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The Baby Pact

Page 30

by Riley Rollins

“Gran…?” I saw her eyes mist, glazed over with long forgotten memories. I reached out and touched her hand. She blinked, and smiled again. We looked at each other…

  “Emily?” Reese stood in the doorway, one hand on the knob, the other holding a phone. She held it out to me, her eyes filled with concern.

  “It’s Chase, Em. And he sounds bad. He needs to talk to you…

  I think something’s happened…”



  “Just meet me at Envisager,” I said. “I’ll explain when you get here. I’m sorry as hell to be dragging you through this, Emi, but I love you more than you know…”

  I slipped the phone back into my pocket and watched as Amelia gathered her things. I’d told her the truth… at least as much as she allowed. She didn’t want to hear the details any more than I wanted to give them. But she knew enough… and to her credit, was already armed and ready for battle.

  “I’m still not convinced this is the way,” I said, as she locked her door behind us and we headed for the car.

  “I’m not gonna say it isn’t a risk, Chris,” she answered back. “It is. But I, for one, have had more than enough of men like Sutton...and men like Cliff. They do what they want… they take what they want, like there won’t ever be consequences.” She climbed into the seat beside me. She was angry now… angrier than I’d ever seen her. And it made her strong, too. It was surprisingly good to see…

  “It smacks of blackmail,” I said, darkly. “And though I’m grateful as hell, I still think you’re letting me off too easily. Just like Emily is. How can it be right for Sutton to lose everything, and for me to escape? I’m just as guilty as he is.”

  She punched me hard and fast in the arm, reminding me of when we were kids, and making me jerk the wheel to keep from swerving…

  “Stupid,” she said, making me smile in spite of the circumstances. “You’re my brother, and I’ve had my whole life to see for myself, that you’re a kind and decent man. I know the women you think you ruined. And they all liked to enjoy themselves, long before you, well… hooked up. Did you forget I run in the same social circles they do?” she asked, staring at me and blinking pointedly. “They all still say nice things about you at Christmas parties, you big jerk. None of them got hurt, Chris… Just you.

  Sutton’s the one who’s done the damage. And even if you share the responsibility for starting all this, you’re the only one who’s man enough to finish it.”

  She gripped my hand in hers and I held it as I drove. I was grateful as hell to have two strong, loyal women supporting me. And I was determined to deserve their trust. I drove on, heading to where Sutton waited,

  knowing… what he did not.

  Amelia and I parted ways outside my office doors. I took enough time to bring her hand up and give her knuckles a kiss. “You’ve got the numbers you need?” She smiled, her eyes bright, and gave me a quick nod. “Good luck,” I told her. “I’m guessing you’ll need it more than I will,” she answered back. Then I took off for Sutton’s office, as she went into mine and closed the door behind her.

  As it turned out, he was not only waiting for me, he had a pitcher of martinis ready and his feet up on the desk. His jacket was flung carelessly over the back of his chair and his rumpled shirt was open at the throat.

  “‘Bout time you got here,” he said, slurring his words ever so slightly. He finished what remained in his glass and sat it down, too hard, on the desk.

  “I had to reschedule a meeting for this,” he went on. “And I don’t have to tell you… what a busy man I am these days…”

  I spun his chair, leaning forward to face him, trapping him where he was with my grip on its arms. I bent down, noticing tiny beads of sweat along his thin upper lip.

  “You’re going to stop talking now, Sutton, and you’re going to sit still and listen,” I said. I kept my voice quiet, low… but I held his eyes like a hostage. I didn’t blink. Neither did he.

  “For starters,” I said, reaching over to send the martini pitcher crashing to the floor, “this stops now.” He blanched, but didn’t move… didn’t blink. “The next step won’t be as easy,” I said, “but you’re going to be grateful as hell, thanks to me, that at least you saw it coming.”

