The Baby Pact

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The Baby Pact Page 8

by Riley Rollins

  The rest of the week, I did make excuses. I was too busy with work, too tired at the end of the day… too devoted to spending every spare minute with Violet. I’d been avoiding him, and we both knew it. To his credit, he didn’t push me. It was almost as if he knew the struggle going on inside me.

  “Are you sure you can’t come with us?” Mattie asked, as I buttoned Vi into her thickest sweater. Even on a warm day, the wind on the ferry could be cold.

  “I’ve got a shipment of furniture coming in at one,” I answered. “Will you bring us back a bag of apples from the market?” I asked Violet. She smiled and let her eyes flicker over mine. “Let her buy flowers, too,” I said to Mattie as I straightened up. “She likes the purple ones.”

  “I know what she likes,” Mattie said, with a wink. “Let’s go, muffin. Come on, Miri…”

  And just like that, I was alone. On an island with a man I craved like food and water and air. The shipment I was expecting was for his bedroom. The other items were ones I’d chosen as I sat up late at night, unable to sleep. All the finishing touches for the bedroom….and for the other room…

  Our playroom, he called it. And it turned out to be amazingly easy to find hundreds of choices. Toys, straps… paddles… I’d gone to sleep at night with disturbing and exciting images that invaded my dreams. More often than not, I ended up having to reach down with my fingers for a fleeting climax before I could drift off. But Will was always there in my mind, in my dreams, looking dark and seductive, luring me into an erotic and frightening world. I would wake up wet and aching for what only he could give me. And as the days passed, it took more and more effort to push away another thought that made my heart pound…

  My cycles had always been undependable. And the doctors had told me, after Violet was born, that there was some scarring… They told me it was unlikely I’d ever have another child…

  But I’d added one more small item to the thousands of dollars in merchandise I’d ordered. I was sure I was wrong… there was no reason to believe…

  But then I was starting to believe in a lot of things

  I’d never believed in before.



  She’d been avoiding me.

  I shuffled through orders and receipts. Yet I couldn’t deny she was doing an incredible job. And the house was coming together beautifully. She had an innate sense of style, and with very little guidance on my part was creating a feeling of casual, easy luxury. Everything she’d chosen suited the house… and me… perfectly. That alone was reason enough not to push her. Plus, the longer it took for her to finish, the better…

  I could sense she still fighting the truth… the truth of the feelings waking up inside her, the truth between us. She knew what she wanted deep down, but it frightened her. She was straddling an invisible line between what she saw as her real life of duty and responsibility, and what she viewed as a sort of fantasy life that had only recently started to feel very real. She hadn’t yet given herself permission to fully accept what was happening between us. And as much as I wanted there to be honestly between us, there was still something we’d never addressed. Not head-on. And it was time…

  And so I’d arranged for us to have a night on the town. As soon as the new shipment of furniture was unloaded, I was stealing her away. Drinks, dinner, a walk under the trees that lined the streets of Seattle. I wanted to take her on a date. For even with everything we’d shared, we’d never shared that. And I wanted to put a safe, familiar face on what she was afraid of…

  I watched the boat pull up to the dock and stripped off my shirt, draped it over the back of my chair. A few workmen were coming along to deal with the unloading. But it never hurt to have an extra set of hands…

  The sound of splintering wood cracked through air.

  I wiped the sweat off my brow with a bare forearm, and wedged the crow bar a little deeper. One more heave and the last crate was open. The flagstone patio was strewn with discarded packing materials.

  “That’s the last of it,” Angelina said, looking at the clipboard in her hand. “The wardrobe goes in the master bedroom along with the bombe chest and the silk Persian… Just take up the rest of the boxes up and leave them on the gallery.” She shot out instructions to the men like a pro. “Leave them sealed,” she added. “We’ll take care of those ourselves.”

