Sugar Creek 4: Prim's Silver Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Sugar Creek 4: Prim's Silver Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Becca Van

  He reached out and took her hand in his, and tried to offer her comfort. When she didn’t pull away, he felt a little of his tension ease. “Come and sit down, Prim, and we’ll explain.”

  He led her to the sofa this time and after seeing her seated, he sat down beside her. Ed sat on her other side and Barrett knelt down in front of her. He glanced at his brothers and cleared his throat nervously before meeting her gaze again.

  “We’re werewolves, Primrose, and you are our mate.”

  He watched her closely, but he began to worry when she didn’t react. Her face was totally expressionless and she looked like she was holding her breath. But then her eyes narrowed with anger and she snatched her hand from his. She pushed to her feet and walked toward the front door, and after pulling it open, she turned to glare at them.

  “Please leave.”

  Palmer stood up and Ed did, too, but his younger brother stayed where he was and gave a slight shake of his head.

  And then Barrett began talking. “I ran out in front of your car by accident, but I watched you push your car from the middle of the road and when you started walking, I followed you to make sure you were all right. I didn’t mean to frighten you, but I couldn’t very well change in front of you and show you my human side. I would have been naked and didn’t want to scare you anymore than you already were.

  “I didn’t consciously set out to follow you back to your car or lick the skin on your leg, but my wolf was taking over and it took me a while to get him back under control. I smelt your scent when I darted out in front of your car and knew in that instant that you belonged to me and my brothers.”

  Primrose stared at him and then covered her mouth with her hand, and after a few moments, she closed the door and walked over to the armchair on shaky legs before sinking down into the seat.

  “A–Are y–you r–really…”

  “Show her, Barrett,” Palmer commanded.

  Barrett nodded, rose to his feet, and then he ripped his shirt up over his head. He heard Prim gasp and then he watched as her eyes looked his brother over. When Barrett undid his jeans and pushed them down, their mate shifted in her seat and moaned softly.

  Palmer needed to be closer to her in case she became frightened when Barrett changed. He walked over to her, lifted her from the chair, sat down again, and brought her onto his lap. When he felt her shaking he inhaled deeply and was pleased that he only smelled arousal and not fear. That had to be a good omen. He just hoped that Prim would want to be with them as much as he and his brothers wanted to be with her.

  “Watch Barrett, sugar, but just remember we would never hurt you,” Palmer said quietly.

  Barrett sank down to his knees and let the change take over. He did it slower than he normally would so that their mate could see what happened when they called their wolves forward. He was used to the sounds of breaking bones and the sight of shifting muscles, but he guessed it was a little scary for someone who never even realized that werewolves had existed beyond a few minutes. Prim tensed and when he wrapped his arms around her waist, she gripped his forearms, the tips of her nails digging into his skin.

  “I–It’s true. I–It was y–you.”

  Barrett nodded his head and walked closer to them, one slow step at a time. And then Primrose surprised the hell out of him when she lifted her hands from his arm and reached out toward his brother. She sank her fingers into the fur of his neck and then lifted his brother’s wolf head up as she leaned down.

  “My God, you are so beautiful. Your fur is the same color as your hair and it’s so damn soft.” She released his fur and then scratched behind his ears, earning a groan from Barrett’s wolf. Prim leaned over and rubbed her cheek against the top of Barrett’s head, and whimpered when she inhaled. She released him and sat up straight, and then pointed at Barrett. “Change back.”

  Barrett changed back and Prim licked her lips as she studied his brother’s body. The smell of her arousal grew stronger as she stared at his hard cock and she shifted on Palmer’s lap, squashing his hard dick with her ass.

  Palmer nuzzled the side of her neck and inhaled deeply. When his canine teeth dropped as if his wolf was preparing to mark her, he shifted back, away from her neck, but he couldn’t help breathing in her delectable vanilla-and-cinnamon perfume again and again and again. It was a struggle to get control of his beast, but he was able to in the end. But there was something he wanted more at that moment than staking a claim on their woman. He wanted a taste of her and he wanted it now.

