Amanda Quick - Mischief.txt

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Amanda Quick - Mischief.txt Page 18

by Mischief (lit)

  to a halt and inserted the key into the lock. Then he opened the

  door and stepped back.

  He watched Imogen's expressive face as she gazed into the

  gloom-filled interior. He was not disappointed. Her eyes filled

  with wonder and her lips parted as though in expectation of a

  lover's kiss. Only Imogen could have been counted upon to react

  in such a fashion to a chamber crowded with dusty artifacts and

  the ghosts of a long-lost people.

  This is wonderful." Imogen stepped into the room and gazed

  around at the array of objects that loomed in the shadows." Did

  you bring most of these antiquities back from Zamar yourself?"

  No. I confess that I kept the pieces I brought back. They are in

  my library." Matthias lit a wall sconce." The items you see here are

  those that Rutledge chose to transport back to England after our

  first journey to Zamar. As you can see, he favored size over delicacy."

  Imogen tugged a shroud off a ten-foot-tall statue of Zamaris

  and blinked when she found herself at eye level with the god's

  oversized genitals." I see what you mean." She hastily raised her

  gaze." Oh, dear, it appears that the arm was broken off at the

  shoulder and repaired."

  Unfortunately, much of what Rutledge found was damaged

  due to his poor excavation techniques. He had no engineering

  skills." Matthias stroked the jagged edge of a broken column." And

  little interest in the subtle details of the artifacts we uncovered. He

  was after treasure or items he believed he could sell to collectors."

  Poor Rutledge." Imogen walked around a vase that was as tall

  as she was." Such a tragic ending. And so very mysterious."

  I trust you are not going to tell me that you believe in that

  ridiculous business of the Rutledge Curse."

  Of course not. But there is no getting around the fact that

  Rutledge did not survive his last trip to Zamar."

  Matthias flattened his hand on the column." There is nothing

  mysterious about his death, Imogen. He grew careless during his

  explorations of the labyrinth. He broke his neck when he fell

  down a stone staircase that he had apparently failed to notice in

  the darkness. I was the one who found him."

  She gave him a searching glance." How terrible that must have

  been for you."

  A chill went through Matthias. He knew then beyond a shadow

  of a doubt that she sensed that there was more to the story." Yes.

  It was."

  The questioning expression in Imogen's eyes was instantly

  replaced by sympathy. Matthias breathed a small sigh of relief as

  she moved on to a large sarcophagus.

  Have the items in this collection been properly catalogued?"

  Imogen asked as she studied an inscription on the lid of the


  No. I'm the only one who has the knowledge and skill to do it

  properly, and I have not had the time to take on the task." Or the

  inclination, he added silently. Everything in this chamber was

  connected to Rutledge.

  Imogen straightened and looked at him with an expression of

  gathering excitement. I could do it, Matthias."

  Catalogue the collection?" He hesitated." Yes, you could. It

  might be interesting to have I. A. Stone's opinions on these items."

  Do you think the trustees would allow me to study and record

  the artifacts in this chamber?"

  I control the trustees," Matthias said." They will do as I say. But

  it would mean revealing your identity as I. A. Stone."

  She considered that." Perhaps the time has come." Then she

  sighed." But first things first. I came to London to deal with

  Vanneck. I must get on with it. Have you given any thought to my

  new plan to lure him into a partnership, Matthias?"


  I cannot waste any more time, sir." Imogen crouched down to

  inspect a large day mask that was propped against the coffin." I

  want to implement my new scheme as quickly as possible. Before

  everyone learns our engagement is a sham."

  Matthias moved closer to her and found himself gazing down at

  the top of her bonnet." Imogen, has it occurred to you that our

  engagement need not be a sham?"

  I beg your pardon?" Imogen shot to her feet in startled


  Matthias stepped back quickly and just managed to avoid being

  struck by the brim of her bonnet. Off balance, Imogen flung out a

  hand with the apparent intention of catching hold of the edge of

  the sarcophagus. Unfortunately she grabbed the top of a tall vase

  instead. It started to topple.

  Oh, no," Imogen wailed.

  Matthias caught the vase before it shattered on the floor. He

  righted it carefully. Then he turned back to Imogen. She was

  gazing at him with a dumbfounded expression.

  I don't think I heard you correctly, my lord," she said weakly.

  I think that we would make an excellent match." He reached

  for her and drew her into his arms.

  She seized the lapels of his coat." Matthias, what are you doing?

  There has been no talk of love between us."

  What we share is stronger and more enduring than any such

  metaphysical nonsense." He untied the strings of her bonnet and

  tossed it aside.

  She searched his face with a desperate expression that threatened to tear asunder something deep inside him. He had the terrible sense that he hovered on the brink of one of the five Zamarian


  What . what do we share?" she asked.

