Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1)

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Cold and Broken (The Titans of Founder's Ridge Book 1) Page 18

by Nichole Greene

  It is weird, the dichotomy between the two. Golden boy Levi with his blonde hair, blue eyes, and golden tan. Then there’s Z with his dark, tattooed skin, moss green eyes, and curly dark hair. But then they’re both tall, Levi is only about three inches shorter than Z and both have bodies built by dedication to their sports with thickly corded arms and defined chests and abs.

  “Maybe we should suggest they play shirts and skins.” Ivy jokes.

  “Or all skins.” We both break into laughter. “I mean, seriously though. I know Connor and I are whatever right now but all of them are so attractive. Griff’s back tattoo.” We both sigh in sync.

  As if they can sense us talking about them they all look over at us.

  “Lil, you playing?” Z asks me.

  “Hell yeah.” I look at Ivy. “You gonna play, too?”

  “No. I’ll stick to the pool for my athletic endeavors.”

  “That leaves us with an odd number,” Levi says.

  “Oh, Lil and I don’t need anyone else.” Z grins at me and I grin back at him.

  “We’ll be good.” I point over my shoulder at Ivy. “She thinks you all need to lose your shirts though.”

  Connor looks right at me as he pulls his shirt over his head. I can’t help but lick my lips in appreciation of his body. He notices me eye fucking him and winks.

  “You’re drooling hood rat.” Levi swipes his thumb under my lip. “Roll that tongue back in so we don’t trip over it while we kick your ass.”

  “You think you’re gonna kick our ass?” I laugh with Z. “Shall we place bets?”



  “Here you go.” I hand two hundred dollars over to Lilith and Zion. “Hustlers. Lilith never told us she was so good at basketball.”

  “There is still a lot you don’t know about me, Con.” She winks and does a cute as fuck shimmy as Lev and Griff hand over their money.

  Victor and Michael come walking down the path from the back yard. They’re both still wearing their suits.

  “Sweet pea,” Michael frowns at Lilith, “should you be playing basketball with those burns?”

  “Probably not.” She tosses the ball to her dad. “But I couldn’t resist the opportunity to swindle money out of these clowns,” referring to us.

  “They thought they could beat us three on two,” Zion chuckles and sideways high fives Lilith.

  Michael looks at Levi, Griff, and me with pity. “These two have been shooting hoops together since they were six. They’re pretty tough to beat, I think they have hive mind.” Then he shifts his attention back to Zion who he looks at with the same fatherly pride he gives Lilith. “Victor this Zion, Zion this is Victor Volkov, my employer.”

  Victor shakes his hand. “We were thinking about taking you kids out for Lilith’s birthday.” He looks at all of us, ending on my face. After a round of affirmative answers he slaps his hands together. “Great, we’ll leave in an hour.”

  I watch Lilith jump on Zion’s back for a piggy back ride and have to work seriously fucking hard to suppress my urge to rip her off and carry her to my room. Jealously sucks. Watching her fucking run and jump into his arms after school today felt like I was being stabbed in the chest with a hot poker.

  I want to be the one she runs to. I want to be the one she turns to for help, for comfort, for affection. I haven’t missed the looks he keeps shooting over her head, either. It’s like he’s sending me a challenge and a warning every time he looks at me when she’s not paying attention. He even has her name tattooed on his chest, he scored a basket on me when I noticed that. It matches the one she has on her hip bone.


  “Dude.” Lev wraps an arm around my shoulder. “You look like you want to murder someone right now.”

  I don’t have anything to say so I just growl. How am I supposed to compete with 12 years of history and friendship?

  “He’s gay,” Griff says. “I’d bet a grand on it right now.”

  “What?” Lev looks at him like he’s grown a second head. “I’ll take that fucking bet.”

  “I wish,” I mumble. “You guys can shower wherever.” They’ve had a room in the family wing of our house since we were ten, just like I have a room in both their houses. When your house is so big and so many rooms are empty it just makes sense to fill them however. “Let me know if you need anything.”

