Sugar Creek 4: Prim's Silver Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Sugar Creek 4: Prim's Silver Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Becca Van

  “When will I be able to talk to you all using my mind?”

  “Everyone is different, sugar. It takes time for our DNA to adhere to your own. Sometimes the bond is instant and sometimes it takes a few days.”

  Primrose concentrated on her driving, but it was really hard when her body wouldn’t stop responding to his nearness, as well as the mating musk. Her nipples were hard little buds and aching for his, Ed’s, and Barrett’s attention. And that wasn’t the only part of her craving their touch. Her pussy was wet, her clit wouldn’t stop throbbing, and each time she inhaled, the heat in her body just got hotter and hotter.

  “What’s happening to me?” she asked as she squirmed in her seat.

  “It’s the mating heat.” Palmer reached over, placing his hand on her thigh.

  The touch of his hand soothed her arousal to an extent, but it also made the ache deep down inside worse. Her skin felt like it was on fire and began to prickle uncomfortably. Her face felt so hot she wondered if it was bright red.

  “How much further to your place, Prim?” Palmer asked as he stroked his hand up and down her leg.

  It was really hard to reply when all she could envisage was spreading her legs and pushing his hand between them. But she took several deep breaths and tried to ignore the lust traversing her veins. She puffed out a relieved breath when they hit the outskirts of town and slowed to turn along the long stretch of road leading toward her house.

  “Primrose, how long to your house?” he asked again.

  “Five minutes.”

  “Good. Don’t worry, sugar, I’ll relieve that ache as soon as we get inside.”

  “How? You brought other people with you.”

  “Let me worry about that,” Palmer said in a deep, growly voice, and when she glanced over at him, she saw that his jaw was clenched tight and that his eyes were changing color.

  Prim nearly sobbed in relief when she pulled her car in the driveway and turned it off. She didn’t even get the chance to release her seat belt before Palmer was at her door, helping her out. She couldn’t believe how fast he moved. She hadn’t even seen him get out or race around the car.

  She must have blinked, because the next moment they were standing at her front door and Palmer was taking the keys out of her hand. He unlocked the door, grabbed her hand, and tugged her inside, through the entry, living room, and down the hall to her bedroom, before slamming the door closed after them.

  Palmer gripped her waist and lifted her feet from the floor, taking her to her bed and then following her down after placing her on the mattress. His face was inches from hers, but she pushed against his shoulder to stop him.


  “Won’t they hear us? The other men you brought to help pack up my stuff? What if they come in here?”

  “No one would dare to enter your room except Ed and Barrett, sugar, and they’ll be too busy working to worry about what we’re doing.”

  Prim sighed with relief and then tugged at his shirt. She had never felt so frantic in her life and needed to have his hands and mouth on her.

  Palmer bridged the gap between their mouths, slanted his mouth over hers, and devoured her. She sobbed with pleasure and hunger, the ache deep inside making her feel frenetic with her need. His tongue licked and lapped, glided and twirled while his hands pulled at her clothes.

  She tilted her head to the side and gasped in air as she, too, clawed at his clothes to get to his sexy, muscular body. She nearly cried out with denial when he rolled from the bed, but then nearly shouted with joy as he practically tore his clothes off. Prim scrambled up onto her knees and she, too, undressed, struggling to get her jeans off over her feet. Palmer gripped the bottom of her jean legs and pulled, removing them and her panties in one hard tug, before he crawled his way up over her.

  Primrose lay back down and sighed with feverish relief as his hot, naked skin connected with hers. She loved being surrounded by his heat and his scent and knew she would never ever get enough of him or his brothers, but right now, she needed him inside her.

  “Now!” Prim gasped as she spread her legs wider and bowed her hips up into his.

  “Yes! Now!” Palmer rumbled deep in his throat, and then he shifted until his cock was aligned with her dripping cunt and surged in deep with one hard deep thrust.

  “Yes,” Prim sobbed with pleasure as she pushed her fingers into his hair, grabbed hold of his strands, and brought his face down to hers. They kissed rapaciously, teeth clinking together, noses bumping as their tongues dueled and parried.

  He drew his hips back and slammed into her fast, hard, and deep, their mouths eating at each other’s. The friction of his cock sliding in and out of her wet pussy was like a soothing balm to her needy body and her soul, but it still wasn’t enough. She wrapped her legs around his hips, digging the heels of her feet into his ass, and pulled him harder into her every time he plunged forward. The pressure inside her grew higher and the heat became so intense, she wasn’t sure she’d survive it, but each time his cock bumped her cervix, the achy, itching feeling inside her dissipated a little more.

  When he licked over her shoulder, the place where he’d marked and claimed her, goose bumps rose up over her flesh, but the yearning to have his teeth in her was so huge she titled her neck to the side, giving him better access. And then she was crying out as he sank his canines into her at the same time his cock stroked forward.

  Her pussy clamped down on his hard dick before releasing, only to clench down in a tight grip as contractions of rapture swept through and over her whole body. Palmer’s groan joined hers as he, too, found release, his cock twitching and jerking inside her pussy, strengthening her own orgasmic bliss as they came together.

