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Lens of Time - The Pyramid Builders (Lens of Time (Book One))

Page 4

by Saxon Andrew

  “I’ll connect you to her through my communicator.”

  “Better do it quick.”

  Dolly Sierra was at the front of the mass of students crowding the police line at the government center screaming at the top of her voice. She heard her communicator and activated it. She immediately saw it was Christopher, “Are you all right?”

  “I am now. Is this demonstration your doing?”

  “I had some help. The word spread quickly and the Tutors all showed up immediately.”

  “That figures, they are somewhat more idealistic.”

  “Tell me what’s happening!”

  “I will, but first patch me in to the general university frequency so I can speak with everyone.”

  Dolly thought about the frequency and activated it, “You’re on the air.”

  Chris looked at Jillian and said, “I hope none of you have been injured or harmed in your efforts to help me.”

  The thousands at the center abruptly stopped and listened to Dr. Connor. Even the riot police tuned in to the frequency. After three hours of bedlam, the silence was deafening. “I know you’ve heard that I was kidnapped by the government and taken away. However, I was scheduled to take part in a meeting with some very high ranking government officials and guess who forgot to put it on his calendar? Not only that, I went ahead and went to a dance.”

  Jillian listening in on the frequency heard a loud moan from the gathered students. Everyone knew about Dr. Connor’s Thursday night dances. “I know, I know. But sometimes you just have to dance.” Christopher paused and heard the crowd laugh. He continued, “Those Agents were there to protect the woman who came to fetch me, but you all know how much I hate to leave a dance. I refused to go, so they assisted me in keeping my commitment. I’m fine and I’ll be back shortly. I also apologize for the concern I caused all of you. Please, please, go back to class and I’ll see all of you at next week’s dance.”

  The students roared their laughter again and began dispersing. Jillian listened in and heard Dolly said, “That story might wash with everyone else, but I know better; you’re in deep trouble aren’t you?”

  “No, not now. Dolly, how long did it take you to learn Portuguese?”

  “That was a tough language, Doc.”

  “How long?”

  “Shoot; at least three hours.”

  Jillian was shocked as she listened in.

  “Didn’t you also learn hieroglyphics?”

  “That was easy as well, although it did take a couple of days. There were just so many pictures to memorize. You should spend more time on the carvings at Alexandria.”

  “Dolly, I wonder if you could help me with some translating that involves hieroglyphics.”

  “Chris, you know I start Grad School again in four weeks?”

  “Yes. Why are you going to get another doctorate? Aren’t three enough?”

  “Well, a lady has to support herself.”

  Chris looked Jillian in the eyes and said, “I’d like to hire you for four weeks for four million dollars if you can decipher a language.”

  Jillian waited and didn’t hear anything. Chris said, “Dolly, are you still there?”

  “You’re in danger, aren’t you Doctor Connor.”

  “No, Dolly, I’m serious. I don’t know anyone that has your understanding of languages. This is a language that is totally new. It was recently discovered.”

  “Well, that would be almost impossible. You would need some reference point to start translating from.”

  “What if we have two hundred lines of hieroglyphics that match up with the language word-for-word?”

  “That makes it very possible.”

  “Dolly, I’ll call you back. Keep your line open.”

  “Only for you.”

  Jillian looked at Chris, “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

  “Making your life a lot easier; you haven’t finished translating the tablet and you’re having difficulty with what remains.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because those people working on the front side are still copying symbols onto their pads to be transferred to your main computer, which tells me you are having trouble with it.”

  Jillian sighed, “You’re right. We have translated a lot of it, but not the pieces we really need.”

  “Then tell me, Jillian; how much would you pay to have it accurately translated?”

  “I’d pay ten million if it could be done quickly. However, what are you doing offering Blondie four million?”

  “Sorry, I’m offering her ten million now. Blonde, as you call her, has the highest IQ in the history of my university. She received her first PhD in chemistry when she was thirteen. She speaks fifty languages fluently. She is currently going to work on her second PhD in high energy physics and it was her that helped me design my device. Trust me on this, she can translate that tablet. Her language skills are unequalled. Do you want the help or not?”

  Jillian put her hands on her hips, “Why the half naked look at the bar? That’s not the behavior of someone as intelligent as you say.”

  “She really wants to be appreciated for her body.”

  Jillian looked skeptical.

  “I’m serious. Everyone at the university is intimidated by her intelligence. She likes being appreciated for her appearance.”

  Jillian looked at the ceiling, “What is the world coming to?”

  “Do you want her?”

  “I’ll tell you what. I’ll pay her the ten million if she can translate the front of the tablet within six weeks.”

  “Call her and make the offer.”

  “Can she be trusted to keep this secret?”

  “You didn’t know she was brilliant. Obviously, she can hide things.”

  “If you say so. However, you need to make the call. She might not believe you’re really safe if I make it.”

  “You’re right. Connect me again.”

  “What’s going on, Chris?”