  I tossed the crowbar into the grass and grabbed up a pair of water bottles from an open ice chest. I tossed down half, pouring the rest over my head and chest. I forced my way through the packing debris and handed her the other.

  “Your taste is exquisite,” I said, standing only far enough away to prevent dripping on her.

  “I’m glad you like everything… I was nervous about choosing on my own for the master suite…”

  I leaned a little closer, risking her delicate sweater. “I wasn’t talking about the furniture…,” I added with a sinful smile. “But that’s perfect, too.”

  I watched, pleased as her nipples tightened and she clutched her clipboard closer to her chest. “You don’t think the carpet was too extravagant?” Her cheeks burned and she turned away to direct one of the men with a movement of her hand.

  “I think you have a thorough understanding of the textures I enjoy,” I answered, taking her arms and pulling her to my bare chest. “It makes me curious about what’s inside the other boxes… the ones we’ll be unpacking in private.”

  Her color deepened as she put her hands on my chest and looked up into my eyes. There was something both shy and erotic as hell about the gesture. “I wasn’t sure… I didn’t know exactly what to buy for the…”

  “Playroom?” I finished, pulling her aside and under the shelter of a tree. “Anything you choose. Anything that would give you pleasure would give me pleasure,” I said, hardening at the touch of her hands on my belly. “We’ll open them tonight… together…

  But first, I’m going to shower and change. You’ll find a package of your own, waiting in the cottage. You’re not the only one who’s been shopping…”

  “Wait… you bought something for me…?”

  “You’ve been working non-stop for days… weeks, Angel,” I said, using hands to hold her face, my thumbs to lightly outline her mouth. “You deserve a night out.

  I’ve got the boat waiting at the dock and reservations at Priori in the city. I’m asking you out on a date, sweetheart. With all the things we’ve shared, I’ve never taken you on a proper date. And so I bought you a dress, along with a few special accessories…

  I thought tonight would be the perfect chance for us to escape for a few hours, to take some time for ourselves... “ I kissed her, relishing the feel of her in my arms. “But right now, I need to get cleaned up…” I ran my hands lightly down her sides and curved them around the swell of her ass. “If we were alone,” I whispered against her hair, “I’d strip you naked right here… and carry you up the stairs…

  That’s something else we haven’t done together yet, sweetheart… And the thought of you wet and my hands all soapy…”

  “Hey, lady… This go upstairs with the others?” The voice startled us both and we broke apart, laughing. I ran a hand through my hair and tried to slow the impatient beating of my heart. “So I’ll wait,” I said, still greedily taking her in with my eyes. “A little longer…

  I’ll pick you up at your door at six.

  Wear everything…”



  I watched him go, long legs swinging easily, comfortably from narrow hips. His jeans hung, just so… his ass perfectly hard, his shoulders broad and heavily muscled. A deep, delicious hollow lined his spine and disappeared under his waistband. I imagined him, wet from the shower and hard… thinking of me…

  It took all the focus I could manage to give the last instructions, to sign the last of the paperwork. Finally, the workers headed back to the dock and I headed straight for the cottage. I had barely over an hour to get ready.

  A bundle of packages
was waiting on the doorstep, all tied up, with a pink satin bow. I caught the inside of my cheek in my teeth and drew in a sucking breath. Okay… I get it…, I thought, gathering the packages in my arms and picking up a glossy, pink paper bag. My stomach was turning with butterflies as I spread everything out over my bed. As much as I wanted to take my time and savor, I didn’t have much time. I needed a shower, too… but I had to find out what Will had bought for me…

  I tore into the packages like a little kid at Christmastime, starting with the largest and working my way down. The first held a dress that left me stunned. It was a pale silver color with flecks of gold, with an off the shoulder neckline and the skirt blossomed out from the tiny waist and reached just above the ankle. Tea length.

