Claiming More (Tiger Nip)

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Claiming More (Tiger Nip) Page 3

by Walker, Brandy

  He dropped his voice so no one could hear him but her. “It doesn’t have to.” He sure as hell didn’t want it to end. Maybe having her a little tipsy was a good thing. He might be able to get some honest answers out of her instead of sassy comebacks to his smart-ass comments.

  “It’ll end. Every good thing I’ve ever wanted has ended.”

  He didn’t like the sound of that. There was sadness in her words. Sam tipped her chin up. “Like what?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s just enjoy this time we have together.”

  Sam searched her face for a clue as to what was going on in that pretty head of hers and, as per usual, he couldn’t figure it out. He let go of her chin, allowing her to rest against his chest once again. Tightening his hold around her waist, he closed his eyes and soaked up this time with her. He had a feeling they weren’t going to have another like it for a while.

  MJ couldn’t believe she had said that to Sam. But then, she did have a few too many drinks, so maybe she should believe it. The phrase ‘loose lips sink ships’ popped into her head and she giggled. She wouldn’t mind going down on him.

  She felt Sam’s stare burn through the top of her head, but refused to give into temptation to look up. She wanted to memorize every hard edge of him pressed into her body. One part in particular, since she didn’t think she would ever see it in person. The man had to be massive. The hard ridge of his erection pushed into her soft belly, running from the top of her mound to around her belly button. She vaguely wondered if she would be able to take him to the back of her throat without gagging. There she went with the blowjob fantasy again.

  A moan left her, causing Sam to lean down and whisper in her ear. “Sugar, what are you thinking about? That moan makes me think of very dirty things.”

  To tease or not to tease? There was no debate. “Just thinking about swallowing, sugar.”

  She didn’t expect the low, almost possessive growl that came from him. It sent wonderful shivers down her spine.

  “Baby, you shouldn’t say things like that to me. You know I have just the thing for you to swallow. I’m certain we’ll both get pleasure out of it too.” He rolled his hips against her to prove his point.

  MJ snorted. “I bet you do. I can feel it.”

  “That’s not all I want you to feel.”

  “Sampson Edward Hart, what are you suggesting?”

  He hesitated and she was afraid she pushed a little too far. She chanced a glance up at his handsome face. His brown eyes gleamed back at her, the intensity of them speaking of things she couldn’t wrap her slightly foggy head around. His long, thin nose, rugged cheekbones and slightly square, dimpled jaw were all parts she loved, but it was his lips that always caught her attention. They might be considered plump or top heavy with a crooked tilt to them. To her they set off what would probably be considered perfect features. They made him look sexy in a, ‘I want to bite your lip, then suck it into my mouth’ kind of way.

  Sam clenched his jaw before he spoke. “I’m not suggesting anything. Not right now. You’ve had too much to drink, Mary Jane. When we finally roll in the sheets, I want you sober and free of any influence.”

  All MJ heard was no. The buzzing in her ears drowning out the rest of his words. Her pleasure in the moment deflated, her heart telling her it was better this way. She didn’t think she could handle a one-time hook-up with Sam. Become a notch on his bedpost.

  Another song started up and someone tapped on Sam’s shoulder. She felt him stiffen against her and not in a good way.

  Devon’s cultured voice drifted over them, dousing the arousal that had built within her while in Sam’s arms. “May I cut in?”

  Sam let go of her waist and stepped to the side. He stared at them a few seconds before spinning on his heel and marching back to the head table. Disappointment hit her squarely in the chest. He didn’t even try to stand his ground.

  “I thought I should come rescue you, Mary Jane. It looked like you and Sam weren’t having a good time.”

