Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1)

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Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1) Page 11

by Nichole Greene

  He pulls out of the driveway and sets his hand on my thigh. I look down at it and release a breath I didn’t know I was holding. My mind is screaming for me to move it but my stubborn heart refuses. The pieces my mom left behind start to mend in this moment, whether I’m ready or not.

  I look at him surprised when he drives past the point where he usually kicks me out. He just smirks at me in return.

  “I’m going to earn that trust, Lilith. Prepare yourself.” He jumps out of the car as soon as he throws it in park and is around to open my door before I even unbuckle.

  He offers his hand to me and laughs at my skeptical look. I mumble my thanks and he shocks me by smacking a noisy but chaste kiss on my lips. He swings his bag over his shoulder and links his fingers with mine.

  The next thing I know Levi is swinging his arm around my shoulder from the other side. “Good morning, sunshine. How’s my favorite hood rat this morning?”

  “Fine.” Confused. Annoyed. Happy?

  “I see Con finally got his head out his ass.” He gestures to the tight hold Connor has on my hand. “Just between you and me, I think I’m to thank for it. I wore him down talking about how you and I would make the prettiest babies with our blonde hair and blue eyes.” He waggles his eyebrows suggestively. “You know where to find me when you kick him to the curb.”

  “Hands off my bestie, dickwad.” Ivy barrels between Levi and me. “What is going on here? Did hell freeze over? Are pigs flying? Connor Volkov is,” she gasps and clutches her chest, “engaging in PDA?”

  “It appears so.” Griffin deadpans from Connor’s other side.

  We walk into the school together, people scurrying out of way the way they do for the guys. Margaux is with her group of sycophants across the courtyard from us and Connor leans down to whisper in my ear.

  “I”m going to piss you off,” he says before wrapping his arm around my neck and pulling me in for another indecent kiss. His other hand cups my cheek and moves back into my hair as he deepens the angle of the kiss. This is him claiming me, marking me off limits. I should stop him. I should resist. Instead I cling to him, already giving the trust in this moment I told him to earn twenty minutes ago.

  “You gonna whip your dick out and piss on her too, Volkov?” Owen drawls in his thick as molasses Texas accent.

  “Fuck off, Owen.” I feel Connor stiffen under my hands before he brushes a soft kiss over my lips. “I need to talk with the guys for a minute. Can you and Ivy go to seminar without us?” he speaks softly into my ear.

  “I think we can handle it,” I scoff.

  Ivy meets me halfway with a concerned look on her face. She links her arm through mine and we start to head off toward class.

  “So, everyone saw that kiss.” She fans herself. “I’m all worked up now. I might have to grab someone for a lunchtime hookup now.”

  “I can’t believe he did that.” Actually I can believe it. He gives no fucks and does what he wants.

  “I’m sure he had a reason. How was the rest of the weekend?”

  “Good. I went to Boston with my dad yesterday to find a Bears bar to watch the game. Then I just stayed in our apartment all night, even when Connor came banging on my door last night. He was waiting with coffee for me this morning. We went a couple rounds of driving each other crazy before we even left the driveway.” I grin at her. “I have a whole string of texts from ignoring him yesterday.”

  We both chuckle about that while we walk into Mr. Jameson’s seminar class. Unsurprisingly, he’s not here yet and the class is only about half full. Ivy and I take our usual seats and make plans for her to come over and watch Riverdale with me later in the week.

  “Hello.” I turn to see Owen looming over my desk. “It must be my lucky day, seeing you here. We got off on the wrong foot. I’m Scott Owen.” He holds a broad, tan hand out in front of me.

  “Lilith Nelson.” I give him my hand. “I’m not sure we got off on the wrong foot if you’re hanging out with Margaux.” I try to pull my hand away but he grips it tighter.

  “She’s a means to an end.” He shrugs and for a second I feel bad for her. Connor has basically said the same thing. I wonder if she knows these guys use her as a pawn the way they do.