  I jog up to my room, trying to work out this aggression I feel building. Part of me wants to make a pit stop to throw some punches at a bag in the gym but I don’t have time. I flip on the shower and step in after pulling my shorts off. I turn the water up to scalding hot, just enough to hurt without doing any serious damage. That’s when I notice the pink bottles sitting in my shower.

  I pick one up and as soon as I open it it’s like Lilith is in the shower with me. My dick starts to harden as I sniff it greedily. Lilith had to have put this in here, I joked about it but haven’t time. I pour a little into my palm and begin to stroke myself. My thoughts wander to seeing my beautiful Lily on her knees today. The way her perfect lips wrapped around my cock while she gave me the hottest blow job I’ve ever had. I could tell she was nervous and a little inexperienced but fuck, she’s so beautiful. I’ll never forget the visual of her in that lace bustier, her school uniform skirt and tie, on her knees with my hand fisted in her hair. The way she swallowed all my cum and licked my dick clean. I groan as I cum all over my hand, her scent filling the shower and my soul, where she lives now. I lean my head against the cool marble of the shower wall while my pulse slows.

  “The fuck you doing, dude?” Lev barges into my bathroom. “And why does it smell like hood rat in here?”

  “Do you mind?” I start scrubbing my hair.

  “Sure don’t.” He leans against the counter all nonchalant. The pitfall of your best friend being an athlete, walking through a locker room of swinging dicks doesn’t bother him so bugging me while I shower is nothing either. “Hurry up. I’m hungry.” He’s always fucking hungry. “And seriously, why does it smell like hood rat in here? You using her shampoo?”

  I hate that he gets close enough to her that he knows how she smells, too. I really fucking do. My ugly, green demon of jealousy is hammering at the walls of my gut. I rip the towel the off the rack and tie it around my waist, cutting a glare in Lev’s direction. A weaker man would run away. Lev meets my glare head on.

  “You need to calm the fuck down,” he pats my cheek.

  “I know.” I clench my jaw so hard I swear I feel my teeth crack.

  “Want me to grab Ives and bring her in for some yoga breathing exercises?”

  Another death glare.

  “Dude. Okay, remember that she’s known Zion since they were kids and if anything was ever going to happen between them it would have already.” He pushes away from the counter and slaps my ass. “Now. Hurry up and stop being all dark and broody. I want to have a fun dinner and learn all about how embarrassing hood rat was as a kid.”

  Ten minutes later I’m down in Victor’s office.

  “Can we use the chopper this weekend?” I ask from the doorway.

  He looks up from some papers he’s shuffling around. “Of course. Why?”

  “I’m thinking about taking everyone to the city for the weekend for Lilith’s birthday.”

  “I’m fine with it. Staying at your penthouse at VI?”


  “Follow safety protocol while you are in the city. Michael has a team up and running.” He cocks his head to the side. “You should run this by him before you say anything to anyone else though. He’s still in his office.”

  “That was going to be my next step.”

  After I get Michael’s okay, which I’m pretty sure he only gave because Zion was going, I head out to the foyer. Lev and Zion are talking sports in the corner and Lilith, Griff, and Ivy are off talking about some assignment they all have.

  “Who wants to go to the city this weekend?” I ask as I walk in. “Victor and Michael are both d
own with us going tomorrow after school.” I point at Lev, “You can meet us after your game in Hartford.”

  “Hell yeah,” Lev booms. “Have either of you ever been to New York?” He glances back and forth between Lilith and Zion.

  “I had dinner there when we first moved here. Z hasn’t ever been though.”

  “Ready for dinner?” Michael asks as he and Victor round the corner from where their offices are.

  * * *

  “Ready for the weekend?” I hold my arm out for Lilith and she tucks in beside me.

  “Yeah, thanks for this. I’m excited and I know Z is too.” Her arm wraps around my waist and squeezes.

  I stop and pull her to me for a kiss. “Me too.”

  “Where are Ivy and Griff?”

  “Meeting us at the airport.” I look over her shoulder at Zion. “You guys all set?”

