My Defender (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 8)

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My Defender (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 8) Page 8

by Alanea Alder

  Again, shouts and threats were hurled their way. Ellie looked up at her mate. She was shocked to see his eyes were shut tight, and he was gritting his teeth. Of course! He hated crowds and loud noises. When the cacophony reached a frenzied decibel, her mate's eyes opened, and his canines dropped.

  This can't be good.

  "Silence!" Grant roared.

  Almost immediately, the crowd complied. The silence that followed gave the cavern an eerie feel as their echoed shouts faded.

  It wasn't just the fact that everyone had quieted, vampire and wolf. It was that nearly every single person had tilted their heads to one side, exposing their throats in a submissive gesture, even the Noble Family head. Grant was breathing raggedly at her side, trying to rein in his anger.

  "My gods! He's an Alpha Born!"

  Ellie turned to the speaker to see Adora staring at Grant in wonder.

  Prince Magnus shook his head as if to clear his mind. "Everyone return to your homes," he ordered quietly.

  The vampire crowd dispersed, as if in a trance, without another word spoken. Ellie was surprised to see that every wolf present including the Bolivars had dropped to their knees in submission.

  Grant shook his head repeatedly. "Please. Don't."

  Adriel laid a brotherly hand on his shoulder. "Let us return to Level One to discuss this new development, shall we?"

  Ellie grabbed her mate's hand and squeezed tight. He looked down at her, a haunted expression on his face.

  She gave him a wobbly smile. "Let's go."


  Ellie sat in the same chair she had during breakfast; however, unlike this morning, the atmosphere was volatile.

  Prince Magnus collapsed in his chair. "Before we start"--he pinned Grant with an intense stare--"did you know?"

  Grant shook his head. "No."

  "How could you not know?" Demetrio asked from their right. He and Adora had returned with them to Level One.

  Adora flicked her mate's ear. "Don't yell at the boy; there has to be a perfectly reasonable explanation."

  Demetrio rubbed his ear, a contrite expression on his face. He turned to Grant. "I didn't mean to sound accusatory, but all Alpha Borns are identified and trained from an early age. For you not to know is almost impossible."

  Ellie gasped. "You said you were kicked out of your pack by your father when you were young, is that why?"

  Grant kept his head down, staring at his clasped hands on the table. "They never told me I was Alpha Born."

  Ellie watched Adora and her mate closely. Their looks of horror suddenly made her very concerned for her mate.

  Adora swallowed. "How old were you when you were forced from your home?"


  Demetrio's eyes flashed with anger. "That's barbaric! You were just a child."

  Meryn raised her hand.

  Adriel pinched the bridge of his nose. "Meryn, I told you before that you do not have to raise your hand to speak."

  "Then quit reminding me of my teacher." Meryn turned to Demetrio. "What's that in human years?"

  Adora wiped at her eyes. "Eight to ten years old. He would have barely learned how to shift back and forth on a regular basis by then."

  Ellie reached down and placed her hand on her mate's thigh. He took at deep breath at the contact, relaxing his shoulders slightly.

  "Your surname is Douglas, isn't it?" Declan asked in a tight voice.

  Grant looked over at his friend. "I chose Douglas as my last name after the tree. I probably would have frozen to death without the wind break those trees provided the first few years I was on my own."

  Adriel sat back. "So that is why I could not find anything about your familial pack."

  Grant looked surprised. "You looked?"

  Adriel gave him a flat expression. "Of course I looked. You have never told us anything about your family. Not in all the centuries you have been here. By now, one would expect a story on how they died if you had lost them, but you said nothing. I expected it to be bad, just not this bad."

  "What is your real last name?" Declan asked.

  Grant shook his head. Ellie squeezed his leg. He looked down at her, his fear clear to see. "They can't hurt you any more, my love."

  He blinked then smiled broadly. "Love?"

  She blushed and nodded. "You can trust your friends."

  Grant took a ragged breath. "My name is Grant Fenrirson."

  Ellie had never heard the name before, but from everyone's shocked expression, her mate had revealed something important.

  Meryn waved her hand in the air.

  Adriel didn't even chastise her this time. "Yes, Meryn?"