  “Dolly, I want you to consider an offer. These people I have been meeting with are having difficulty translating a document. I’ve been told to offer you ten million dollars if you can do it in six weeks; nothing if you can’t. Are you up to the challenge?”

  “You know how I love challenges. Do you think it would hold my interest?”

  “Like nothing you’ve ever seen before.”

  “This is starting to get me excited. How do we do this?”

  “You know our dancing place?”


  “Pack a bag and the people I left with will come to get you there in three hours.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Oh, and Dolly?”

  “I know, I know, dress appropriately.”

  Jillian felt the disconnect, “What were you going to say to her?”

  “Dress appropriately. She does like to show off.”

  “Am I sensing that you’re changing your mind about joining my project?”

  “No, not really. I don’t want to give up my dance days. However, I’m going to wait and see what Dolly finds out. If the planet is in real danger, then I might consider it.”


  “I can’t allow those students under my care to come to harm if I can do anything to prevent it. That’s the only thing that would make me go.”

  Jillian shook her head. She could not understand this crazy professor.

  Dolly waited at the bar and watched the crowded dance floor. She was amazed at the couples dancing, and wondered what could have possibly mixed and matched them. Most of them just didn’t seem to fit together. The six foot three inch girl dancing with a five foot five inch man…well, perhaps she could understand that one. Jamal Lundquist walked up and said, “What happened to your dance partner?”

  Dolly turned around and said, “Hi, Jamal. He was late for a meeting.”

  “So what else is new?”

  “No, he’s never late. He says he was this time, but has he ever been late
to the center?”

  Jamal thought a moment, “No. He’s usually early. Those children he’s tutoring would be heartbroken if he didn’t show.”

  “I know. That makes me believe that something else is going on.”

  “Sure there is. Did you see those Alpha Agents? Why have you packed a bag?”

  “I’m going to check on him. The ones that took him are coming to get me.”

  Jamal looked worried, “Dolly, don’t put yourself in danger.”

  “I’ve got to go, Jamal. It’s the only way to make sure he’s ok. He’s told me some fantasy about a job but I still have to go and see. However, if you don’t hear from me or him in a week, tell the Tutors.”

  “I will. Just be careful.”

  “As much as I can, you know I will. You better get out of here. I think those Alphas are coming back.”

  Jamal looked around quickly and moved out into the crowd surrounding the dance floor where he could keep an eye on Dolly.

  Dolly turned back to the dance floor examining the crowd. She lost track of time until she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see a handsome young man standing behind her, “Excuse me, Miss Sierra, but I’m here to pick you up.”

  Dolly stared at him a moment, then recognized him, “You look different out of uniform.”

  “My commander felt that dressing in civilian clothes would be more appropriate this time.”

  Dolly tilted her head and said, “Well, you do dress up well. You should do it more often.”

  Jeff smiled, “You also look beautiful tonight. Black is your color.”

  Dolly smiled as Jeff lifted her suitcase, “You don’t have to lie; I’ll go with you willingly.”

  Jeff looked Dolly in the eyes and said, “I don’t lie. Ever. You are more beautiful tonight than the first time I saw you. You were just gorgeous then.”

  Dolly smiled and put her arm in his elbow, “Lead on brave warrior.”

  Jeff felt a foot taller and was envious of Dr. Connor. This was one remarkably beautiful woman.

  Jamal watched them leave, and also recognized the Alpha Agent; he never forgot a face. He set his timer as he watched them disappear through the entrance. “One week, Dolly. No more, no less.”

  Dolly was lead through the multiple security check points and wondered what Dr. Connor had gotten himself into. This facility was a top secret government facility. She finally made it through the last giant portal and saw the woman that had confronted her at the dance club, “Welcome, Miss Sierra. I appreciate your coming to help us.”

  “Just call me, Dolly. I actually came to check on Dr. Connor. However, all this security had piqued my curiosity. You must have something happening to have this level of security.”

  Jillian stared at Dolly and wondered exactly what about Connor would engender this kind of loyalty. “He told me you were good with languages. Was that not true?”

  Dolly waved her hand, “I’ve dabbled with languages. What’s the problem?”

  Jillian wasn’t sure if she wanted to take Dolly any closer to the tablet if she wasn’t what she was advertised to be. She started feeling like she had been misled by the wacky Professor. She saw one of the translation team leaving for a break and said, “Dr. Leven, may I see your pad for a moment?”

  “Sure.” Leven handed Jillian his computer tablet. Jillian scrolled through the data and arrived at the first six lines of the tablet with their translations. She handed it to Dolly and said, “Does this make sense to you?”

  Dolly looked at the six lines and read the translations in less than ten seconds, “This translation is wrong. The fourth line is a negative not a positive. The writer was saying they hated to be bringing such bad news, not that they had news. I also see that the language under it is not from this planet.”

  Jillian was shocked, “Why do you say that?”

  “The breaks in the thoughts are at different intervals than the way humans think. Whoever wrote the lines under the hieroglyphics was really just giving definitions to individual terms.” Dolly handed the tablet back and looked at Jillian, “You’ve discovered aliens.”

