Bridging the Distance_A Kindred Tales Novel

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Bridging the Distance_A Kindred Tales Novel Page 9

by Evangeline Anderson

  As the big Kindred came on command, Lorelei felt another surge of pleasure.

  He did that because of me—for me—I made him come. He’s mine—he belongs to me and I belong to him.

  It was a ridiculous thought—a ridiculous way to feel—but for just that instant when she felt him pulsing in her hand she felt a connection to the big Kindred she could neither ignore or deny.

  * * * * *

  Bound moaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure as he let himself go and came at Lorelei’s command. Pain because it hurt to take such sexual pleasure without his twin, and pleasure because the little Elite was so beautiful, so perfect, and her hand felt so right on his shaft.

  “My Lady,” he gasped and inside he thought, My Lady if only you were doing this for Torn and myself at the same time. If only I could feel the connection of the three of us together—both giving and taking pleasure. If only…

  But he knew he had to keep his hopes to himself. Even when they got Torn back, he couldn’t expect Lorelei to want to be with the two of them. After all, she had said more than once that this was a business relationship they were in. He couldn’t expect her to change her mind just because he wanted her to.

  And yet…her hand on him felt so right. It was almost as though she really did own him—own his heart, anyway. And maybe, in a way, he owned her too. Maybe…

  Slowly he came back to himself and became aware that Lorelei and the Countess were talking.

  “Very nice!” the Countess du’Montrive was saying. “And look—he’s still hard! His shaft hasn’t wilted a bit.”

  “Yes, he’s…pretty amazing like that.” Lorelei sounded surprised herself as she continued to touch him.

  Bound could have told her that Kindred males are multi-orgasmic—the better to bond their females to them by coming deep in their pussies again and again. But he knew it wasn’t his place to talk so he simply stood quietly, enjoying the painful pleasure of Lorelei’s soft little hand still caressing his rock-hard shaft.

  “Well, my dear Gentlewoman Daniels,” the Countess said. “I do believe I shall honor you with the right for to be dining with me and my own slave-mate, Tingor tonight.”

  “We would be, uh, we are being most honored, my Countess,” Lorelei said. “Thank you for your great kindness to us.”

  “You’re being more than welcome, my dear.” Countess du’Montrive smiled at her. “Any gentlewoman who owns such a fine slave-mate must be worthy to be sitting at my table. Come now—we must to being seated in my pod before the vapors of the first course are growing cold.”

  At last Lorelei’s hand left his shaft and Bound felt like he could think again. He tugged down the leather kilt and followed the two of them. But as he went, he couldn’t help wondering where his brother was and how close he might be to them even now, as they prepared to eat before the sale.

  Chapter Eight

  The tall woman who had met them at the door had suddenly reappeared when the Countess had mentioned getting seated in a “pod” whatever that was. Lorelei was still feeling a little breathless and half-ashamed of herself for manhandling Bound in such a public way so she could do nothing but follow along quietly behind the Countess as she stalked along in her high-heeled boots. They left the dark wood-paneled reception hall and passed into a quiet, restaurant-type area carpeted in some kind of red fur which extended from the floor up the walls and even onto the ceiling.

  “Please to be enjoying yourselves. The feast will begin soon.” The tall woman bowed low, eyeing Lorelei with more respect than she’d shown previously, and then disappeared.

  Lorelei looked around at the strange dining area. Sunk deep in the strange dark red fur carpet were little oval shaped areas which contained tables and chairs—none of them very large. Lorelei could see other people sitting in the oval holes in the floor with only the tops of their heads poking up. The sight reminded her of gophers or Meer cats, peeking out of their burrows.

  “Oh, here we go, my dears. This is being my pod! Come for to be sitting with me!” the Countess exclaimed. She was leading them to a larger, more luxurious oval opening—about twice as big as the others—which was in the very center of the room.

  The moment they reached it, her slave-mate, whom she had called “Tingor,” hopped down into the hole and then reached for her. With no trouble at all, he lifted the Countess smoothly down into the pod and waited until she got settled before sitting himself.