  There was a pair of pink slingbacks, with heels high enough I’d reach Will’s shoulder… And there was a matching pink bag… I looked at the label and felt a wave of dizziness. These alone must have cost as much as the antique silk carpet…

  I sat down, suddenly overwhelmed, and opened the last two boxes. One contained a pale pink bra and panty set, made of lace, with a French label I couldn’t pronounce. I picked up the panties… heavy for their delicate appearance, and I ran my fingers over the fabric. It was like touching a hundred loose pearls. Inside the white silk lining, there were tiny beads that rolled when I touched them, creating a friction… an anticipation of how it would feel to slip them on…

  I got up and stripped off my damp clothes, turning on the shower to let the cold water run warm. One more package waited… but the size of it made me pause. I turned it over in my hand, testing its weight, feeling something shift inside and reluctantly put it back down. I glanced at the ticking clock, left it sitting on the countertop and headed for the bathroom.

  Ten minutes to six…

  I twirled in my high heels, letting the full skirt billow out around my legs. I was dressed and ready, with my hair twisted up on the back of my head and just the perfect touch of makeup. It was amazing how much the dress reminded me of the one I’d worn the first time Will and I had been together…

  But now when I looked in the mirror, I saw a woman looking back, not the girl I’d been then. And Will was anything but out of reach now… My prince was taking me out and he’d bought me a ball gown, for God’s sake… I stared at the little box on the table, sat down, and the mystery of the pearls was solved as they rolled softly against my tender clit. I shifted, ever so lightly and felt the sensation heighten a hundred fold… Wear everything, he’d said. I shifted again, and realized that this date would be like no other. Two hours, maybe more… taking the boat and then having dinner. It was already the most exquisite torture… and he wasn’t even here yet…

  I hadn’t had time to think. And I didn’t have time now… But as much as I was looking forward to tonight, my nerves were ticking away, just under the surface. I’d been expecting a delivery from the pharmacy, too, and all day I’d kept an eye out for a paper bag with my name on it. It either hadn’t made it to the dock with all the crates, or it had gotten lost in the confusion…

  “Pick it up another tonight,” I told myself out loud, pushing a loose curl over my ear. “It’s easy enough to tell him I need to pick up some medicine for Violet…”

  But my heart was pounding and my stomach was turning nervous flips. Even if I got the test and managed to take it, even if it was negative and I knew I wasn’t pregnant…

  I still knew full well how this evening was going to end. With Will’s cock buried inside me, his seed filling me. Even if I hadn’t already been caught, I was playing with fire and I knew it. No matter how remote the chance, I had gotten pregnant once…. There was always a chance it could happen again. And deep down the idea excited me as much as it terrified me. How would he feel, if he knew I was carrying his child…? I thought. Would he be as sweet and caring as he’d been toward his niece? Was he the kind of man who would welcome fatherhood… or would he run from anything that bound him to one woman…?

  He’d seemed right at home at the Underground. And the night at the prom… There was little doubt in my mind he had spent the years before me, and the years after me, doing all those things with any number of other women. It was part of who he was, the way he liked his sex… Just because he liked it with me, didn’t mean he wanted any kind of permanent ties… any kind of future together…

  I rolled the last little box in my hands, worrying it with my fingers. I tore off the foil paper that covered it and felt the soft touch of black velvet.

  Fuck the nerves, I thought sternly. For the first time in forever, everything is good. Violet’s happy… I’m happy. One more night isn’t going to change anything…

  I held my breath and opened the box. A pair of gold bracelets lay nestled in the dark velvet folds. Each one was heavily chased and studded with a row of brilliant diamonds.

