Love under the Lights (Whole Lotta Love #3)

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Love under the Lights (Whole Lotta Love #3) Page 6

by Sahara Kelly

  “I’d forgotten.” One corner of his mouth curved a little.

  “Forgotten what?”

  “What it was like when I started in this business so long ago. I’d completely forgotten.” He shrugged. “It happens, I guess. So much time spent behind the camera filming sex. It all gets routine after a while. All in a day’s work.”

  “Not for me.”

  “No, it’s not, is it?” Paul sounded thoughtful.

  “I don’t know if it ever could be, either.” She sighed. “I have to do this. You know why. I’m as close to broke as anyone can get without being homeless. But whether I’d choose to do it under any other circumstances—well, that’s something I’d have to think about. Perhaps after today I’ll have a better idea. But right now, the thought of doing this as a career gives me the damn willies.”

  An odd grin crossed Paul’s face, then he turned away, distracted by the rising argument between Suze and Nick. “We’d better get things moving. Or they’ll make a liar out of me and start hacking chunks out of each other.”

  Toni nodded and headed for the bed.

  Fortunately, Bud walked in and broke up the potential fight, wrangling the combatants into their positions and laying out the groundwork for the scene. “Suze, on the bed. Toni, between her legs at the foot, bending over her body. Nick? Outside the door. Wait for your cue.”

  They moved into position, Toni dropping her robe onto a chair behind the camera. Self-consciously she walked into her spot but since she was between the legs of a totally naked and utterly relaxed Suze, she felt more comfortable than she’d expected. Suddenly her thong felt like a long sleeved jumpsuit. She might well be overdressed for this particular party.

  Suze winked at her, making her giggle a bit. “Like the shave?” Suze’s pussy was adorned with a delightfully artistic squiggle of pubic hair, shaped into a lightning bolt. It was very blonde.

  Toni nodded, biting back the urge to ask if she’d colored it. There were some topics she couldn’t bring herself to discuss. Even with a naked, six-foot blonde bombshell.

  “Okay everyone.” Bud’s voice rang out and silence fell. Paul fiddled with the camera and a red light appeared. He was all business, focused on his equipment and didn’t acknowledge the nudity around him.

  God, to be that relaxed. Toni sucked in air and let it out on a whoosh.

  “Let’s run through it. Toni, this is Suze’s fantasy so touch her, turn her on, get her going before Nick comes in.” Bud glanced at the papers in his hand. “Nick.”

  A muffled “yeah” came from outside the door.

  “When Suze says ‘oh God, that’s so good’ you come in. Got it?”

  Another “yeah”.

  Toni figured that wasn’t totally beyond his capabilities. She glanced down at Suze, sprawled casually on the white quilt. This was so fucking surreal…

  “Paul? You set?”


  “No sound here guys. We’re dubbing in music and Suze’s dialogue later.” Bud nodded at them. “The outside noises are gonna play hell with the mikes. They always do at this time of day.”

  Toni thought about that.

  “It means we don’t have to watch what we say, honey.” Suze whispered to her. “There won’t be a mike recording anything. It’ll all be added afterwards.”

  Toni dipped her head and nodded a little. It made sense. There was some traffic noise, an airplane now and again, a loud speedboat—all sounds she wouldn’t have noticed in the normal way of things. But looking at it from a microphone’s perspective—well, yeah. Unless they closed the windows to the ocean all those things would probably be picked up clear as a bell.

  And the open windows with their sheer netting blowing over the back of the bed—well, that was why they chose this room in the first place. Plus the sunlight worked apparently. There were very few extra lights, unlike yesterday’s scene in the darker hall.

  “Okay. We’re hot. Let’s give it a go.” Bud paused. “And—action.”

  Toni waited the few seconds it took for Fran to snap the clapper board in front of the camera, then took a breath and reached for Suze.

  Chapter Five

  “You smell good.” Toni sniffed the air as she leaned over Suze’s body and gently touched her.

  Suze chuckled. “It’s vanilla.”

  “You’re kidding.” Toni stroked the white skin, not quite sure what she should be doing, but figured following her instincts would work for a start. If somebody yelled at her to do something else, she would, but for right now she’d just kind of feel her way around. She smiled to herself at the godawful pun.

