My Defender (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 8)

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My Defender (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 8) Page 6

by Alanea Alder

  "Thank you."

  "You are very welcome."

  "I hate to ruin the happy atmosphere, but has anyone found out who Marcus was referring to when he said 'they'?" Kari asked.

  Declan let out a low hiss. "No." He turned to a man who looked so much like him Ellie was sure they were related. "Rex? Any luck?"

  Rex shook his head at Declan's question then turned to her. "Ellie, we haven't been introduced yet. I'm Rex Lionhart, Declan's older brother. I'm also the shifter Elder for Noctem Falls. What Declan is referring to is his request that would allow us to use magic to get Marcus to talk."

  Ellie sat back. "Who is Marcus? And what could he possibly know that would warrant using magic to get the information?"

  Kari shivered, and Declan wrapped an arm around her. "That was the long story I was going to tell you later. Marcus tried to kill me, destroying Broderick's lab in the process. He said that 'they' promised to make him a prince. Unfortunately we have no idea who 'they' are."

  "And you didn't kill him?" Marjoram asked Declan. "You have a tremendous amount of self-restraint."

  Declan's eyes hardened. "We need answers. He was found with a necklace that allowed him to hide the fact that he had gone feral."

  Ellie heard her grandmother gasp. Her own mind began to swirl with the frightening possibilities that presented. Declan continued. "Kari's mind was also influenced with the same method vampires use on humans. So either Marcus was strong enough to get into her mind and try to kill her, then killed someone else to go feral, or he's working with someone. We need to know who."

  "Wait, go back to the necklaces," Marjoram prompted.

  Aiden took over the explanation. "In Lycaonia, we discovered groups of ferals had somehow learned how to strip the soul of an unborn child to use as a container for shifter souls. Each soul creates a small bead that can be added to a necklace. Each bead can give the wearer different abilities, such as masking their feral presence, invisibility, or super strength."

  Marjoram's hand rubbed her chest. "The murders," she whispered.

  Aiden nodded, looking grim. "Yes."

  "Gods above, protect us all," Marjoram murmured.

  A chorus of amens echoed around the room. Her grandmother straightened in her chair. "If what you say is true, then not even Noctem Falls is safe." She stared at the prince. "What are you going to do to keep my granddaughter protected?" she demanded.

  "Gram!" Ellie hissed.

  Magnus held up a hand. "Ellie, your grandmother is well within her rights to ask such a thing, especially seeing as how we called you here for your help." He pointed to the men standing quietly in the corners. Ellie blinked. She had missed them completely. "As you can see, Elizabeth has her own guards, Kuruk and Tarak Géroux." The men winked and saluted. "With Kari and Meryn's permission, I would like to assign one of the guards Law brought with him to act as your daytime bodyguard." He smiled at her. "I am pretty sure her mate can keep her safe at night." Ellie blushed, and Grant growled his agreement.

  Kari was already pulling out her notepad. "Broden and Ramsey Lionhart have taken over guarding me. Meryn has Law and Ryuu during the day, and Aiden and Gidan at night." She flipped a page. "We could easily assign Emeric as a daytime guard and Idris as a night guard. That would still leave us the other team to help the unit warriors in patrolling the city." She looked at Grant. "Do not worry about your patrol while you are helping the children, I made sure we were covered."

  "Oh, she's good," Marjoram said.

  Kari smiled. "Thank you." She closed her notepad and looked down at Ellie. "Tarragon should also be returning tomorrow. When he found out Bethy was pregnant, he practically had a mental breakdown and raced back to Storm Keep for medical spells for infants. He may not know much about human medicine, but he should be able to help with spells."

  Ellie felt relieved. "That would be wonderful. The medicine I have been giving them seems to be helping, but I'm not sure for how long."

  "Have you figured out where you'll be staying?" Elizabeth asked.

  Ellie exchanged looks with her grandmother. She then turned to look at Grant. "We'd actually prefer to stay on Level Six with the children." She smiled when Grant nodded his agreement.

  He gently squeezed her hand, showing his support. He looked over to Elizabeth. "I'll be staying there as well. I've been rotating with Stefan to keep the children calm."