  "Why do y'all look like you got kicked in the nuts?"

  Grant's mouth twitched. "Meryn, how do you manage to make bad situations bearable?"

  She shrugged. "It's what I do. I drink coffee and be awesome."

  Grant's expression softened at her declaration. "Not many shifters can trace their family line to their first. For the vampires, they are called Originators, the head of their line. Shifter groups, depending on the animal, have individualized names. My father's line has been unbroken from the beginning, one of the original wolf shifters, Fenrir. So our last name is Fenrirson, or Fenrir's sons."

  Meryn tilted her head and looked at Declan. "Is that like your name?"

  Declan nodded, still looking dazed at his friend's revelation. "We are descended from one of the first lion shifters, it's why we carry the word 'lion' in our name."

  Meryn snorted and elbowed her mate. "Looks like you missed the whole original animal boat Mr. McKenzie." She made a face. "I'm kinda glad; I'd hate to be called Meryn Bearhart or Pooh's sons."

  Aiden just stared down at his mate. He looked up at Elizabeth, who shook her head. "You're it," she smirked at the Unit Commander.

  Aiden rubbed the back of his neck. "Baby, the McKenzies can trace our line back to one of the first bear shifters. There are quite a few to be honest as there are different types of bears."

  Meryn's eyes narrowed. "Then why are you called McKenzie?" Aiden shrugged.

  Gavriel learned his throat. "Actually, it was because of a woman."

  Aiden eyed his mate. "Why am I not surprised?"

  Meryn punched her mate's thigh with a tiny fist. "Go on Gavriel," she encouraged.

  Gavriel grinned at his commander's chastisement. "I forget how long ago it was, but a fierce bear shifting warrior changed the name of his line from Ursarr to McKenzie to honor his murdered mate."

  "Meryn Ursarr. Nope. I don't like it." Meryn shook her head.

  Aiden eyed his friend. "One of these days we need to sit down and document everything you know about my family." Gavriel gave a lazy, one-shoulder shrug.

  Ellie watched as her mate's eyes followed the conversation around the table. His friends were doing everything they could to make this seem more normal for him, and she was very grateful.

  Magnus turned to Grant. "Son, I understand if you are reluctant to share your past, but I would like to know what happened. The Fenrirsons are still in charge of an extremely large pack in the Pacific Northwest. I never gave them much thought before, but knowing how they treated one of their own, I am concerned for the pack and the expansive territory they control."

  "Why didn't you go to the Alpha?" Adora asked softly.

  Grant snorted angrily. "My father was the Alpha; he's the one that made me leave."

  "Tell us what happened." Demetrio placed a supportive hand on Grant shoulder.

  Grant's eyes dropped back down to his hands. He began to fidget and twist his fingers in what Ellie had come to recognize as a calming habit for him. "Growing up, I wasn't like the other boys. My father encouraged rough play, dominance challenges, fights, you name it. I never saw the need. To me, a pack meant family."

  Demetrio nodded. "That makes sense, Grant."

  Grant looked at the older shifter in surprise. "It does?"

  "Of course. Since you are Alpha Born, your inner wolf saw no poi
nt in fighting because he knew he would win. Fighting would only lead to injured pack members, which would have been unacceptable to him."

  Grant blinked and collapsed back in his chair. "So I wasn't broken?"

  "Good gods, son, no! Is that what you've thought all these years?" Demetrio asked.

  Grant nodded. "I liked spending time with my mother. She's the one who taught me how to knit. My father caught me practicing and said I was too weak to live. My mother defended me, but he ordered her from the room. He said I had two choices. Leave on my own and never return, or bury my mother. I left that night."

  "That sonofabitch!" Declan exploded.

  "He threatened his own mate?" Meryn asked.

  Grant shook his head. "I don't think they are mates. She was just the strongest female in the pack."

  "What happened to you after that?" Demetrio asked.

  "I was on my own for a long time, maybe five, ten years. It's kinda blurry. Then I fell in with some natural wolves. I lived with them for another twenty years. I would sneak into human settlements and listen in to their meeting about wolf hunts so I could keep the pack safe.

