Love under the Lights (Whole Lotta Love #3)

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Love under the Lights (Whole Lotta Love #3) Page 10

by Sahara Kelly

  All she needed was a willing partner. The right partner.

  And the image of Paul flooded into her mind like a dam bursting.

  Oh God, he’d be good. She just knew it. He’d know how to touch her—like this—and how to prolong the exquisite moment—like this.

  She felt the texture of her own liquids as they flowed from her pussy to cover her fingers and lose themselves in the hot tub. Yeah, Paul would like this.

  Lazily, she floated, a body trembling with knowledge of its own response, a brain leisurely turning over the possibilities, a woman adrift in a sensual spell.

  Which was shattered moments later by a loud yell.


  Chapter Eight

  Caught unawares, Toni flailed and ended up spitting out a mouthful of water. Fucking shit. Just as she was getting to the good part too.

  “We’re finished with your bit, Toni. Thanks.” Paul waved, a dark shape against the light behind him in the master bedroom.

  Idly she waved back.

  So it was done. Over. She’d played her role and apparently everyone was pleased.

  Well, hell.

  She could get back into her bikini and go upstairs. She could finish her drink, get back into her bikini and go upstairs.


  She could just relax. Enjoy this idyllic evening in a fancy garden, surrounded by a hot tub, a primo cocktail—with umbrella—and flowers. Naked.

  Toni grinned. Was there any question? Shit no. She was as human as the next woman.

  Sighing, she let the tensions ease a little, just laying in the water, enjoying the weight that had slid from her shoulders with that final “Cut”. She could breathe now, unclamp that part of her mind that had been tied up in knots for the past few days, and simply enjoy the moment.

  The pool beckoned. Without a second thought, Toni paddled to the edge of the tub, stepped onto the convenient rocks and over into the swimming pool, groaning a little at the colder water. It was heated, of course, but still a bit of a shock after the toasty bathwater she’d just left.

  But the dip was bracing and Toni swam the length of the pool, frolicking and playing underwater, then on top, once again exploring the incredible sensation of freedom. This was how humans were meant to swim. Naked as the day they were born.

  The cooler currents swirled and tugged at her, nipping at her toes, nuzzling her pussy and teasing her nipples with soft clinging kisses. Her movements were sure and free, since there was nothing to constrain her body, no fabric pulling or tugging, no elastic digging in anywhere at all.

  It was untrammeled pleasure, sensual delight and the most amazingly wonderful experience. It was also cool enough that two laps were quite sufficient to send Toni back into the steaming pond of her hot tub.

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, easing her body down onto a different ledge this time, one shadowed from the landscape lights and lit only dimly by the underwater floods.

  Her breasts were sensitive, nipples taut and aroused by the passage of the cool night breezes.

  Toni let the water play around her pussy, parting her legs, closing them, opening them again, finding the currents that teased her clit with tiny touches of movement that owed their existence to nothing more than an air pump.

  She closed her eyes and rested her head back on the ledge. This time was for her, for the simple ecstasy of a woman’s body in a natural environment.

  She let her mind wander where it wanted, relaxed and at ease.

  This whole experience had been—well, the word surreal came to mind. She’d done it, though. She’d been naked. Been aroused by a woman and fucked by a man, neither of whom she knew very well.

  And—in all honesty—she’d enjoyed it. Enjoyed the chance to use her sexuality selfishly and solely for her own advantage for once. It had been something unique in her world.

  Would she make a career out of it?

  Toni opened her eyes and stared at the sky. That would be a difficult question to answer.

  With a gentle rumble, the therapeutic jets in the hot tub buzzed to life, a dozen massaging streams of water turning the bubbles into foam and the water into a living mass of turbulence.

  And catching Toni right between the legs.

  “Oh sheeeeeit…”

  A bolt of electric shudders swept through her veins as the jet caught her pussy, danced over her clit and burst to the surface of the water along with her gasp. It was exquisite, arousing and incredible.