  “Well now, Gentlewoman Daniels,” the Countess called, her tall top hat and long white plumes bobbling well above the level of the floor. “Do be coming down.”

  Lorelei looked up at Bound a little apprehensively. She knew he was strong but she wasn’t exactly skinny. Would he be able to lift her as easily as Tingor had lifted the Countess?

  Then she remembered the way he’d held Bob the repo guy easily over his head with one hand and felt a surge of relief. They would probably be okay.

  It turned out she was right—the big Kindred lifted her as easily as if she was light as a feather and placed her carefully beside the Countess, as though she was made of china and might break if he wasn’t careful. Then he seated himself beside her and waited, respectfully, being absolutely silent, as was the Countess’s slave-mate.

  Lorelei was trying to think of a graceful way to start a conversation about the upcoming sale and find out about bidding when two male servants came and started handing dishes down into the oval pod. Tingor took his and the Countess’s, making certain to place hers directly in front of her before he got his own. Bound did the same for Lorelei and soon they all had a dish sitting before them.

  Lorelei examined hers with great interest and some trepidation. The dishes were silver and round on the bottom—completely enclosed so she couldn’t see what kind of food they held. Each had a narrow, fluted top which ended in a little spout rising from the very tip. The spouts all had a kind of cork in them and the rounded sides of the dish were covered in padded, patterned fabric in blue and gold and green.

  “Ah, the vapor course! My favorite!” Countess du’Montrive clapped her hands excitedly. “Well, my dears—let us be getting started.”

  She picked up a strange, tapered silver instrument that looked like a sharpened chop-stick and stabbed it into the cork at the top of her vessel. With a flourish, she pulled it out. At once, a rush of steam escaped from the fluted spout. Eagerly, almost greedily, the Countess leaned over the spout and began taking deep, gulping breaths of the vapor rising from her rounded dish.

  Lorelei looked at Bound who shrugged. Apparently they were supposed to do the same thing. Finding her own sharpened chop-stick, Lorelei stabbed the cork at the top of her spout and, with a twist, pulled it out. Then, uncertain what she might smell, she leaned over and took a whiff of the steam rising from inside.

  “Mmm! Fresh-baked bread!” she exclaimed as the delectable scent hit her nose.

  “I do be begging your pardon?” the Countess asked, looking up from her own spout with a quizzical look on her face.

  “Excuse me,” Lorelei said quickly. “It’s just—this smells like something from my home. A delicious dish I almost never get to eat,” she added sadly, thinking of how she’d been depriving herself of carbs for pretty much forever in a failed attempt to lose weight. Not that it ever helps, pointed out a little voice in her brain. She could shun bread for the next two decades of her life and still be a size twenty.

  “Well, I am being so glad that you are enjoying our vapor course, my dear.” The Countess smiled at her. “Do please, continue to smell your fill.”

  Forget smelling, I want to eat some!

  Surreptitiously, Lorelei felt the bottom of her rounded dish, trying to find a way to open it. But though she felt everywhere, even under the padding where the hot part of the dish burned her fingers, she couldn’t find a seam.

  At last, she gave up and leaned over to sniff some more. This time she smelled something like fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies. God, the smells this little vapor dish put ou
t just got better and better! It was kind of maddening not to be able to open it and eat any of the amazing food she could smell inside.

  Next she smelled something that was warm and salty and vaguely like roasted turkey and then something like hot cinnamon rolls. All of it was amazing but it made her mouth water and her stomach rumble in vain because she couldn’t get to any of it. Were they ever going to get served any real food?

  As if to answer her question, the two male servants came again and lifted away the still-steaming dishes. In their place, they lowered a huge, perfectly round, deep-dished vessel which they placed in the center of the table with Tingor’s help.

  “Ah, and now we are having the main dish,” the Countess exclaimed. “Please to be enjoying this local delicacy—Fish Eye Pie.”

  “Wow—it looks, so uh, amazing,” Lorelei murmured weakly, staring at the strange creation in front of them.