  "That is easily arranged. When the witches created quarters for the wolves, they made more than enough houses. You can choose whichever empty one you would like," Magnus offered.

  The rest of the dinner was quiet as they discussed how everyone's day went. Ellie thought about what she had learned. Suddenly, their world seemed like a much darker place.

  Grant ran a thumb over her hand, pulling her out of her thoughts. He hadn't let her go, not once throughout dinner. "Let's go pick out a house so your grandmother can settle your things. I know you want to get into the lab tonight."

  "When you come back down to Level One, veer off to the hallway on the left. Once you're about halfway down, the infirmary is on the left and a large lab is across the hall on the right. I'll need to add your handprint to the biometric lock," Broderick offered.

  "I'll be down as soon as we get our luggage moved to the new house." She turned. "Grandmother, are you ready?"

  Marjoram nodded. "Yes darling." She rose with Ellie before smiling at Sebastian who stood just behind the prince. "My compliments to the chef. That has to be one of the most delicious meals I've had in a long time."

  Sebastian gave a half bow. "Quite the compliment, especially coming from such an accomplished lady."

  Together, the three of them said their goodnights. Grant carried their two suitcases, which had been brought down to Level One. To their surprise, two escorts waited for them.

  "Adriel?" Grant asked one of the warriors.

  "Yes, he called ahead while you grabbed their things," the first man replied. He smiled at her. "I'm Keegan Basswood, Iota's witch, and that's Hawthorne Ivystone, the witch for the Lamda Unit." The other witch waved hello in a friendly manner.

  "Level Six, right?" Hawthorne asked.

  "Yes, although Grant and I will need to come back down here after we get everything settled. Then back up to Level Six again at midnight to give the children their medicine," Ellie answered.

  Hawthorne shrugged. "I don't have anything going on; I'll wait."

  Keegan held out an arm to her and Marjoram. "It's never a hardship to help such beautiful women."

  Hawthorne took a suitcase from Grant and held out an arm to him. After stopping by the Unit Level for Grant to pack a small bag, the two witches escorted them back up to Level Six. There wasn't much debate about which house to choose. Both Ellie and Grant wanted the first empty one available on the small road. They would be that much closer to the children.

  Grant carried her suitcase and his overnight bag to the master suite, and Hawthorne carried Marjoram's suitcase to the room down the hall. Marjoram yawned. "Don't be too long in the lab. You need to rest after doing so much today."

  "I won't be," Ellie promised.

  "See you at midnight." Marjoram kissed her cheek.

  Grant carried a small cloth bag with him as they walked back to the tunnel with Hawthorne. The witch easily floated them back down to Level One.

  "I don't have patrol tomorrow, so I'll be back at midnight to take you back up," he offered.

  Grant clapped him on the back. "You have my thanks."

  Hawthorne grinned. "We know how much you hate dealing with tunnel escorts. I'm surprised you haven't killed one by now."

  "Me too," he agreed.

  By the time Broderick had added her and Grant's hand print to the biometric lock, she was already feeling the toll the long day was having on her body.

  Grant watched her carefully. "The third time you rub your eyes, I'm taking you back upstairs, midnight or not."

  "That's fair," she conceded. She donned a lab coat and began pulling out a few of the b
lood samples. Cracking her knuckles, she turned on the microscope and got to work.

  She was so used to working in her lab alone she was surprised Grant's presence didn't bother her. In fact, he was sitting so quietly she had forgotten he was in the room.

  When she turned to see what he was doing, she was shocked to see that the entire time she had been working, he had been silently knitting.

  "Are you knitting?" she asked, even though it was clear as crystal that he was.

  He looked up, and his eyes became slightly guarded. "Yes, does that bother you?"

  "No. Why would it?"

  "You don't think I'm...soft?"

  "No. But even if you were, how is that a bad thing? I love that you have such a productive hobby. I always wanted to learn how to knit, but I get turned around or forget which stitch I'm on."

  "It helps me focus, and it calms my wolf. He's a bit anxious."

