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Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1)

Page 8

by Nichole Greene

  We get to his car and he opens the door for me, giving me a look that dares me to say something snarky. I hold my hands up in surrender. I’m not arguing with him about something so trivial when he just saved me from being sexually assaulted. He pulls out of the parking lot and looks over at me.

  “What was going on today?”

  “Margaux stole my bra and underwear while I showering after water sports. Then she spread the word that I was free snatching so I’ve been harassed all day.”

  “I’m only laughing because you actually just said ‘free snatching’ not because of what she did.” He chuckles then becomes serious. “I’m sorry. Even if you never wore panties it still isn’t okay for someone to try to touch you without permission.”

  “Wow. How woke of you,” I joke.

  “I have a sister and if someone ever did to her what happened to you today I would kill them. I want to kill Ferguson and you aren’t even related to me. Tell me if something like this happens again. You could have called Edward and he could have brought something for you to wear.”

  “I’m not calling your butler to root around in my bras and panties and bring something to school for me to wear.” I side eye him. “That’d be weird as fuck.”

  He shrugs. “It’s his job. He wouldn’t perv out touching your stuff or anything.”

  “I know but still. It’s weird.” I look out the window as trees zip by. “Thank you coming. I was really scared. I couldn’t use any Krav Maga without flashing him.”

  “Don’t mention it. You could leave a change of clothes in my car, just in case,” he says as we pull into the driveway. He grabs my bag again and puts his hand on my back as we walk up the front steps. “Meet me in the kitchen after you change.” Always a command.



  I get up to my room and see Dad’s been back. I check his room but he’s not in there. It’s probably for the best, I have three large bruises blooming on me. I walk into my bedroom and flop on the bed. I give myself five minutes to lie there and cry all the feelings out.

  That could have been so bad. I pull myself together and grab yoga pants and one of Zion’s sweatshirts that I stole. I hit it with his cologne before I left so it would smell like him when I need that comfort. I definitely need it right now. I pull my phone out and text Mateo to cancel our date tonight. I don’t really want to be anywhere but home tonight.

  When I get to the kitchen Connor is sitting at the island eating the cookies that Delores is making. He’s changed into jeans and a Founders Prep t-shirt that stretches against his muscles. He pulls out the stool beside him for me when he notices me.

  “Sit.” His green eyes study me. “Delores made us more cookies.”

  “Ugh.” I sigh. Cookies won’t help my cellulite issue. “I shouldn’t have any more after last night. Especially since I haven’t worked out today.”

  Delores spins and plants her hands on her ample hips. “Nonsense. You’re young and healthy. You can handle a few of my cookies.” She slides a plate across to me. “Eat.”

  “You two and your one word commands,” I joke as I take a bite.

  Connor stretches his arm out on the back of my stool. When Delores turns around to work on something he leans over and whispers, “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I say quietly. “Better be careful, your inner nice guy is starting to show.”

  “Calm down, Peasant,” he smirks. “There’s no part of me that is nice. Maybe I’m lulling you into a false sense of security.”

  I put my hand on his thigh and whisper against his ear, “You don’t scare me, Junior.”

  We hold eye contact and he rumbles, “I should.”

  The moment is broken when my phone vibrates on the counter. It’s a text from Mateo saying he understands and asking for a raincheck.

  “No.” Connor says.

  “What?” I look up from my phone.

  “Tell him no.” He points to my phone. “To the raincheck.”

  “Why would I do that?” I scrunch my face up in confusion.

  “I’ll fire him if you go out on a date with him.” He says nonchalantly.

  “What?” I say incredulously. “Why would you do that?”

  “Because I can.” He shrugs like it is a totally reasonable response.

  “When I said your inner nice guy was showing it wasn’t a challenge to be the biggest dickhead on the planet.”

  “Not a challenge, just a reminder.” He winks at me. “Since you just canceled your date are you coming to the game tonight?”

  “No.” I shake my head. “I’ll probably just catch up some shitty reality tv with my dad. Maybe FaceTime with Z.”

