Fireflies From Heaven

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Fireflies From Heaven Page 7

by Lauren, Rebecca

  “You didn’t?” She looked up at me, dropping the shadow brush.

  “You’re shocked.”

  “Yes, but if Reed Bentley wanted to kiss or spank me, I’d sure as hell let him do whichever he liked.”


  “Hell yeah.”

  “You don’t think it’s wrong?” I asked.

  “It’s kinky but not wrong.”

  I laughed. “I meant is it wrong to want Reed when I know that Amber wants him back, and Isabelle wants them together too.”

  Cora set aside her makeup and looked at me. “At first I wasn’t sure about you and Reed because I didn’t want you to get hurt, but after hearing everything, I have to say that I agree with Reed. If the two of you want to be together, the only thing stopping that is you. Amber and Isabelle have nothing to do with it.”

  “That’s sort of what Reed said. I guess you’re on his side.”

  “Nah, I’m always on your side.”

  “I’m making a big deal over nothing, aren’t I?”

  “Not over nothing, but it doesn’t have to stop you and Reed from being together.”

  “I just don’t want to hurt anyone.”

  “Ellie, when we were in school you always let kids cut in front of you in the lunch line. Since the mystery meat wasn’t that great it didn’t matter much. Reed is way better than the school lunch special,” Cora said meaningfully.

  “I’m sure he’d be thrilled to hear that.”

  “Don’t let anyone cut in front of you, not Amber or anyone else.”

  “What should I do now?” I asked, always eager to hear Cora’s advice.

  “For starters, the next time Reed brings up kissing or spanking, pick one and don’t forget to come home and tell me every single delicious detail!”

  We both started laughing.

  “Tonight, forget about the drama and let’s just have fun.”

  We finished getting dressed and left to meet Isabelle at Shooters, a local bar.

  Isabelle already had a pitcher of beer and a table when we got there, and a couple of good-looking guys had joined her. Spotting us, she waved and we headed over to the table. Isabelle hopped off her chair, her boots hitting the floor with a thud. She hugged Cora and I before turning to the guys.

  “Girls, this is Brian and Clayton.” She turned to the guys. “These are my friends, Cora and Ellie.”

  Everyone said hi and we talked a few minutes before Brian and Clayton asked us if we’d like something to drink. Cora and I declined, having listened to my dad’s lecture at least a thousand times about letting anyone give us drinks, and plucked a plastic cup off the table intending to help Isabelle finish her pitcher.

  “They’re hot, right?” she said with a wicked smile. “Brian’s mine, but you two can fight over Clayton.” Suddenly, shaking her head Isabelle corrected. “I guess Cora can have Clayton because I heard you’re already taken.” Isabelle wore a huge smile.


  “Dr. Hot Kiss says the two of you have a second date this weekend.”

  Cora shot me a questioning look. I’d forgotten about the date. “Right. We do,” was all I could say.

  “So Amber is joining us tonight?” Cora asked, changing the subject.

  “Yeah, she’s been bummed because things aren’t rolling with Reed like she’d hoped.”

  “That’s too bad,” Cora replied with false sympathy. I nudged her beneath the table and she glared at me. “Maybe that ship has sailed,” Cora continued.

  “No way,” Isabelle insisted. “Reed is crazy about Amber. He’s been in love with her since he was five-years-old. I’ve told you guys the story.”

  I nodded, grimly. “I remember.”

  Isabelle turned to me. “I’m worried that Reed is depressed. He’s afraid he might not walk again without a limp, and he doesn’t want to burden Amber.” She shook her head and looked me in the eye. “Have you noticed that he’s been down lately?”

  Reed seemed the complete opposite of depressed, but then I had no idea he was worried about his leg not healing properly. “He seems fine. His leg is healing well. There’s no reason to think he won’t make a full recovery, and he shouldn’t worry about that now.”

  “That’s what I told him,” Isabelle said nodding. “I wish he and Amber would work things out and get back together. I mean I know it’ll happen eventually, but she doesn’t want to push him.”

  “Has she told him she wants him back?” Cora asked bluntly.