  “Hmm,” I narrow my eyes, “definitely got the right first impression of you then. Let go of my hand.”

  “Hands off, Owen.” A gruff voice comes from a guy I don’t know. I yank my hand away and look at the guy walking up the aisle toward us. He’s wearing a football jacket instead of the usual uniform jacket so I’m guessing he’s one of Levi’s goons. Ivy mentioned we had shadows on the way to class.

  Owen moves to take Connor’s seat and football goon blocks his way. “Seat’s taken.”

  Owen clinches his jaw and his hands ball into fists. Then he drags a deep breath in and smiles. “Which seat isn’t taken then?”

  The goon doesn’t reply, just shrugs and walks away when Connor, Levi, and Griffin stroll through the door. Levi gives him a thank you and a fist bump and then the goon leaves the room. No wonder I didn’t know his name, he’s not even in this class.

  Mr. Jameson breezes in a few seconds later coffee cup in one hand, briefcase in the other. He scans the room, zeros in on Scott and glances down at his iPad.

  “Scott Owen, I presume?” he says looking back up over the rim of his glasses.

  “Yes, sir.” Owen says pleasantly.

  “That’s your assigned seat from now on.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Lilith, I’d like to speak with you out in the hall.” His vibrant blue eyes pin me in place.

  “Okay.” I follow him out into the hall.

  “Are you okay? I heard about what happened before physics Friday.” He gives me a concerned once over and notices the bruising on my leg. His eyes are stormy when they meet mine again. “Is that how you got those?”

  I nod.

  “This is the type of thing I warned you about.” He reaches over and gently squeezes my arm. “Do you have the card I gave you with my friend’s information written on it?”

  I nod again.

  “The number printed on there is my cell. Put it in your phone so if something like that happens again you can text me. I’ll see the notification on my iPad or computer.”

  “Connor and Griffin got there in time.” He opens his mouth to say something but I continue on. “I’ll add it into my contacts though. Thank you.” I duck back into the classroom.

  I’m greeted by Connor’s intense gaze then I watch him glare at Mr. Jameson over my shoulder. He reaches his hand around behind when I take my seat and rubs my calf. “Everything okay?” he asks quietly over his shoulder.

  “Yeah. He just wanted to check in after what happened Friday.”

  I feel my phone vibrate a minute later and discretely pull it out to check my messages.

  Connor: The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them. -Ernest Hemingway

  Connor: I’m going to prove myself to you.

  Me: Big talk, Junior

  * * *

  All morning I’ve been tailed by no less than two guys at a time. If it’s not one of the guys, it’s some of Levi’s football player friends. One of the football players in my third period class even followed me to the bathroom. By the time lunch rolls around I’m done with the security detail.

  “This has to stop.” I drop my bag beside the chair next to Connor.

  “Hello to you, too,” Connor says unaffected by my demeanor.

  “I’m serious, Connor. This is ridiculous. Less than a day in and I’m already going insane.”

  “Well,” he drawls, “if you had talked to me yesterday I would have filled you in on the plan. This is for your safety. Unfortunately, you ignored me all day,” he says while looking through the menu. “What are you getting today, Levi? The carbonara sounds good.”

  My eyes narrow to slits. “You aren’t going to brush me off.”

  “I was actually thinking about the steak frites
,” Levi says, also ignoring me.

  “I thought you wanted to build trust with me or was everything you said this morning complete bullshit?” I snarl.

  Connor sets his menu down and looks at me. “All bets are off when it comes to your safety. You can be as mad about this as you want.”

  “Griffin.” I look across to him. “Back me up here. You have to think this is excessive.”

  “Lilith, the image of you lying on the stairs with him on top of you will forever be etched in my memory. I’m entirely behind Connor on this.” He scrubs his hand over his face. “What if we hadn’t gotten there in time? You were left vulnerable by Margaux’s actions and didn’t come to us for help.”