  Toni moaned, her body awakening once more to a sense of its purpose, a need for the welcome explosion only the touch of a lover—or a hand—could bring.

  She swallowed and rode the currents, eyes closed, lifting one hand to tug on her nipples, to heighten the pleasure of these moments.

  As her fingers slid down to her pussy, stroking the folds, parting them, opening her clit to the onrush of bubbles, she remembered Suze’s mouth on her—right there.

  She remembered Ryan’s hard cock, reddened, swollen, sinking in to her body and hammering her into an orgasm.

  Above all, she remembered a pair of dark eyes, a head topped with tousled surfer hair and a laugh that warmed her all the way to her toes. He’d kissed her—lightly—teased her, walked with her and listened to her.

  Of all the experiences she’d had, he was the one whose face lingered in her mind.


  Would he know how to touch her? How to delve into her pussy and find those exquisitely sensitive places? Would he use his tongue, perhaps, or his fingers as he stared into her eyes?

  And maybe his cock would be reddened and hard, or perhaps it would be ridged, purple—whatever it was, Toni admitted she’d take it. Anyway he wanted to give it. For the one man who’d touched more than her body these past few days wasn’t a porn star at all.

  He was a cameraman. He was Paul Whittaker. And he wanted to be more than just a friend.

  Toni knew she wanted that too. It was outside the business of sex, outside the porn movie, outside the confines of a fancy house on the beach.

  As she stroked her body in all the ways that aroused her, Toni knew that her interest in Paul went beyond this movie experience.

  It was the simple meeting of a man and a woman who had found something they both liked in each other.

  Although he’d seen her naked, of course. She hadn’t seen him that way—yet. Oh God, she wanted to.

  Tension rippled through her muscles as the thoughts of Paul, naked and touching her, ran crazily across her mind. She wanted him between her legs, crushing her body, licking and biting her nipples, her clit—anywhere and everywhere.

  She drowned in the fantasy of fucking Paul, of doing it over and over again in so many ways she lost count.

  Her hand had found the perfect spot—her breath was short and explosive and within moments she knew she’d come. It was the penultimate moment, the incredible blinding seconds before orgasm.

  Toni’s lips parted as she sucked in air and breathed one word.


  “I’m here.”

  The sound of his voice shattered the spell and Toni gasped, choking and thrashing around in surprise. She opened her eyes to see Paul, standing alone on the edge of the hot tub, his eyes ablaze, his shirt crumpled in his hand.

  She gulped, unable to draw her gaze away from him, from the nicely tanned and muscled chest, from the strong arms and hands that even now were reaching for the snap on his shorts.

  He’d heard her. He’d been watching her—for how long, she had no idea. His feet were bare which was probably why she hadn’t noticed him, although she’d managed to lose herself in her fantasy pretty damn deeply. He probably could have clattered over the stone patio in clogs and she wouldn’t have heard him approach.

  There was a flush in his cheeks, visible even in the low light from the tub. His eyes were fixed on her, her body, her hands—her face, he was absolutely eating her up with his hungry stare.

  And God, how she wanted to be eaten. Her
body was sizzling with the interrupted need to come.

  Paul knew.

  He unsnapped his shorts, his chest rising and falling as he moved to the very edge of the tub. Beneath the khaki, his cock was a sharp hard bulge. Other than his first two words, he hadn’t said a thing.

  Neither had Toni.

  She didn’t need to. She knew—he knew—


  The loud yell came from upstairs and both Paul and Toni jumped.

  His lips curled into a snarl. “What?” He yelled back without taking his eyes off Toni.

  “Need you. Can’t get the replay to run right.” Bud sounded irritated in the quiet of the evening.

  Toni saw the muscles flex in Paul’s jaw as he fought for control. Would he leave her? Or would he turn his back on his job and take her, fuck her right there in Bud’s hot tub?

  She knew the answer before she’d finished the thought. She was getting to know Paul better than she’d realized.

  He sighed and re-fastened his pants then reached down and picked up his shirt. He looked intently at her. “We’re not done.”