  He nods and stands up. He swipes his keys and phone off the counter. “Goodnight Delores.” He looks at me. “Call me if you change your mind, Peasant.”

  I roll my eyes at his nickname for me. I watch him swagger out of the kitchen, his jeans hugging his perfect ass and trim hips nicely.

  “He’s a good boy.” Delores is watching me closely. “Rough around the edges but inside he’s got the best heart. He’s like an artichoke, all together it doesn’t work, it’s too hard. You have to pull apart the leaves to get to the tender part.”

  “Yeah, he’s hard to get a read on.”

  “The only people he lets close to him are Levi and Griffin. I’ve been cooking his meals since he was a baby.” She points at me. “I’ve never seen him act the way he does with you though. He’s fighting it but he likes you.”

  “He likes fighting with me,” I correct her.

  “Fighting and loving are just opposite sides of the same coin.” She tutts and turns back to her baking. “I need to finish baking this birthday cake.”

  “Birthday cake?”

  “Tomorrow is Connor’s birthday.” I hear the wistfulness in her voice. “I can’t believe he’s turning 18. I feel like I was just mashing up all his baby food. I wish his mother and Claire were coming back.”

  “Is he close to his mom and sister? I get the feeling that he and Victor aren’t buddies.”

  “He and Claire have always been close. Two peas in a pod. From the day she was born he took on the title of protector. To the point of being overbearing at times.”


  Never would have guessed.

  “His relationship with both of his parents has always been strained. There’s more under the surface than you see just as there’s more than he sees as well.”

  That’s cryptic.

  “Come down for breakfast at nine tomorrow morning. He wants you there, even if he acts like he doesn’t.”

  “Okay.” I seriously doubt that but Delores doesn’t seem like the type who wants to hear your arguments. My phone vibrates again with a text.

  Ivy: Hey! What happened? You disappeared.

  Me: Some kid attacked me in the back stairwell of the science building before physics.

  Ivy: WTF!

  Me: Connor and Griffin showed up b4 anything 2 bad happened.

  Ivy: Do u know who it was?

  Me: I think Connor called him Ferguson when he pulled him off me. It’s all kind of a blur. I canceled my date.

  Ivy: He was on top of you?!?! I’m coming over. Let me change and we’ll have a girls night.

  Ivy: btw we’re going to a party tomorrow night

  * * *

  “Miss Nelson?” Edward asks over the house intercom system. I jump, I wasn’t expecting his voice to interrupt the silence of my room. I scramble to find the little wall unit and figure out the button to use to respond.

  “Lilith, Edward, please call me Lilith.”

  “Right. Lilith, your friend Ivy is down in the foyer.”

  “Be right there.”

  Ivy and Edward are chatting in the foyer when I get down to them. Ivy is holding a giant paper bag with another tote slung over her shoulder. Her dark hair is swept up in a messy bun and she’s dressed super casual like me, leggings and giant t-shirt that says Marsh on the bac
k. Interesting. Marsh is not her last name. That must be one of Levi’s shirts. I wonder what’s going on with that.

  She turns around and launches herself at me in a huge hug. “Are you okay?” She pulls away and squeezes my shoulders, biceps, and then grabs my hands while she inspects me.

  “Yeah,” I look over at Edward nervously. I don’t want anyone to know what happened and tell my dad. “Let’s go upstairs.”

  We don’t talk as we go up to the apartment. I use my direct access door to my bedroom and make sure dad hasn’t come back from work yet. When I turn around she’s pulling a tube of something out of her tote.

  “What’s that?”

  “It’s arnica. It should help with your bruising.” She points at my legs.

  “How’d you know about the bruising? I didn’t mention that earlier.”

  “Griff came over and told us about what happened. I just assumed you had bruising. I can’t believe he had you pinned under him on the stairs.” Her eyes get glassy. “He’s been accused of date rape before, he would have assaulted you if Con and Griff hadn’t found you.”

