Claiming More (Tiger Nip)

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Claiming More (Tiger Nip) Page 1

by Walker, Brandy


  Brandy Walker

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  Claiming More

  Copyright ©2013 Brandy Walker

  Cover by Brandy Walker

  Edited by Noel Varner

  Proofed by Kacie Varner

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  First Electronic Print, Oct 2013

  Sampson Hart has known Mary Jane Poppy for ten years. She’s his sister’s best friend, business partner, and has had a crush on Sam for years. When the mating pull hits him, he’s ready to claim her as his own. Given their history, it should be simple. Right?

  MJ has loved Sam since she was fifteen. But being a hybrid, she’s been told all her life she won’t have a mate. When Sam proclaims she belongs to him, she doesn’t believe it; the mating pull isn’t there, and Sam isn’t meant to be hers.

  Running back home to escape the love she feels for Sam, MJ agrees to become the companion of a man who lost his mate and has three young children to raise. It is the only way to set Sam free to find the one he is truly meant to be with.

  Will Sam be Claiming More or will the one he desires the most find comfort in the arms of another?


  To Lissa Matthews. I couldn’t bake a birthday cake without you.


  No book is ever brought to life without the help of many. For me, “many” includes my family and friends but more importantly readers. I may be new to the writing business but I know you can’t go far without your readers wanting more. This is my first book giving you more of the world I’ve created. The world I’m learning about as each book progresses. The world I hope you fall in love with as time goes by.

  Thank you!


  Sampson Hart was in deep shit. He glanced over at MJ standing across the makeshift aisle from him. Damn she looked gorgeous. Her blond hair was in a fancy, twisty up-do, making her pale white skin brighter and crystal blue eyes clearer. She even put a matching blue gem in her nose piercing. The small stud glimmering when a shaft of light hit it.

  The red silk of her sleeveless, short formal dress molded to her breasts and waist before flaring out at her luscious hips. If that weren’t enough to give him a raging hard-on, those killer red fuck-me heels would do the trick. What he wouldn’t give to stride over to her and claim her like his Tiger demanded. Let every person at the wedding know she was spoken for.

  But he couldn’t, no matter how much of a fuss the beast within made. And wasn’t that the biggest hit to his oversexed ‘I-can-get-any-woman’ mentality. MJ, or Mary Jane as he liked to call her at times, mostly when he was talking to or about her when she was near, was his sister’s dearest and best friend. Right now, at this moment in time, they were standing steps from each other in front of a small crowd waiting for his sister Corrine to walk down the aisle. He was fairly certain his twin would skin him alive if he ruined the happiest day of her life by pouncing on the woman he so desperately wanted.

  A noise from his right caught his attention. Speaking of best friends, Sam’s was standing next to him fidgeting, waves of nervous anxiety rolling off him. Jett yanked at his collar for the millionth time and hissed. “Why hasn’t she come down the aisle yet?” The poor guy was freaking out more than a cat on a catnip overdose.

  “Relax man. She should be walking down any minute. You found your mate and you’re getting to marry her without me ripping your balls off being that she’s my sister. Be thankful and have some patience.”

  Jett grunted in respond.

  A part of him, that he liked to ignore as much as possible, was pretty fucking jealous of Jett. His best friend found his mate and after screwing up and making up a couple of times, not to mention being stalked by and dealing with a wacked out nut-job, Jett was getting what most shifters hoped to have. A mate who loved him and would put up with his dumb-ass for the rest of his life.

  Sam looked back over at MJ.


  The word repeated over and over in his head like a drum. Yeah, he was positive she was his mate. When the first phase of Dewasa hit him, his instincts told him he had to be near her, which was the main reason he had moved to Cascade, Colorado. To be close to and, hopefully, get to spend more time with MJ.

  He was genuinely surprised she wasn’t at the house she shared with his sister when he showed up unexpectedly. Corrine and Mary Jane were almost never apart. That surprise at finding her gone turned to rage when he found out MJ’s parents were planning to marry her off like she was a prized cow. He’d almost snapped. Instantly planning to head to Garden, Wyoming, where her parents lived, to drag her back and hide her away with him. His Tiger clawed to get out, wanting to find the man attempting to claim MJ and rip him to shreds.

  The more time he spent in her presence, the more his Tiger fought to get out. The beast thought he could coax MJ’s Liger out and win her over. While Sam was all for a show of dominance, he didn’t think it would be a good idea. Not when the last time she saw him in Tiger form she was attacked by his jealous girlfriend. Needless to say, that relationship ended abruptly. He took Bitsy away immediately, dumped her at her house and never talked to her again. But then, he never came back to check on MJ. Too embarrassed by his ex-girlfriend’s actions to show his face.

  No. He needed to woo MJ in human form. He wanted her in his arms again, clinging to him like he was her only lifeline. Just like she did after the bakery she and his sister owned burned down. Of course, he’d like it to be under better circumstances, but damn he wanted to feel her skin up against his again.

