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Romancing an Alluring Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 22

by Lucy Langton

  “Indeed,” Viviana replied with a chuckle. Kitty and Hugh stood with the couple and followed them out of the drawing room. At the front door, Kitty bid Hugh goodnight, placing a soft kiss on his cheek.

  “Thank you for making tonight possible,” Kitty said to her beloved, feeling her love grow even more for Hugh. “I’m glad we were able to meet them at the docks.”

  “I knew it would make you happy, so that is what I did,” Hugh said, being very humble over the matter. “Now get some rest. I shall come in the morning.” Hugh winked at her as the door was opened for him by the butler. Kitty waved from the door as she watched him return to his carriage. Kitty remembered the kiss they had shared, and a part of her hoped that Hugh would come to her in the night. But with another couple staying in the house, Kitty was certain their passion wouldn’t be kept quiet.

  Kitty chuckled to herself as she turned from the door and made her way upstairs as the butler closed the door behind her. She too was looking forward to getting some rest after such an exciting evening.

  She felt whole for the first time in a long while to know that her brother was home and happily married. And to think that soon she’d be married as well filled her with such joy that she wondered if she’d be able to sleep tonight. All she knew for sure was that she was looking forward to the following day to spend more time with the people she loved, and to get to know her new sister-in-law better.


  Kitty’s life seemed to be filled with more purpose and delight the next few days that it appeared to surpass any moment from her past. Though she dearly missed her parents, this joy she was feeling with those that she loved was filling a void that had formed in her heart when she had to part with her parents.

  The following days after William and Viviana came to England included showing Viviana all the sights of town, shopping for gowns and fabrics for their ball wardrobe, and Kitty taking the time to get to know Viviana better. The weather was beautiful and warm, and she couldn’t imagine a more perfect Season.

  Kitty also was enjoying the time she was able to spend with Hugh. All the dinner parties she’d agree to, Hugh graciously attended with her. A few her brother and his wife accompanied them, but she found it lovely to be out in public with her beloved. Rumours continued to run rampant in Town, especially more so now that William had returned. But no longer was Kitty worried about what people said behind closed doors. She knew the truth, and more importantly, she knew that Hugh loved her deeply.

  “It seems that life in England is one party after another,” Viviana commented once after they were returning home from a dinner party. Kitty had enjoyed singing a musical piece after the dinner and was feeling proud of herself. She giggled at Viviana’s comment, able to see her perspective.

  “During the Season in Town, it can seem like a very busy time. Everyone in high society socialises to create connections while the young ladies search for their future husband,” Kitty explained.

  “It sounds all very exhausting,” Viviana said in reply.

  “For Kitty, I’m sure it is. Those who are very popular in society are invited to every social function,” Hugh spoke up. “And of course, she wants to attend each one.” They all chuckled at Hugh’s words as the carriage rumbled across the cobblestone streets. The moon hung low in the sky and Kitty was thinking this was one of the most perfect nights of her life.

  “This is one of my last Seasons in Town for a while,” Kitty said in her defence. “I plan to enjoy it as much as possible.”

  “And why is that?” William asked, looking concerned.

  “Hugh and I have made plans to travel to his country estate after marrying. We plan to have it redesigned in preparation for raising our family,” Kitty explained.

  “What a fun endeavour,” Viviana said, but as Kitty’s eyes settled on her brother’s, she wasn’t certain that he was thrilled about the idea.

  “I had assumed you’d remain in Town,” William admitted. “Especially since you are often requested for your singing abilities.”

  “Perhaps we will come to Town for the Season,” Hugh offered. “And Mr Pietro Generali will still want to work with you as he creates new music.”

  “That is true,” Kitty agreed. “So, it is not to say we’ll retire to the country for the rest of our years. But I do long to return after being in Town for so many years.”

  “I am not sure I am ready to return to our country estate,” William said as he looked out the carriage window. The sorrow Kitty saw in his blue eyes was the same that she’d seen in Hugh’s eyes before when he’d explained to her that his country seat had caught fire. It was the devastation of the destruction mixed with knowing that soon he’d have to return to his childhood home and all the memories it contained.

  “I know how you feel, William,” Hugh spoke up, his voice low. “I did try to run from the memories of my past for as long as I could. But now I know that I will be creating more happy memories with Kitty, so I am no longer afraid of returning.” Kitty felt her heart fill with love for Hugh. She thought his words were elegantly chosen, and as she looked at William, she could tell that his words had affected her brother in the best of ways.

  “Then we shall plan a trip to come out to the country to see all the good work that will be done to your country estate,” William decided. “It will give me time to return home and show Viviana where I grew up.”