  “Really?” My stomach hollows out and I run to my bathroom just in time to get sick. I feel Ivy pull my hair back and secure it in a low ponytail. After I flush the toilet I lean back against the shower wall and close my eyes. I lived, worked, and played in one of the toughest and most crime ridden places in America and never came close to this level of violation. One week at a prep school for the wealthiest of wealthy kids and I’ve already been assaulted. A bitter laugh escapes me and I stand up to brush my teeth.

  “Are you okay?” She asks from the doorway.

  “Currently? No. It comes and goes. I was okay earlier with Connor. I probably just need a minute to calm down. Do you mind if I take a quick shower?”

  “Not at all. I told Lev I’d text him and let him know how you were. I’ll do that then I’ll help you with the arnica.”

  “He was worried?” I scrunch my face up in surprise.

  “Yeah,” she draws out, “of course he was. He is your biggest supporter out of the three of them. If you ever needed him I’m sure he’d be there in a second. Why do you think the football guys left you alone today?”

  “I figured it was because of him but not because he cared about me, just respect for Connor.”

  “Nah,” she shakes her head, “the Titans aren’t scared of each other. They do things that piss each other off all the time. Their bond is too deep to worry about stepping on each other’s toes.”

  I pull up the Spotify app on my phone and flip to some vintage Kanye for my shower. All Falls Down fills the air and man, if that song doesn’t fit my life right now.

  It seems we living the American dream

  But the people highest up have the lowest self esteem

  The prettiest people do the ugliest things

  Preach, Ye, preach.

  I finish the shower and call Ivy in, somehow I’ve ended up with a bruise on my back as well as the ones on my leg and shoulder.

  “Jesus.” Ivy says looking at my leg. “I hope Con tears him apart tomorrow.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The party tomorrow is at The Abyss for Con’s birthday. It’s an old granite mining pit. There will be racing and poker. Sometimes the guys will challenge each other to fights. My best guess is that the only way Griff got Connor to stop beating Ferguson was to remind him there’ll be no limits tomorrow.”

  I do remember Griffin whispering something in Connor’s ear that made him stop punching Ferguson.

  “Surely that kid wouldn’t be dumb enough to show up to Connor’s birthday party? I mean, Connor was raging.” I sniff the arnica gel before rubbing it into my bruises. “What does this stuff do?”

  “Speeds the healing of the bruising. Helps with pain. I use it during swim season and Lev does during football season. I think it’s better than Icy Hot.” She grabs the tube from me and rubs some in on my back. “As for your other question, he will probably be there. Everyone will be there. Tomorrow night might as well be a school event. If he shows Connor will be fighting him. He’ll fight over the smallest things. This isn’t small though.” She meets my eyes in the mirror. “Do you feel comfortable going?”

  “Yes,” I reply with no hesitation. “I’m not going to cower for the assholes in this school. I’m not one of the future one percenters but I’ll be damned if I roll over for them. Nelsons don’t back down.” I put Z’s hoodie back on over leggings. “Let’s go down to the theater room and watch a movie. Victor told me to make myself comfortable in the common areas of the house.”

  She drops a couple tubes of arnica on the counter. “I’m giving these to you.” Then she grabs her bag and tote off the bed. “I brought us girls night snacks.”

  “Awesome.” We walk out into the hall. “Why are you wearing Levi’s shirt?”

  She pauses for a split second. “Laundry day.” She says unconvincingly. “I just grabbed the first thing I saw. Family support.”

  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out she doesn’t want to talk about it so I let it go. “What are you in the mood for? Hot guys? Romance? Action? Comedy?”

  “Funny hot guys.” She says decisively. “Like a Bill Hader movie.”

  “Bill Hader is not hot.” I laugh.

  “Yeah, he is! He’s smart and funny therefore hot.” We settle on Trainwreck.

  Amy Schumer is dancing with the Knicks City Dancers to Uptown Girl when our night is interrupted by the guys.

  “Ladies.” Griff is the only one to greet us. He walks right over to where I’m sprawled on the couch and crouches down beside me. He looks at me with concerned hazel eyes. Before he can ask the question that everyone has been asking I spring up.

