Sugar Creek 4: Prim's Silver Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Sugar Creek 4: Prim's Silver Wolves (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 15

by Becca Van

  And then she came. Her scream of euphoric completion was muffled by Ed’s dick as her pussy walls snapped closed, opened, and closed again and again, the fire swelling to a burning crescendo that shot flares of heat all through her body and out of the top of her head and the tips of her toes.

  Ed’s dick grew and jerked as cum shot from the tip of his cock over the back of her tongue and down her throat. Primrose gulped down his semen hungrily, not wanting to lose any of his yummy essence.

  Barrett shouted. His cock twitched as he held still deep inside her as he, too, climaxed and filled her with spume after spume of cum.

  Palmer yelled, shoving into her ass twice more, his cock jolting and shuddering as he orgasmed, his convulsing cock boosting her own nirvanic bliss.

  Ed withdrew his softening cock from her mouth, and just as her contractions began to slow, all three of her men licked over their mating marks simultaneously, and then they all bit down into her flesh and claimed her again.

  Prim’s mouth opened on a silent scream as her body once more shot back up into the stratosphere of rapturous glory, her body shaking, shivering, quaking, and quivering until she was so weak with repletion she could no longer hold herself up. She flopped down onto Barrett’s chest, closed her eyes, and smiled with surfeit bliss.

  Her men stroked and caressed her all over and she savored being with the loves of her life. She never would have imagined that taking a break from her home because of fear would have led her to finding three exceptionally handsome, sexy, loving mates. But she wouldn’t want to change a thing if she could go back and do it all over again.

  Normal, boring Primrose Costa had found her heart’s and body’s desire, and she wasn’t about to let anyone take them away from her. She would fight with her last breath to stay with her men for many years to come.

  “I love you all, so much,” Prim whispered through their link, and when they pushed theirs back at her, tears of happiness filled her eyes.

  “I love you, baby.” Barrett kissed the top of her head and stroked a hand over her back.

  “I love you, honey.” Ed tipped her face up and kissed her on the lips.

  “I love you, Primrose,” Palmer declared, and then made them both moan as he eased his cock from her ass and got off the bed, before he lifted her up into his arms and carried her toward the bathroom.

  “Hey,” Barrett whined, but smiled at her when she looked back at him over Palmer’s head and winked. She smiled back.

  “You two go and get some more food ready,” Palmer ordered. “Our mate is hungry.”

  Prim sighed with happiness and contentment and inhaled Palmer’s yummy scent. All her men smelled so good, she didn’t think she’d ever be able to get enough of them, but she had lots and lots of wonderful years to try.


  Primrose shifted nervously from foot to foot as she removed her clothes with shaking fingers. Her three mates surrounded her and she was glad, because she wasn’t used to being outside naked, let alone when there were a lot of other people around. Once her clothes had been removed, she shivered more from nerves than the cool night air touching her naked skin.

  “Look at me, sugar,” Palmer demanded.

  Prim met his gaze and felt like she was drowning in his wonderful blue eyes. “I want you to embrace that itchy feeling under your skin. Don’t fight it, sugar, there’s nothing to be scared of, and it won’t hurt. That’s just your wolf wanting out.”

  “Close your eyes and take a deep breath, honey,” Ed said as he moved up against her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

  “That’s it, baby,” Barrett encouraged. “Pull that itchy feeling up and let yourself go.”

  Prim relaxed, and when the itchy, crawly feeling started, she grabbed hold of it and tugged it forward. Ed helped to ease her to her hands and knees, and then she felt the muscles beneath her skin moving, heard the bones in her body cracking, and felt them reshaping, shortening, and lengthening. There was no pain. Not really. It was more of an ache, but it wasn’t unbearable, and when she finally opened her eyes and looked down, she was much closer to the ground than she would normally be, and she was staring at paws instead of feet.

  “You are the sexiest wolf I have ever seen.” Ed nudged her with his nose.

  “Look at that gorgeous coat.” Barrett nipped her ear playfully.

  “Such sexy legs.” Palmer nuzzled her neck. “Are you ready to run, sugar?”


  “Just stay with us, honey, and you’ll be fine,” Ed said. “We’re going to have such fun.”

  “Run, baby,” Barrett commanded.

  Prim took off running and joy filled her heart. She could scarcely believe how much…more everything seemed to be. The plants, flowers, bushes, and trees smelled so much sweeter. She could see everything so clearly and it didn’t make a difference that it was nighttime.

  Her heart beat steadily as she ran and ran and ran, dodging trees, leaping over fallen trunks and branches, all the while her mates nudging and directing her. How long they ran, jumped, and played she had no idea, but by the time they got back to their clothes, she was weary.

  Even though she’d been a werewolf for just on a week, this was the first time she’d let her animal out, because she’d been rather nervous about facing this new side of herself. Her mates hadn’t pushed her and she was grateful they had known she’d needed time to come to terms with things. But it had been so exhilarating and freeing, she couldn’t wait to do it again. Her men were so loving and patient, she knew they were going to have a long and happy life together.

  Primrose hadn’t stood a chance from the moment she laid eyes on that silver wolf, or when those three men had walked into Melissa’s cabin and stared at her with such hunger.

  Prim pulled her clothes back on and when her men were dressed, Palmer took one of her hands in his, Ed took the other, and Barrett walked behind her. They led her straight to the living room and the sofa.

  All three of her men stood in front of her and she smiled at them happily. “That was so awesome. Can we do it again tomorrow?”

  Palmer knelt down in front of her and held her hand and then Ed and Barrett followed him to their knees.

  “We can do that whenever you want to, baby.” Barrett cleared his throat and glanced at his brothers before meeting her gaze again. “I love you, Primrose Costa. Will you marry me?”

  Edison squeezed her hand. “I love you, honey. Will you marry me?”

  Palmer brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it. “If you agree, you will marry me on paper so that you are legally bound to us within the eyes of human law. We are already connected to you deeper than a marriage would ever connect a man and woman, but we want to make sure you’re cared for if anything ever happens to one of us. I love you, Primrose. You’ve brought so much light, love, and joy into our lives. Will you marry me, sugar?”

  Tears filled her eyes and spilled over her cheeks, but she didn’t have to stop and think about her answer, nor did she hesitate. “Yes, I’ll marry you all. You came into my life when I was so alone, when I needed you most. You’ve filled my heart so full of love I can barely contain the joy of meeting every day to share it with you. I love you all so damn much, I ache.”

  Barrett took hold of her left hand when Palmer released it, and then Palmer placed a ring on her finger. Primrose gasped with awe when she looked down at the exquisite diamond on her finger and then she reached out with her hands and tugged each of her men close for a kiss.

  Of course, one kiss wasn’t enough, and she ended up kissing them over and over again. This time when they made love, it was on the rug near the fireplace. There just wasn’t time to make it to the bedroom.




  My name is Becca Van. I live in Australia with my wonderful hubby of many years, as well as my two children.

  I read my first romance, which I found in the school library, a
t the age of thirteen and haven’t stopped reading them since. It is so wonderful to know that love is still alive and strong when there seems to be so much conflict in the world.

  I dreamed of writing my own book one day but, unfortunately, didn’t follow my dream for many years. But once I started I knew writing was what I wanted to continue doing.

  I love to escape from the world and curl up with a good romance, to see how the characters unfold and conflict is dealt with. I have read many books and love all facets of the romance genre, from historical to erotic romance. I am a sucker for a happy ending.

  For all titles by Becca Van, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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