Twisted Bliss

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Twisted Bliss Page 17

by C. A. Williams

  “I didn’t expect you to bake for me, let alone actually think you needed to bring snacks. I really didn’t expect any of this.”

  “Good.” He grinned, leaning over to take a bite of my cookie, and I swiped my finger across his lips to brush away the crumbs. “That’s what I was going for.”

  “So, how’s your mom doing?”

  I listened as he told me about his mom and how he and his brothers were trying to keep her occupied. I was glad that they seemed so worried about her because I couldn’t imagine how she was doing having lost Dan. They had raised the Parker boys right because they were stepping up.

  It had to be hard. I could see plenty of pain in Justin still just when he talked about it. I wished that I could take all of that away, but maybe just by being with him I could help him forget a little.

  Justin yawned loudly, standing up to stretch his arms over his head, showing just a sliver of his stomach when his shirt lifted up, making me squirm in my seat just at the sight. He saw it too because he shot me a crooked grin. “You sure you don’t want to join me?” He tilted his head back toward the bathroom, and I rolled my eyes before shutting them, thinking that I could take a little nap. I had a feeling I was going to need as much sleep as I could get. Once we got to Vegas, I knew there would be so much to do. Neither Justin nor I had been there before.

  I felt Justin sit back down beside me and I snuggled against him, letting myself fall asleep with his warmth surrounding me.

  “We’re here,” someone whispered in my ear, and it took me a second to realize where here actually was. I slowly peeled my eyes open and Justin stood up, holding a hand out to me.

  Once we were off the plane, we skipped straight past baggage claim since we only brought carry-ons, and went in search of the area where the millions of taxis waited. I headed toward the bathroom while Justin handled that, and when I came back, he was holding the door open of a fancy-looking town car, a wide grin plastered on his face. “What’s that smile for?”

  “Relax, you’ll find out soon enough.” He patted the driver on the back who had just finished loading our bags into the trunk.

  “Are you sure you should be spending all of this money?” I asked as the driver pulled the car to a stop in front of The Venetian. Sure, I had never been to Vegas before, but I definitely heard of this place. I knew it was expensive. “Maybe we should split a room. Or go find somewhere cheaper.”

  “Nope.” He came around to my side of the car, and grasped my hand. “Only the best for you this weekend. And always.”

  I smiled as we walked through the lobby, amazed at how grand it was. I stayed in expensive hotels before, but this was completely different. This was an experience within itself.

  Once we were all checked in, we headed out to explore the hotel and then the strip itself. It felt so comfortable to be with Justin this way, as if nothing had ever changed between us. Starting fresh wasn’t really something we could do, I realized, because we had so much history. I think the break really only made our relationship stronger.

  “Thanks for the best first date ever.” I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck, pulling his head down close so I could fully taste his lips.

  “No problem,” he said against my mouth before nudging me slightly. “It’s our turn.”

  I cautiously stepped into the gondola with Justin’s hand on my back the whole time, and took a seat, not believing that we were actually doing this. It felt like a dream.

  The whole weekend did, really. We crammed as much as possible into those two days. I tried out a casino for the first time, and only lasted about ten minutes before I got bored, learning that it really wasn’t my thing. We hit up the Stratosphere, riding the roller coaster on top of the roof that was so high, I still have no idea how I didn’t toss my cookies afterward, and then went off to play arcade games. I think that was my favorite part. It reminded me of the time Justin took me on another little trip, our first one together, which was also our first time together. It seemed like so much time had passed since then and I think both of us had grown up a lot, too.

  This weekend was different, though. Justin kept true to his word about this being a first date and we both somehow managed to keep our hands to ourselves, even though we slept wrapped in each other’s arms both nights. While I would’ve been ready to jump his bones any minute, I was secretly happy about the fact that he didn’t try anything. It spoke volumes of his desire to make things better in our relationship.

