Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1)

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Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1) Page 7

by Nichole Greene


  “Oh.” I can see the curiosity in her eyes but she doesn’t ask anything more and I don’t offer. She takes a bite of a cookie and lets out a combination of a purr and a moan. It has my dick swelling instantly. A mental image of her taking my cock in her mouth while she makes that noise infiltrates my brain and I can’t shake it. “These are sooo good.” She takes another bite and makes the same sound.

  I sit down beside her on her couch, dying to reach out and touch her. I’m wracking my brain trying to figure out what to talk to her about without going all intense, crazy, asshole on her. Before I even think about what I’m saying this question flies out of my mouth. “Who are you going on a date with?” I can’t even make my voice sound neutral, the question leaves my lips like an accusation.

  “No one.” She instantly goes on the defensive. “I really don’t understand why you care.”

  “Me neither.” I say under my breath. When I look up at her I notice she has some chocolate on her lip. “You have chocolate,” I trail off while I lift my hand to wipe her lip with my thumb. Neither of us looks away and I see the flash of desire I have for her mirrored back at me. I lean in slowly, giving her every opportunity to pull away. When she doesn’t I press my lips softly against hers. I glide my tongue along the seam of her lips seeking entry.

  Her lips part for me and I sweep in with commanding and sure strokes of my tongue against hers. She moans against me and scoots closer to me on the couch. I cup her face with my hand while her hands dive into my hair. I can’t remember the last time I kissed someone like this, with it not leading to sex. Our hands never go south of our shoulders, although I’m dying to get my hands on her.

  This kiss is electric. The desire between us lashing out like a live wire. I never want it to end but her phone buzzes with a text, drawing us out of our haze. I look at her hooded eyes and rub my thumb across her lips one more time.

  “Remember that kiss when you’re on your date with ‘no one,’” I say coldly. I’m playing mind games so hard I don’t even know what the point is anymore. I get up and leave without another word.



  The next morning I text Ivy and ask her to pick me up at 7:30 so we can go for a coffee run. The less I have to deal with Connor and his emotional whiplash, the better. I slink down to the foyer and Edward appears out of nowhere, just like I was hoping he would.

  “Good Morning, Lilith.” He checks his watch. “You are up and ready early.”

  “My friend Ivy is picking me up for coffee before school today. Would you mind letting Connor know he doesn’t have to wait for me today?” I see Ivy’s baby blue convertible speed up the drive.

  “Of course.” He opens the door for me. “Have a wonderful day.”

  “Thanks, Edward.” I call over my shoulder. I wouldn’t say I run to Ivy’s car but I definitely move quicker than usual. Is it cowardly to run as fast and far as possible from Connor? Probably. Do I care? Nope.

  “Hey girl!” Ivy says as I get in. She drives off before I’m even buckled up.

  “Hi,” I sigh in relief. “Thanks for coming to pick me up early.”

  “No problem.” She glances over at me. “What happened?”

  “I have a date tonight.”

  “Ooo,” she squeals, “who?”

  “His name is Mateo. He works on the estate doing landscaping and he goes to the local college.” I tell her.

  “Slumming it with the help, nice,” she says and for a minute I think she’s serious. Then peals of laughter escape. “Your face.” More laughter. “Hilarious.” She wipes a tear and then sobers. “That’s what almost everyone at Founders will think though. Vapid idiots.”

  “Yeah, well, I might as well be the help. My dad is doing personal security for Victor on top of helping him overhaul his corporate security.”

  “True. Connor’s nickname for you really has caught on. Peasant.” She rolls her eyes. “So are we just running a date game plan this morning or was there more?”

  “I had dinner with Connor last night and Levi and Griffin joined us. It was weird. There was some tension but mostly it was just them being,” I pause to find the right word, “normal. Or as normal as three future millionaires can be.”

  “Billionaires. They’ll each inherit billions.”

  Holy mindfuck.