  “I’m fine.” I’m standing on the couch. “Sometimes I’m not fine. Just don’t ask me if I’m okay anymore. I’ll let you guys know if I need anything.”

  “Yeah, what are you guys doing here? Crashing our girls night,” Ivy frowns.

  “Well,” Connor drawls, “it’s my house.”

  “I thought you two would be in lacy pajamas having a pillow fight and painting each other’s nails or some shit.” Levi says. “I feel cheated.”

  “I’m sure you could find some scantily clad girls at Gregg’s house for the post game party.” Ivy makes a shoo-ing gesture with her hands. “Off you go.”

  “Nope.” He plops down beside me and throws his arm around my shoulder. “I had to come check on my new bestie and step sis.” Connor hands him a glass of whiskey. “What are we going to do?”

  Connor gets a wicked gleam in his eye. “Truth or dare.”

  “Really?” I scoff. “Isn’t that a little juvenile?”

  “Not the we play it.” Griff answers.

  “Scared, Peasant?” Connor whispers into my ear.

  “Of you three?” I pat his face. “Unlikely.”

  He gives me one of those dead eye smiles that doesn’t even hint at his dimples. It makes me feel like I jumped in the shark tank five minutes before feeding time.

  “I’ll start,” Ivy says. “Levi, truth or dare.”


  “I dare you not to speak for the next,” she taps her chin with her index finger, “hour unless it’s necessary for the game.”

  He mimes zipping his lips with a smirk that promises retribution. Then he grabs his phone and sends a text to Connor.

  Connor opens the message and reads it aloud. “Connor, since I know you’ll pick dare.” Connor looks up and smirks at Levi. “I dare you to make Lilith blush.” He pockets his phone and looks to me with a devious smile.

  “Come here, Peasant.”

  I stand up and walk to him.

  Full disclosure, I’m nervous as fuck.

  He runs one hand through my hair and bring my ear to his lips. “I’ve woken up the past few days with a rock hard cock because of you. Every morning I rub one out to fantasies about you sucking or riding my dick and I come harder than I ever have imagining you m
oaning my name.”

  I involuntarily clench my thighs together.

  “Someday soon I’m going to own that pretty pussy between your legs. With my fingers, my tongue, and my cock.” He finishes by gently biting my earlobe.

  My eyes meet Ivy’s over his shoulder and we have an entire silent conversation.

  Me: Holy fuck, his dirty mouth!

  Ivy: Girl you are 80 shades of red!

  Me: Help me!

  Ivy: Okay, but we’re talking about this later.

  “Mission accomplished.” Ivy claps her hands, breaking the tension between Connor and me.

  I fight the urge to fan myself.

  “Peasant,” Connor eyes twinkle with mischief. “Truth or dare?”

  “Truth.” I say quickly. I need a minute to regroup.

  “When did you lose your virginity?” He stares me down.

  “I haven’t.” I say simply, amused when shock filters through his face. Actually looking around the room I see they’re all shocked.

  “You haven’t fucked anyone?” Lev blurts. “Even Zion?”

  Connor growls at Levi. “Lose a piece of clothing, Lev.” He looks over at me to explain. “If you fail to answer a truth or don’t complete a dare you strip.”

  Levi pulls his shirt over his head. I glance at Ivy and see her eye-fucking Lev. I get it, he’s hot as fuck and built like a viking.

  “No.” I laugh. “My best friend is a 6’7 giant and my dad is a former Marine. I haven’t exactly had a lot of guys approach me.” Also, Zion is gay but I’m not about to out him to people he hasn’t even met yet.

  Ready to move center of attention from me I look at Griffin. “Truth or Dare, Griff?”


  “What’s your biggest fear in life?” I ask, trying to dig deeper into these guys and figure out what makes them tick.

  “Failure.” He sips his whiskey. “Ivy, truth or dare?”


  “Kiss Lilith.”

  “Seriously?” She smirks as she gets up and walks toward where I’m sitting. The attention of all three guys is riveted on us. “You okay with this?” She asks me.

  “Lay it on me, sista,” I smile at her.


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