  “Yeah,” Levi says as he pours waters for everyone from the pitcher on the table, “what they said. If it isn’t one of us with you, it’s one of my offensive lineman.” He motions over four huge guys who have all shadowed me at one point or another today. “Sam, Mason, Tucker, Jace.” He points to each of them in turn.

  At least the goons have names now. I commit them to memory so I can at least speak to them.

  “Mr. Jameson asked me to put his number in my phone in case something happens again like last Friday.” I innocently say knowing full well Connor will lose his shit.

  “The fuck?” Levi says.

  “What?” Griffin drops his menu.

  “Fuck no,” Connor growls. “Did you put it in your phone?”

  “No.” I omit the fact that I have his card.

  “Good.” Connor sets his hand on my knee. “Can we talk about something better than this? Where’s Ivy?”

  “She said she was gonna find a lunchtime hookup earlier today.” I shrug and keep a close eye on Levi’s reaction. I swear there’s something going on between them but she gets cagey any time I bring it up.

  Levi’s jaw ticks and his eyes narrow. “Good for her.”

  I notice Griff looking at him skeptically. Then I notice Connor’s fingers tracing circles along my inner thigh. I move his hand back to his lap and cross my legs under the table. He gives me a straight up devilish smile and puts his arm on the back of my chair.

  “What are you doing tonight?” Connor asks me.

  “Probably catching up on physics and watching the game with dad.”

  “I’ll help you.” I roll my eyes at Connor’s declaration. If he ever asked me something instead of demanding I think I’d pass out like one of those fainting goats.

  “Maybe. I also have plans to FaceTime Z.”

  “How often do you talk to him?” Levi asks.

  “Everyday. At least once but we text all day.”

  “Were you texting with him yesterday?” Connor furrows his brow.

  “Yep.” I smile sweetly.

  “Hey!” Ivy sits down at the table with flushed cheeks and messed up hair. “What’s up?”

  “Not too much. Lilith’s just tormenting Connor,” Griff answers.

  “Fun, one of my top five favorite things to do.”

  “Where were you?” Levi glares at her. It’s the first time I’ve seen him so serious.

  “None of your business.” She arches an eyebrow in challenge.

  “Later.” Levi pushes up from the table. “Just remembered I need to ask coach something.”

  I look over at Ivy who watches him walk away. When her eyes meet mine she shrugs.



  Gray clouds hang low overhead and the air has that ozone scent that promises a heavy rain as I walk across the quad toward the science building. I left my last class early in order to speak to Mr. Jameson privately. I’m done with the niceties regarding his interest in Lilith. Between him and now Owen’s sudden enrollment in this damn school, I’m starting to wonder if Founders Prep standards are dipping.

  I take the stairs two at a time up to the third floor and stride down the hall to knock on Mr. Jameson’s door. When he says for me to come in I paste my cold no bullshit face on.

  “Connor, what can I help you with?” He glances up from his desk not bothering to hide the disdain he holds for me.

  “I wanted to discuss Lilith with you.”

  “I’m pleased to hear you know her actual name,” he snarks. “What about her?”

  “I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to be giving your number to students.”

  “My conversations with another student are none of your concern.”

  “Anything to do with Lilith is my concern.” I drop my bag at my seat and stroll up to stand in front of his desk. “She is mine to protect.”

  He scoffs and leans back in his chair. “Yours? She can barely tolerate you. Even if that were true you didn’t protect her Friday. She’s covered in bruises.”

  “I stopped Ferguson.”

  “After he’d already hurt her.” I want to punch the smug bastard in the face. “If you truly are concerned about her safety I don’t see how having another person she can trust would be a bad thing.”

  “I know what you did to Sarah Hobbs last year.” I lean over his desk and scowl down at him. “I will reign down hell upon you if you don’t back off. I can have you fired with a snap of my fingers.”

  “Okay.” He gives me the same smug smile. Before I can figure out if he saying okay sarcastically or sincerely other students start walking in. “Here’s the assignment you missed on Friday.” He hands me a packet that I snatch from his grip.