  “Right. Jesus. Anyway, they were almost fun to hang with except I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. Then they asked if I was going to the game Friday night and I mentioned that I had plans. Then Connor went all cold and dark again. Z called so I hauled ass out of the room. A couple hours later Connor was knocking on my door with cookies.”

  “We talked for a bit, he asked about my mom.” I look around the shop to make sure I don’t see anyone from school. I don’t want this to get out and then have to deal with Margaux. “Then he kissed me. A full out kiss, hands in each other’s hair, sucking face, electricity sparking between us kiss.”

  Ivy holds a hand up in my face. “I have to order before we discuss this anymore.” She orders us both some frilly flavored lattes. We grab a table in the corner of the cafe.

  “Okay,” Ivy takes a sip. “Continue.”

  “So we finish having our amazing kiss, I’m left a little breathless and he pulls away with his cold, asshole mask back on his face and says ‘think about that on your date with no one.’ Oh, I wouldn’t tell the guys who I was going out with, by the way.”

  “Hmmm,” she takes another sip. “Connor doesn’t kiss.”

  “What? Yeah, he does.”

  “No. He doesn’t. At least not usually. He’ll sleep with a girl but he doesn’t kiss them. Keeps the whole thing super transactional and impersonal. I’ve never even seen him kiss someone on the cheek.”

  I throw my hands up in defeat. “What the fuck does that mean for me, then? I was thinking it was some kind of mind game.”

  “I think he’s jealous. He’s acted weird since you’ve been around. I overheard Lev and Griff talking about it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I couldn’t hear specifics but they were talking about how growly he’s been since you have been around.”

  “I find it hard to believe he’s ever not growly.” I roll my eyes.

  “I mean, with everyone else, yes. He’s always a dick. When it’s just Lev and Griff though, he’s different. I’ve seen them hanging out alone enough to know. He is actually capable of smiling and laughing.”

  “I know. I made him laugh yesterday on the way to school. He’s got dimples,” I sigh, despite myself. I can’t help that dimples are a weakness of mine.

  “So,” she draws out the word, “you’ve made Mr. Ice Cold Asshole smile, laugh, and kiss you.”


  “You need to prepare yourself to be pursued. He’ll be relentless, dark, and cold until he gets what he wants from you.” She drains her coffee. “And what he wants from you is going to be everything. He doesn’t do things by halves. He sets his sights and annihilates everything in his path until he gets where or what he wants.”

  “That’s not ominous or anything.” I force another gulp of the coffee. “I’m pretty sure he still wants me to leave and this is all part of his plan to drive me away.”

  “Maybe,” she says skeptically, “or maybe he’s just as confused as you are.”

  “He’s going to be really pissed at me for sneaking out this morning.” I smile, amused at the thought of getting under his skin. There is a part of me that loves our cat and mouse game.

  “Speaking of,” she checks her phone, “we should leave. We’ll be late.”

  * * *

  We’re laughing like lunatics when we race up the stairs and into seminar. Mr. Jameson is actually on time, surprising Ivy when she darts into class. She grinds to a halt and I run straight into her back, sending us into even deeper laughter. The whole class turns to look at us, including Mr. Jameson. I notice his lips twitch, fighting a smile, before he chastises u
s for being tardy. I take my usual seat behind Connor and meet his stony gaze straight on as I walk past him. I might have run from having to share a confined space with him this morning but I will not cower here.

  Levi leans over and whispers, “Did you two do edibles this morning? You’re both crazier than usual.”

  I don’t want to risk disrupting the class anymore than I already have with a verbal answer so I just shoot him a cheeky wink.

  Mr. Jameson doesn’t have anything scheduled so he wants us to use the morning as study hall. Even though it’s the first week of the school year Founders Prep doesn’t play with academics. I’ve had a couple hours of work since the first night. I’m feeling a little overwhelmed with how much catching up I have to do in several classes. Luckily for me physics is one of the classes so I can ask Mr. Jameson for help.