  “This is more shit about the fucking game again, isn’t it?” he said, curling his lip back. “That little slut just wants more money, is all…”

  I stopped him cold with a stinging backhand across the cheek. “What the fuck part of listen don’t you understand? Pam’s no slut… and neither were any of the others.” He sat still now, bleeding slightly at the corner of his mouth. “Every single one of those women deserved better than you or me. The game is done.” I sat back against the edge of his desk and saw his shoulders relax, ever so slightly. “I’m going to make a formal apology to each one,” I went on. “So are you. I’m only hoping it’s enough…

  And considering the numbers on your end and the time commitment involved, you’re going to take a leave of absence. Unpaid, and without argument.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Effective immediately and until I have proof my conditions have been met. If we’re lucky… very lucky, we’ll be able to avoid an unrecoverable scandal.

  “Did it work?” Emi asked. “Did he agree?”

  “He didn’t have much of a choice but to agree,” I said. She and Amelia sat together on the sofa in my office. Emi had arrived only minutes ago. “But only time will tell if he has the balls to go through with it. I gave him until Friday to make it right with Pam and half a dozen others from the last month or so. It gives him a few days… but it gives us time as well. He doesn’t know we have an ace up our sleeve… at least not yet.

  But he knows it’s all over. And that his only hope of keeping his half of the company for now, is to cooperate. Any scandal that touches either one of us touches the business. I can live with losing it all, so long as we make things right in the end. But I doubt that’s a choice he’ll be willing to make. In a sense, I’m counting on his instinct for self-preservation.”

  Emily stood up and I took her into my arms. Her warmth and sweetness washed over me like a healing balm. Everything I’d worked for in my life was on the line… in the hands of a man with no moral compass. While I wasn’t proud of my past, at least I had learned from my mistakes. But I had little, to no reason, to believe Sutton had.



  “So that’s the plan,” I said.

  “There are a dozen different ways it could fail, and even best case scenario is a long way from perfect. Chase ends up sharing Envisager with a man who’s brilliant at his job, but can barely be trusted in his personal life.” I sighed, looking at their faces. “But he says maybe it’s better to keep him close, at least for the moment, rather than to cut ties altogether. That he might be less destructive, less inclined to be vindictive… if their futures are still linked…”

  Reese and Tam had listened silently as I had poured it all out. Amelia had come to lend her support. Tam, most of all, sat wide eyed, working to process everything we’d said. I was relieved to see a sparkle of intrigue in her eyes. Her, most especially of all…

  We sat downstairs in the bakery, the air warm and sweet-smelling. For a long moment, the room was still. There was only the ticking of the clock, and the soft sounds of our own breathing…

  “Chase has already committed half of his personal income to women’s and children’s charities on an ongoing annual basis,” I went on. “To organizations that fight abuse and trafficking… to others that promote leadership programs for women in the workplace. Sutton doesn’t know it yet, but he’s going to be doing exactly the same thing. Plus Chase is going to force him to cough up every dime he won playing this game. And the company, as a whole, will be giving twenty percent of its profits.”

  “Well… Chase knows how to put his money where his mouth is…,” Reese said, with a soft whistle through her teeth. “And he’s owning up to his own share of the blame. But somehow I do
ubt it’ll be so easy getting Sutton to see the light.”

  “To think he spent all those years beating himself up, when Sutton was the one all along…,” Tam chimed in. “I knew what kind of creep that guy was from that first party we catered,” she went on. “I was trying to get started with clean up behind the bar. And he was working the whole seduction scene with me really hard… Up until one of his girlfriends showed up, that is…”

  “But you never said anything…,” I began.