  MJ glanced to see where Sam was, making eye contact briefly before he abruptly stood and left. She tried to track his progress, but Devon kept her facing away from Sam’s exit.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  MJ wished like hell Devon’s smooth, deep voice made her insides melt like Sam’s did. He was a handsome, well-respected man in the shifter community. The much-loved doctor, was the same height as Sam’s six-foot-two. They both had muscular, drool worthy bodies. Unlike Sam’s dark red hair, Devon had jet black, short-cropped hair that hugged his scalp. He had the standard nut-brown eyes the majority of Tiger-shifters had, a patrician nose befitting the position his family held within the community, high smooth cheekbones and lips that didn’t raise her temperature one bit.

  “Everything is fine, Devon,” she said after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. “Sam and I tend to get on each other’s nerves easily. I’m surprised we were able to make it as long as we did during the ceremony today.” It was the best lie she could come up with at the moment.

  “Are you sure that’s all there is? I’m not blind or an idiot.”

  MJ jerked in his loose hold on her. “What?

  Devon chuckled low and steady as he guided her off the dance floor and out the opposite side of the tent she had entered in. The large retaining wall, which ran the length of the grounds, curved creating a secluded spot near the tree line. A metal bench was tucked in the curve and surrounded by flowers of all varieties.

  Devon navigated them to the seat, waiting for her to sit before he spoke.

  “The man wants you, Mary Jane. I can see that with my own eyes. Is that why you’ve been so resistant in committing to becoming my companion? Are you hoping something will happen with him or are you looking for one last fling?”

  “Have you ever considered that maybe I don’t want to be your personal charity case?” She couldn’t help her sassy comeback. Devon meant well. Her parents meant well. She just didn’t want to give up on finding a true mate and love.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve offended you. It was never my intention. It’s just that your parents have made it clear you won’t be able to find a mate. They don’t think you’ll enter Dewasa like everyone else. There is no standard for hybrids. Then there’s the debt they feel they need to repay. I’m only offering a situation where everyone gets what they want.”

  MJ bristled against the words and chose to ignore everything about the feeling of debt. She knew what he was saying might be true in regards to her finding a mate. But the romantic in her still held out hope.

  “Well, I guess I’ll find out once I turn twenty-five if there’s a mate out there for me or not.”

  Devon studied her and she had to force herself to stay still under his scrutiny. “I can wait a couple more months. I know you think I’m a cold-hearted man, but I’m not. I like you, Mary Jane. The time we’ve spent together has led me to believe you would make a wonderful mother to my children and a good companion to me. I know I’m not offering love and I can understand how a woman of your age would like to hold out for it. I am offering you a comfortable life where I’ll care for you as best I can, a home to live in and children to care for. I can wait until you turn twenty-five. Go after your friend Sampson.

  We both know that a male shifter is drawn to their mate and will move to be close to her in hope that he’s the one. I would assume that’s why he moved to Cascade not too long ago. He gravitated toward you, just like his two friends. If you don’t feel the mating pull to any of them, then I want your promise you’ll commit to me. Six months from now is the Gathering. I will have your decision by then.”

  Devon leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek before standing and leaving her alone with her thoughts. He didn’t even wait for an answer from her. Probably because he knew he was right.

  Bodie and Soren weren’t even on her radar. She wasn’t the least bit attracted to them and she was confident they didn’t feel anything either. It was on
ly Sam that worried her. If she didn’t feel the mating pull to the only man she had ever loved, then she would never want to look for her true mate. Her heart would be broken into too many pieces for anyone else to put back together. She would have to give up on him completely and let him find his own true mate.


  It was Saturday night and MJ walked through the darkened house listening for any signs of life, not hearing a thing. Corrine had called a half hour ago and told her she was needed at the house to go over the summer menu items for the bakery before she and Jett took a little mini vacation the following week. Why they couldn’t have just stuck with the normal menu while the couple was gone was beyond her.

  The bakery was getting established again after the recent fire. That crazy bitch Macy actually did them a favor by burning down the old place on Corrine’s property. She and Corrine found a nice little space in a quaint storefront section on Main Street in town. The only disadvantage was Sam opening his business right next door. Just like he told them he would do. He wanted to scoop up the sugar-craving customers as they left after indulging in cupcakes and other decadent treats.

