Romancing an Alluring Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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Romancing an Alluring Lady: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 24

by Lucy Langton

  The moment her lady-in-waiting was done with her hair, Kitty slowly stood to her feet to see her full reflection in the looking glass. She had chosen a gown to be made for her that was a little untraditional. The gown had been made from white lace and silks in layers to heighten the front of the dress.

  Pearls had been used in all the embroidery work, making them glisten in the sunlight as she moved back and forth from side to side. The bodice was designed from ruffled silk with a deep neckline that would give Hugh a delightful peek at her soft breasts. She was not only excited to marry Hugh but spend their first night together at his townhouse.

  “My word. What a vision of beauty,” Aunt Matilda said as she stood to her feet. The other women were both dressed in pale blue gowns for the joyous day. “We should head down to the carriage so we can make it to the chapel in time.”

  “My goodness, I don’t know why I am so nervous,” Kitty admitted as her lady-in-waiting pinned in her veil. The interacted lace design flowed down her back like rays of sunshine. As she looked in the looking glass one more time, her blue eyes dazzling with excitement, the only wish she had was that her parents could be with her that day to see her married.

  “Everyone is nervous about their wedding day, and night,” Aunt Matilda said pointedly. The young ladies giggled as Kitty turned from the mirror and followed her aunt and sister-in-law out of her bedchamber. Her lady-in-waiting followed closely behind, holding the train of her gown and veil so she could walk easier.

  When they all made it to the bottom of the stairs, the butler opened the door for all of them and bowed lowly.

  “Congratulations, Miss Worthington,” he said as she neared the open door.

  “Thank you, Luther,” she replied as she stepped out of her townhouse for the last time as an unmarried woman. The day was warm and sunny, a delightful Sunday morning. Everyone would already be at the chapel as they waited for the bride to arrive. She couldn’t wait to see Hugh who would be accompanied by her brother. Just the thought alone filled her with such excitement that she shivered for just a moment.

  “Are you cold, My Lady?” her lady-in-waiting asked as she followed close behind her. The footman had already helped Aunt Matilda and Viviana up into the waiting carriage, and Kitty looked up over her shoulder to look upon her townhouse one last time.

  “Not cold, Miss Morgan. Just reminiscing, is all,” Kitty explained. “It’s so excited to be married, but a part of me thinks that I will miss this place and all the memories in it.”

  Miss Morgan giggled as she urged Kitty forward and towards the carriage. “Don’t worry, My Lady. I’m confident you shall be a frequent visitor of Lord Worthington’s home.”

  “As usual, Miss Morgan, you are correct,” Kitty agreed. As the footman helped her up into the carriage, Kitty made sure to step carefully. The last thing she wanted to do was snag her dress as she sat down onto the seat. Miss Morgan tucked the train of her dress and veil into the carriage by her feet before curtseying and heading back into the townhouse. While Kitty and the other women went to the chapel, Miss Morgan would be overseeing the delivery of her things to Hugh’s townhouse in a different neighbourhood.

  The carriage door was then shut, and Kitty turned her eyes to the window. Riding in a carriage still made her feel uneasy, and without Hugh there to distract her, Kitty had to find her own distraction. She ran her fingers over the lace of her gown, tracing it and trying to distract her mind from the carriage itself as she watched Town pass by through the window. People were walking up and down the streets, going about their day. She was still trying to convince herself that the day had come and soon she’d be married to the love of her life.

  “Try to breathe, my dear,” Aunt Matilda said. Kitty looked at her and smiled. She was certain the older woman had taken notice of the fact that Kitty was particular nervous, though Hugh was the only one who knew that carriages still made her uneasy. If all three of them hadn’t needed to ride together, she would have insisted they take the phaeton to enjoy the open warm air.

  Kitty took a deep breath like her aunt had suggested. She wanted to remain calm and relaxed all through the ceremony. There would be a rather large reception afterwards at the dance hall, and only after then would she be able to relax alone with Hugh. It would be a full day of festivities, and though Kitty was excited to enjoy it all, a part of her also looked forward to this evening when she was finally left alone with her beloved.

  “My goodness,” Viviana said as she leaned forward and looked out the window of the carriage. “It seems as though every person in town has come to see you married.” Kitty chuckled as she looked as well. Several families were just then entering the chapel that seemed to be completely full.

  “It is English law that anyone may attend another’s wedding, even if they have not been invited,” Kitty explained. Viviana looked surprised to hear this as she looked at her with her big brown eyes.

  “This shall truly be the largest wedding I have ever attended,” Viviana admitted, her Spanish accent very thick as her excitement grew. The footman opened the carriage door for them and helped Viviana and Aunt Matilda down from the carriage. As the two women walked up the stairs with Viviana guiding and supporting Aunt Matilda the entire way up, Kitty watched as William came out of the chapel and helped the women inside. Then, he came back outside to escort her to the altar.