  Griffin walks in with Lilith as I’m sitting down. She’s laughing at something that he said, her beautiful blonde hair cascades over her shoulder and her fucking perfect body curves under her uniform deliciously. Half the guys in the class stop and check her out when she walks in. It makes my blood boil to have these assholes look at her with hunger in their horny teenage eyes. Fully aware that I, too, am a horny teenage guy.

  Ask me how many fucks I give that I’m being a hypocrite.


  Unfortunately for the green beast that lives inside me, Lilith would look stunning in a paper bag. She is so gorgeous people are always going to take notice of her. Jameson smirks at me after he calls her up to his desk. It’s like he’s not even trying to hide his interest in her.

  The minutes tick by too slowly. I have to fight the urge to lean forward and inhale Lilith’s strawberry and rose scent. I cannot believe how twisted up I am about this girl.

  I’m in the middle of a sexy daydream when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out and check to see who has texted me.

  Dad: You’re going to have to come down to the city with me tomorrow and stay through Thursday. There’s paperwork and meetings at VI that require your attention.

  Me: How long will I be down there?

  Dad: Two or three days.


  I don’t want to leave Lilith on her own for that long. I pull up my group chat.

  Me: I have 2 go with Victor 2 the city tomorrow. Won’t b back until Thurs.

  Griff: Won’t Lilith’s dad b gone 2?

  Me: Yeah. It’s a fucking problem.

  Me: One of u might need 2 crash at my place.


  Levi: Me

  Griff: Or u could just ask Ivy

  Levi: Ivy can’t do shit 2 protect ne1

  Griff: I think Lilith can physically protect herself just fine. She took u down.

  Me: Edward and Delores will probably look after her. I’m more worried about here.

  Levi: Between Griff, the O line, and me I think we have it covered.

  Levi: Why do u have 2 go 2 NYC?

  Me: VI and inheritance shit

  Griff: We’ll figure it out.

  I feel a poke in my leg and Lilith whispers, “Jameson is watching you.” I set my phone on the desk, making my lack of attention or care painfully obvious. Fuck Jameson.

  * * *

  I get to the library before Lilith so I put everything we’ll need out including the plate of brownies that Delores thrust in my hand as I walked through the kitch
en. I start looking through the packet that Jameson gave me from Friday as well as the work I’ll be expected to turn in when I get back on Thursday. Offering to do our physics together was a genius idea.

  “Hey,” Lilith says hesitantly from the doorway. She’s changed from her uniform to a pair of leggings and a workout tank top. Her hair is pulled up in a high sleek high ponytail.

  “Hi.” I smirk at her. “Are you going to come in or stand there holding up the door frame all night?”

  “I’m coming.” She rolls her eyes. “It just feels weird.”

  “What does? Studying with me?”

  “Yes, and also just,” she sweeps her hand out in front of her, “all of this. I’m so out of my element. Your personal library has more books than my elementary school did.” A faraway look glazes over her eyes shadowing her eyes with sadness.


  “Yeah,” she gives a sad nod.

  I don’t know what to say. My privilege is once again a vast chasm separating us so I don’t say anything else. I use my foot to kick out the chair opposite of me. “Sit.” I command.

  “Please have a seat, Lilith.” She deepens her voice mockingly. “It’s lovely of you to join me this afternoon, Lilith.”

  I chuckle as she sits down.

  “Eat.” I command once more as I nudge the plate of brownies toward her.

  Her eyes narrow. “Are you incapable of saying please? Does it give your heart palpitations to ask someone to do something instead of demanding?”

  “Have to have a heart to have heart palpitations,” I deadpan.

  “Truth.” She picks up a brownie and looks at it like she doesn’t trust it.

  “They’re good,” I encourage.

  “I’m sure they are.” She looks troubled.


  “Just some things I’ve been told.” A rare glimpse of vulnerability takes over her features before she looks up at me. Then she shutters it inside and is back to normal. She takes a bite and makes the same moaning sound as she did with the cookies last week.


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