. He was only thirty-five and as a man he could father children at any time, but he wanted to have a family while he was still young.

  He wanted to be out there taking the kids to swimming lessons, teaching them how to throw and catch, kicking a football with his son. He didn’t want to be a tired old man resting on the couch while his kids played on their own. Or worse, with the nanny.

  “You don’t feel time is running out?” he asked.

  “I’m not going to leave it to the last minute and wait until I’m forty, if that’s what you mean. I’m not waiting until it’s too late. But I still have some time left on the meter.”

  “What if you don’t find the right man?”

  Kate leaned over and picked up the rope handle of the toboggan. “Don’t worry. I’m not putting any pressure on you. I don’t want to have your babies. We’re just here to have a good time.”

  That’s what she thought.

  Daniel took the toboggan handle from her, taking Kate’s gloved hand in his other hand as together they made their way up the hill.

  He’d wanted to sleep with her since the moment he’d first laid eyes on her and now his plans had expanded somewhat. Marriage had been the last thing on his mind whereas a family was something he’d always wanted. He’d pushed it to the back of his mind for so long, largely because that was the one thing in his life that he couldn’t do alone.

  Kate had been clear that she wanted marriage. Just not to him. That was fine. He didn’t want her to be married to him.

  It fell in with his plans perfectly.

  Chapter Eight

  “You’re late.”

  So this was Daniel’s father. Roger Webb obviously wasn’t interested in greeting his son with affection or making a good first impression on Kate.

  Then again, he’d probably seen Daniel with all sorts of women hanging off his arm. There was no reason she should mean anything to him.

  Roger was seated in a corner booth in the hotel restaurant. Kate looked at him and saw Daniel in thirty or forty years time. The man’s hair was silver, striking against his olive skin and dark eyes. Though his face was heavily lined, he had good bone structure.

  “I told you we’d be late,” Daniel replied curtly.

  Roger Webb took to his feet and stretched his arm out to shake Kate’s hand, his expression softening.

  “So this is the reason you’re late.” An appreciative smile washed across Roger’s face. “Now I see her, I understand completely. Some things are worth waiting for.”

  Daniel introduced them and Kate was struck by more than the physical likeness between the two men. Daniel, too, could be demanding one minute, then charming the next.

  He pulled out Kate’s chair for her as he told his father, “It’s not quite as you think. Kate’s not like other women. She wasn’t spending hours in the bathroom grooming herself and getting ready. We were out tobogganing. That’s what kept us.”

  Roger stared at Daniel as the three of them sat down. “Tobogganing? That’s a new name for it.”

  She knew exactly what he was suggesting. Was she supposed to be embarrassed by his silly innuendo? She didn’t care. She wasn’t about to be intimidated simply because the man was implying she’d slept with his son. Or because he was Daniel’s father. Still, she would be polite.

  “You should try it,” Kate said. “Toboggani
ng, that is. It’s so much fun and anyone can do it. You don’t have to be an expert. You just have to be willing to have a go, and not worry about looking silly.”

  Roger Webb looked down his nose at her. “Where’s the challenge in that? I’m a highly accomplished skier, even at my age. I didn’t come here just to frolic in the snow.” He flicked the fingers of one hand as though brushing away her suggestion.

  Kate shrugged. “Each to his own. By the way, thank you for your invitation to drinks earlier. I would’ve loved to come except I was wasting my time frolicking.”

  She shot him a sly smile, which he returned, before looking across at Daniel. “I can’t stay late. Sarah has a headache and I don’t want to leave her alone too long.”

  “Sarah is Dad’s new partner,” Daniel explained.

  “Girlfriend,” his father corrected. “She’s not my partner. It’s not like that.”

  It sounded as if Roger Webb didn’t like the idea of a permanent relationship any better than his son did. Maybe that was where Daniel had got it from.

  Daniel had given Kate the distinct impression that he didn’t get to spend much time with his father so he tried to catch him when he could. Yet the man made it clear from the start that the evening would be a short one. He didn’t seem concerned about his own girlfriend and didn’t seem upset that Daniel hadn’t made it for a drink earlier.

  Kate suspected the man had a small amount of time rationed for his son and when the clock ran out, that was that.

  Roger Webb insisted they peruse the menus immediately, clicked his fingers for a waiter, and they ordered quickly. Main courses only. They wouldn’t be lingering over a long, relaxed meal.

  That didn’t bother Kate but she wondered about Daniel, for she was sure he wanted to spend some time with his father. That was the main reason he’d come to the mountains this weekend.

  “I’m glad you could make it, glad we could catch up.” Daniel handed his menu back to the waiter and nodded thank you before turning to his father. “A lot has happened since I last saw you and I wanted to see how you were doing. Also to tell you how things were going with me, of course.”

  His father leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table. At last he looked interested.


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