  “You look marvellous, Kitty,” William said as he helped her out of the carriage. “I know our parents are very proud of you.” Kitty’s eyes watered for a second as she looked up at her brother.

  “Do you really think so, William?” Kitty asked in a soft voice. The last thing she wanted to do was shed tears on her wedding day, so she quickly batted her eyes to clear them away.

  “I am certain of it, Kitty,” William assured her. “Only you could have turned Hugh from a complete scoundrel to an accepted gentleman of society.” Kitty laughed, having to hide her mouth behind her hand.

  “I do say, you’re quite right,” Kitty said. William began to lead her up the stairs of the chapel, the buzz of voices coming from within. “There are so many people.”

  “I would wager that not only did every family you invited agree to come, but perhaps a few others from high society that are eager to see the Duke married,” William explained. “Even the Royal Magistrate is in attendance.”

  “My goodness, what for?” Kitty asked, wondering if that was a good sign or not.

  “Do not worry, Kitty. Just focus on the most important part, which is saying ‘I do’ at the right place,” William said with a chuckle. Kitty took a deep breath as they reached the top of the stairs. The chapel doors were wide open, and the moment everyone inside spotted that the bride had arrived, they all stood as the organist began to play the Wedding March.

  As the song began and William guided her forward, Kitty’s mind went completely blank. Her eyes met Hugh’s as he stood at the altar and everything and everyone that watched Kitty walk down the aisle simply faded away. She looked to Hugh with all the hope and love in the world, a bright smile coming to her face as she slowly walked towards him.

  His eyes wandered all over her, taking in her dress and smiling happily at her. She hoped that he liked what she’d chosen for their special day, and by the way his eyes burned with desire then, she was certain she’d picked the best gown design she could have.

  As William led Kitty to the altar, she seemed to finally relax once her hands were placed securely in Hugh’s. Together they gave William a grateful expression. He could have opposed their marriage and caused plenty of trouble for them, but the fact that her brother supported her choice made this day even more special for her.

  The priest began the sermon as William joined his wife and Aunt Matilda in the front pew. Kitty paid no attention to anyone else in the chapel as the priest conducted the ceremony.

  She kept her eyes on Hugh’s, gazing deeply into them as she tried to express every ounce of love she had for him. And in return, she felt the same from hi
m as he held her hands firmly in his. She could feel the warmth radiating from his fingers, and she was glad that he had a steady grip on her. Kitty never wanted Hugh to let go of her.

  When it came time to exchange their vows, Kitty focused on speaking clearly for all to hear her. This was her moment to declare her love for Hugh publicly, and she was determined for all to hear her. And though she might have been a bit loud in doing so, Hugh only smiled proudly at her and made sure to do the same.

  “By the power of God invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” the priest said a moment before Hugh closed the space between them and kissed her soundly on the mouth. They both knew that the kiss was a little much for the wedding service, but she did not care at that moment. If people were going to gossip about her, then she wanted them to see how much she loved her husband.

  The chapel erupted in applause as everyone stood to congratulate the new couple. Kitty broke the kiss before Hugh really got carried away and turned towards the crowd as she looped her arm with Hugh. She waved at everyone that had attended their wedding and soon allowed Hugh to lead her to the front of the chapel so that they could thank everyone for coming as they left.

  It was a long and lengthy procedure as they were congratulated by each person. But Kitty was so happy to be finally married to Hugh that she was not bothered by any of the celebrations that followed immediately after them being married.

  Eventually, it was her family’s turn to make it through the line of well-wishers. She smiled happily at her brother as he embraced her.

  “I’m so happy for you, Kitty. You deserve all the happiness in the world,” William said. “And to think I’ll have to bow to you since you’re now Duchess.” Kitty giggled, having put little thought towards her new title or increased status within society. She was only happy to be referred to as Hugh’s wife.

  “Perhaps I will have to use my new rank in the future, but for now I am only happy that you are here to see me married,” Kitty said with a giggle. William then led Viviana and Aunt Matilda from the chapel with the promise of seeing them at the dance hall for the reception.

  When the Royal Magistrate came through the line, Kitty was a bit intimidated by the gentleman. He was tall with broad features and deep brown eyes. Even though he was smiling, Kitty could tell that this man was capable of getting his point across no matter what. The bit of grey at his temples only added to his overall appearance.

  “Godfather,” Hugh greeted as he shook hands with the man. Kitty was surprised to hear this, never knowing that Hugh had a godfather, or that the man was the Royal Magistrate. “Thank you for attending our wedding.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, my boy,” the Royal Magistrate replied. His eyes turned to Kitty then as he said, “I am simply glad to see Hugh so happy.”

  “I assure you, Royal Magistrate, that the feeling is mutual,” Kitty said as she dipped her head to him.

