Fireflies From Heaven

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Fireflies From Heaven Page 22

by Lauren, Rebecca

  “I would think that’s obvious. I came to see Reed.”

  Jase scoffed. “You’re kind of late, don’t you think.”

  “He’s already gone?”

  “He and Isabelle left early this morning.”

  When I looked at him questioningly, he didn’t elaborate just stood watching me like I was a bug that had crawled across his shoe.

  “Okay,” I said drawing out the single word. “I’ll come back.”

  “Why the hell would you do that?”

  “Maybe Reed didn’t tell you, but he chose Amber. I’ll bet she not only knows where he is, but is with him as well.”

  “Look, I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing, but you fucked over a guy that would have done anything for you. This ‘he chose Amber’ is bullshit.”

  My heart squeezed at the mention of Reed, and I was unnerved at the strength of his anger.

  “Did you know in all the years I’ve known him, I’ve never seen him drunk until the day you sent him that text. Maybe I shouldn’t tell you this because you’ll probably enjoy hearing about the hell you put him through.” Jase’s eyes flashed angrily.

  “That’s not true. He didn’t tell you everything.”

  “You had your fun. Now it’s over,” Jase sneered. “He’ll get over you.” With that parting shot, Jase moved past me, but I turned and followed him. My head felt light, and I struggled to fight off the haze.

  “I walked in on him and Amber!” I called to Jase, who kept walking, not even bothering to slow down.

  I jogged, trying to keep up with him, desperate for him to hear my side of the story.

  “I wasn’t playing any game, and I only sent the text because it hurt too much to talk to him after what he’d done.”

  He ignored me. I ran, but I was still was several steps behind him.

  “Jase, I still love him!” The admission tore from deep inside of me, and I’d only just said it when I tripped, stumbling.

  He must have turned back, because Jase caught me before I fell. I hadn’t realized I was crying until he brushed at my tears. I’m not sure what happened next, but I felt strange, the ground seemed to rush toward me and I only closed my eyes for a second.

  I don’t remember anything else.

  Chapter 24

  “Please, Ellie. Wake up.”

  Reed’s deep, insistent voice tugged at my consciousness, urging me to listen. I wanted to continue to rest in the peaceful darkness, but something in his tone refused to be ignored.

  The steady beeping sound, the sterile smell and the cool sheets made me think of a hospital, but that couldn’t be right. I tried to remember what had happened. I’d gone to see Reed. Jase was furious with me, and I recalled how frantic I’d been to convince him that I hadn’t done something horrible to Reed. The beeping sound increased with my heartbeat.

  “It’s okay,” I heard Reed tell me. “You’re safe Ellie.”

  Opening my eyes, I saw Reed standing over me, stroking my hair and looking down at me with an expression on his face I’d never before seen. He looked worried.

  “What’re you doing here?”

  He seemed to consider his words carefully. “Do you remember what happened?”


  He pushed a button on the side of the hospital bed. “Everyone will be glad to know you’re awake.”


  “Cora and Isabelle, Jase and your dad.”

  I couldn’t believe it. How had they all gotten here so quickly? “Why am I in the hospital?” I asked, looking toward the window and seeing the darkening sky. Staring in disbelief, I wondered what had happened to the sun.

  “Ellie you fainted.”

  “That was this morning! What time is it now?”

  He glanced at his watch. “Almost eight. You’re okay, Ellie. The doctor will be in soon.”

  My mind was racing. I’d lost nine hours. Taking a deep breath, I tried to put the pieces of the puzzle together. My mind played through what had happened that day starting with Dr. Mitchell’s phone call and ending with me talking to Jase. “Jase called you.”

  Reed nodded. “He brought you to the ER.”

  “Reed, I’m pregnant. I was coming to tell you.” The words tumbled out.

  “I know,” he replied stoically. Something bothered me about his reaction, but I couldn’t figure out exactly what it was.