  The heat jumped between them with the force of static electricity in a massive thunderstorm. Toni could’ve sworn the hairs on her body lifted away from her skin.

  “You and me. We’re not done.” Paul turned on his heel and padded back toward the house. “We haven’t even started. But we will.” He tossed the words quietly over his shoulder. A promise, a statement—whatever they were, they traveled through Toni’s body to her pussy and sat there making her aching flesh realize that it was also empty. That she needed filling with something that only Paul could give her.

  Ryan could’ve fucked her all night and it wouldn’t have done a damn thing for her.

  There was the muttered sound of curses as Paul stepped on some gravel or something, then he was gone.

  She heaved out a huge breath that seemed to have been stuck in her lungs forever and clambered out of the hot tub, her knees shaky and her heart pounding like a drum.

  “We’re not done.”

  The echo of Paul’s voice lingered in her ears. He was right. They weren’t done. But possibly, tonight, they would be.

  Not here though, not out in the open. If there was going to be anything between her and Paul, Toni knew one thing with absolute certainty. It was going to be private and involve just the two of them.

  Off camera.


  She wrapped the towel around her body like a sarong, grabbed her suit and her drink and made her own way quietly back indoors and upstairs to her room.

  And all the time she could hear Paul’s words in the back of her mind. “We haven’t even started. But we will.”

  She could hear them as she showered off the residue from the hot tub. And she could hear her brain screaming at her for being an idiot. It was all she could to not whack herself in the head with a baseball bat for saying Paul’s name as she almost came. It was bad enough to say it aloud but to have him standing there when she did?

  Shit. Shit, shit and double shit. Talk about embarrassing.

  Her body still ached to feel Paul, though. Every sexual fiber of her being wanted him even though she’d known him for such a short time. Sure, he was gorgeous, had a great body and made her feel really good in a variety of ways, but that didn’t change the fact she’d only met him a few days ago. She had no doubt that he was basically a decent man. But in spite of that, she wanted to do some really indecent things to him.

  As she dried off, Toni realized the dampness between her thighs hadn’t come from the shower. Her nipples were tight and sensitive.

  Yep, there was no question about it. The shower hadn’t done anything except rinse her skin clean of the scent of chlorine. The rest of her was still turned on.


  Was telling her they hadn’t started a little too cocky?

  Why did Toni say his name when she was laying in the hot bubbles of the tub? Paul kept asking himself the same questions over and over. He knew what he wanted the answers to be, but couldn’t convince himself they’d be ones he’d get.

  If he had stripped naked would she have started giggling and pointing? Or would she have passed out after one look at the massive size of his Love Monster?

  All these questions raced through his mind. For a man that was pretty secure in all aspects of his life, he was suddenly a little flustered. Make that a lot flustered.

  Paul lay on his bed in the room next to Toni’s, thinking. It wasn’t unusual for him to lay in bed thinking. He did it all the time. Most of the time though, he didn’t have a hard-on while he was doing it. Sighing, he tried to wipe the image of Toni out of his head. The problem was his other head wanted nothing more than to see her. All of her.

  He closed his eyes and the vision of her luscious skin, coated with bubbles, jumped back into his memory. The way the droplets of water clung to her as she lay in the ripples. Her fingers caressing the lips of her pink flesh. He drooled with the urge to lick those folds and taste the sweet nectar of her pussy.

  This wasn’t helping.

  He couldn’t stop thinking about her and before too much more time had passed, Paul knew one thing for certain.

  He had to see her.

  The damned twenty minutes he’d wasted showing the guys how to do the playback hadn’t helped things. All it had done was give him time to start worrying whether he’d misunderstood, overstepped their friendship, threatened her, been rude to her, scared her off…

  Paul dropped his head into his hands and gave up the battle. His bold comments needed to be either explained or—or—acted out. He wanted her. That was a given. She wanted him. She had to, he hoped. Sure, she’d dropped the friend comment once and every guy knew that was a definite bomb when it comes to wanting to do the nasty.