  The pie plate, which was as big as an extra large pizza pan, was filled to the brim with some kind of flaky pastry which looked delicious. However, sticking out of the crust at intervals were large fish heads, their silvery eyes staring blankly into space.

  Lorelei felt entirely let down. After all the amazing smells they had been temped with during the vapor course now they got this to eat? Fish Eye Pie? Really?

  “Well? Do please to be digging in, my dear,” the Countess du’Montrive exclaimed.

  “Oh, I…I couldn’t eat before you, my Countess,” Lorelei said quickly. “Where I come from, it’s considered extremely rude to eat before the hostess.”

  “Is that right?” The Countess looked interested. “I had no idea there were such strict rules in Haska! Still, I would not be wishing to make you for to be feeling uncomfortable. Tingor.” She nodded at her slave-mate. “Please to be dishing us up a wonderful piece of this Fish Eye Pie.”

  “Yes, My Lady.” Her slave-mate bowed his head submissively and picked up a large utensil which had come with the pie. It looked like a cross between a knife and a pie-server. Deftly, he cut a large wedge of the pie, making sure to get one with an especially large fish head, and deposited it neatly on the triangular plate in front of the Countess du’Montrive.

  Then, before Lorelei could stop him, he did the same for her before serving Bound and then himself last.

  Well, this is what I get for trying to get out of eating this stuff, she thought, looking down at the perfectly huge fish head which seemed to be staring up at her reproachfully. If I would have gone first, I might have been able to just take a little piece without a fish head in it.

  But it was too late for regrets—now she was stuck with a giant fish head. How was she going to go about eating it? Or at least, pretending to eat it?

  An old song she’d heard somewhere when she was a kid started playing in her head. Fish heads, fish heads, roly-poly fish heads! Fish heads, fish heads, eat ‘em up—Yum! Fish heads, fish head, roly-poly fish heads…

  Okay, that’s enough Lorelei. Time to get serious—what are you going to do?

  She looked at the flaky crust—that part might not be so bad but the filling of the pie smelled extremely fishy—like salmon that had been sitting out in the sun all day. Ugh.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as the Countess picked up the sharpened chop-stick again—apparently it was a multipurpose tool—and speared her own shiny silver eye.

  “Ah, such a delicacy!” she exclaimed and popped the slimy thing into her mouth, chewing with gusto. Then she looked at Lorelei expectantly. “Do be trying it, my dear. We do not wish to be giving offense to the chef, after all.”

  Or to the hostess either, I’m guessing, Lorelei thought grimly. God, when she’d agreed to go on this mission with Bound, she’d never expected she would have to eat fish eyes! Then she remembered how she’d promised that she would do everything she could to get Torn back. It couldn’t all be fun and naughty sex games—she was going to have to suck it up and eat the pie.

  More specifically, the eye in the pie, whispered a little voice in her head. That roly-poly fish head is going in your mouth, one way or another, Lorelei.

  Feeling sick to her stomach, Lorelei picked up her own sharpened chop-stick and stabbed at the silver eye staring up from her plate. It squished as she speared it and for a moment, Lorelei was absolutely positive she was going to be sick. She thought of claiming a seafood allergy and then told herself not to be such a coward. She was just going to have to eat the damn eye.

  Taking a deep breath to nerve herself up, she opened her mouth, popped in the eye, and chewed as fast as she could.

  That, of course, was a mistake. Lorelei realized after the first squishy bite, when the eye popped in her mouth like an overripe grape, that she should have tried to swallow it whole, without chewing at all. A disgusting fishy flavor filled her mouth and spread over her tongue, making her want to gag.

  “Swallow, My Lady. Quickly,” she heard Bound murmur from beside her. “Get it down—hurry!”

  Gulping, she did as he said, wishing with all her heart for a big glass of water. But there was no liquid on the table.

  Except what’s oozing out of the Fish Eye Pie, whispered a little voice in her head. Oh God, now she really was going to be sick!

  “Isn’t it lovely?” the Countess du’Montrive asked, beaming at her as she tore into the rest of her pie. “It is being quite the best thing on our menu here at the Fren and Chulk.”