  When the last aftershock waned, Palmer bathed the bite on her shoulder with his tongue before he lifted his head and stared down into her eyes. In that moment, she felt so connected to him and her heart filled with love and joy. Tears of emotion filled her eyes and trickled down over her face.

  He smiled at her gently and then wiped the moisture from her face with his thumbs. “I love you, sugar. We had almost given up hope of ever meeting our mate. You’ve filled my heart and soul when I didn’t even know there was something missing.”

  “I love you, too.” Prim cupped his face between both her hands before leaning up and kissing him lightly but reverently on the mouth.

  Palmer hugged her close for a few moments before easing his softening cock from her body and rolling off the bed and onto his feet. “I’d better get out there and help before Ed and Barrett start complaining.”

  Prim sat up and then she, too, stood up. She looked toward the door and scraped her teeth over her bottom lip, feeling a little guilty that her other two mates hadn’t been able to join in their lovemaking.

  Palmer yanked lightly on her hair to get her attention. “Don’t feel guilty about spending time with us individually, mate. There will be times when we will want you to ourselves and all together. We don’t feel jealousy toward each other, so you have no need to feel remorseful. Besides, I’m sure that those two will want to make love with you, too, before the day is over.”

  Prim nodded and smiled, feeling better that there was no envy between her mates. Plus, she felt Ed and Barrett pushing love and acceptance her way.

  “Go take a shower, sugar, and come on out when you’re ready.” Palmer caressed her cheek with his thumb, smiled softly at her, and then kissed her lightly on the lips before exiting the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

  Prim rushed into the bathroom to clean up, and when she was once more dressed, she started emptying out cupboards, drawers, and closets. She didn’t have much in the way of furniture and things, so hopefully it wouldn’t take too long to pack everything up.

  Once she was finished in the bedroom, she headed out to help her mates and the other men.

  “Wow,” Prim said as she wandered from room to room and saw that everything was already done. “You guys work fast.”

p; Barrett moved to her side, wrapped an arm around her waist, and pulled her against his side. “Primrose, this is Sinclair and Michael Avero. They are Chase and Tony Avero’s cousins who are mated with Sara.”

  “Hi.” Primrose nodded at both men before continuing on. “Thank you so much for helping out. I really appreciate it.”

  “You’re welcome, honey,” Sinclair said with a smile.

  “No problem, sweetie,” Michael said, before he and Sinclair picked up the last two boxes in the living room and carried them out.

  She turned to Barrett. “I have everything in the bedroom packed up and ready to go, but I need some help dismantling the bed.”

  “Sure, baby, let’s go.”

  Prim looked around her house for the last time and sighed tiredly. The place was completely empty and smelled fresh since she’d cleaned everything. She turned to face Edison as he came back inside and stood watching her from the doorway.

  “Are you ready to go, honey?”


  “Do you need to take the house keys back to your landlord?”

  “No, I have to slide them back under the door after locking up.”

  “Why don’t you go and hop in the car and let me do the honors, honey. You look beat.”

  “I’m not tired, just a little sad,” Prim said as she handed the keys over to him. “I really liked living in this place, at first. I made those garden beds and planted all those bushes and flowers.” She pointed to them as Ed locked the door.

  All of a sudden, he stilled and sniffed the air. He walked down the steps of her porch, got down on his hands and knees and then he reached out and tugged on what looked like a small, slatted doorway.

  “What are you doing?” Prim walked down the steps and came up behind him.

  “Someone’s been in here.” Ed reached into the hole and when he brought his hand back out, he was holding a small branch with dead leaves on it. He lifted the branch to his nose and inhaled deeply. “I think this is where your tormenter has been hiding, and if my guess it right, he was using this to wipe away any footprints.”

  Prim covered her mouth with her hand and backed away.

  Ed rose to his feet after tossing the branch away. “Don’t be scared, honey. That fucker won’t be able to get to you with us around.”

  “It makes me mad to know that I wasn’t imagining things and that the police thought I was nuts.”

  “We’ll keep you safe, honey.”

  “Thank you.” She sighed and looked at her flowers for the last time.

  He glanced to where she had pointed out her garden and then rubbed a hand over her shoulder and down her arm. “You can plant things at our place, Prim. We never really had the time or the inclination to do gardening around the cabin.”

  After pushing the keys back under the door, he guided her to her car, and after seating her in the passenger seat, he walked around and got into the driver’s seat.

  “I needed a little alone time with you, too, honey.” Ed leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before he started her car and backed out of the driveway.

  “I can’t wait to have you living with us, Primrose. We’ve waited a long time to have you in our lives.”

  Chapter Ten

  Ed inhaled Prim’s vanilla-and-cinnamon scent and glanced over to her often as he drove her car back toward pack land and their home. It had been really hard to stay out of her bedroom when Palmer had made love to her, since he had wanted to do the same thing, and from the bulge in Barrett’s jeans, his brother had been in the same condition. But with Sinclair and Michael in her house helping to pack up her things, he hadn’t wanted to leave them to do everything themselves while he and his brothers had made love to their mate and eased her mating heat.