  He ignored Barrett as he got dressed again and Ed as he sat staring at him with a frown on his face. Palmer cupped her cheek, brought her head around to his, and without giving her any warning, slanted his mouth over hers. He’d expected her to withdraw or push him away but yet again, he was surprised by Primrose’s actions. She shifted on his lap, reached up and threaded her fingers into his hair, and pulled his mouth firmer against hers.

  She moaned and opened her mouth and kissed him back just as rapaciously. His tongue rubbed along hers, before twirling around it as their muscles dueled for supremacy. He groaned into her mouth and when he applied pressure to her tongue, he was pleased when she acquiesced to his dominance. She tasted so damn good, so damn right, he wanted to go on kissing her for the rest of his life. He pushed his hands up beneath her shirt and held one hip while caressing the soft, warm skin of her belly with the other.

  Their mouths mated with a gluttonous need like he’d never experienced before, and he knew that making love to his mate would blow his mind. When his canines once more elongated and his wolf began pushing, he knew it was time to stop before he lost the little control he had.

  Palmer slowed the kiss until he was sipping at her lips and then finally lifted his mouth from hers. She looked so fucking sexy with her red, kiss-swollen lips, flushed face, and passion-glazed eyes, and he once again found himself nuzzling her neck with his nose before he licked her skin.

  “Palmer.” Barrett’s voice drew him back from the brink just in the nick of time. His mouth was already open and he was just about to bite into Prim’s neck.

  “Oh God,” Prim panted before pushing from his lap and stumbling a few steps away. “What are you doing to me? Why do you smell so good?”

  “It’s the mating musk,” Ed answered in a voice Palmer had never heard before. It was lot deeper and huskier than usual and from the look of his changing eyes, he was having as much trouble keeping his wolf at bay as Palmer was.

  “Mating musk?” Prim asked.

  Barrett cleared his throat and held his hand out to Primrose. She eyed his brother’s hand warily, but then she moved over and took it in hers. Barrett tugged her down next to him and turned to face her.

  Palmer hoped that she would be willing to mate with them, move in with them so they could get to know one another better, but he wasn’t sure about what she was thinking at all. He wanted to know everything there was to know about her, but most of all, he wanted to know why she was so tired. He had a feeling he wasn’t going to like whatever she told them at all, and that was if she opened up to them from the first, but he didn’t think that was going to happen. Not until she was more comfortable with them and got to know them more intimately on a cerebral as well as emotional level.

  Palmer just hoped that their woman wouldn’t decide to leave. Even if she didn’t make up her mind to accept them being her men, at least she would be here on pack land and give them the chance to court her.

  Having her leave wasn’t an option. He just hoped she didn’t take too long in accepting them, because his wolf was pushing at him hard. He’d never experienced his animal trying to wrest dominance over his human side before with such intent.

  It was going to be hard as fucking hell keeping his beast in line.

  Chapter Three

  Primrose could hardly believe everything they had told and shown her, nor the way she had let Palmer kiss her. She’d been kissed before, but never like that. From the moment his lips had connected with h
ers, she’d been on fire. In fact, she’d been aroused from the moment the three men had walked into Melissa’s house, and that hadn’t happened to her ever before.

  Her body was achy with need and she couldn’t stop inhaling their wonderful scents. She shivered when she took Barrett’s hand and her pussy leaked more cream. Her nipples were hard beads of desire and aching, and her cunt was dripping wet and clenching at emptiness as if begging to be filled. She’d never felt like this in her whole life and wondered if she was dreaming everything. Seeing Barrett change into a wolf before her very own eyes had been surreal, and even though she couldn’t refute what she’d seen, it was very hard to take in.

  She looked at Barrett when he cleared his throat and was totally entranced by his light-blue eyes.

  “When a werewolf meets his mate, his wolf emits a pheromone to entice her to his side. That’s the scent you keep inhaling.”

  Prim drew in another deep breath and since they were all so close to her, she couldn’t help but smell their musky, piney aroma. And that’s when she realized that they had said “our mate.” She looked at Barrett, and then Palmer and Edison, before asking the question on the tip of her tongue.