  Before Sam could travel down memory lane, soft music began playing, floating through the air from the speakers strategically placed around the outdoor event. At the other end of the long aisle was his sister on their Dad’s arm. She looked so happy, the radiant smile she beamed toward Jett a testament to the love she felt for the guy.

  A shaft of pain lanced through Sam’s heart. The hollow thud of each beat echoing throughout his soul. He ached to have what Jett and Corrine had. True love. He was desperate to have and share it with MJ.

  He knew without a doubt she was attracted to him, just as he was attracted to her. He hoped they would be able explore each other’s body; slake his driving need to be with her, while easing her toward a committed mating. Any amount of time together and her fragrant arousal would damn near overwhelm him. There were a few close calls when he almost took her to the ground or nearest surface to fuck her into submission. But it wasn’t just the attraction he felt; it was much, much more. She was his mate regardless of her hybrid status. The Tiger part of her had to be the stronger of the two halves.

  There was a niggling bit of doubt when it came to MJ being his mate, however. She didn’t show any signs that she felt the same. Physical attraction—yes. Mate material—not that he’d seen. She should be experiencing some of the symptoms of Dewasa, the transition to adulthood. Her twenty-fifth birthday was in a couple of months. Dewasa should be almost in full swing—that is if Ligers even progressed into adulthood like full-blooded Tigers.

  He couldn’t help but wonder, what if he was her mate, but she wasn’t his? There were a few
cases when that happened and it wasn’t pretty for the Tiger left out in the cold. The Tiger would slowly die of heartbreak and pain, literally.

  He didn’t even know how it worked between a Tiger and a Liger. Liger’s were so rare, there wasn’t much known about their journey through life. What emotions or pull they felt toward mating, their progression into adulthood, were they more like Tigers or completely different? There was just too little known. Too many unanswered questions to contemplate. Too many things they were never taught growing up. He would, however, gladly find out with MJ. Answer some of those questions while he experimented with her. Up against a wall. Taking her from behind. Nipping and biting every inch of her skin to see what kind of reaction she had.

  Somewhere during Sam’s musings, Corrine made it down the aisle and was next to Jett. Vows were being exchanged and everyone was looking at him, waiting for something.

  “The ring, Sam,” Jett said, small smile tipping the corner of his lips.

  Sam squinted his eyes. That ass is smirking at me.

  “Sam!” His head snapped in MJ’s direction. “Give him the ring,” she said in a hushed, irritated tone.

  “Sorry.” Digging the ring out of his tux pocket, he handed it over to Jett.

  Minutes later the happy couple walked down the aisle to the sound of cheers. Stepping up to MJ, he offered his arm. Finally, she was going to be touching him. She hesitated a second before slipping her arm through his, resting her hand on his forearm.

  The Tiger that had been pacing back and forth in him calmed down. No longer agitated at the fact that his mate, who only seconds before, was a few feet away and he was unable to get closer to lure her out.

  “Where are you, Sam?” MJ’s voice was filled with concern. Maybe she should be concerned. He was going insane without her near him all of the time. It took every last bit of restraint to keep from dragging her away and locking her in a room with him. He couldn’t tell her, though, so he stuck those thoughts in a deep dark corner for now.

  “Looks like I’m at a wedding in the middle of a meadow making my way to the reception area with a beautiful woman.”

  She huffed out a breath. “You’re an ass.”

  When she went to pull her arm away, he clamped down on her hand halting her getaway. “Sorry.”

  “You seem to be saying that a lot lately. What’s going on with you?”

  “It’s nothing, Mary Jane. Just trying to figure something out.” Like where the closest bed or flat surface was so he could ravish her.

  “Ugh. Stop calling me that. For once can you do as I ask and call me MJ like everyone else?”

  Before he had a chance to respond a tall, elegantly dressed, dark haired man walked up to them. Completely ignoring Sam, the guy focused on MJ.

  “It’s good to see you again, Mary Jane.” He picked up her free hand and kissed the back of it.

  The Tiger in Sam reared its head, not liking the guy’s use of her full name or the fact he thought he could touch Mary Jane. Only he could do that. No one else had the right.

  He always had and forever would call her Mary Jane, at least when he was face to face with her. When he first met her, he did it to piss her off. He liked seeing her fur raised and ready to fight with him. Now though, he called her by her full name because he didn’t want to be clumped in with everyone else. He wanted to set himself apart in her mind. He wanted to be special.

  Sam narrowed his eyes in the guy’s direction, noticing his smile was strained; it was like he didn’t really want to be where he was at that moment.

  MJ yanked her arm away from him, taunting the beast to come out. Sam mentally put on the brakes. There was something about the guy next to him that told him it wasn’t a good idea. Power rolled off him that he had failed to notice earlier, too caught up in relishing the feel of MJ next to him.

  “Hello Devon. I didn’t know you would be here.”

  The man’s laugh was humorless. “Why wouldn’t I be? This is where I live and Jett is a member of a founding family. Didn’t your parents inform you that I would be attending the wedding?”