  His wolf was riding him again hard to mark and claim her, and from the way she had started wriggling in her seat and panting, the heat was upon her again. He’d heard about mating heat when the other newly mated wolves had talked about it amongst themselves, and of course he had heard about it from their elders, but until he’d seen and felt the effects of it for himself, he’d been skeptical.

  The farther they traveled, the more intoxicating her scent became, and when he glanced at her before turning back to the road, he saw that she was staring at him and her cheeks were flushed. His cock was so hard it was throbbing and jerking against his zipper, and it was becoming harder to keep his wolf under control.

  When she whimpered and started scratching at her arms, he knew he had to do something and now. After checking all the mirrors and contacting his brothers through their link, he searched for somewhere he could pull over and be out of view of any passing traffic.

  “Hold on, honey. I’ll take care of you.”

  “Hurry,” Prim panted and squeezed her legs together.

  Ed nearly snarled with relief when he saw a wayside stop just up ahead and after slowing the car, he turned off the road. After parking and turning off the ignition, he flung the door open and started to get out. He was so frantic to get inside his mate that he forgot to take his seat belt off and cursed when it tightened across his body.

  Primrose was out of the car and heading around the front of it before he managed to release the safety belt and stand up. He reached her before she passed the hood, and clasped her waist with his hands and lifted her from the ground. She moaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck and legs around his waist, before their mouths met in a hungry conflagration of lustful passion.

  He lowered her feet back to the ground and tugged at the button on her jeans before pushing them and her panties down to her knees. He broke the kiss and spun her around so that she was facing her car. “Put your hands on the hood, honey.”

  She did as he told, and then the little minx wiggled her bare ass at him and pushed it against his aching cock. He growled and nipped at her neck before opening his jeans and pulling his hard dick out. When he nudged her thighs as far as they could go with her jeans around her knees, he cursed under his breath before he bent over and pushed them down to her ankles. On his way back up, he licked and nipped at her ass cheeks, and then he straightened even more before running his cock through the juices dripping from her pussy.

  She tried to get his cock inside her, but he wasn’t about to give her control. His wolf was pushing at him to mark and claim her again, and if she tried to wrest dominance from him right now, he was worried he may hurt her if his animal took reign over him.

  “Don’t move,” Ed commanded, and thrust into her hard and deep.

  She cried out and for a moment, he feared he may have hurt her, but when she tried to rock her hips and she groaned with frustration as he held her still, he knew he hadn’t.

  Ed savored having her wet heat gripping and rippling around his dick, but he started to move when he couldn’t stay still another moment. He didn’t begin slowly. He couldn’t. He withdrew his aching, throbbing dick out to the tip and then shoved back in as deep as he could.

  He groaned when her cunt rippled around his erection and she covered him in juices. He could tell that she was close because every time he stroked back into her, her internal muscles undulated and contracted around his length.

  Each time he glided his cock back into her, she shoved her hips back at him until their bodies were slapping together and sweat dripped from his face. When he felt his balls harden and draw up closer to his body, and the searing heat at the base of his spine, he knew he wasn’t going to last.

  He shifted one hand from her hip around to her cunt, swiped a finger in her juices, and then started rubbing lightly on her clit. He gathered some of her cum from around his dick as he drew back, and as he surged forward again, he swiped the tip of his finger over her rosette.

  She mewled and pressed back harder against him, silently letting him know she liked having her ass played with, and as he felt her internal muscles tighten up even more, he pushed the tip of his finger into her back entrance.

  Prim cried out as she spread her legs wider
and rocked her hips back into his. His balls heated and the embers smoldering at the base of his spine flamed hotter, moving around to encompass his balls and cock in a searing intensity. He pressed firmer on her clit and caressed her engorged button faster as her walls squeezed around his shuttling cock.

  Just as she screamed as she started to fly, he shoved his finger all the way up her ass and grunted when she clamped down on him. Her muscles quivered and quaked, clamped and released over and over again. He shoved into her three more times and the fiery heat shot up from his balls, along the length of his cock. He nudged her shirt aside with his chin, licked over his previous mating mark and sank his canines into her flesh.

  Her scream cut off with a gasp as her pussy contracted around his dick harder than before. His howl was muted against the skin of her neck and shoulder as he unloaded spume after spume of cum deep inside his mate.

  How long it took Ed to come back to the present, he had no clue, but when he did, it was to find Primrose lying across the hood of her car, her cheek resting on the metal with her eyes closed and a contented smile on her face. He eased his spent, deflating cock from her pussy and after fixing his clothes, he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped her clean. She moaned and jerked as if she was oversensitive and then he helped her to straighten up. When he met her eyes, they were still slightly glazed with passion, but as they gazed at each other, he felt the love she felt for him pouring into him and filling him up with happiness. He helped her fix her clothes and then he pulled her into his arms.

  “I love you, Primrose.”

  She hugged him tighter and rubbed her face against his chest. “I love you, too, Edison.”

  He kissed the top of her head and then eased away before taking her hand in his and leading her back to the car. “Do you feel better now, honey?”

  “Oh yeah.” She smiled and blinked slowly, as if she was getting tired and struggling to keep her eyes open.


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