  "Eventually, hunters got them, even the pups. I was drifting and grieving when I overheard a couple of witches that were camped out while gathering plants. They were talking about Noctem Falls needing new warriors. So I shifted back to human for the first time in nearly twenty-five years and made my way here." He chuckled. "Learning how to walk on two legs again was interesting. Everyone thought I was drunk. But by the time I reached the city, I had built up enough muscle to pass the warrior test."

  Declan exchanged looks with Adriel and held up his hand. "Wait a minute. You were only fifty years old when you joined the Eta Unit?"

  Grant thought about it a moment. "There about, yeah."

  Adriel looked pale. "You were so quiet and mature when you arrived. I never questioned your age."

  Grant rubbed the back of his neck. "I hadn't learned how to talk again by the time I got here."

  Ellie watched as her friend cuffed the back of Declan's head. Kari was fuming. "You did not even notice that your friend could not speak?"

  Declan rubbed his head. "I just thought he was quiet." He looked over at Grant, his face a mask of sorrow. "I am so sorry."

  Grant shook his head, grinning. "Don't be. Your constant yammering had me speaking again in no time. I swear you never shut up."

  "So this Alpha Born thing is because of his family line?" Meryn asked.

  Declan shook his head. "I don't have it. It's not a guarantee just because you come from an older family. Alpha Borns are really rare. They are usually bigger, stronger, smarter, faster, and more charismatic than their peers."

  Meryn looked up at her mate. "Are you one?"

  Aiden nodded. "Yes. It was one of the reasons Edward Carthage tried so hard to kill me. He knew it was simply a matter of time before I took over as Unit Commander."

  "Byron?" she asked.

  Aiden grinned and shook his head. "No, he's just that good."

  Meryn scowled. "I miss him."

  Aiden pulled Meryn into his lap. "I know baby. We'll see him soon."

  Ellie looked over at Demetrio. "How did you know he was Alpha Born downstairs?"

  Demetrio tapped his neck. "He used something we call the Alpha Voice. He can command the respect and obedience of those around him. For that very reason, Alpha Borns are coveted. They are given every opportunity and the finest education. It is almost a given that they become the leaders of our people."

  Grant gave a harsh laugh. "Finest education? My father didn't believe a warrior needed to know how to read. I was illiterate until I came here. Aaron Culpepper on Level Six taught me how to read. Hell, I ate nothing but the kebobs, meat pies, and sandwiches for weeks after I got here because I didn't have the manual dexterity to use a fork after having lived as a wolf for twenty years. Does that sound like a glorious leader to you?" The room was quiet as everyone seemed shocked at his admission.

  "Actually, it does," Meryn answered.

  Grant's eyebrows shot up. "Excuse me?"

  Meryn held up her hand and lifted one finger. "You survived on your own when you were a kid, in like real freaking nature, for decades." She held up a second finger. "You taught yourself how to fucking walk, talk, and read. Do you know how smart you have to be to do that?" She lifted a third finger. "You went through hell and came out a kickass warrior ranked third in a pillar city. Not to mention, you did all this to save your mom, so yeah, that sounds like someone I'd listen to, unlike those douchebag Founding Family members that lick each other's assholes."

  Aiden rested his forehead against the back of Meryn's head to avoid looking around the room. Elizabeth giggled as Adora stared at the small woman.

  Demetrio chuckled. "That, young lady, is absolutely right."

  "How did his father miss the fact his own son was an Alpha Born?" Elizabeth asked.

  "I do not think he did, my love," Gavriel answered.

  "He knew?" Grant asked no one in particular.

  Aiden nodded. "I believe he knew you were Alpha Born and seized the first opportunity to drive you away. If he had waited much longer, you would have been too strong and integrated in the pack. Like Carthage, he knew you would take over as Alpha as soon as you came of age. He probably didn't want to give that up."

  Demetrio stood. "By our laws, I will need to report to our local packs here in the Southwest that we have an Alpha Born living amongst us. I'm sure they'll have no problem turning over regional leadership to you and combining packs."

  Grant's mouth dropped open. "No," he whispered. He shook his head repeatedly. "No. I don't want to lead. I don't want to be like him. I just want to stay a unit warrior."