  A flush ran over MJ’s cheeks. As sick as it was, not to mention completely inappropriate, Sam couldn’t help but wonder what else would put that color there. Would a blush rush over her body from toes to tits as he made love to her, brought her to orgasm with his mouth, his hands and his cock?

  Not wanting to get lost in his own fantasies again, he focused on what Devon said, not thinking to curb his tongue. “So you’re the guy.” Trying to steal my mate.

  MJ sighed. “Fantastic! Just what I wanted to deal with today. Sam, this is Dr. Devon Michael Andersen. Devon, this is Corrine’s brother Sampson Edward Hart.”

  Devon turned toward him, thrusting a hand out. “Nice to meet you. Your sister is a lucky woman.” The man’s eyebrow raised as a smug smile appeared on his face.

  Sam shook the outstretched hand, forcing his fingers to relax. What he really wanted to do was punch the guy in the face. “I’d say Jett’s the lucky one. My sister is a wonderful person and he couldn’t have found a better woman and mate.”

  Devon tilted his head in a slight nod of approval, all the while squeezing Sam’s hand in an attempt to exert dominance. Small waves of heat slammed into Sam. Blood Legacy, interesting. Sam locked his knees and increased the pressure until both of them were white knuckled and glaring at the other.

  “Oh brother. That’s enough of the big dick contest fellas.”

  A disgusted gasp from behind the group broke everyone apart. “Mary Jane Poppy! I should wash your mouth out with soap.”


  MJ cringed at the sound of her mother’s voice behind her. It figured she would pick that moment to sneak up and ambush her. MJ hadn’t seen them at all before the ceremony, but then she didn’t think to look for them either.

  Her brain and body were too caught up in being near Sam. Of having the man stand across from her in what would be the closest thing to living out her fantasy of marrying him. She loved Sam with all of her heart, had since she first met him almost ten years ago. It didn’t matter that he never noticed her or that when he finally did; it was to tease her unmercifully.

  Her mother cleared her throat, most likely expecting MJ to give her full attention to her. Slowly MJ turned to face her mom, a mix of worry and anxiety coursing through her system. Nothing good ever happened when her mother used that tone of voice.

  MJ felt Sam shift to her side, essentially placing her between the two men who, just a few minutes ago, were locked in a silent pissing match. She felt the waves of Devon’s Blood Legacy roll off him. He, of course, had years of experience wielding it and only put enough power to let Sam know he was the dominant male. When Sam didn’t bow down, MJ was afraid Devon would let him feel the full force. If that happened she didn’t know what she would do.

  Luckily, or unluckily, her mother had saved the day by interrupting. MJ wouldn’t have to find out which direction she would go when it came to choosing sides. She knew which side her parents would expect her to pick.

  Lifting her gaze from the ground she made eye contact with her mother, the blond pixie raised her left eyebrow and pressed her lips into a thin line. Yep, trouble was definitely on the way.

  She had no doubt about what was going to happen next. There was going to be a lecture about manners, followed up with guilt for not behaving how her parents wanted. Be like everyone else, Mary Jane. We don’t want people to turn against us again.

  It wasn’t like she rebelled on purpose. It’s just that she still couldn’t make herself conform to the prim and proper, doting daughter like they wanted. Deep inside she knew her parents’ overbearing personality was due to their own guilt.

  It never occurred to them that they would have a child. Her father being a Lion-shifter and her mother being a Tiger-shifter, they just didn’t think it was possible. When they found out they were pregnant, they were thrilled and, quite frankly, petrified. They didn’t know if MJ would be a shifter a
t all, let alone what mix of the two breeds.

  Hybrids were few and far between; at least that was what they were told. The ones she heard of were outcasts from the main shifter society for the most part. At one time long ago in shifter history, The Guild was convinced by a powerful few to eradicate any and all hybrids. Done to keep their race pure, they said. It had taken the slaying of a Guild member’s relative to show them the error of their way of thinking.

  “MJ?” The sound of her father’s deep voice pulled her from her thoughts.

  It wasn’t until he spoke that she realized he was standing behind her mother. Which was rather humorous. Her dad was six-foot six with shoulders as wide as a doorframe and the muscles to match. As an Alpha-Lion, he was an intimidating force. You would never know what a softhearted man he was unless you saw him with his wife. You also wouldn’t know that MJ’s mom ruled the roost at home and could get the giant man to do anything she wanted.

  She glanced at her dad again and some of her anxiety melted. She was daddy’s little girl. He had always protected her from just about everything, including many lectures like the one she could see forming on her mother’s tongue. He would never want to air their issues in the public eye. “Hey dad. Did you enjoy the wedding?”

  “It was very nice. You looked beautiful up there, don’t you think Devon?”

  Her head snapped toward Devon then back to her dad. Pure shock coursed through her bones hearing her dad say something like that. He never in his life encouraged a man that was interested in her. Not that there were many. But still, Devon was interested; maybe not sexually, but enough to want to marry her and be her companion.

  MJ looked at Devon again as he answered. “Very beautiful, Robert. The red brings out the luster of her skin.”

  “Yes, I do believe you are right.”


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