  Passion and Zamar." He bent his head and took her mouth

  with all the fierce longing that had been growing inside him for


  Imogen gave a muffled cry and wrapped her arms around his

  waist. She pressed herself against him and parted her lips beneath

  his. He felt the storm rise within her even as the thunder rolled

  through his own veins.

  He threw himself recklessly into the gathering gale. Imogen

  tightened her hold on him. Her soft hips nestled intimately against

  his rigid shaft. When he broke off the fevered kiss to explore the

  secret, scented place at the nape of her neck, she shivered.

  Matthias, I do not comprehend what you do to me," she said

  breathlessly." I vow, it is the most amazing sensation."

  A cold rain swirled out of the tempest, chilling the fire in his

  blood. Matthias dragged his mouth away from the silken skin at

  the base of her neck." No. I will not have you this way."

  What is it? What's wrong?"

  He caught her face in his hands and forced her to meet his eyes.

  When this is finished, I will not stand accused of employing secret

  Zamarian lovemaking methods to seduce you."

  But, Matthias"

  I want you more than I have wanted anything since I went in

  search of Zamar. But unless you feel an equal passion for me, this

  embrace goes no further."

  Oh, Matthias. You feel toward me what you felt for Zamar?"


  She went very still in his arms. Her long lashes lowered to

  conceal her gaze. For a shattering moment Matthias thought that

  he had lost her. He knew then which of the Zamarian hells it was

  that ya
wned at his feet. It was the third hell, the one in which a

  man faced a thousand years of living alone with only phantoms for


  Imogen lifted her eyes to meet his. She smiled tremulously." It

  was grossly unfair of me to accuse you of employing Zamarian

  lovemaking secrets to seduce me. I apologize. I was angry because

  you had ruined my plans with your announcement of an engage


  I know."

  In truth, I have only myself to blame for what happened in the

  garden the other night." She hesitated." I wanted you to make love

  to me then and I want you to make love to me now."

  Matthias realized that he could breathe again." Are you


  She stood on tiptoe and wound her arms around his neck." I

  have never been more certain of anything in my life."

  Imogen." His arms tightened fiercely around her. He started to

  lower his head.

  Imogen halted him by the simple expedient of putting her

  fingertips against his lips." My lord, let me clarify this matter."


  We are agreed that we venture into this embrace with

  complete understanding between us."


  Your fears that I will hurl accusations at you afterward have

  been put to rest?"

  Most assuredly." He began to nibble on her fingertips.

  Her eyes glowed." Then, under the circumstances, I do not see

  any reason why you cannot teach me one or two ancient

  Zamarian lovemaking secrets, do you?"

  Relief and laughter welled up inside him." No reason at all." He

  caught her hand before she could remove it from his lips and

  kissed her palm.

  Imogen sighed and leaned into him. Her fingers curled around

  his. Matthias moved his mouth down to her vulnerable wrist and

  gloried in the small quiver of desire that went through her.

  She stood on tiptoe and returned his kiss with unabashed

  enthusiasm. He moved his mouth up along the curve of her cheek

  to her ear. She speared her fingers through his hair. He shuddered.

  We'll take this slowly," he promised.

  If that is your wish." She unwound his cravat.

  We shall savor every moment. We shall drain each second of all

  sensation before we move on to the next."

  You remind me of one of the new poets, sir." She began to pry

  at the fastenings of his shirt." Or is that Zamarian verse that you

  are spouting?"

  I would have you remember this occasion for the rest of your

  life," he said earnestly.

  I am hardly likely to forget it." Imogen yanked impatiently at

  his shirt. The sound of the fine linen being ripped apart was very

  loud in the dusty chamber." Oh, dear."

  Matthias grinned into her hair.

  I seem to have torn your shirt, sir. I am most dreadfully sorry."

  A light-headed feeling came over him." Forget the shirt,

  madam. I have a vast number of them."

  How fortunate."

  Matthias tipped her face up again and gazed at her soft, full

  mouth. At that moment he dismissed his plans to make slow, deliberate love to her. A fever was upon him. He burned, and from the

  looks of his shirt, so did she.

  He swept Imogen into his arms and carried her through the

  ghostly remains of ancient Zamar to a bench that had been positioned against the far wall.

  A cloud of dust rose as he settled Imogen on the shrouded

  cushions. Matthias winced, but she did not seem to notice. She

  looked up at him with glowing eyes. There was a great deal to be

  said for a lover who shared his intellectual interests, Matthias told

  himself. He had very likely discovered the only woman in all of

  England who would not complain about being seduced in a gritty,

  grimy museum.

  He kissed the tip of her nose and then straightened to rid

  himself of the dangling neck cloth. He flung it over a sarcophagus

  and then swiftly freed himself of his coat, waistcoat, and the

  damaged shirt. He smiled briefly at the sight of the tear in the

  expensive linen.