  “Nope. No kidding. I carry a little bottle with me. Just a dab here and there and I smell good enough to eat.” Suze moaned a little and shifted her legs in response to what Toni was doing. Or thinking about possibly doing.

  “Wow. Good idea.” With care, Toni stroked the sides of Suze’s breasts then moved away and dropped a little kiss on the inside of her knee. “It works. Like a breakfast roll or something.”

  “I tried cinnamon but it wasn’t strong enough.” Suze’s head tossed from side to side. “Go for the nipples now, sweetie. But watch the left one. It’s ticklish.”

  “I’m getting there.” Toni nuzzled around Suze’s navel and found her mouth watering at the tasty scent of vanilla. It was no hardship to lick a path up Suze’s smooth skin to just below her breasts. “How am I doing?”

  “Just great.” Suze sighed. “I’m kinda sorry it isn’t going to be just the two of us. But we’re only postponing the inevitable.” She huffed out a giggle and shivered. “Jeez. Watch it. That’s real close to the ticklish spot.”

  “Sorry.” Toni casually moved her hand to the right breast. It was hard to know left from right when she was getting directions from a naked woman whose assets she was fondling.

  “Here we go.” Suze arched her spine as Toni kissed one nipple. “Oh that feels so good.”

  She almost shouted the words, making Toni flinch. But thankfully Nick heard his cue and the door opened behind Toni with a crash.

  “How about you let an expert take over…” He growled his line for some reason, not that it mattered since there was no sound recording. But apparently he was into character.

  Toni was about to move away when a large hand cupped one of her ass cheeks. “Whoa. Fuck, baby, I gotta get me some of that.” Fingers wound around her thong, pulled it away from her body then let go, snapping it back against her butt.

  “Oww.” Toni couldn’t help it. She jerked and let out a yip as the elastic fabric stung her skin.


  Toni rubbed her butt and glared at Nick. Yeah, he was in character all right. His usual character—Best Supporting Asshole.

  “Nick, you stupid shit. What did you do that for?” Paul was frowning over the camera at the smirking stud.

  “Hey. Chill, dude.” Nick spread his hands. “Just havin’ some fun with the new kid. Sort of like welcoming her, ya know?”

  “Do it again and I’ll welcome you into a coma, you shithead.” Paul subsided, muttering, behind his camera.

  “Grow up.” Bud stared at Nick. “Take it from Suze’s cue. Don’t fuck around, Nick. That costs money. Next time you pull a stunt like that, it’s coming out of your check.”

  Nick mumbled something, adjusted his tiny swimsuit and went back outside, closing the door behind him.

  Suze sighed. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” Toni grimaced. “That’s gonna leave a mark though.”

  “Bastard.” Suze wrinkled her nose. “Look, when you move to let him take over, go to your right and climb up on the bed that way. Then your ass won’t be to the camera when you lose the thong.”

  Toni nodded. “Got it.”


  Toni repositioned herself as near as she could remember to where she was, leaning down to kiss Suze’s nipple. But this time, she let one leg bend sharply at the knee, her high-heeled shoe sticking out behind her.

p; If anybody should try and get too close, he’d end up with his balls shishkebabed by a designer stiletto.

  “Attagirl.” Suze picked up on the move and winked.

  Nick entered on cue. Toni couldn’t help a tiny snicker as she heard him stop short before speaking his lines. There was nothing like a sharp threat aimed at a guy’s nuts to drive a point home.

  Ignoring him, she moved on with the scene, slipping out of her thong and managing to climb onto the bed without catching her shoes in the linens. Why the hell she had to keep her shoes on, she wasn’t sure. But—this was porn. It was what they all did. Probably catered to some of the foot fetishists out there.

  Oddly enough, she was reasonably comfortable being naked, lolling on several large pillows while Nick sucked Suze’s pussy. She barely spared a thought for any of it, being focused on things like keeping her body angled right and not blocking Suze’s face.

  It would get harder once Suze turned onto her stomach, but for now she was okay with what she was doing—fondling Suze.