  “No. She still feels guilty for going out with Cade even though she and Reed were broken up at the time.”

  “So Reed has been talking about getting back with Amber?” Cora persisted.

  Isabelle frowned. “No, but I know he still loves her.”

  Brian and Clayton returned and the conversation turned directions, but not before Cora leveled a look my way that clearly said, ‘I-told-you-so.’ I wasn’t going to argue with her. I drank my first cup of beer and was nursing a second when Amber showed up, turning the heads of several guys as she made her way toward us.

  Wearing a red spaghetti-strapped dress with sandals and her straight platinum blonde hair tumbling down her slender back, Amber was stunning.

  “Hi, everyone!” she chirped, looking even more gorgeous when she smiled.

  We all greeted Amber, and I almost laughed when Clayton’s jaw dropped. Sometime later when Clayton pulled Cora out on the dance floor and Brian had gone to the bar, the three of us, Isabelle, Amber and I were left alone.

  “Spill it sister,” Isabelle demanded of Amber. “You’ve had that look on your face all night. I know something’s wrong.”

  Amber’s beautiful face crumpled and for a second I thought she might cry. “I’m not going ruin the fun,” she said weakly.

  “We’re not having any fun,” Isabelle told her. “We haven’t had fun tonight, right Ellie?” Isabelle asked, urging me to play along.

  “The entire night has sucked,” I assured to Amber. “There is absolutely no possible way you could ruin it.”

  Amber’s mouth lifted at the corners. “You guys are awesome.” When she didn’t say anything else, I suggested, “Why don’t I let the two of you talk while I go chat with Brian at the bar.”

  “No, don’t go Ellie.” Amber placed her hand on my arm, stopping me. “I want you to stay.”

  “Yeah, Ellie. Definitely don’t go hang out with Brian at the bar,” Isabelle replied in a half joking, half stay away from my man tone.

  Amber and I laughed.

  “I’m afraid I screwed up things with Reed,” Amber admitted. “Maybe it’s not meant for us to get back together.”

  I stifled a sigh of relief and tried to appear sympathetic.

  “What happened?” Isabelle asked.

  “I went to see him this evening, and he’d just gotten out of the shower.”

  A sliver of unease snaked through me, but I told myself it was because Reed wasn’t supposed to get his leg wet, and it had nothing to do with Amber seeing him naked.

  “I heard him stumble and swear, and I thought he might need help so I went in and found him bare-assed naked.”

  Did she expect to find him fully dressed in the shower? I did not want to hear this.

  “I don’t want to hear this,” Isabelle protested, voicing my thoughts.

  “Nothing happened.” Amber’s crestfallen expression supported her statement. “I just stared at him.” Amber turned to me. “Reed looks amazing naked. He’s build like a God.”

  Oh yeah, I knew. I wanted to cry or scream.

  Isabelle grimaced. “That was a visual I could have lived forever without.”

  “Before I knew what I was doing, I was in his arms and kissing him,” Amber told us, with a helpless look that said she couldn’t have done anything else.

  “I thought you said nothing happened?” Oh my God, I prayed my voice wasn’t as sharp as I thought it was. Thankfully, neither Amber nor Isabelle was paying me much attention.

  Amber shook her h
ead. “It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that he wasn’t kissing me back, and I wasn’t in his arms. I actually had my arms tangled around him. He was gentle about it, that’s Reed, but he pushed me away.”

  “Reed pushed you away?” Isabelle asked shocked.

  “He apologized and told me he cared about me, but he wasn’t in love with me anymore.” Amber dropped her head into her hands. “He held me and tried to make me feel better, but he was serious when he said that we were over.” When Amber lifted her head, her cheeks were stained with tears.

  I felt awful for her.

  Isabelle wrapped her arms around Amber. “Oh honey, Reed didn’t mean that. He’s been through a lot and he’s not thinking clearly. Give him some time. If you want, I can talk to him.”

  Amber frowned, looking unsure. “I don’t know. Reed doesn’t act like he wants me anymore. I never should have let him go.”