  “She did to me,” Reese said. “He showed his true colors that night. But since no real harm was done, we just wrote it off as one of those things. At that point, neither of us knew the whole story…”

  “But we do know now,” Tam said, a thoughtful look forming on her face. “And I think Chase is right to wonder if he could ever control himself. At least without the right motivation…”

  “And that’s where you come in,” Amelia replied. “Where we all come in. Sutton’s underestimated the power of every woman he’s ever exploited. That’s why I made all those phone calls in Chase’s office while he was talking to Sutton. One angry woman is a force all by herself, but a dozen…”

  “And that’s why we needed to tell you everything,” I added. “After all, we’re taking this a step further than even Chase knows… And everyone has to decide for herself, whether to support this or not. And there’s no judgement if anyone wants out…

  But I’m in,” I said. “I love Chase and I believe in him. And I’m in.”

  “Ditto,” Amelia firmly. “I was in the minute I picked up the phone. From the minute my soon-to-be ex cheated on me.”

  “Me too,” Reese agreed. She looked at me and smiled. “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you, Em.” She turned to face Tammy, who looked in turn, from one woman to the next. “A lot of this hinges on you,” Reese said. “We could manage it without you, but…”

  Tam smiled. “Are you kidding me?” she asked, laughing. The sound of it broke the remaining tension in the room and there was a soft, communal sigh of relief. “This is a budding journalist’s dream come true… Effing girl-power,” she said, with a grin. She put her hand out and everyone else followed suit. We stood, clasped together like the spokes of a wheel. Strong, determined… United.

  “Count me in.”

  I locked up after the others left, my head spinning from the events of the day. While I had every confidence in Chase, and that his plan would work, it never hurt to have a back-up. I hoped to hell, we’d never need to use it, but I couldn’t sit by and do nothing. Not only to help the women Sutton had hurt, but because I wanted to protect the man I loved. And I was so incredibly grateful to have the support of my friends. And with so many good women supporting him too, maybe one day, Chase would begin to forgive himself.

  It was late and I was long beyond tired. I wanted nothing except a quick shower and bed, but as I climbed up the stairs, I met May on the stairs. With her was a man I’d never seen, older and grey too, but with a quick smile and sharp, dark eyes.

  “I’m afraid your grandmother kept us all up past our bedtimes,” May said with a warm smile. “This is my brother, Henry,” she said nodding at the gentleman. “I don’t think you two have ever met… This is Emily.”

  He took my hand. “The pleasure’s all mine, Emily,” he said kindly. “Lovely… just like Justine.”

  “Henry’s come to stay with me for a while, so he joined us for cards tonight,” May said. “He and Jussy quite it hit it off,” she added discreetly. I blinked and she smiled. “You can catch her if you go right in,” she added. “She said she planned to wait up for you, just a little longer.”

  She gave me a dry kiss on the cheek and Henry smiled indulgently as we said goodnight. I opened the door to find Gran fully dressed, and sitting on the living room loveseat. It had been years since I’d last seen either of those things…

  “It’s late, Gran,” I said, taking her arm to help her stand. She brushed me off and straightened on her own. But she was smiling and her cheeks were pink. I noticed she had put a touch of powder on her nose and her usually dry lips had a hint of moist color. Tiny pearls bobbed from her ears. She looked… happy…

  “I can do for myself,” she said, blinking at me pleasantly. “You’re home earlier than I expected.”

  “And you’re up way past your bedtime,” I said with gentle concern. “I met May and her brother in the hall… They didn’t keep you up too late…?”

  “Nonsense, she shot back as I followed her to room. “If anything I kept them up. And I won almost every hand,” she bragged. I reached to help her undress and again, she waved me off. She sat down at her dressing table and handed me her hairbrush. I stood behind her, taking out her long braid and working the soft bristles through her thin locks. She took off her pearls and watched my reflection in the mirror.

  “I wasn’t sure if I’d see you tonight,” she began. She watched me as I caught her gaze. “I was hoping we’d have the chance to finish our little talk. At my age, it doesn’t pay to put things off… any longer than I already have.” I continued to brush, waiting. I’d never seen her like this, never heard her like this. I barely dared to breathe, for fear that she wouldn’t go on…

  “I was in love once,” she said, a dreamy quality to her voice. “So long ago, I’d nearly forgotten. Something about your young man reminded me, I think. The look in his eyes when he said your name… that wonderful feeling of being young and alive, and having everything still ahead of you.”