  Jeff watched Dolly give her opinion and was amazed and intimidated by what he was seeing in the young woman. Dolly looked at him and saw his expression, “Now there you go wondering how you’re ever going to stand a chance with someone like me, aren’t you?”

  Jeff looked at her and nodded, “Miss Sierra, you have just added about ten more levels of beauty to what I have already seen. I am amazed by your brilliance.”

  Dolly smiled, leaned over, and kissed him on the cheek, “Don’t give up so fast, Jeffie, you also interest me.” Dolly turned back to Jillian and said, “You need Dr. Connor to go and see if there were aliens when these hieroglyphics were written. That tells me you must have developed some kind of mechanism that will allow faster-than-light speeds.”

  Jillian slowly shook her head and smiled, “Come with me, Dolly. I have something to show you.”

  “Do you mind if Jeff goes with us? I don’t want him to stray too far. Someone else might ask him to dance and you know how I hate competition.”

  Jillian frowned, “I thought you had a thing for Dr. Connor.”

  Dolly’s expression said it all, “Get real. I tried but he’s not available. The only thing I have for him is that I would give my life to make sure he’s safe. Too many people depend on him.”

  Jeff looked at Dolly and wondered if he did have a chance. Dolly smiled at him and nodded. “Sure you do.” Oh, boy. She could read his expression. That’s fine. I don’t have anything to hide.

  Jillian shook her head, “Well, let’s go see the good Doctor. He’s been waiting for you.” She nodded at Jeff and he followed them.

  Five days had passed and Dr. Connor had left and come back. He didn’t explain why he had to leave, but President Carlyle insisted that he be allowed the freedom to set his own schedule. He had spent most of his time with Dolly, working on her computer with her translations. He had surprised her again when she learned he was also an authority on ancient languages. Dolly was beyond anyone she had ever encountered. The translation team had confronted her after she had challenged their work and they discovered rather quickly that they were wrong every time. This young woman shredded their arguments and corrected most of what they had done. They realized that they were now in a supporting role and, unbelievably, there was no anger toward her. Her openness, sincerity, and ready smile were impossible to be angry with for very long. Dr. Mustaf actually welcomed the opportunity to learn details of the ancient Egyptian language. Jillian watched as Dr. Connor stood and left the building again. Jillian walked up and sat down beside Dolly, “How’s it going?”

  Dolly looked at Jillian and her face had a worried expression, “Jillian, this is scary.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ll give you the entire translation shortly. I expect just a week or two will complete it, but I guess you already knew the tablet predicts the destruction of Earth.”

  “Yes, we had already determined that before you came.”

  “Jillian, the writer is saying that Earth will be shattered. All life on the planet will die.”

  Jillian felt a cold wind blow over her soul, “Does he say how?”

  “No, at least not to this point. I’ve not shared this with the team. I’m concerned that they might decide to do something irrational. This is not information that should get out. I think we are going to be attacked by someone.”

  “Does it say when, Dolly?”


  Jillian was struck dumb. No one had been able to give a time for the event. “When!?!”

  “It will happen between four and six years from now.”

  Jillian stared at Dolly and said, “Do you believe it?”


  “Where did Dr. Connor go?”

  “He went to resign his position at the university.”


  Dolly took a deep breath and said, “You don’t
like Chris, do you?”

  Jillian nodded, “No, I don’t.”

  “You think he’s just a happy go lucky, party hard, womanizing, alcoholic.”

  “Isn’t he? It was that behavior that caused him to lose the Nobel Prize.”

  Dolly just stared at Jillian.

  “Dolly, a reporter that covered the incident is a close friend of mine. She said he didn’t even deny the accusations.”

  “Jillian, you are such a thunk.”

  “A what?”

  “A thunk. You only believe what you see on the surface. You miss reality.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Dr. Connor didn’t have an affair with that woman. He spent the night at a hospital in Paris with one of our exchange students that had fallen deathly ill with a mersa infection. Chris was called by his girlfriend and asked if he could go help. He told the wife of that committee member where he was going and she asked if she could use the key to his room to go to the potty. He gave it to her and told her to leave it at the front desk. That man the hotel security video showed leaving in the morning was one of the selection committee’s members. Chris came back and discovered he was being accused of something he didn’t do. The woman came and begged him not to tell the truth. She said it would destroy the committee. Chris agreed to take the blame.”

  Jillian didn’t know what to think.

  “Do you know where he is right now?”


  “He has been tutoring children in the projects for years. He also started a program at the university to help struggling students. He would note those students in his classes that had exceptional performance. He asked them if they would be willing to help other students that were struggling. He not only did it in his discipline, but sought out students from all departments and set up a schedule for them to teach students that were having difficulty. The list of tutors has grown to more than fifteen hundred over a three year period. Those fifteen hundred are known as The Tutors and they are the most highly respected students in the school. To be selected to join their ranks is an honor that everyone holds in higher esteem than graduating with high honors. The student body would follow their lead on any issue. Their acknowledged leader is Dr. Connor.”


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