  Every day she was reminded of their time together at Corrine’s wedding. And every day she wished the feel of him pressed up against her wasn’t burned into her flesh. For one night she would just like to forget and get some solid sleep.

  After a stress-filled dinner with her friends and family for her twenty-fifth birthday, then getting her family tucked away in their hotel, she was ready to hit the sheets and stay that way through the weekend.

  But nope, that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon at the rate things seemed to be going. Corrine called and, like the best friend and business partner she was, she came running.

  MJ made her way into the kitchen, flicking on the lights as she went. “Where the hell is everyone?” She glanced around and found…nothing. No recipe books or index cards filled with yummy pastry ideas. No flour, sugar or eggs set out. And certainly no baking pans already in the oven. The kitchen was spotless and, from what she could tell, no one was there.

  “I swear if Corrine went to bed, I’ll kill her. I don’t give a rat’s ass if I see them doing it either. I did not drag myself out here for this shit.”

  MJ spun in the direction of the hall to make her way back to the front of the house when a thud from the basement caught her attention. A wave of guilt quickly swept through her after cursing her friend, but she shoved it aside. They knew she was coming; they damn well could have left a light on for her, or at least met her upstairs.

  None to quietly, she thumped her way down to the basement. Mouth open ready to ream someone, the light flicked on startling her as Corrine, Jett, Sam, Bodie and Soren yelled happy birthday. Turning she bolted up the stairs in fright. She did not do yelling or surprises well. They should know this about her.

  She was on the top step when Sam caught up to her, wrapping his hand around her arm. Spinning, she took a swipe at him.

  “Hey! What the hell, Mary Jane?”

  “I told you to call me, MJ,” she growled out.

  Footsteps on the stairs forced her to look beyond him. Corrine stood wide-eyed as nervous tension rolled off her.

  “Are you okay, MJ? We didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to surprise you with some cake and a couple of presents. Dinner was nice but your family was there and they make you so uptight these days.”

  MJ relaxed a little, until she realized Sam was still holding onto her arm. The heat his fingers generated seared her skin. What she wouldn’t give to have him leave trails of sensual heat across her naked flesh. She looked down at his hand then back up to his face. Slowly he let go but remained poised to stop her from leaving again.

  “I’m sorry, Corrine, I’m fine. You know I’m not a surprise kind of girl. My Liger does not do loud noises well. Lead the way and let’s get some cake.”

  Corrine went back downstairs without further comment. MJ waited for Sam to move but instead of turning around, he stepped up onto the main floor with her. Slipping his arm around her waist he pulled her close, seemed to search her face for something, then whispered happy birthday and kissed her.

  She was stunned by his actions for all of a second before her mind took a vacation and her body took over. It was her birthday. The slow sensual slide of his lips across hers was exactly as she dreamed. He was gentle yet demanding. So much better than that poor excuse of a kiss at the wedding.

  He pulled back, lifting his head right when she was ready to throw him to the ground and have her way with him. Resting his forehead against hers, he sighed. It was full of frustrated need and lust. “We need to get downstairs.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yep. Don’t worry your pretty little head, Mary Jane, you and I are just getting started. It’s time we figured out this attraction.”

  She opened her mouth to tell him she was fine with starting right now, but he silenced her with a finger on her lips.

  “But first, we’re going to go have some of that cake my sister spent most of the day on, then I’m taking you home.”

  “I have my own car.” Her mind and body were still wrapped in a sexual fog, not grasping what he was alluding to when his voice dipped at the end.

  “Yes, and you can pick it up another day. When I said taking you home, I meant my home. I’m done tiptoeing around what I feel for you. I want you and I know you want me. I can smell your arousal from here. It’s intoxicating and I can’t wait to dive in and taste your sweet nectar.”

  MJ felt the shock of his words all the way to her core. Her pussy tingled, nipples tightened. Yeah, it was time to figure out one way or another if they were meant for each other and tonight was the best night to do it. It was bound to be the best birthday present ever.