  “One for each wrist,” Will said from behind me. I hadn’t even hear him open the door. He stepped inside and took the box from my shaking hands. “I told you to wear everything, Angel,” he said, picking up a bracelet and clasping it around my wrist. I stood, speechless, and he smiled easily and lifted my other arm. “One for each,” he said, sin glistening in his dark eyes. “And for later on…”

  He took my hand and twirled me around so he could look at me. And I knew I was completely under his spell. He looked like he’d been born to wear a tux. His hair was trailing casually into his eyes and the crisp, white collar was open at the throat. The black fabric made him look even broader and taller, hugging him in places that already had my imagination working overtime. Whatever he intended for tonight would happen… It was inevitable…

  He picked up the pink satin that had tied the packages together and slipped it around my waist. He turned me with his hands so he could tie a looping bow in the back. He kissed the tender flesh at the back of my neck, and I could feel the trailing ends of the ribbon on the back of my ankles…



  The ride over the dark water of Puget Sound, the lingering candlelit dinner for two… all of it was a kind of extended foreplay. I could see its effect in her eyes, every time the pearls in her panties shifted against her own sweet pearl…

  I shifted closer to her and dipped my hand between her warm thighs.

  “Can I have the waiter bring you something else?” I asked. “You’ve barely touched the lobster…” I glanced at her plate, at her full wine glass.

  “You try eating food this rich, wearing panties as distracting as these…,” she shot back with a crooked smile.

  I grinned back and discreetly slipped my fingers under her skirt… up the inside of one leg…

  “If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not,” I said into her ear. “I can’t say I do my best work when I’m distracted… and lace isn’t exactly my style…” I felt a shiver run through her as my fingers worked their way toward skin. I could tell she was holding her breath…

  “Would you like dessert?” I asked purposefully, shifting slightly until my hand was positioned squarely beneath her. My fingertips could make only the tiniest of movements against her already very slick entrance. I flicked her clit softly and heard her gasp with sweet need.

  “The crème-brulee and two demitasse,” I said to the waiter when he appeared to sweep away our plates. “Or would you prefer the lemon mousse, darling?” I asked, smiling innocently and slipping one finger inside her.

  “It’s good…,” she gasped quietly, caught entirely off guard. Angelina’s cheeks were blazing with color, and I was thoroughly enjoying myself. “I mean… That would be just fine… Thank you…”

  The waiter nodded and disappeared without blinking an eye. I drew lazy circles…

  “I’m not going to be able to swallow if you don’t stop that…,” she said.

  “Hmmm… good to know….,” I answered wickedly, not letting up. “But one way or another, you’re going to have your dessert like a good girl.” I let my fingertip roam gently and felt her roll into
me. “You need something inside you… to keep up your strength…

  You’re going to need it… for later…”

  The waiter reappeared and served quickly and efficiently. I picked up the tiny silver spoon and scooped up the golden brown cream. “

  “Open your mouth for me,” I demanded.

  “But I’m not going to be able to wait…,” she panted against my chest.

  We’d barely made it out of the restaurant and into the street before she’d pulled me by the lapels and into a dark, narrow corridor. “I nearly came right there in front of everyone,” she panted, as I pulled her against me and pinned her to the brick wall. “I can’t breathe… I can barely walk…”

  I buried my face in her neck as my cock raged furiously against her belly. But when she reached around and gripped my ass, I nearly lost all control. Everything inside me wanted to throw caution to the wind, to unzip, lift up her skirt and pound myself into her sweet pussy right there…

  “My office is a few blocks from here,” I growled, reaching up under her dress. “We need privacy…” I felt her climax rising near the surface and my cock felt close to bursting.

  “The club,” she gasped, working her hips, and raising one leg alongside my hip. “It’s closer… an upstairs room…”

  And five minutes later, we were inside.

  “Here for the party?” The towering doorman asked, as he closed the heavy doors behind us. “Full house tonight.”

  “Upstairs,” I said, handing him a thick fold of bills. I kept a hand on Angelina’s waist. The contact between us was like touching a live wire…

  “Right away, boss,” he answered, pocketing the cash. He spoke into a radio clipped to his shoulder and paused.

  “Gold Room, all the way up and to the right. It’s ready and waiting.” He shot a fast, appreciative look at Angelina and glanced away, all business. He slipped a key in my hand. “Elevator across from the main hall.”


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