  “I’m mate to the three of you?”

  Edison placed his hand on her knee and nodded. “Yes, Primrose, you are mate to all three of us.”

  “How can this be? How is it possible that werewolves even exist? How do you expect me—” Prim tugged her hands free and placed them on her chest above her breasts. “To keep three big men satisfied?”

  She shoved to her feet again and was pleased when they didn’t stop her, and began pacing the living room. She was so tired and didn’t know if she could deal with this on top of everything else. She began to get angry, but tears of emotion pricked the back of her eyes. There was no way she could get involved with one man, let alone three. What was she thinking, letting Palmer kiss her as if she’d known him for longer than a couple of hours, if that? She’d never done something so impulsive in her life.

  Edison got up to his feet and walked toward her. When he was close enough to touch her, he placed his hands on her shoulders and drew her up against his body. It felt so good to be in his arms, and even though she knew she should retreat or push him away, she couldn’t. He caressed his fingers over the tops of her shoulders toward her neck and then he stroked up her skin, causing her body to shudder in reaction to his close proximity, the mating musk, and sheer and utter lust. When his large, warm hands cupped her cheeks, she stared up into his amazing blue eyes and felt as if she was sinking into his soul.

  “You can deny it all you want to, sweetheart, but we can smell your desire. We know you want us as much as we want you. You’ll be ours in the long run, so why fight it?”

  He didn’t give her a chance to reply, because he leant down and started kissing her. She sighed into his mouth when their tongues dueled and danced, sliding and rubbing against each other’s. He tasted so good, like warm male, sex, and coffee.

  Prim had thought her body had been lusting after them before, but it hadn’t, not really. Not until first Palmer, and now Edison had kissed her had she felt such an intense fire. She moaned and leaned against him as her strength waned and she melted from the inside. With every stroke and swirl of his tongue, the ache inside her grew, cream dripping out to soak her panties. She’d never felt like this before and wondered what was happening, but then Ed’s tongue curled around hers, bringing it into his mouth, suckling on it, all thoughts fled.

  Her breasts were so sensitive as they were crushed up against his hard, bulky body and every time he moved his large, muscular frame, it caused a delicious, abrasive friction she wanted more of. Prim moaned and shifted slightly from side to side, trying to appease the throbbing in her nipples.

  She mewled with protest when he slowed the kiss, and whimpered with frustration as he lifted his mouth from hers. When she opened her eyes, it was to find his orbs changing from blue to gold and back again, and the hunger she could see as he looked at her singed her to her bones.

  A hand landed on her hip as Ed released her, and then she was being turned around. She stumbled slightly on shaky legs as her knees nearly gave way, and then she met Barrett’s gaze. At first, she thought he looked angry because the muscles in his face were pulled tight and his stare was so intense, but as she looked deeper and saw his eyes changing color, too, she realized that he was famished for her.

  He lifted his free arm and his hand gripped her throat, but not enough to hurt her or leave a mark. She felt so controlled and had the weirdest urge to lift her chin and expose her throat to him. Prim shivered, eliciting a shudder that ripped through her body, and once again, goose bumps rose up all over her skin, making the fine hairs on her flesh stand up on end.

  Barrett kept his gaze on her as he slowly breached the gap between them, and then he covered her mouth with his. He wasn’t gentle, but he wasn’t rough. He took and plundered, his mouth devouring hers as he held her still for his passion. The fire ignited to a raging inferno and her whole body began to tremble with a need so great she couldn’t stop shaking no matter how hard she tried. His tongue thrust and parried, twined and twisted, weaving a spell around her so acute she felt like she was losing herself, drowning in their scents and their desire as well as her own.

  Prim couldn’t even make herself break the kiss or form any sort of protest when Barrett lifted her up into his arms and began moving. Even her eyelids were too heavy, weighted with arousal, to force open.