  “I really don’t want to go home.” I peered at him sideways, and he laughed, scooping up my hand to kiss each of my fingers while he continued to drive to my house.

  “I know, but I have to get back to work tomorrow. You have school. And now that we’re back, I don’t think I can keep my hands to myself. So, you’re going home.”

  I sighed loudly, and he laughed again. “Don’t worry, as soon as things slow down a bit, I’m not gonna let you out of my sight. In fact, maybe we should get those handcuffs out again, and you won’t be able to leave my bed.” His dimples popped out, and I leaned over, brushing my lips against his ear.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  AFTER OUR TRIP, the crazy routine of school and work resumed, made even busier because Justin and I tried to squeeze in as much time together as possible. Things this time around seemed different, a good different, though. I didn’t feel like we were just together for fun, even though we had plenty of it. We both seemed equally invested in making things work.

  I slammed one of my books shut, closing my laptop as well, and breathed a sigh of relief. I had been working hard on a paper that was due in two days, and I told Justin I wasn’t going to be able to go out tomorrow with him if it wasn’t completed. He demanded that I shut off my phone and anything else that was a distraction so I could get it done, and I was glad that I’d finally finished. I was looking forward to the next date, each one made me antsy.

  We still hadn’t done anything physical, other than holding hands and the occasional hot make out session. Those could definitely keep me satisfied, but I needed more. Justin was actually trying to be somewhat of a gentleman about the whole thing, though. I didn’t know it was actually possible and the anticipation of when was literally killing me. I felt like a sex-starved maniac. If he kept going at this rate, I was going to have to take things into my own hands. Yeah, I know, that kind of made me sound like a sex addict or something, but I had Justin back, I needed to reap all of the benefits that were available. And from him, they were plentiful.

  The doorbell rang from downstairs and I ignored it, intent on cleaning up the mess of my room, even though I’m sure it would just end up like that way again tomorrow.

  “Della!” Callie shouted up the stairs, and I opened my door a little wider so I could hear her.


  “Um…someone’s here to see you.” Her voice sounded strange which only made me guess that it wasn’t a good unexpected visitor. The first person that flashed into my head was Chris. I hadn’t seen him again since that awkward night at Shorty’s, but he called. All. The. Time. I ignored him for the most part, sending him messages back that I was busy with school or some other lame excuse, but he wasn’t letting up.

  “Okay,” I called back. “I’ll be right down.” I groaned, thinking that maybe I should just look for the quickest escape route, but knew I couldn’t leave Callie down there to deal with my problem.

  “There she is.” I heard a nasally voice snidely call out from the living room, and I froze on the staircase, instantly recognizing Mariah. Joy. I don’t know whom I would’ve preferred more, her, or Chris. Yeah, she seemed friendly toward me ever since she and Nash got back together, but I hadn’t seen either of them since our lunch together last month. I tried calling and sending messages, but he didn’t answer. I was worried about him and thought that maybe something happened with the baby. I even called Grams to ask if she had seen him at his mom’s place next door, but she hadn’t.

  I finished my desc
ent down the stairs, crossing my arms tightly over my chest as I assessed Mariah, who stood there glaring at me. Her stomach was a whole lot flatter, my first clue that the baby was already here. The baby was born and Nash didn’t even call? Although, Nash told me she was due after Christmas so that meant the baby came too early.

  “Mariah, you had the baby?” My voice came out in a squeak. “Is everything all right with little—”

  “So, I’m sure you put this whole DNA test idea into his head, am I right? You just couldn’t leave us alone,” she spat out, narrowing her eyes at me. “No one can be happy if you’re not happy, right, Della?”

  “DNA test?” I repeated, the shock clearly evident in my voice, I was beginning to realize why Nash hadn’t called me. Mariah just rolled her eyes, thinking I was putting on an act or something. He never once mentioned that he thought he wasn’t the father, and I kept my doubts to myself. Well, the baby must not have looked like him whatsoever, or the math was really off, because he had done the questioning all on his own.