  I feel Connor’s glacial glare as I take my work up to get a clarification on the force and momentum formulas. Mr. Jameson has navy rimmed glasses on today which make his bright blue eyes pop. He answers my questions and tells me I was on the right track. I think about what Connor said yesterday. I really don’t feel like Mr. Jameson has any bad intentions. I think it’s just one young hot guy being insecure with another hot young guy.

  After I’m back at my desk Connor spins around. “Next time you need help with physics or calculus come to me.”

  “Okay,” I say without looking up, “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Seriously. I will help you catch up. Griff will help with anything else.”

  “I heard you.” I keep working.

  “You are so fucking frustrating,” he growls at me.

  I look up at him, smile, and poke him in the arm with the eraser end of my pencil. “Turn around before you get me stuck in detention. My dad can’t pay my way out of trouble.”

  Right on cue Mr. Jameson notices us talking. “Is there a problem Connor? Lilith?”

  “No. Connor needed to borrow a pencil.” I pull one from my bag and smack it against his chest. “Here you go, Con.”

  The rest of the morning goes by smoothly. I’ve fallen into a tentative truce with Connor and Griffin. Levi is by far the friendliest of the guys. He sits beside me in Political Science which is the only class we have together without Ivy or the guys. I can actually see him becoming a real friend so I lower my guard around him.

  We’re walking down the hall toward the quad when a couple of the football guys come grab him for something. He waves while I walk over to the gymnasium complex. I had to take one physical education class to round out my requirements for graduation so I chose water sports. It is as easy as it sounds and unfortunately that means a decent amount of seniors are in the class with me, including Margaux and her minions.

  They’ve pushed me into the pool a few times. Darcy threw an elbow in my face while we were playing water polo. Leighton kicked me in the back while we were doing laps. Margaux likes to loudly point out every physical imperfection she sees on my body, specifically the cellulite on my upper thighs. I know I am probably the healthiest girl in the class but those dimples have always bothered me, even before a bitch was pointing them out. It’s petty stuff but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t getting to me a little bit.

  Today I decided to hang back a bit to avoid listening to a list of my perceived flaws. I take a little longer in the shower and by the time I’m done I know I’ll be late for lunch but I can get dressed in peace. I open my locker and pull my uniform out. Everything is where I left it except for my bra and underwear which are nowhere to be found. I open every unlocked locker and don’t see them. I check the bin for the used towels, also not there.

  This has Margaux written all over it. I guess she at least had the decency to leave my uniform so I’m not waiting around for one of the coaches to grab me extra gym clothes. I’m wearing the tartan pleated skirt today which hits me above the knee but is fluttery. One gust of wind and everyone is going to see my bare ass. What I’m most concerned about is not having a bra. While my breasts are not porn star large they are a full but perky D cup, too large to go unnoticed without a bra. I button my jacket and hope between that and my tie no one will notice.

  I walk into the cafeteria and feel more eyes on me than usual. I walk nervously to Ivy who looks up at me with a question in her eyes.

  “What’s wrong with you? You look all shifty and nervous.” She narrows her eyes at my chest. “Why is your jacket like that?”

  “My underwear and bra went missing while I was showering after water sports.” I say as I sit down.

  Her eyes widen and her mouth hangs open a bit. “No! She didn’t.”

  “She did.” I nod and focus on my food.

  “That explains the shit eating grin on her face when she strolled through the doors.” She glares at Margaux from across the room. “Also explains why she’s been flitting from table to table all lunch hour. I bet she is telling everyone.”

  “Oh God.” The blood runs from my face. “You have to walk behind me on the stairs.”

  “I got you, boo.” She smiles. “I wonder how long it’ll take to make it’s way to Connor. He’ll probably freak out. He’s going to tail you even harder if he’s worried about some asshole catching a glimpse of your kitty before he does.” She chuckles.

  “He’s never getting a glimpse of my kitty. No one at this school is,” I reply tartly.