  She wasn’t carried far, and she was aware of being lowered to the leather sofa and the increase of their delectable scents, but she didn’t want to ever stop kissing Barrett, nor Palmer and Edison, for that matter.

  Barrett did finally slow the kiss and removed his lips from hers, and when she was able to get her eyes open, their gazes connected and held. She gasped for breath while squirming on the sofa as she tried to rub her body against his.

  “Let us take that ache away for you, baby. Let us show you how good it can be between the four of us.”

  Even though she knew she should probably be shaking her head, she found herself nodding instead. She nearly cried out when Barrett drew back, but then she sighed with relief when his hands pushed her tank top up and he placed one on her belly. Prim had never felt so hot or horny in her life and she needed their touch like she needed her next breath of air. The cushions on either side of her dipped and then hands were tugging at her everywhere. Her tank was pulled over her head and the button on her jean shorts was tugged open. Before she knew it, she was lying on the sofa totally naked, with her ass on the edge of the cushion and her feet on the floor, with Palmer kneeling between her splayed thighs and Barrett and Ed kneeling on either side of him.

  “You smell so good, sugar,” Palmer said, and then inhaled deeply several times. “I have to know how you taste.”

  Palmer hunkered further down on his knees, his hands caressing up the inside of her legs, pushing them open wider. He stared down at her hairless mound for what seemed like forever before he finally lifted his head and met her gaze.

  “You are so fucking sexy, Primrose.”

  And then she was crying out as Palmer licked her pussy from clit to hole, and beyond and back again. “Sweet and juicy,” he said in a deep, growly voice, and then his tongue pushed into her cunt.

  Edison cupped a breast and then started drawing on her nipple with his mouth, laving the tip with his tongue before sucking firmly on it again. Barrett plucked at her other nipple and started kissing her hungrily.

  Prim couldn’t believe the pleasure they were giving her. The slurping, sucking and swallowing noises Palmer made as he ate at her pussy drove her wild. Having three hugely muscular men touching and kissing her all at once was out of this world. She moaned when Palmer licked up through her dripping folds and flicked his tongue rapidly back and forth over her clitoris. It was amazing and wonderful, but still nowhere near enough.

  The ache deep inside was so intense she wanted t
o beg them to fill her in every orifice she had and take it away.

  She whimpered when Palmer rimmed her pussy hole with the tip of his finger and then cried out when he pressed it in. Her cunt muscles clamped down and more juices wept from her vagina. And then he was pressing it in and out as his tongue lapped over her engorged pearl.

  Prim had thought the fire raging inside her had been really hot, but it was nothing compared to the almost violent need coursing through her whole body. Every single muscle in her frame was strung tighter than an armed bowstring, and she realized the sobbing noises she could hear were coming from her own mouth.

  Palmer withdrew his finger and then came back with two. The stretch of her pussy tissue was so good she started arching up into his touch and began rocking her hips to his rhythm.

  Barrett removed his mouth from hers and began sucking and nipping at her neck. “Yes, baby. Let Palmer make you come for him. He’s going to make you feel so good.”

  Primrose groaned and bowed her hips up from the sofa, but then her legs were being lifted up and over Palmer’s shoulders. She opened her eyes to see that Ed was the one who had moved her legs, just before he dove back down to suck on her breasts, alternating from one throbbing nipple to the other.

  The friction of Palmer’s fingers pumping in and out of her wet sheath was so powerful, and the heat so rampant, she was quaking visibly. Her stomach muscles jumped and her pussy clenched as the blaze burned hotter and brighter than ever before. And then she was on the edge of something so phenomenal she couldn’t even draw in a breath. Her mouth opened on a silent scream when her cunt clenched on Palmer’s pistoning fingers and she tilted her head back as the wildest sensations broke over her.

  Her pussy contracted and released, clamped and let go, over and over as cream dripped from her cunt in a continuous stream. Palmer’s growling sent more paroxysms over her as he sucked and gulped her cum before swallowing it down. All three men continued to stroke and caress her, enhancing her euphoria until finally, the last quiver waned and she sunk into the sofa cushion in a fog of replete bliss.


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