  “A worthy woman, Hugh,” the Royal Magistrate declared. “She will make a great Duchess.” Kitty smiled at him, pleased to hear his words. As a man who spent more time with the elite of society than she ever had, it was a very reassuring comment to receive.

  The moment everyone had come out of the chapel, Hugh and Kitty thanked the priest for the wonderful ceremony, and then they made their own way back down to the street to their awaiting carriage. Kitty felt relieved when she was seated in the carriage, able to take a break from standing for so long. Hugh was quick to join her as he sat down beside her, pulling her close to him. Kitty couldn’t help giggling as he pressed a kiss to her lips.

  “Hugh, you’re going to wrinkle my dress,” Kitty said as she broke their kiss. Hugh’s hands were moving all over her body, causing moisture to gather in-between her legs.

  “You didn’t seem to care too much about your gown the night of the ball,” Hugh said against her ear, causing shivers to run all over her body as her mind was brought back to that wonderful night. They hadn’t been intimate since, and she was quite eager to feel that pleasure again.

  “Well, we are on our way to celebrate our marriage with the majority of the Ton. You should know better to keep your hands to yourself,” Kitty teased as she slid her hand in-between his thighs and slightly touched his member. It twitched to life and was soon throbbing against his trousers.

  “Lady Blackmore, I shall have my way with you right here and now in this carriage if you continue like this,” Hugh said in a husky voice, nuzzling her neck with his mouth. The sound of her new formal name sent delightful tingles all through her body, and though it was risky, she was willing to put Hugh’s words to the test.

  “Is that a challenge?” Kitty asked, making Hugh look into her eyes as she tightened her grip on his throbbing member. His lips fell open as desire swept over them both. Hugh leaned forward and pulled the curtains over the window. Then, he started to undo his trousers in order to free his eager member.

  The moment it sprung forward, Kitty bent her head down and took the tip of it into her mouth. Hugh gently placed his fingers in her hair as he guided her down onto his member, her saliva quickly coating it as she bobbed her head up and down on him.

  He moaned softly as he raised his hips a bit, encouraging Kitty to take all of him into her mouth. It was a difficult task, but as the tip of his member pressed into the back of her throat, she was pleased with her ability to please her husband.

  “Oh, Kitty,” Hugh said as his hand travelled from her hair to around her middle and began to squeeze her breast through her gown. He plunged his hand into her gown between her breasts till he could feel the softness there and begin to pinch her nipples. She moaned, the vibration travelling up and down Hugh’s member. He moaned as she did, seeming to love what she could do with her mouth.

  “Come, Kitty. It’s time I had my way with you,” Hugh said in a deep voice as he helped Kitty sit up. Kitty watched as his member twitched with delight and glinted with her saliva. She wasn’t sure what he had in mind, but she was excited as Hugh helped her get into position.

  Hugh helped her stand up slightly in front of him as he started to push up the many layers of her gown. She placed her hands on the bench in front of her as she bent over a bit, giving Hugh full access to her body. When her bare bottom was fully exposed, he guided her back until she was sitting on his member as it disappeared into her wet core.

  Kitty moaned softly as she placed her hands on the roof of the carriage above her for support. Hugh knocked his knuckles loudly on the side of the carriage, signalling that they were to be off. And as the carriage began to rumble across the cobblestones, its vibration travelled through Kitty’s body, making her sensitive parts even more aware.

  Kitty began to bounce on Hugh’s member as she used her hands on the carriage roof and her feet for support in order to slide Hugh’s member in and out of her wet core. They were moaning together as the carriage travelled at a slow pace. It was the busier part of the day when there was plenty of traffic in Town, giving them considerable time to pleasure one another till the carriage arrived at the dance hall.

  Hugh placed one hand on her bottom, guiding her up and down on his member while the other hand snaked around to her breasts. He pulled down on the front of her gown, exposing her breasts so he could play with her nipples. Her breasts bounced up and down with her as she increased her pace, wanting to spam all over Hugh’s throbbing member.

  “Are you a naughty little Duchess?” Hugh asked, his words causing her to clench her wet core on his throbbing member. “Am I going to have to make love to you in our every spare moment?”

  “Oh yes, Hugh! Oh yes!” Kitty moaned as she began to bounce faster and harder on his member. This was the wildest thing Kitty had ever done and would have never imagined doing something so risky with Hugh, but there was something about her beloved that brought out this side of Kitty.

  Hugh placed both hands on her bottom and gripped hard as he began to thrust up into Kitty. All she had to do was hold still with her arms pinned to th
e top of the carriage roof as Hugh’s member slipped in and out of her at an alarming rate. The rumbling of the carriage and the chance of them being caught in such a position only added to the thrilling experience.

  The moment Kitty started to feel the waves of ecstasy crash over her as her wet core began to spasm hard on his member, she began to moan loudly with no way to cover her sounds. Hugh was quick to join her as he shot his seed deep inside her wet core, thrusting up inside her and holding himself there as they both throbbed together.


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