  She turned on the stool to face him. "Why?"

  He hesitated, dropping his hands with the knit work to his lap. "I'm not a small man."

  Ellie inhaled, her eyes going immediately to his yarn covered crotch. "You're not?"

  He looked down and blushed furiously. "That's not what I meant, though..." He shook his head. "Never mind. What I was trying to say is that I'm very strong, even for my size. I don't want to hurt you."

  "Oh." She smiled, feeling protected by someone other than family for the first time. "Maybe that's why Fate gave me to you; I'm built pretty solid," she laughed weakly.

  "Why do you do that?"


  "Put yourself down so much."

  She shrugged. "I think I learned growing up that it was easier to poke fun at myself and laugh than it was to hear it from someone else."

  "You don't have to do that with me. You never have to do that with me. I think you're the most perfect woman I have ever seen. If others were too stupid to recognize that, it's their loss." His eyes filled with emotion. "There were so many long nights where I stared up at the sky and dreamed of having a mate of my own that it became a gnawing hunger. I plan on worshiping and devouring every single inch of you." His eyes darkened, and she shivered at his ravenous expression.

  "I'm looking forward to it," she replied breathlessly.

  Grant was about to respond when a loud beeping noise interrupted him. Ellie began unbuttoning her lab coat. "That's the alarm I set for midnight. Time to go give the children their last dose."

  Grant carefully put his knitting back into the nondescript bag and, as usual, placed a warm hand on her lower back as they walked out of the lab and down the hall toward the tunnel. True to his word, Hawthorne waited for them.

  She thought the warrior would disappear when they got to Level Six, but he stuck with them as they walked to the courtyard. His face looked pinched when he saw the children sniffling on their cots.

  They quickly got the children their medicine while Adora and Demetrio walked between the cots, smiling down at the children. Ellie frowned when she noticed it was taking longer for the medicine to take effect.

  Hawthorne quietly walked into the middle of the room in huge exaggerated steps, making the children laugh. He lifted a finger to his lips and raised his face to the ceiling. He spoke softly, and when he was done, the children were whispering in wonder.

  Using his magic, he had dimmed the lights in the courtyard and created a perfect desert night sky above them, complete with moon and shooting stars. Ellie could almost smell the scent of earth. One by one, lulled by the faint sound of the non-existent wind, the children dropped off to sleep.

  Hawthorne made his way over to them. "It's not much, but I had to do something."

  Ellie was touched at his gesture, and she wasn't the only one. Around them, the parents gathered to whisper their thanks as well. Across the courtyard, Ellie saw her grandmother wave and leave. It had been a very long day for the both of them.

  Before they left, she saw Hawthorne lean in and whisper something to her mate. His eyes widened, and he pulled the witch into a bear hug, pounding him on the back. Hawthorne laughed and stepped back. He gave Grant a mock salute and headed through the open doorway.

  "What was that about?" she asked curiously.

  He shook his head. "I'll tell you when we get home."

  Ellie's stomach began to quake at the word home. She had been dreaming for decades of someone saying that word to her. Unless she was willing to pull Grant from his duties, this was home to her now.

  When he extended his hand toward her, she noticed that it shook slightly. She grasped it tightly.

  "Let's go to bed, my mate."

  Ellie swallowed repeatedly to keep her tears from falling. "Please."


  When they got back to the house, Ellie made a mad dash upstairs. She wanted to hurry and change before he could watch her undress. Grabbing her suitcase, she darted into the bathroom.

  She quickly changed into her oversized sleep shirt before opening the door and easing into the room. She rolled her suitcase over to the wall and procrastinated heading over to the bed where her mate, now half naked, waited for her. Or was he completely naked? The edge of the covers was pulled up to his lap as he leaned against the headboard.

  "Baby, we don't have to do anything tonight," Grant said, watching her inch toward him.

  Ellie made her way over to the edge of the mattress. She was debating on what to say when his warm hand grabbed her arm and pulled her onto the bed.

  "What do you think you are doing?" she demanded.

  "I'm trying to get my mate to come to bed," Grant replied.