  The doctor entered the room, and I didn’t recognize him. He looked to be in his mid-thirties and was holding a file that was probably mine. He smiled as he walked over to me, and I relaxed a little.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Miss McAllister. I’m Dr. Sullivan, and I’ve been reviewing your test results.”

  I must have looked alarmed, because he quickly assured me, “You and your baby are fine.” His eyes settled on Reed. “Usually, we only allow family members in, but since Mr. Bentley said he was your baby’s father, we made an exception.”

  “Thank you.” My gaze swung to Reed, but I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

  Dr. Sullivan nodded. “You fainted, which isn’t unusual considering your condition. We’ve kept you for observation because you’re showing signs of dehydration and your blood pressure is a little high.”

  “The baby is okay though?”

  “Both of you will be fine.” He gestured toward the heart monitor beside my bed. “This is the baby’s heartbeat.”

  I stared transfixed at the little green beep, and I relaxed. Reed was watching the monitor as well, but something was wrong. I don’t think he was happy about the baby as I was.

  “I’m going to go,” Reed said abruptly. “I’ll be back to check on you.”

  “You don’t have to go.” At the moment I didn’t care about Amber or anything else; Reed wasn’t just my baby’s father, he was my best friend and I didn’t want him to leave me.

  “You’re dad will want to see you now that you’re awake, and I’m not his favorite person now.”

  I nodded, realizing that Dad probably knew about the baby too. Even though I regretted them finding out this way, I wasn’t ashamed of my baby, and I wouldn’t act like I’d made a mistake.

  Dad came into my room a few minutes after Reed had left and he came to my bed and kissed my forehead, looking down at me with clear relief. “Thank God you’re alright.”

  I didn’t often really look at Dad, but I did now and realized several things. He was young. We’d practically grown up together, despite him being my dad, and he’d lost so much in his lifetime. He never knew his father and his mother had run off with her boyfriend when he was sixteen. And he’d lost my mom. I was all he had left, and it was obvious that I’d scared him. His dress shirt was wrinkled and rolled up at the sleeves, and his expression was mask of concern.

  “I’m sorry, Dad.”

  “We’ll work it out. Don’t worry about anything.”

  I smiled and for the first time I noticed Isabelle behind him. “Hey, Isabelle.”

  She walked over to my bedside. “How are you feeling?” She rolled her eyes. “Sorry, that’s a stupid question.”

  “I don’t feel like I need to be in the hospital,” I told her.

  “They’re only keeping you for observation. You’ll get to go home in the morning.”

  “I guess I missed all the Black Friday deals,” I joked.

  “There’s always Cyber Monday.” She smiled.

  “Is Reed still here?”

  At the mention of Reed, a peculiar look crossed Isabelle’s beautiful face. Dad’s jaw tightened. “He walked Jase out,” Isabelle told me, glancing at my dad uncertainly.

  “Jase was here?”

  “He’s been here all day.”

  I felt bad for Jase, thinking how guilty he must feel because we’d argued just before I fainted. I’d have to talk to him later and make sure he knew that I didn’t blame he for what happened.

  “Can I see Reed?”

  Dad frowned. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Please, I need to see him.”

  My dad and Isabelle exchanged a look, which was odd but I chose to ignore it.

  “I’ll send him in,” Dad said, dropping a kiss on my forehead. “If you need me, I’m right outside.”

  Isabelle stayed behind after my dad left.

  “Can you ever forgive me?” she whispered with tears in her eyes.

  “Isabelle, stop. I know you’re mad at me for what happened with Reed, so you don’t have to pretend all is good just because I’m in the hospital and look like hell.”

  “You don’t look like hell,” she assured me, but I knew she was lying.

  “Do I have any make up left on at all?”

  Isabelle studied me a moment. “No. But you’re hair looks great.”

  I smiled.

  “No matter what happens with Reed, you’re still my best friend and I love you,” Isabelle told me, her sincerity warming me.

  “I love you too, Isabelle.”