  Adriel looked at Grant with sympathy in his eyes. "This is something you are born to."

  Magnus nodded. "I have been struggling for so long trying to do the best for the city, only to discover so much talent in my midst. We could really use someone like you leading and protecting the local packs."

  "No," Grant repeated.

  Demetrio looked down at him, confused. "But you're an Alpha Born."

  Grant stood, chest heaving. "I'm a monster that spent my formative years fighting tooth and claw in the wild. I never learned the human concepts of family or love. Trust me, Bolivar, I am the last person you want as a leader."

  "If he doesn't want to lead, he shouldn't have to," Meryn chimed in.

  "It doesn't work that way baby," Aiden replied.

  Declan looked torn. "Grant..."

  "No. I will do my duty as a warrior, but I will never lead." With clenched fists, he strode from the room.

  Ellie took a seconds to gather her composure. She knew the people around this table cared for her mate very much; they just weren't listening at the moment. She slowly stood. "His people failed him. I'm sure there are others who recognized his potential and said nothing. I know you care for him, so please accept his wishes. Place the blame where it belongs, with his old pack. Now, if you'll excuse me." With her insides quaking, she quickly went after her mate.


  Ellie caught up with Grant just outside of Prince Magnus' living quarters.

  "I heard what you said. Thank you." Grant ran a hand through his hair.

  "You're my mate; your happiness means everything to me," Ellie said.

  Grant took a deep breath, and when he turned to her, she detected a faint smile. "Are you ready to check on our kids?" he asked.

  Ellie smiled. "Yes."

  They made their way back up to Level Six and the courtyard where the children waited. So far, all of them remained stable. Their breathing, though slightly labored, was even. Off to one side, the man who'd been brought in was now resting comfortably on a gurney, his mate helping the parents around them.

  Marjoram came over and hugged Grant. He looked over the older woman's head. Ellie smiled at his panicked expression.

  Her grandmother pulled back and looked up into his face. "Do I need to kick
someone's ass for hurting my grandson?" she asked.

  Grant's eyes took on a noticeable sheen. "No ma'am," he shook his head.

  "Good." She turned to Ellie. "I'd like you to try upping their dosage. It's losing its effectiveness."

  Ellie chewed on her lower lip. "I'm not sure that will do any good."

  Adora and Demetrio walked over, having returned from Level One. They looked at her. "You know you will have our complete support, no matter what treatment you try. Everyone here knows this is unprecedented. We don't expect you to know all the answers." Demetrio looked at Grant. "That goes for both of you. After you left, we made it clear that, as an Alpha Born, it was your choice to lead, and we said we would back your decision."

  Adora snickered. "The entire room was tripping over each other affirming their support of you. You have more family here than you may realize." She lay a motherly hand on Grant's shoulder. "If you'd like to be part of the pack again, we'd be honored to have you. Even if all you wanted to do was play with the pups."

  Grant looked to the floor. "I don't know; it's been a long time since I lived with a pack."

  Adora patted his arm. "They may not be wolves, but if you're honest with yourself, I believe you found your own pack a long time ago. Take your time thinking about our offer."

  Susan saved Grant from having to respond when she walked up holding Benji. "This may not be a good time, but he really wants you." In her arms, the toddler stretched out his hands, reaching for Grant.

  He took Benji from his foster mother and easily balanced him on his forearm, cradling his back with his other hand.

  Ellie turned to Grant. "I need to go to the Royal Gardens to look for possible poisonous or toxic plants. Why don't we take him along?"

  Grant nodded, smiling. "Okay."

  Marjoram chuckled. "I haven't been here long, but I've noticed you paint yourself in a negative light, much like my Ellie. But no man who is as good with children as you are could be bad. You are a certifiable marshmallow." Grant scowled, and Marjoram ignored him. "I'll use our walkie-talkie to let them know on Level One you're on your way." She clipped the walkie-talkie to her belt. "Also, Sulis called while you were downstairs. He was having some problems finding more gurneys." She grinned. "Poor boy discovered you can't simply pick them up at Wal-Mart. I called in a few favors with the hospitals I've worked with. I had to remind them about the clause in their charter to help when any pillar city calls for aid."


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