  Toni told herself that this wasn’t unlike a monthly breast self-exam. In fact—she mentally divided Suze’s breast into pizza slices and rolled her fingertips around it, then pushed it upward. Of course, Toni wasn’t in the habit of nipple-kissing as part of her health routine, but what the heck.

  “Find anything?” Suze lifted an eyebrow.

  “Nope. You’re good as far as I can tell.” Toni whispered the words as she tongued and sucked one of Suze’s hard buds.

  Suze simply giggled. “You’re funny.”

  “You help.” Toni giggled back.

  “Wait ‘til I start eating you out, toots. You may never go back to men again.” Suze’s voice was teasing.

  Toni swallowed. Yes, that would be coming soon. It was in the script, clear as day. “Nick fucks Suze doggy style while Suze sucks Toni off.”

  Suze moaned as Nick’s head bobbed between her legs, dark hair lying dramatically over Suze’s white skin.

  It would probably be a pretty impressive fantasy scene, thought Toni. A woman’s dream of being fucked by a handsome stud and caressed by another woman at the same time. A ménage that should appeal to quite a few viewers if current magazine articles were to be believed.

  She took a breath, moved closer to Suze—and kissed her.


  The lens of a camera could sometimes reveal more than a human eye. It was revealing more now to Paul as he squinted through the viewfinder and filmed the erotic play going on in front of him.

  He did his job as he always did, conscientiously, thoroughly, needing no script or notes to remind him to vary his angles, capture the action and make the actors look as good as possible. It was routine to him, as he’d told Toni earlier. He’d left the sexual and arousing emotions far behind him as he’d embarked on this particular career. It was just a job, one he tried to do as well as he possibly could.

  So why, today—while filming a scene he’d shot a hundred times before in various combinations—was he getting aroused?

  He’d caught Nick turning Suze onto her stomach, biceps bulging and dotted with those tattoos. He’d managed to film the lustful expression that crossed the man’s face at precisely the right moment and the way he’d looked down as he reached for his cock to penetrate Suze.

  He’d also caught more than a few glances from Nick to Toni, hungry stares that probed her body every bit as clearly as a finger would have done.

  Paul had managed to focus on Suze’s face as she settled on all fours and also Toni’s shy smile when she scooted into place beneath Suze.

  Paul knew his job. Knew he should be filming all of the aspects of this scene—that was how it was set up. But he had the other camera aimed at the bed and its occupants, filming automatically. They’d take some sequences from that one and cut them into the one Paul was running personally.

  But time and again he found himself watching Toni.

  She lay sprawled beneath Suze, legs apart, responding to the touch of Suze’s mouth to her pussy. Moving, shifting on the white linens, her skin was a symphony that the camera adored, no question about it.

  But something about her was touching him, personally. And he was having a hard time figuring that out.

  Sure, she was no hardship to watch. And she was funny, smart—didn’t have an over-inflated sense of her own ego—in fact she didn’t seem to have any ego at all. She could have been pushing her hips upward, moaning, writhing, doing all the things actors do to draw attention to themselves. But she wasn’t.

  She seemed to be quite simply what she was portraying. A woman enjoying having her pussy sucked. Clearly Suze was enjoying the scene as well. Having worked with her before, Paul was wise to all the little tricks Suze had up her sleeve. Letting her hair fall forward and hide her face was a dead giveaway that Suze didn’t feel like giving anybody oral that day. That she’d fake it and make it look real. She was damn good at it, too.

  But at this particular moment, Suze wasn’t faking anything and Paul could see her tongue as it flicked at Toni’s pussy, teasing—dipping in and out—shit. Paul fought a hard-on that was making him fidget. He wanted his mouth doing that to Toni. He wanted his tongue tasting her, savoring her juices, licking its way around her clit and making her sigh with pleasure.

  He could have dropped everything right that minute and pushed Suze out of the way without a second thought. And it wasn’t like Paul to feel that way.

  He gave himself a mental kick up the ass, pushed the visions of him and Toni naked to the back of his mind and forced himself to do his fucking job, not drool over a woman he barely knew. And a porn actress to boot. It wasn’t like he hadn’t had enough of those in his life recently.