  Reed stepped into room, filling it with his larger-than-life presence and my heart ached at the sight of him. He walked to the side of the bed, and Isabelle whispered something to him and he nodded. Again, I had the feeling something was wrong, but I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what was it was. It must have something to do with the baby.

  “I’ll let the two of you talk.” Isabelle squeezed my hand. “It’ll be okay.”

  Once she was gone, an uncomfortable silence fell and couldn’t recall ever feeling so awkward around Reed.

  “How you doing?” he asked.

  “Not bad. I can’t wait to go home.”

  “I know the feeling.”

  “Yeah, I guess you do. Reed, I just found out about the baby. I don’t want you to think I was keeping it from you.”

  His expression was impassive. “I didn’t think that.”

  “Last week I was hurt when I found out about you and Amber, but I know that I should have talked with you in person.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” He looked like he meant it, and a jolt of alarm shot inside of me.

  “Reed, I know we have a lot to work out—“

  “Just stop, Ellie.” He didn’t say it unkindly, but there was no mistaking the command in his voice. “This isn’t doing anyone any good, especially you and the baby. You shouldn’t be upsetting yourself.”

  “But we need to talk,” I persisted.

  “I know. Once the baby is born, we’ll work something out. If you need anything from me before then, just let me know.”

  “That’s great, but I wasn’t just talking about the baby. We need to talk about what happened with us.”

  His expression darkened, but the look was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced once again by an unemotional mask. “If you think I’m going to hold a grudge because you broke up with me, it’s not going to happen. I know we’ll have to get along for the baby’s sake.” Reed stopped and raked his hand over his jaw. “Sorry, it’s a lot to take in. I wasn’t expecting to find out I was going to be a father today, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be a good one.”

  “Right, you’re probably shocked. I know I was.”

  “Yeah, give me some time, and I promise I’ll work with you on whatever we need to do for the baby.”

  “Sure, no problem,” I lied.

  He strode from the room without looking back. I’d been wrong to think my heart was completely broken before, because it completely shattered with Reed’s words. He only wanted to discuss the baby. Any doubt that Reed hadn’t moved on with Amber vanished. I was torn up inside, but I didn’t cry. I had no more tears for Reed because I had no more hope for us.

  Over the next few weeks, my life settled into its new normal. I went back to work, had my first OBGYN appointment, and I learned not to think about Reed. Fortunately, I was busy enough that I didn’t have time to feel sorry for myself.

  For the first time ever, I made it to my last dress fitting before Aunt Lacy and Brooke. Strangely, they arrived several minutes late and I knew immediately that something was not right between them. Aunt Lacy didn’t criticize me, but I think it was more because she was preoccupied with whatever she was upset with Brooke about.

  “So you’re bringing Reed to the wedding?” Brooke asked pleasantly. Something in her eyes told me this was more than just a casual question.

  “I hadn’t thought about it,” I lied, knowing I’d RSVP’d for two, but so far I was still dateless.

  “Oh,” she said with exaggerated disappointment. “Is there a problem between the two of you?” Brooked didn’t wait for me to answer. “I didn’t want to say anything, but I saw him the other day and I think he was hitting on me.”

  I stared at Brooke.

  “I cannot imagine what he was thinking.” Brooke pretended indignation.

  “He’s probably thinking about you passing him your digits with the words CALL ME,” I replied easily, watching the look of shock play on Aunt Lacy’s face.

  Brooke gasped. “I did not.”

  “Brooke, maybe you should figure out what you want before you walk down the aisle and marry Davis.” With that I left the boutique, knowing Brooke would likely to blow me off but hoping for once she’d listen.

  I kept my head held high, relishing how awesome it felt to stand up to Brooke. The amazing feeling lasted all day long only to vanish like a lady in a magic act when I saw Reed out later that night with another woman.

  Chapter 25

  Cora and I were meeting for dinner at The Pit, but she was stuck in traffic so I got a table and ordered an iced tea while I waited. I was listening to the band and looking back toward the entrance for Cora when I saw Reed walk in with a pretty brunette at his side. He didn’t see me at first because he was looking down at her and smiling at something she must have said.