  But then again, what did he have to lose? Maybe she’d tell him to fuck off.

  But it was his name she’d whispered in the tub.

  With an encouraging squeeze of his cock, Paul took a deep breath and decided to go start things, now. What he’d say was still a mystery but he was a man following a primal voice.

  The voice of his cock urging him to go claim his woman.

  Within moments, Paul knocked quietly on her door, wondering if she was still in the shower. Still naked.

  “Who is it?”

  “It’s me, Paul.”

  “Paul who?” Toni opened the door with a grin, tying her silky robe around her. So much for naked-in-the-shower.

  He walked into the room inhaling the warmth she radiated, her perfume, the scent of soap and shampoo. Reaching back he closed her door with a slam and just stared into her dark eyes.

  She stared back silently, her smile fading as something hot blazed to life behind her gaze. A bolt of lust made him shudder, and Paul grabbed Toni’s face in his hands. He held her cheeks between his palms and kissed her with a burning heat that had swelled within him. All the moments he had spent watching Toni naked combined into a need that engulfed him with desire. He wanted her so badly that he ached with it, a solid physical pain that only Toni could ease.

  His tongue danced with hers and they melted together, lips meeting once, twice then parting, only to return with more eagerness, more force each time.

  He could feel Toni weaken as her body relaxed against him, limp and willing. Nothing about him was limp—everything was rigid and hard. Her eyes were closed and her tongue and mouth pressed into him. He wanted her so badly he was almost shaking with it—and she hadn’t stopped him so she must want him too.

  If he didn’t hear otherwise in the next half a second, he was going to take her.

  Spinning their bodies around, Paul pushed Toni up against the door. He lowered his hands from her face to her neck. She stared up to him and gasped as his fingers drifted to her shoulders and opened her robe. The cold night air drifted against the white hot passion in her body and he saw her nipples harden. For him.

  Paul stepped back as he pulled her rob
e completely away from her. She was gorgeous. Her skin was perfect, her body was perfect and his stomach nearly rumbled because he was so fucking hungry to taste her.

  He couldn’t wait any longer for the first course of his meal.

  He dropped to his knees and let one hand caress her leg. He could feel the goosebumps erupting on her skin as he lifted her calf, grabbed a handful of her tight round ass and nuzzled his face against her beautiful slippery pussy.

  Her moan said it all.

  She let out a deep lingering sound of pleasure when he licked the slit and let his tongue flick against the hardened bud of her clit. She was unbelievably delectable.

  He squeezed her ass and let his thumb spread the labia on her pussy, giving him access to the sweet nectar inside. He lapped up her juices hungrily, feeling like a thirsty dog at a water bowl.

  He felt her hands on the back of his head, tugging at his hair as he sucked and licked her pussy. Her leg draped over his shoulder and he simply couldn’t get enough, he needed more—needed to delve deeper into her. To disappear inside her slick body and never come out again.

  But there was so much more on the menu for him to savor.

  He moved away from her and wiped his fingers over the sweetness still on his lips. Looking up, he saw her eyes, wide open and watching him, deep pools of desire he could drown in. She was breathing quickly, her breasts moving up and down with each panting gasp and tipped by the tight points of her dark nipples.

  As he rose, she reached forward and grabbed his hips, pulling him to her, kissing his neck and struggling to get his shorts undone. His cock was straining to be free and Toni wanted to release it. He wasn’t about to protest.

  He put his hands against the door on either side of her head as she kissed and nipped his neck and chest. With a quick snap and rustle, his clothes fell to the floor. He closed his eyes for an instant as he felt the soft brush of silken skin drift down his body.

  A warm wet cocoon wrapped around his cock and he groaned. Looking down he saw Toni’s lips around his cock and himself disappearing into her mouth and throat. Her fingers toyed with his balls and she hummed as she sucked him, a gentle vibration that was as electrifying as a bolt of lightning. He held back his urge to thrust forward although it took a lot of teeth-clenching to do it.


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