  Nick picked up the pace, fucking Suze thoroughly now, slamming his body into hers as he took her from behind.

  She lifted her head away from Toni’s pussy and tossed her hair back, her face creasing into lines of passion, her teeth biting down on her lower lip as her whole body began to shake.

  Nick was really giving her one hell of a fucking, thought Paul. He adjusted the lens angle, pulling back so that he could get all three in the shot. He caught Nick’s hand as it lifted from Suze’s hip then flashed back down, slapping her white ass cheek with a crack that rang around the room.

  Suze never flinched, but shook her hair wildly, taking everything Nick was giving her with what would appear to be sensual abandon. Paul knew better. Nick was gonna hear about that whack in no uncertain terms. What the hell had gotten into the guy, anyway? He should have been a lot smarter than that.

  Toni had missed it, or at least missed the significance of it. Suze had reached for Toni’s hand when she’d lifted herself away and now Toni’s fingers were replacing Suze’s tongue.

  She lay beneath Suze, a creamy dark blend of light and shadow, a perfect counterpoint to Suze’s blonde whiteness. Toni’s hand was barely visible as it moved between her legs, but the other one toyed with her breasts, teasing the nipples, cupping them, squeezing them—

  A bead of sweat rolled off Paul’s face. Christ above. Toni Sinclair was doing a number on him today.

  Nick was grunting, a sure sign he was getting close to coming. Paul moved the lens a fraction, getting all three in the shot and waiting. Toni’s lips were parted, her breasts rising and falling as she panted.

  Suze gripped the quilt either side of Toni’s body and her face contorted into a snarl that closely resembled orgasmic bliss. Paul wasn’t quite sure if it was sex or temper. Nick, on the other hand—well, his expression left no doubt. He was about to come, his mouth open, his face shining with sweat and his eyelids heavy as he watched his cock plunge in and out of Suze.

  He gasped aloud, pulled away from Suze and dexterously whipped off the condom. “Now bitch.” He spat the words as he rammed his cock along the crease of Suze’s ass and erupted up her spine, leaving sparkling jets of cum dripping down her white skin.


  Paul let the camera roll for a moment or
two. Suze sagged away from Nick who was stroking himself. And Toni? She was still, frozen with her hand between her legs, her head turned toward the camera—and looking through the lens at Paul.

  He sucked in a breath. Her cheeks were flushed, her lips swollen and there was a look of quiet desperation in her eyes.

  She’d nearly made herself come. He knew it as sure as he knew there was a helluva hard-on in his pants. She was aroused, honestly and genuinely turned on. And now she had to stop, to backtrack, to push it all away and pretend it was all in a day’s work.

  Paul watched her fight for her composure. Her throat moved as she swallowed and she let the others get off the bed before she pulled herself upright. He caught the little tremble of her hands as she stood and the tiny stagger as her knees nearly buckled.

  He flicked off the camera, grabbed her robe and walked to her, ignoring the rest of the crew and the sound of loud voices as Suze lay in to Nick, pointing out in no uncertain terms that she was not happy with him.

  “Here. You’ll need this.” Paul handed the blue silk robe to Toni.

  She blinked and nodded, slipping it on and belting it tightly around her waist with a heartfelt “Thank you.”

  “And you got cum in my fucking hair, Nick. It’s not enough that you hit me hard enough to rattle my back teeth, you had to go fuck up my hair?” Suze was approaching the decibel level of an incoming F-16 fighter jet.

  Paul winced. It was definitely gonna get nasty. He touched Toni’s shoulder. “C’mon. Time for us to make like a shepherd and get the flock out of here.”

  She responded to his joke with a weak smile, but nodded. “Good idea.”

  They left the sound of loud and angry voices behind them as Paul walked Toni through the house to the patio and sat her down in the shade of a big umbrella. She seemed—stunned, maybe. Out of it a little.

  It wasn’t surprising he realized, as he grabbed a couple of bottles of iced water from the outdoor fridge. It was her first time, her first real shoot. She’d lost her porn virginity that morning.

  “Here.” He held a bottle out, waiting for her to take it. “You want something to eat or anything?”


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