  I felt sick, but I didn’t turn away. Whatever happened I was going to face it, even if it meant heartache, pain or disappointment. It wasn’t the first time I’d seen Reed with another woman, but this was much worse than when he was with Bunny because this woman looked like someone he’d date. I wasn’t going to hide from them, but I hoped that Reed wouldn’t see me because this situation had disaster written all over it.

  As if sensing my presence, Reed turned and his eyes tangled with mine.

  I saw his surprise, and something else that might have been a challenge, but I wasn’t sure. I smiled at them both. Reed leaned down and said something to his date and she looked over at me with renewed interest before they both headed my way.

  “Ellie.” Reed smiled easily. “How are you?”

  It was fake, the smile, the greeting, and I realized that Reed did not want to talk to me. Since he was on a date, I guess I could understand him not wanting to introduce his date to the woman that was having his baby.

  “I’m doing great, Reed.”

  He introduced us. Her name was Julie. We both said that it was nice to meet the other, and exchanged a few more pleasantries before I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “It’s nice meet Julie. Good to see you, Reed,” I said to them with an overly bright smile. “You two should go enjoy your date.” I almost choked on the last word.

  Reed’s gaze swung to mine. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but he walked way with Julie. It was pure rotten luck that they were seated just two tables away, and I had an excellent view of Reed and Julie while I waited for Cora, who showed up about fifteen long minutes later. She noticed them right away and shot me a ‘what the hell’ look. Apparently, she knew exactly what the hell because a moment later she said, “Jase set them up.”

  “I didn’t know you were still seeing Jase.”

  “We had a fight. Jase thinks Reed needs to get over you, and I told him that you were having Reed’s baby and to stop giving his best friend shitty advice.”

  I let out a soft sigh. “He’s just looking out for his friend.”

  “And I’m just looking out for mine,” Cora said loyally.

  “I appreciate that, but don’t let this come
between you and Jase. He’s a nice guy.”

  “Not nearly as nice as you.” From the look on her face, I’m not sure Cora meant that as a compliment. “Tell me what she looks like, I didn’t get a good look at her. She’s Jase’s friend so she probably puts the ‘T’ in trashy, right?”

  My mood sank a little lower. “She looks like someone he would marry.” As soon as I said it, I discovered the thought of Reed marrying anyone else was unthinkable.

  “The two of you are having a baby.” Cora sounded frustrated.

  “I’m having a baby. Reed asked me for some time to get used to the idea,” I reminded her. We hadn’t spoke since that night in the hospital.

  “That was two weeks ago, and I don’t see how dating other women is helping him warm up to the fact that he’s going to be a daddy.”

  “I don’t want to push him,” I told her, knowing a part of me was afraid to find out that he didn’t want the baby. “You know how Isabelle insisted that there was nothing going on with Reed and Amber. Maybe I made another stupid mistake.” I’d messed up so many times with Reed, I wondered if he’d be willing to forgive me.

  “You’ll never know unless you talk to Reed. If I ever start acting this ass-backwards crazy over a guy, feel free to smack me.”

  “Yeah, I’ll remember that.”

  “Look, if it’s okay for Reed to date other people then it’s okay for you. You cannot show up to Brooke’s wedding alone.”

  “It won’t bother me.” I honestly didn’t care if I found a date or not.

  “It’ll bother me!” Cora insisted, and she spent the next hour trying to convince me I needed a wedding date.

  After dinner, Cora went to check on her mom and I went back to the apartment and was already dressed for bed when I heard the knock at the door. Looking through the peephole, my heart skipped a beat.

  It was Reed.

  Pulling open the door, my gaze landed on him and I was suddenly acutely aware that I had on no make up, a pair of cotton shorts and an oversized t-shirt without a bra. Reed, of course, looked like he’d stepped off the cover of a magazine. He was still dressed in the clothes he’d worn on his date, black jeans, boots, and blue button down shirt. I wondered if he made Julie’s heart flutter the way he did mine.


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