  “Who said I’m not happy? I’m perfectly fine with my life, Mariah. Don’t be pissed because you created drama in your own.”

  “Whatever,” she huffed, moving an inch closer to me. “I just find it really odd that Nash wanted a DNA test after he called you to tell you the news of the baby being born.” She paused, rolling her eyes. “Are you trying to tell me that was a coincidence?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “Mariah, this is the first I’ve even heard of you having the baby. I haven’t talked to Nash in weeks so don’t blame me. I have nothing to feel guilty about. You on the other hand….” I trailed off as she took a step closer, her fists curled tightly by her sides, as if she wanted to punch me right in the face.

  “Are you really going to hit me, Mariah?” I cocked one brow at her.

  She shook her dark hair at me. “Nope, you’re not even worth it. I just wanted to come over to say congratulations.”

  “For what?”

  “For ruining my family, for making Nash find out the truth. You couldn’t just leave it alone. Nash was going to be such a good dad, and now because of you, little Nash doesn’t have him in his life. I messed up. I wanted Nash back, so when I found out I was pregnant I told him he was the dad because I wanted him to be, even though the timing didn’t add up. Nash didn’t even question it because that’s the type of guy he is.” She pushed one finger into my shoulder, and I saw Callie step forward, thought I hadn’t even realized that she was still in the room. I knew she had my back if I needed her, but Mariah was crazy, and I really didn’t want things leading to a full on girl fight.

  “So, congratulations, you got what you wanted. He’s all yours.”

  “Mariah.” I shook my head. “You are truly delusional. This is no one’s fault but your own. And as far as me telling Nash the baby isn’t his, it’s just not true, but I really couldn’t care less if you believe me. Nash and I are friends. That’s it. I don’t want or need him for myself. So congratulations to you for screwing things up with one of the best guys around, and for ruining that little boy’s life. That’s on nobody but you.”

  She snapped backward like I had actually slapped her, and I continued pushing her to the door, slamming it shut once she was over the threshold.

  “Wow.” Callie locked the door and leaned back against it. “So Nash isn’t the dad. I really didn’t see that one coming. Did you?”

  “Kind of.” I slipped on a pair of shoes that were by the door and grabbed my purse off the front table.

  “Let me guess? Going to look for Nash?” Callie gave me a sad smile, handing me my phone that was sitting on the kitchen counter. I still hadn’t turned it on, and it made me wonder if I had a missed call from Nash. I wasn’t sure when he found out the news, but I’m sure it was tearing him apart.

  “Yeah, he needs a friend right now.”

  “’Kay, well make sure that’s all it is.” She patted me on the back and I spun around, my hand stilling on the handle.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that you tend to get caught up in the moment when you’re around Nash. Don’t mess things up with Justin. You’re happy and I want you to stay that way.” She hugged me quickly before heading into the kitchen.

  “We’re just friends,” I yelled after her but didn’t get a return answer. Nash needed me. I wasn’t there for him before when it came to the abuse from his dad. I would be there for him through this. He was hurting and needed someone there, even though I’m sure he was trying to push everyone away. I would have to do whatever it took so he didn’t go straight into a downward spiral. I knew what that was like and I didn’t wish that experience upon anyone.

  “ARE YOU PLANNING on bringing Della by anytime soon?” My mom handed me a cup of coffee and I collapsed onto the couch, exhausted after my twelve-hour shift, but I at least had to stop by on my way home. I planned to see Della too but she still hadn’t turned her phone back on. At least I knew she was probably getting her paper done, and I would have her all to myself tomorrow night.

  “I don’t know.” I ran a hand over my face, exhaustion hitting me full on, but I at least could muster up a smile when my mom sat down in my dad’s favorite recliner. This was the first time I had seen her anywhere but the kitchen since my dad died. It was definitely a good thing. “I was thinking maybe at Thanksgiving. Are you still planning to have dinner?”