  It wasn't until he noticed she was now kneeling on the bed that his eyes became hooded. His heated gaze looked her up and down. "Come here, baby," he said softly.

  He grabbed the hem of her shirt and, in one fluid motion, pulled it over her head. She squealed and grabbed for the blanket. His dark chuckle reverberated through her. "Don't hide from me."

  Ellie had one arm across her breasts, and the other one was desperately trying to pull the blanket to cover her legs. "My thighs are huge!"

  When Grant crawled out from under the blankets, Ellie could clearly see he was, indeed, naked. With a wolfish grin, he pushed her onto the pillows. "The only time a man should be worried about a woman's thighs is when he's trying to earn a place between them."

  What was probably supposed to be a sexy moment turned into a game of tug-of-war with the blanket. Their actions reminded her of playing with her neighbor's dog, Kip. She released the blanket, and Grant landed back on the mattress. She covered her mouth with both hands, giggling uncontrollably.

  Grant tilted his head to one side, just like Kip, and she could barely breathe she was laughing so hard. "S-s-stop it!" When he growled out his frustration, exploded into peals of laughter.

  "Ellie, what has gotten into you?" he asked as he rolled her onto her back. He knelt between her legs and stared down into her face.

  "You remind me of Kip." She wiped her eyes.

  "Who in the hell is Kip?"

  "My neighbors yorkie-poo."

  "What the fuck is a yorkie-poo?"

  "Yorkshire terrier and poodle."

  He blinked. "I remind you of a poodle?"

  She nodded.

  He thrust his hips, and she felt the hard, long, length of him collide with her mound. She groaned at the intimate contact.

  "Let me see if I can change your mind."

  When she opened her eyes, she noticed immediately that his had shifted to a soft yellow. "My grandmother is just down the hall," she whispered.

  His grin held an element of danger. She suddenly felt like his prey, in a very delicious way. "Keegan soundproofed our room as a mating gift."

  She blushed. "That's what Hawthorne told you, isn't it."

  He nodded and leaned down to nuzzle her neck. "I know you're nervous baby, so we don't have to make love tonight, but will you please let me taste you?"

  Ellie blinked. Had there ever been a woman in the history
of the world who said no to that question. "If you must," she teased.

  He pulled back and nipped her lips. "You're so good to me, baby."

  Using his tongue, he traced down the side of her neck, paying special attention to her collarbone. Taking his time, he took one hardened nipple into his mouth and swirled his tongue over the sensitive peak.

  "Gods, that feels so good," she whispered.

  She felt him smile against her breast before he abandoned his prize and continued his journey down her body. Without asking, he simply ripped her panties from her body.

  Lying back on the bed, she felt exposed. She reached down to cover herself, but his low growl stopped her. She looked down the length of her body and could only see the top of his head as he bent down to take her swollen clit in his mouth.

  "Holy shit!" she yelled.

  He masculine chuckle was the only precursor she received before he began to torture her relentlessly. He changed up the speed, along with the pressure, of his tongue to create a frenzied need within her. When he eased two fingers into her channel and curled his fingers upward, her body exploded with pleasure.

  With a final swipe of his tongue, he sat up. With a satisfied smirk at her complete undoing, he raised an eyebrow. "Do I remind you of Kip now?"

  Ellie barely heard him as she tried to get her heart rate under control. She looked up at him confused. "Who?"

  Grinning, he lay down beside her and tucked them both under the covers. "Exactly."


  The next morning, after they checked in on the children, Ellie was surprised to see Adriel waiting for them on the perimeter of the courtyard. They walked up to the unit leader.

  "Sir?" Grant asked.

  "I wanted to see how the children were doing and knew you would need an escort, so this worked out perfectly." His expression clouded. "Are they not getting any better?"

  Ellie barely moved her head back and forth. Adriel nodded his understanding. She didn't want to say too much with the parents around. He indicated the door with his hand. "After you, my dear."

  Adriel floated them both down to Level One. Sebastian was waiting by the door and opened it for them. The dining table looked different than it had the night before. The wood still held it's high polished gleam, but the atmosphere was much more relaxed.


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