  “I know how hard it was for you when Gramps died,” I said. “My mom and dad too… You had to raise me like your own…”

  “I’m not speaking about your grandfather, dear,” she said softly. My hand stopped. “This isn’t about loss, although I did love him very much. What I’d forgotten is what falling in love feels like.

  I met him before I ever knew your grandfather, Emily. I was young… only sixteen years old. But I felt about him the way you feel about your Mr. Chase. And he loved me too. I recognized the look when your young man came here to see me. My Robert was tall and handsome too. And I would have given anything to have spent my life loving him…”

  “What… what happened, Gran…?” It came out a whisper, I was so afraid of breaking the spell. She had opened up to me… she was sharing her heart with me…

  “Papa didn’t approve,” she said quietly. “He was poor, and Papa said his prospects were even poorer.” She sighed heavily. “In those days, a girl didn’t make such decisions for herself. My parents forbade me to see him again, and I was introduced to your grandfather We were married after only a month. But the leaves had started to turn the day Robert and I said goodbye and every year since those colors came again, to remind me of everything I had wanted… and everything I had lost…

  But I didn’t spend too much time looking backward… it was just too painful. I lived my life and did my duty as a wife,” she said. “And I did grow to love your grandfather very much. I want you to know that.” She looked into the mirror, into the reflection of my face. My hand rested softly on her shoulder and she touched it with hers.

  “But I’ve also lived long enough to understand, that after all these years, my feelings for Robert never really died. And even now, an entire lifetime too late, I can’t help but wonder

  … what might have been…”




  “You must be out of your mind.”

  I stood opposite Sutton in his oversized, overpriced living room and met his eyes as he tried to stare me down. “There’s simply no fucking way. You have no right to commit so much of the company’s assets without my approval. And half my fucking salary? You’ve lost your goddamned mind, Chase. I did what you wanted… I got Pam to back off and I had my lawyer send a letter to a few of the rest. I apologized… without admitting anything they could act on legally. They’ve backed down… there’s no fucking scandal. It’s over, Chase. We can forget the whole ugly mess now, and just mov
e forward.”

  “Without paying the price, or learning the lesson?” I asked, dully. “And you just go right on the way you always have. No consequences… no compassion.”

  “You can’t run another man’s life for him, Chase. I get it, you’re all wrapped up in this sense of guilt and some sudden concept of morality…”

  “I’m talking about integrity, Sutton. And conscience. A sense of responsibility,” I shot back. “I can’t tell you how to live your life, but I am telling you this. If you want Envisager to survive, if you want to continue as a partner, you’ll do everything I’m fucking telling you to do. I’m giving you one last chance. If you don’t take it, I’m walking. Away from you, the company, everything. And you can deal with the consequences on your own. All on your own.”

  “You’re fucking bluffing,” he spat back. “There’s no goddamned way you’d walk away from your half of a multibillion dollar company. Even if you did, I could drag your name through the mud right along with me.”

  “Threats only work if a man had something to lose,” I replied, coolly. “No company, no billions…

  No leverage,”

  “You didn’t need to come for my sake,” Emi said, reaching up to run her fingers along my jaw. “But I’m so glad you did.”

  In a moment, I forgot the discomfort of my collar and my general dislike of formalwear. She pressed her body against my stiff white shirt and I felt the rest of me go stiff as well. We stood in the church kitchen as Reese put the final touches on the wedding cake. The ceremony had finished a few minutes ago and the happy couple were being photographed. We had ten, maybe fifteen minutes before the reception would begin. I used precious long minutes, kissing her hard. Everything in me wanted more… And by the time I let her go, her tender mouth was pink and swollen, my heart was pounding a deafening rhythm in my ears…


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