  “Yep.” He nods.

  I still can’t figure out how he feels about me. I sat beside him at dinner and managed to keep myself in check. Mostly. I may have growled once or twice when he was twirling her hair around his finger. I might have slammed my water glass down on the table when he kissed her on the cheek. I’m only fucking human though, and a possessive as fuck one at that.

  We did learn that Lilith was born in a hospital parking lot, Michael enjoyed sharing that story. Watching him with Lilith and Zion you could see how they formed a unit. It makes me wonder what she’s like around Zion’s family.

  Apparently she also went through a stage where she’d break out into Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston songs at the drop of a hat. She didn’t like sauce on pizza when she was little and she hates all condiments except ranch. I soaked in every little detail like a sponge, hungry for every drop of knowledge about her.

  I let Zion take the front seat of the town car Victor called for us for selfless reasons obviously. The dude is tall. It definitely had nothing to do with keeping Lilith to myself.

  Nope. Not at all.

  “What’s the plan?” Lilith looks over at me, her Caribbean blue eyes looking even more stunning with sun filtering through the windows.

  “We’ll just chill around the penthouse tonight. Order dinner when Levi gets in. Then tomorrow we can do whatever you and Zion want to do.”

  “Gonna play tourist with us?” She jokes.

  “Yep.” I emphasize the p. “Tomorrow night I reserved the VIP section at a nightclub. You’ll be able to dance without worrying about someone bumping into your back.”

  She links her fingers with mine and squeezes. She doesn’t let go until an hour and a half later when we’re getting off the helicopter and I kiss her knuckles. We grab our bags and I lead everyone down two flights of stairs to the level my penthouse is on.

  I open my door, one of two on this level. The other belongs to my uncle who is rarely around. I flip the lights on and look over to check everyone’s reactions. Griff and Ivy aren’t phased, I know both their families have even nicer apartments than this in the city. I don’t miss Zion and Lilith’s shared raised eyebrows glance.

  “This is your apartment?” Lilith twirls her finger around.

  “Yes. Mine as long as I want it. Victor has the full level above. My uncle is across the hall.” I answer, swinging the key ring around my finger.

  “Nothing for Claire?” She arches an eyebrow at me.

  “When she’s 18 she’ll have her own place in the company and the building.” I nod. “My room is on that end,” I point down a short hall to the left. “The other three bedrooms are down the hall to the right.” I pick up Lilith’s and my bags and carry them into my bedroom.

  “That’s kind of presumptuous don’t you think?” Lilith stands in the doorway with a smirk. “Maybe I want to stay with Zion or Ivy.”

  I turn to her. “No.”

  “No?” She rolls her eyes, readying for a verbal sparring match as she walks to me.

  “No.” I shake my head. “I want you in my bed for the next two nights.” I grab her hips when she reaches me and pull her flush against me. “Nothing has to happen I just want to be close to you. To hold you.”

  Who am I and what happened to my balls?

  “Connor,” she grins, “you are losing all your dickhead street cred.”

  “I know.” I kiss her. “What the fuck are you doing to me, Lily?” I whisper against her lips.

  “Lil!” Ivy calls from the living room, breaking our moment.

  “Coming!” Lilith calls over her shoulder.

  “You will be tonight.” I smirk when she pushes my shoulder. “I’ll unpack the bags. You go relax. The fridge is stocked.”

  I join everyone in the living room after I get things put away in my closet. I was glad to see Lilith packed a sexy little dress, it’ll be perfect for tomorrow night.

  “Lev said he’ll be here in about an hour. The game just ended.” Griff says standing in front of the window, looking at the twinkling lights of the city. “We should probably go ahead and order dinner.”

  “Yeah, he’ll be starving by the time he gets here.” Ivy adds.

  Levi walks in the lobby right as I meet the Uber Eats delivery driver.

  “Hell yes!” Levi exclaims like an excited puppy. “Perfect timing.”

  “Did we win?”

  “Of course.” He scoffs. “What’s the plan for tonight?”