  “I would like that very much,” Viviana said as she laced her fingers with William. It never failed in filling Kitty with peace to see her brother happily married. She was pleased to know that William had not only married well but married for love as well.

  “Then perhaps you shall both enjoy spending the holidays at Ormondene manor? I am confident that the repairs will be finished by then,” Hugh suggested. Kitty was immediately excited about the idea and hoped that her brother would accept. The smile that crept onto his face reassured William that he would answer with what she was hoping for.

  “I’m sure Aunt Matilda won’t forgive me if I miss another holiday with her,” William said, causing them all to chuckle. “We would be delighted to join you for the holidays.” Kitty clapped excitedly, so glad that even though they’d be moving to the country after the wedding that she’d soon be seeing her brother and new sister-in-law.

  Chapter 23

  Hugh stood in the drawing room at the Worthington townhouse on the night of the grand ball in honour of William’s return to England. He was accompanied by the man himself, along with Portlock who’d agreed to stay with Aunt Matilda while they were all out of the house. Hugh had a suspicion that Portlock and Aunt Matilda had taken a liking to one another and would certainly have a pleasant evening.

  “I had forgotten how long it takes young ladies to ready for a ball,” William spoke up, cutting the silence. Hugh had been transfixed on the gardens outside, staring off into the space and losing himself in his thoughts. This was the first ball since he and Kitty had first made their bargain, and this time he didn’t want to make a fool of himself.

  Hugh turned from the window and looked at William as he sat in a chair near the fireplace. Portlock was pacing near the door, no doubt used to being of service at a moment’s notice. He gave William a comforting smile as he came over to where he was sitting.

  “Are you nervous about this evening?” Hugh asked as he sat down in the chair opposite William. He watched as the other man shrugged his shoulders before running his fingers through his blond hair. It was obvious to Hugh that the man was feeling a little uneasy.

  “I haven’t been to a ball in years,” William stated. “And all I remember from my last experience is that it’s just a bunch of people standing around and judging one another.” Hugh chuckled as he folded his arms, thinking that it was an accurate description of what a ball was like for gentlemen.

  “The one thing I stopped doing a long time ago was caring what people thought of me,” Hugh said. “Don’t let the opinion of others put you down.”

  “But surely I sh
ould make an effort to impress the Ton. Since I have returned to England, I will need to start overseeing all the spending and earning reports. I like to think I will need to make connections in case there is a business venture I should pursue,” William said, seeming frantic over the idea as he looked around the room instead of looking Hugh in the eye. Hugh was guessing that the man was afraid of his title and all the responsibility it required.

  “Kitty and Aunt Matilda have done a splendid job at overseeing the business side of things,” Hugh assured them. “And I can always refer you to my solicitor if you don’t like the one that is currently managing things for you.” William nodded his head, seeming to agree. But he looked uneasy still.

  “Is it that you’re nervous about debuting Viviana to society tonight?” Hugh guessed. William looked at him and straightened his posture in his chair.

  “You know how cruel people can be,” William said. “I’m worried someone will offend her simply because she is Spanish.”

  “I think you’d have more issues with young ladies having vanity issues around Viviana,” Hugh said with a pointed look. William smirked and nodded his head. Hugh was just glad to see the man smiling again.

  “Yes, that idea had crossed my mind. With her and Kitty together, I’m sure they will become the target of one person or another,” William said.

  “But the two of them together are strong,” Hugh added. “I think most of your worries are just thoughts nagging at you. Try to think of all the ways you’ll enjoy this night.” William only nodded his head as the drawing room doors were opened. In came Aunt Matilda followed by Viviana and Kitty. Though Hugh had seen Kitty in all manner of gowns, she still took his breath away every time he looked upon her.

  Tonight, the young ladies had dressed in crème coloured gowns with their hair curled and pinned to the top of their head. Various pearl pins and feathers adorned their hair, giving them both an elegant look. Hugh and William stood to greet the young ladies. Hugh could hardly take his eyes off of Kitty and couldn’t help thinking how he’d like to get her alone tonight.

  Doing his best to keep his carnal side contained, he kissed Kitty’s hand when she offered it to him. Her blue eyes twinkled with delight and she accepted his greeting. Hugh could have spent the rest of the evening staring into her eyes, but it was Portlock’s voice that cut his concentration.

  “The carriage is ready, Your Grace,” Portlock said, drawing Hugh’s attention to him.

  “Thank you, Portlock,” Hugh said before offering his arm to Kitty.

  “Have a lovely evening, you four,” Aunt Matilda said as she settled onto the settee. “I expect a full report in the morning.”