  MJ leaned in, placing a quick kiss on Sam’s lips. “Let’s eat cake then.”

  She practically dragged him down the stairs. Corrine, Jett, Bodie and Soren were all lounging, watching television and eating cake. Jett looked over at them.

  “We didn’t know how long you two would be, so we dug in. Besides, it looks like you already got your wish. No need to blow out any candles. You’re cheeks are pretty pink, MJ.” He did a lecherous little eyebrow wiggle and brandished a forkful of cake.

  “Jett!” Corrine poked him in the ribs with her own fork.

  “What?” Poor, confused Jett looked from his wife back over to Sam and MJ and shook his head. “Well, I’m sure it’s what they’ve both been wishing for. Frankly, I’m not sure why they aren’t holed up in a bedroom at this point,” he grumbled while taking another big bite of cake.

  MJ snorted. “If you think I’m passing up on cake made by your wife, you’re crazy.” Letting go of Sam’s hand, she walked over to the side table and picked up the knife, slicing a huge chunk of cake, she slid it onto a plate. Plopping down on the couch next to Bodie, she grinned and propped her legs up on the ottoman Soren was leaning against.

  “Happy birthday, MJ,” the blond Adonis said, a panty-melting smile plastered on his chiseled face. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek, lingering slightly longer than a platonic peck should be. When he moved away, she thought she heard him hum and say ‘heavenly’.

  Sam growled and followed her, sitting on her other side. He leaned in close and whispered, “Don’t even think about Bodie or Soren. They are not the ones for you. Now eat up. We’re blowing this place as soon as you’re ready.”

  MJ raised an eyebrow, leaned back and got comfortable. Who cared if every cell in her body was screaming to dump the cake and take the man up on his sexual offer? She had waited years for him to notice her. Now that he finally decided to be with her, he thought he could dictate how things went; well… he was just going to have to wait, no matter how much it killed her.

  And what was with that ridiculous comment he made about Bodie and Soren. The guys may both be gorgeous but neither tripped her trigger like Sam did. Rolling her eyes at Sam’s audacity, she took her firs
t bite of the moist, white chocolate coconut cream cake. A moan burst from her throat as the sweet confection exploded with flavor in her mouth. The light whipped topping playing off the rich coconut cream filling and the swirls of chocolate in the cake. It was a combination she would never tire of.

  Sam and Bodie both stiffened next to her. Their heads turned in her direction. She chose to ignore them and savor her birthday cake, but Soren’s lightly glowing brown eyes captured her attention. “What?” she asked after licking her fork clean.

  Soren’s nostrils flared as he muttered under his breath. Never telling her what he was staring at so intently. Thirty minutes later, she was ready to scream in frustration. Her slice of cake was gone. All of the presents were opened. And she had reached her limit sitting between the two hunky men. Even Soren was getting to her as he sat at her feet. Luckily Corrine and Jett were oblivious to what was going on. Freaking newlyweds.

  At some point Sam, Bodie and Soren must have decided to torture her. It almost seemed like they were playing a game. The ‘who could make MJ blush harder’ game. A hand on one knee while another guy was sliding a hand up her thigh. The brush of fingers against her nipples as one of them reached across to grab something from the other. That time it was Sam.

  Soren swore the ottoman was too close to the television and moved it out of the way. Her feet landed on the carpet and the next thing she knew, he was wedging his body between her feet. His sneaky fingers playing with her bare calves, drawing soft swirls over her skin. It shot tingles straight to her scalp and every place in between. This is what she got for wearing shorts.

  At this point, her body was on fire and the only thing that would quench it was some rough, get-your-rocks-off sex. She fidgeted again, attempting to rub her thighs together to relieve some of the ache in her sex but with Soren’s lean, muscled body in the way, it was a lost cause.

  Sam rested his arm across the back of the couch, his fingers right at the back of her neck. He dug through her hair so he was caressing her skin. The light touch sending shivers across her shoulders and down her spine. Her nipples puckered behind the cotton of her sturdy bra and her clit jerked in reaction.


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