  If that was so, Lorelei thought, she would hate to see the rest of the menu! Just as she was sure she was about to gag, the servants came back, this time bearing trays of tiny, thimble-sized glasses all filled with dark brown liquid.

  “Here we are, here, we are—the tingle and burn course,” the Countess exclaimed, reaching for a glass and then passing it to her right. Tingor, her slave-mate, took it from her and passed it to his right. At the same time, the Countess took another glass from the tray the servant was holding down into the pit-like dining pod and passed it to Lorelei on her left.

  Though Lorelei wanted to chug the liquid in the worst way—anything to get the awful, slimy, fishy taste out of her mouth—she sensed this wasn’t the right thing to do. Carefully, she passed the tiny glass to Bound, on her left, just as he passed her a glass that Tingor had passed to him from the right. And while this was going on, the Countess was taking yet another tiny glass from the tray and passing it to Tingor again.

  This went on until all of them had a tiny glass of brown liquid in each hand. Then the Countess nodded at the servants, who disappeared as suddenly as they had come.

  “To new guests and a successful sale for all,” she said, raising both her little glasses in a toast. Then she brought one of the tiny glasses to her lips and took the smallest sip possible.

  Lorelei echoed the words and then she couldn’t wait anymore. Feeling like she was going to be sick if she didn’t get the fishy taste out of her mouth, she brought the first little glass to her lips and poured its dark brown contents down her throat.

  A lovely, cool, tingling sensation filled her mouth—like a burst of sparkling, minty, fizzy water which almost completely eradicated the awful fish taste. It was such a relief that Lorelei lifted the other little glass to her lips, certain that one more drink of the brown liquid would finally banish the rotten fish-eye flavor forever.

  “Oh my dear,” the Countess said, just as she was tipping the second thimble-sized glass into her mouth. “I don’t know that I would be doing that if I were you. There is a reason this particular drink is called tingle and burn.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry if I offended you, my Countess,” she began. “It’s just so delicious I…I…” But she couldn’t say anything else because her tongue and indeed, the entire inside of her mouth had suddenly, ominously gone completely numb.

  What in the world? Am I having a stroke? Lorelei wondered, bewildered. What’s going—

  The thought ended as abruptly as the numbness because suddenly her mouth was on fire.

  “Ahh!” gasped Lorelei, unable to
help herself. The pain was intense—it literally felt like the inside of her mouth was being seared with a blowtorch.

  “Oh my goodness! Oh, my dear!” The Countess du’Montrive looked genuinely upset and worried. “Are you being all right?”

  “Burns,” Lorelei managed to get out. “It burns.” Beside her, Bound looked extremely worried.

  “My Lady?” he asked, putting a hand on her arm. “Is there anything I can do for you? Let me help you—what can I do?”

  “Don’t…know,” Lorelei gasped. Breathing out hurt but breathing in was even more painful. With each breath she took it felt like someone was shooting flames down her throat and straight into her stomach. “Burns,” she gasped again.

  The Countess wrung her hands.

  “I imagine it does. I have never been seeing anyone drink that much tingle and burn at once. Oh my dear, I should have been warning you—I am so sorry.”

  “Do you have…any milk?” Lorelei panted. Her eyes were running and her whole face felt hot. She had never been much of a hot sauce eater but she knew from watching her older brother do those stupid hot pepper challenges with his friends that milk was supposed to coat your mouth and throat and ease the stinging.

  “Mi-lek?” The Countess du’Montrive fluttered her hands helplessly. “Is that a food from the Haska region?”

  “Something sweet, my Countess,” Bound said urgently. “If there is something sweet that My Lady could eat or drink, that might cool the burning.”

  “Oh yes, of course! Servants!” The Countess stood up on her seat and clapped her hands together until the two serving males came running.

  “Yes, my Countess?” one asked. “What can we be doing for you?”

  “My new friend here, Gentlewoman Daniels of Haska has been having too much tingle and burn. We must be having the sweet course at once!”


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