  “Of course, Aunty,” Viviana said with a giggle, experimenting with the way Aunt Matilda liked to be called by her family. And since Viviana was part of the family now, she’d insisted the Spanish young lady regarded her properly.

  Hugh led Kitty from the room after winking at Portlock as they left. The butler pretended not to have seen him as he bowed to the Earl and his wife.

  “Do you think Aunt Matilda will be alright with just the butler?” William asked in a soft voice as they walked to the front of the house.

  “I assure you, William, that Aunt Matilda is in very good hands,” Hugh said as he did his best to contain his mirth. “I think Aunt Matilda enjoys the company of someone closer in age to her.”

  “But Portlock is a butler,” Viviana commented.

  “I think when you’re Aunt Matilda’s age, status in society no longer matters,” Kitty reasoned. Viviana nodded her head as though she was at least considering the idea.

  Hugh led them out to the waiting carriage, smiling proudly as he helped Kitty into the carriage first before stepping up himself. He settled into the carriage next to Kitty, the sun starting to set over the horizon. And soon as William and Viviana were settled, Hugh knocked hard against the carriage with his knuckles, signalling to the coachman that they should be off.

  As the carriage made its way to the dance hall where they would greet all the guests together, Hugh did his best to take a deep breath and allow his nerves to wash over him and then away.


  Kitty was all smiles as she stood in the reception line and greeted the many guests they had invited for the celebration. She felt proud to be standing next to Hugh as they welcomed everyone in attendance. William was the first in line, followed by his wife. Then, it was she and Hugh. Kitty could see many familiar faces in the reception line and was pleased to see that the majority of their invitations had been accepted.

  She knew that many were curious to see William and his new bride. He’d been gone from England so long that it had been only her and Aunt Matilda to look after the estates with the help of their solicitor. Now many would be keeping an eye on William to see how he did now that he was home and rightfully taking care of the family fortune.

  Kitty watched William carefully, wondering how he would react underneath the pressure of having to say hello to many of Father’s old friends. But when she saw a smile on his face or watched him laugh to a joke someone said, she could almost imagine she was seeing the William of her childhood.

  Though William often enjoyed reading books, he was always the life of social function. He could tell the best jokes and always made sure to include everyone in the room. And as Kitty watched him now, she was confident that William was relaxing into his old self.

  “Miss Worthington, I’m surprised to see you keep such company,” came the voice of Lady Thornton, an older woman who had married an Earl at a young age and had become a widow soon after. But it was no secret that she had kept many lovers throughout her life.

  “Lady Thornton, so glad you could make it this evening,” Kitty said in her sweetest voice. “Surely you heard already that Lord Blackmore is my betrothed. We shall be married in a fortnight.” Lady Thornton looked surprised as she placed her hand to her chest and looked between her and Hugh.

  “My word, I had no idea,” Lady Thornton exclaimed. She dipped her head towards Hugh and continued into the ballroom. Kitty did her best to suppress her laughter, but when she heard Hugh’s deep rumble in his chest as he began to chuckle, Kitty had to hide her mouth behind her hand as she smiled and laughed for a moment. But she was quick to regain her composure as others continued to come in through the main hall. It was as though all of London had shown up for this exciting celebration.

  When the line began to dwindle, Hugh escorted Kitty into the full ballroom. Kitty looked around with wide eyes, thinking the decorations had been done splendidly. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, filling the space with light. It was paired with several candlestick stands with large five-hour candles placed upon them. It was like walking in sunlight as Hugh led her through the room.

  White ribbon had been hung in large bows around the room, giving the space almost a fantasy feeling. The punch table had been placed near the men’s and ladies’ sitting room to make sure that no accidents happened.

  Kitty had paid particular attention to the set up of the room in hopes of preventing any accidents. Kitty couldn’t help giggling at the memory of Hugh bringing down Lord Harding onto the display table of precious pineapples and three-tiered cakes.

  “What amuses you so, my dear?” Hugh asked as he leaned down and whispered into her ear. His breath tickled her ear, making her smile even more.

  “I was remembering that one particular time you had a terrible fall at a ball,” Kitty whispered back as she looked up into his piercing green eyes. She could tell that they were filled with humour tonight, and she wondered what Hugh had in mind.

  “I hope one day no one shall remember that event,” Hugh said with a sigh.

  “Well, there are many who still remember the pig incident, so I wouldn’t hope that many shall forget that as well,” Kitty retorted. Hugh chuckled as he patted her hand on his arm.

  “I suppose you are right, my dear,” Hugh said, giving way to her words.

  “I like to think you’ll tel
l me that often,” Kitty said as she looked all around her, trying to decide whom she’d like to visit first.


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