  “It’ll be okay. Just leave my brother to me. You and Reed are getting back together,” she insisted.

  Amber looked hopeful.

  I tried not to look miserable.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cora watching me and I knew she’d heard everything.

  Late that night, Cora came into my room. “Are you awake?” she asked.

  “I can’t sleep. Did you see the look on Amber’s face when she was talking about Reed? And Isabelle, she was so upset.”

  “Yeah, I know. It was weird.”

  I sat up in the bed. Cora plopped down in my futon.

  “She’s just worried about her brother,” I told Cora.

  “Look, I’m not judging Isabelle. Lord knows I’ve got enough baggage to keep the Texas therapists in the black, but Isabelle is too fixated on getting Amber back together with Reed.”

  “I noticed,” I whispered.

  “She’s obsessed. Why do you think that is?”

  I’d thought about the question ever since we’d left Shooters. “She’s close to Amber’s family. Maybe she’s afraid of losing them if Amber and Reed aren’t a couple.”

  “That makes sense. Ellie, you should talk to Reed. Don’t let what happened tonight change your mind about being with him. That’s not fair to you or Reed. Whatever happens, Amber and Isabelle will be fine.”

  “Thanks, Cora,” I told her before I drifted off into a restless sleep, hoping she was right.

  Chapter 9

  Reed was out back on the deck grilling something when I showed up at his place the next day. As always he looked incredible, this time in khaki cargo shorts and a navy t-shirt. Reed had certainly enlightened me to the power of one hundred percent cotton, especially when it was molded to a chiseled chest, rippling abs, and carved biceps like his.

  Sometime between last night and this morning I’d decided two things--one: I was going to pursue Reed, and two: I was going to have some fun with him.

  He flashed a heart-stopping smile when he saw me, and I noticed that he was wearing Aviator sunglasses. “Hi, Ellie.” He glanced at the sports watch on his left wrist. “You’re late. I was beginning to think I scared you off yesterday.”

  “It’ll take more than the threat of a mere spanking to scare me off, Reed Bentley.” I grinned. “Then again that might be fun.”

  Reed turned, but I couldn’t see his eyes and had no idea what he was thinking. He laughed, I guess, deciding that I was joking. “I’m grilling burgers. How about you stay and have dinner with me?”

  My gaze landed on the table where plates, napkins, buns and other condiments were set out.

  “Sounds good,” I told him.


  “Can I help you with anything?”

  “The burgers are about done, but I forgot the chips. You can go inside and grab them from the pantry if you want.”

  “Sure.” I turned to go inside for the chips, but stopped and glanced back at Reed. “Hey, I brought some things that I thought we could play with—I mean that you can use for therapy to strengthen the muscles in your leg. You might want to check my bag.”

  He slid off the shades, and looked at me, making me wonder if he’d heard the tremor in my voice. “Okay.”

  I walked away barely able to suppress my laughter and took my time getting the chips, pulled out my phone, checked email and Facebook. Fifteen minutes later I returned outside. The sight that greeted me sent a mixture of alarm and excitement soaring through me. Reed was staring intently at items I’d brought for his ‘therapy’, handcuffs, a blindfold and a riding crop, which he held in his hand.

  “Oh good, you’ve found them,” I replied easily, managing to keep a straight face. “So what do you think?”

  Reed’s ocean-blue eyes darkened like a turbulent sea. I was dying to crack a smile, but I was too interested in seeing his reaction. When he still hadn’t spoken, I said, “I thought we could take turns using these on each other. I glanced at the riding crop in his hands. “You like the crop? We’ll do that first. Unless you want to be adventurous and use all three at the same time.”

  The corners of Reed’s sensual mouth tugged upward in a smile that made my heart skip a beat. “You said that you’d never done anything like this.”

  “I haven’t. I’ve always been afraid of scaring men off, but you seem willing so I thought we could have some fun.” I was definitely having fun with him.

  “Yeah, right. Yesterday I couldn’t get you to go out with me and now here you are with whips and handcuffs. Although, I have to say we’re making damned fine progress.”

  I pretended to be upset and frowned. “You’re not interested.”