  She took a sip out of her coffee mug, setting it down on the end table. I could see her hands trembling, but she managed a smile. “Of course, honey. I know the holidays are going to be hard without your father, but it would be even harder without everyone around. It would make it even better if Della came, too. Talk to her about it.”

  I nodded my head, smiling at the thought of Della being with me here again. This time was different, though. This time Della wasn’t going anywhere and neither was I.

  I stayed for about another hour at my mom’s house, grabbing a few things from the kitchen before I left. I had big plans for Della and me tomorrow night. I would finally ask her to stay over at my house, and after that, I wasn’t sure if I would ever want her to leave again. I know we did things kinda ass backward, but I wanted to make things right with her, give her what she deserved.

  I think she knew I wasn’t just in it for the physical side of things, that having her meant more to me than anything else. I had been trying pretty hard to make that clear these past few weeks. And if things went further tomorrow night, then I was completely fine with that, more than fine.


  I eyed Ty, wondering if this was a trick question or something. Things had been a little tense between us since the whole Blaire thing went down, but he seemed to be getting over it. I’m sure having his wife at home bitching at him didn’t help my case much.

  “Yup,” I answered simply, not bothering to go into any details.

  “With that girl?”

  “Her name’s Della,” I replied tightly, and continued finishing up the paperwork from our shift. It was harder than hell to concentrate, but the sooner I got it done, the quicker I was out of here.

  “Right, sorry.” He held his hands up defensively. “I’m not trying to be a dick. You seem happy with her. Things are going good?”

  “Yeah.” I set my pen down and stood up. “Really good. I think we’ve both grown up a lot, so it’s even better this time. None of the bullshit drama.” At least so far. Della called late last night after I had passed out. Her call woke me up, but I couldn’t be pissed, it was good to hear her voice. Then she dropped the bombshell on me about Nash. Apparently, he wasn’t that baby’s father, and Della went out and found him, needing to console him. Whatever. I was wide-awake after that. I got that they were friends, but that didn’t mean I had to like her being around him. I was trying like hell to trust her when she said that she just needed to be there for him, and I guess since she came right out and told me about it, that was saying a lot. There weren’t any secrets or lies be
tween us.

  “Well, I guess I’m happy for you then, buddy.” He slapped me on the back. “But I don’t see any double dates in our near future. I think my wife still sort of hates you.”

  I made a few stops on my way over to Della’s, but I pretty much had everything set up for our date tonight. I was worn out, but there was no way in hell I was cancelling. At least what I had planned would be extremely relaxing.

  “Hey.” Zoey opened the door, giving me a wide grin before letting me pass by. “Apparently you just came from work, right? You’re not here to arrest anyone?”

  “Yeah, I didn’t want to waste any time changing.”

  She rolled her eyes, heading toward the kitchen. “You two are so cute, it’s sickening. I think she’ll be down in a minute. She was on the phone with Nash when I came down.”

  My jaw ticked at the mention of his name, and Zoey’s eyes widened. “Sorry, I’m not sure if I should’ve told you that.”

  “I’m not hiding anything.” Della came up from behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist and pressing a kiss to my shoulder. “Nash is having a really hard time. I’m just trying to help.”

  I groaned, turning around to wrap my arms around her. “Yeah, is that how he sees it, though? Or does he think it’s something more?”

  She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter what he thinks. I just need to make sure he’s okay. I know how it is to have your world completely turned upside down.” I squeezed her tightly, wanting to take away any pain that still haunted her. She pushed a smile onto her face. “Enough of that depressing shit. Where are we going tonight?” She squirmed in place. Della hated surprises and I loved them—well, I loved surprising her. It made quite the funny combination.

  “You’ll see.” I kissed her forehead, and Zoey made a gagging noise behind us.

  “Shut up,” Della scolded before grabbing her purse off the counter. “You up for a late-night study session after I get back?”


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