  “Just hanging out. I called Grant and reserved the VIP section at Indigo tomorrow night.”

  “Sweet. I haven’t seen Grant in months.”

  “Yeah, should be a good time.” I say as we walk through the front door.

  I set the bags of thai out on the counter and call everyone over. Lilith helps me clean up when we’re done eating. While everyone is out in the living picking a movie and claiming a spot on the couches I back her up against the kitchen island.

  “I like having you here in my space like this.” I kiss the soft skin of her neck while my hands trail under her shirt.

  “Clearly.” She arches against me and presses her lips to mine. Her sweet tongue sweeps into my mouth. She pulls back a little and looks up nervously . “Do you want to skip the movie and go to bed?”

  Is she suggesting what I think she is?

  “Are you…” I trail off. I don’t want to be crude and ask if she means she wants to fuck but I also can’t turn in my man card and say ‘make love’ like some pussy. “Do you…”

  “I’m ready, Connor. I want this. I want you. I trust you.” She presses sweet kisses against my lips between each statement.

  My dick is instantly at attention but my heart feels like it’s going to explode out of my chest. I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear that I have her trust. I take a shuddering breath to collect myself. I really want to throw her over my shoulder and beat my chest like a cave man but I want to be respectful here. Her best friend is out in the living room and honestly he could take me in a fight, though I’ll never admit it.

  I slide my hand in her’s and walk into the living room, hiding my erection behind her. “We’re actually pretty tired. I think we’re just going to head to bed.” I keep my voice level. I don’t know why I’m getting nervous, I’m not the one having sex for the first time. Levi and Griff both give me knowing looks and something passes between Lilith and Zion.

  We walk into my bedroom holding hands and then she turns to me. She bites her lip and smiles shyly. She looks as nervous as I am when I step toward her. The lights are all off in the room but the blinds are open so she’s backlit by the city lights. Her hair looks more gold in this light as it falls down her back in soft waves.

  I tilt her head back and kiss her slowly and deeply while my hands tangle in her hair. I pull back a little and rub our noses together gently. “If you want to stop at any point or if something I do doesn’t feel good, tell me.” I bend a little so I can look in her eyes. “Okay?”

  “Okay.” She raises on her tiptoes and kisses me again, her arms winding around my neck.

  I pull her sweater over her head and have to take a s
econd when I realize she’s not wearing a bra. I watch her face as I drag my fingertips over her sides, up her ribcage and then fill my hands with her breasts. Her gaze goes hooded when I take her hardened nipple in my mouth and nip it.

  She tugs at my shirt so I pull away just long enough to toss it over my head before lavishing more attention on her perfect tits. I reach down and drag her leggings and panties off, helping her step out of them until she’s standing perfectly naked in front of me.

  “You are really beautiful, Lily.” I walk her back to the bed and settle between her thighs as she lies down. My hands shake as they tease her wet folds. I dip a finger inside her, loving the whole body quiver she gives me, and then drag the evidence of her desire up and over her clit. Her hips arch off the bed, seeking constant connection with me and I kiss her deeply again.

  She reaches down and unbuttons my jeans, working them down my hips even as I work her into her first climax. Her hand dips inside my boxer briefs and wraps around my cock, making me gasp in pleasure. Then she starts slowly pumping her fist up and down my length. I grab her hand to stop her before I embarrass myself and come in my pants like a preteen.

  “Is that not okay?” She asks hesitantly.

  “Any other time it’s good. I just want to make this about you. Good for you.”

  “Are you nervous?” She grabs the hand that isn’t buried in her cunt. “Because you’re shaking.”

  “I’m not nervous.”


  She looks up at me dubiously.

  “Okay, maybe I’m a little nervous. I’ve never done this with a virgin before.”

  “Even your first time?” She sounds surprised.

  Definitely not.

  “We can talk about that later.” I quiet her down by trailing kisses from her jaw, to the valley of her breasts, down her stomach, straight to her pretty little pussy. I alternate between licking and sucking her clit until I feel her second orgasm crash through her.


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