  “Oh, I’m definitely interested,” he replied smoothly.

  “Awesome! Most guys aren’t as open to experimenting with new things.” Out of the corner of my eye I caught Reed’s expression and almost ruined everything by laughing. “You don’t think badly of me, do you?”

  “I think you’re crazy as hell.”

  “But in a good way, right?” I asked with a smile.

  “No. Not in a good way.” His expression was intense. “How many guys have you shown this stuff to?”

  “Just you.”

  He seemed to relax a little. I couldn’t stop the corners of my mouth from lifting, but I covered it quickly. Looking over at Reed, I caught him watching me with a glimmer of something in his eyes that made my heart race. Reed’s fingers caressed the crop. “Which one of us are we using this on?” he asked casually, a wolfish gleam in his eyes. I got the distinct feeling that he already knew the answer to the question.

  “You?” I suggested, helpfully.


  I swallowed, wondering how far I should carry this.

  “You’re not scared, are you Ellie? You look a little nervous.”

  “I’m just excited.”

  “Yeah, that must be it.” He smirked.

  “Alright,” he said, sitting sideways on a lounge chair and motioning with the hand holding the riding crop to come to him. “Lie across my lap,” he ordered.

  I was surprised, aroused and unsure exactly what I should do. Not for one second did I think Reed would hurt me, and I was too fascinated, too curious about what he would do next to do anything but obey him.

  Slowly, I walked towards Reed, feeling his gaze on me the entire way, hot and intense. Careful of his leg, I awkwardly turned and lowered myself across Reed’s lap and immediately felt the hardness of his erection pressing into my belly. He was as turned on and I was breathless with the knowledge.

  Reed’s fingers lightly pushed the hair off of my neck in the lightest of touches. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “Are you sure about this, Ellie?”

  He smelled incredible. I nodded, then realized he probably didn’t see me so I said, “I trust you, Reed.”

  “Good girl.”

  I waited anxiously. Reed lifted his arm. The riding crop slid lightly over my neck and back before sliding over my butt in a slow circular motion that was almost like a caress.

p; His lips kissed the back of my neck softly, licking in between feathery kisses and I sighed my pleasure. My nipples hardened and were sensitive enough to make me gasp when they brushed Reed’s knee. He notice and groaned.



  “Turn over, sweetheart.”

  I didn’t have to be asked twice. Rolling over so that I was on his lap and in his arms, I wanted Reed to kiss me so badly that I couldn’t think of anything else. He didn’t disappoint. His mouth crushed into mine and I heard a moan of pleasure but wasn’t sure if it came from Reed or myself. His tongue slid against mine. I was on fire.

  “No riding crop?” I breathed in between kisses.

  I felt Reed’s smile against my neck while he kissed me. “You had me going for a while.”

  My fingers laced in his hair.

  “Until I saw that beautiful smile,” Reed said huskily. His hand cupped my left breast and flicked the nipple with his thumb. I gasped, “Reed!”

  “I can’t believe—“ His mouth covered my nipple. “you let it go that far.”

  “ I told you I trust you.” I was breathless, pressing my thighs together to ease the tension building between them.

  “Ellie,” Reed whispered, kissing my other breast and lightly pinching the other nipple with his thumb and forefinger. “You’re so damned sweet.”

  His gaze slid to my thighs, pressed together, and his hand moved between my legs, finding my sweet spot. My back arched. He moved his fingers in a slow, circular motion that made me wild.

  “And you’re more fun than I’ve ever had in my life.”

  “Thank--” My body clenched. “you.” I shattered into a million pieces and cried out Reed’s name while I came.

  “Jesus,” he breathed, holding me while the tremors of the powerful orgasm racked my body.

  It took me several moments to catch my breath, and once I did I glanced around Reed’s fenced backyard and was thankful for his oversized lot. Still, I hoped none of his neighbors were outside or had an inclination to peek over the fence.

  “Where’d you get all that stuff?” Reed asked curiously.

  I looked down at the heavy bulge in his shorts and reached out to touch him. “Are you sure you want to talk about that now?”


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