  “Right.” She lifts her eyebrows. “You say that but I think it’s inevitable.”

  “What is?”

  “You and Connor. Something is going to happen. I can feel it.”

  * * *

  Margaux spread the word about my dilemma so all day I had to listen to snickers and fend off wandering hands in crowded hallways. Ivy was able to stick close to me between the classes we share so I had someone covering my back on the stairs. Somehow Connor and the guys didn’t find out or at least I doubt they did. I don’t think Connor would have left my side in the halls had he known.

  I decide to take the back stairwell in the science building because it’s rarely used and I don’t have Ivy following behind me. As I round the corner of the first landing I feel fingers trailing up the back of my thigh. I spin around and yelp while trying to slap the hand away. I recognize the guy as an athlete, lacrosse player, maybe. He is not a football player, they have all left me alone today. Probably out of fear of Levi.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I yell. I’m alone in a stairwell with a guy and I can’t even use my Krav Maga knowledge without flashing him.

  “Checking to see if they rumors are true.” He has a truly terrifying expression on his face. Dead eyes and a vicious smile.

  “They are not.” I step up a stair backwards. “Don’t touch me again.”

  “You shouldn’t be a tease. Wearing these little skirts with no panties is an invitation to be touched.” He stalks me up a few more steps.

  My mind runs through options. I could hit him in the neck and run but I don’t want to get in trouble and it would end up his word against mine. I can yell and hope someone comes to my rescue. The way people at this school treat me I could be on fire and they wouldn’t piss on me though so I rule that out. The final option is spin and run and hope I’m faster than he is.

  I kick him in the groin and then spin on a dime to start sprinting up the steps two at a time. He is for sure an athlete because he catches up to me halfway up the next flight of stairs and grabs my ankle, sending me falling. I cry out in pain as my knee, hip, and shoulder hit the edges of the stairs.

  “Stupid slut.” He crawls over my body. “You’re going to pay for that.”

  I yell for help and hear two sets of feet running toward us.

  “Get the fuck off her, Ferguson!” I hear Connor yell as he grabs my assailant’s jacket and lifts him off me.

  Then I feel Griffin lifting me under the arms to stand. He fixes my uniform so I’m covered again properly while Connor throws several punches at the douchebag who just assaulted me. Then Griffin pulls Connor away, s
aying something quietly, while the guy runs back down the stairs. I look down and make eye contact with Connor whose eyes are blazing with rage.

  “Griff, take care of Jameson for us.” Connor commands, never taking his eyes off me.

  “Done.” Griffin pauses next to me and squeezes my hand in reassurance.

  “Come here.” Connor points in front of him, his chest heaving with deep breaths. “Please.” He grits when I hesitate.

  I walk down the steps to him and he drags me into his arms and collapses against the wall. His heart is pounding against mine. “Fuck, Peasant. Are you okay?”

  At the sound of desperate fear and concern in his voice I lose it. I shake my head back and forth and start to cry silently. He pulls me closer and rests his cheek on my head while I cry. When I get myself under control I try to pull away but he holds me tighter.

  “I’m getting snot on your uniform,” I say into his chest.

  “Wouldn’t be the first bodily fluid to get on my uniform,” he jokes.

  “Ew, gross.” I push against his chest with a chuckle. “Too far.”

  He smirks. “Seriously, are you okay?”

  “No.” I rub my hip. “I’m going to have to explain these bruises to dad.”

  He frowns as he looks at my legs. “Do you want to let me take care of Ferguson or are you going to talk to the headmaster? Griff and I will back you up either way.”

  “Would anything actually happen if I did report this?”

  He scratches his jaw. “Probably not, even with two eye witnesses Ferguson’s parents will be able to pay off the school and his uncle is a judge.”

  “I’ll think about it.” Turning him in would only paint a larger target on me.

  “Okay.” He bends down and grabs both our bags. “Come on, we’re going home.”

  “What about-”

  “Don’t worry about missing physics. Griff has us covered.”


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