  He tossed the garment aside and looked down to find Imogen

  watching him intently. There was a sweet yearning in her expression that made him catch his breath. The tip of her small pink

  tongue appeared at the corner of her parted lips.

  You are quite beautiful, my lord," she whispered in a soft,

  husky voice." Indeed, I . I have never seen the like."

  Matthias gave a hoarse laugh." You are the only truly beautiful

  creature in this room." He lowered himself into the sea of green

  muslin skirts. His head spun as he sank beneath the waves.

  Matthias." Imogen clutched at his bare shoulders.

  He gathered her to him and kissed her until Imogen shivered

  and her head fell back over his arm. Then he reluctantly freed her

  mouth to follow the beckoning line of her throat. She twisted

  beneath him, lifting herself until he could feel her breasts crushed

  against his chest.

  When his kisses reached the decorous neckline of her gown, he

  reached around to unfasten the bodice. It fell away, revealing a

  linen chemise that was so thin, he could see the outlines of two

  rosy nipples through it. His whole body clenched.

  He lowered his head and kissed her breasts until he had dampened the fabric that covered them. Imogen cried out and began to

  kiss his shoulder with a frantic eagerness.

  Matthias reached down, grabbed a fistful of her skirts and the

  hem of the chemise. He hauled the whole lot up to Imogen's waist,

  revealing the triangle of tawny curls that shielded her secrets.

  With a husky groan he bent his head and planted a kiss on the

  inside of one silken thigh. The scent of sunlight on a Zamarian sea

  filled his head. Very reverently he closed his hand around her,

  cupping her warmth.

  Imogen's soft gasp was intoxicating. He felt her turn to liquid

  against his palm and thought that nothing had ever thrilled him so

  much in his entire life.

  This is beyond anything." Imogen's nails sank into his shoulders. Shiver after shiver rippled through her." My lord, I do not

  care a fig if you employ every secret Zamarian lovemaking tech

  nique that you have ever discovered. I would learn them all this


  Unfortunately, I do not possess the patience to run through the

  entire repertoire." Matthias fumbled with his breeches, freeing

  himself." But I promise that eventually we will practice every

  single one. Wrap your legs around me, my sweet."

  My legs?"

  I need to be inside you." He raised one stocking-clad knee and

  eased it into position around his waist." I will go mad if I wait any


  Imogen obediently circled him with her thighs." Matthias, this

  feels very strange. Did you learn this position from that ancient

  Zamarian marital scroll you mentioned?"

  He stroked her gently." Some things are universal."

  He felt her soften and open for him. His hand was slick with the

  dew he had coaxed forth from her snug passage. He used the

  moisture to lubricate the dainty pearl that throbbed above the

  entrance. Imogen moaned.

  Good heavens,
I don't . I cannot ." Imogen swallowed the

  rest of whatever it was she had tried to say.

  Matthias raised his head to look down into her passion-dazed

  face." Look at me, Imogen. Open your eyes and look at me."

  Her lashes fluttered and then lifted. She smiled slowly up at

  him, a smile that contained more mysteries than the ruins of lost


  Matthias surrendered to the powerful need that consumed him.

  Parting her carefully, he fitted himself to her and forged slowly

  into her hot, clinging passage.

  Imogen froze in his arms." Perhaps you have not got it right, sir.

  Your translation may have been faulty."

  He clung to his sanity and his control with every vestige of his

  strength." What are you talking about?"

  This particular Zamarian lovemaking technique obviously is

  not suited to a man of your proportions, Matthias. We must try


  You're a virgin," he whispered against her nose.

  What the devil does that have to do with your poor translation

  of the Zamarian instructions for this method?"

  Nothing," he admitted.

  I am not suggesting that we stop. I merely wish to try another


  We must master this one before we go on." He brushed his

  mouth against hers." Do you recall how it was for you the other

  night in the garden?"

  She looked up at him with anxious eyes." Yes. But this is entirely


  Wait and see." He started to ease himself slowly out of her

  clinging channel. The sensation was an indescribable, exquisite

  torment." Take a deep breath." He reached down between their

  bodies and stroked her firm little jewel. He was rewarded with a

  tiny tremor of response.

  Imogen inhaled sharply. And then she began to soften around

  him. She was just as tight as she had been a moment earlier, but

  some of the tension in her body began to dissipate. Matthias sank

  himself slowly, carefully, back into her.

  Imogen sighed and scored his back with her nails.

  He withdrew partway again and kissed her chemise-covered

  nipples." Better?" he whispered.

  Yes. Yes, I . I believe this particular method may work after

  all. Have I got it right?"

  Perfect." Matthias clenched his teeth and fought to hold

  himself in check as he thrust slowly back into her warmth.

  Absolutely perfect."

  Matthias." Without warning, she trembled and convulsed

  beneath him.


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