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Page 20

by K. Webster

  He presses the .45 to her temple as he wrenches her gun from her hand. With a quick toss, he rids her of her weapon, but thankfully doesn’t shoot her.

  “Dirty Fed,” Stormy sneers. “I smelled your stink from three states away.”

  “You should have known better than to fuck with a Koynakov,” Copper says, shaking his head. “We cover our tracks.”

  “I was gathering proof!”

  Copper laughs. “At the expense of your career. I may be a dirty Fed, but I am one. You, little storm, were put on administrative leave for disobeying a direct order.”

  “They told me to let it go! That you were clean!” Her body trembles with anger. “I knew you weren’t. I knew I could gather so much shit, they’d beg me to come back. I’d take you and your brother down along with the entire Royal Bastards MC.”

  “We’re still here, bitch,” Filter snaps. “All that dick sucking you did didn’t get you anything but a gun pressed to your head.”

  “No one will ever do anything when it comes to the Koynakovs,” Koyn tells her, his voice booming from behind me. “I wrote programs years ago and put them out there so that any time anyone saves even a simple web page with my name on it, it’ll encrypt it. CIA. FBI. NSA. Every goddamn police station in a five-hundred-mile radius. Any reports or files with the Royal Bastards Tulsa chapter or my family name, the programs lock it down. They’re only retrievable with a password only I know.”

  “Please don’t kill her,” I mutter again, this time a little louder.

  Copper flinches at my words, his eyes darting my way. He lifts his gaze to look at Koyn. They share a stare and then Copper gives a nod.

  “If it’s not me, it’ll be someone else,” Stormy warns. “The NSA will catch wind and they’ll hire people like Genworth. Someone will crack your stupid codes and dump out everything you’re hiding.” She lifts her chin. “Just put a bullet in my head. Don’t do psychopathic, disgusting shit like you did over there.”

  I break free from Koyn’s hold and run over to her. No one stops me. She hugs me tight when I start to cry.

  “Why did you do this?” I whisper. “Why would you sacrifice yourself for me?”

  She kisses the top of my head. “Someone had to look out for you, Hadley. I just wanted you to be safe.”

  “Time’s up,” Copper barks, yanking Stormy back just as Koyn tugs me away.

  I cry out, reaching for her. “Don’t kill her! Please!”

  “Copper?” Koyn booms when Copper throws her over his shoulder, ignoring her kicking and screaming. “What are you doing?”

  Copper glowers our way. “Dealing with my problem.”

  “And what way is that?”

  “I have my methods.” Then he lets out a frustrated huff. “Don’t worry, PG, the bitch isn’t going to die tonight.” With those words, he exits the slaughterhouse and slips into the snowy night.

  “Time for a bath, baby girl,” Koyn says. “You’ve had enough excitement for one day.”

  Three days later…

  Energy buzzes through me as I watch Koyn sleep. With his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted, he seems innocent. Like an angel who fell from heaven right into bed with me. The “X” scarred into his skin on his face could very well be turned into a cross just by looking at it with my head cocked.

  I know better.

  Beneath the angelic looks is a demon.

  My demon.

  A smile tugs at my lips. Having the scariest guy I’ve ever known on my side has done wonders for my mood lately. My two months with Dad and the visits from Magna destroyed a part of me I’m not sure I’ll ever get back. I’d been drifting in the darkness until I was back here. When I discovered I might be pregnant, light shone through, lighting my way. At first, tiny cracks. But the cracks have widened with each passing day. Both of the horrible men who hurt me are dead. Because of Koyn. They died painfully and horrifically. It’s such a relief.

  Unable to keep my hands off him, I brush my fingertips along his scruffy jaw. I want to shake him awake, but I don’t. My mind drifts back to the night he killed Dad. Once Copper left with Stormy, he carried me into the house, past all the shattered windows and debris from the shooting, and straight to his office. After tapping away on his computer for a moment, the electricity came back on. Then, he bathed me with such care and gentleness, all I could do was cry. I’ve stayed cuddled at his side for three days now, slowly regaining my strength and mind back.

  “When you stare at me like that, it’s fucking creepy,” he grumbles, his eyes still closed, a smile tugging at his lips.

  “Oh thank God,” I cry out. “I thought you were going to sleep forever. It’s not creepy when you like it, by the way.”

  My sass makes him smile bigger and he squints against the morning light to look at me. I love how his brown eyes shine with pride and delight at seeing me. The shadowed, haunted look that used to always be in his eyes is gone. Killing Magna and Dad freed him. It freed me too.

  “I took one of those tests Bermuda picked up at the store. For sure pregnant.”

  He dives a large hand into my hair and tugs me to his mouth. I groan as he kisses me, uncaring that we both have morning breath. Koyn’s a biker who’s tortured men in the most heinous of ways. The last thing this man cares about is morning breath.

  My breath hitches when he starts tugging off my T-shirt. We haven’t had sex since he brutally took my ass in his bathroom after he took me from my home. Since I feel more like myself, I’ve been craving him more than the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches Bermuda seems to make so perfectly well for a pregnant woman. But Koyn has treated me carefully. He’s reserved in his actions. I don’t miss the regret that sometimes flashes in his eyes.

  “Don’t regret us,” I blurt out, searing him with my stare. “All the stuff that happened between us did because it was supposed to. We were living in the moment and taking what we could get.” I run my fingers through his dark, thick hair. “We have a future now, Koyn.”

  Something breaks inside of him as he fully gives in. I yelp when he tears my panties in two, making me completely naked for him. With insanely quick movements, he shoves his boxers off and then pounces on me. Rather than fucking me like the stallion he is, he rubs his dick against my pussy while peppering me with kisses. His playful, teasing side is one only I get to see. Out there, he’s hard for his men. In here, he shows me what a good man he can be for the ones he loves.

  Does he love me?

  I hope so.

  I don’t think a man can kill with such passionate brutality and not love the woman he preserved amidst the violence. Maybe not the love he had for his wife, especially toward the end of their long marriage, but definitely a new kind of love. One that is just budding and one day will bloom into something beautiful. I try to imagine Koyn—big and fierce—holding a tiny baby we created. It brings tears to my eyes.

  “Hey,” he croons, his features softening.

  “Pregnancy hormones,” I grumble, blinking my teary eyes. “I’ll be glad when I’m back to my bitchy self.”

  He grins before taking my mouth with possessive tugs of his teeth on my lips. His cock slides against my most needy place over and over again until I’m begging for him to push it into me. He reaches between us to grip his dick and then thrusts hard. I cry out, sinking my fingernails into his shoulders as I lift my hips, aching for more of him. He doesn’t disappoint and begins a punishing assault as he fucks me in an owning way. I’m not sure Koyn does anything sweet anymore. Not in the way he probably once did for his wife. But that man died with her. This man is a brutal prez and fierce leader. He’s dark and filthy and dangerous. I’m not attracted to his sweet side, though it’s a bonus. I love the fiery, dominant elements of him. The possessive glint he gets in his eye. How his powerful body crushes mine as he takes pleasure while simultaneously giving it.

  I moan when his fingers rub against my clit. He easily sends me to heaven, this naughty fallen angel of mine. I scream his name loud enough fo
r the whole house to hear. His lips find my neck and he nips at the flesh before whispering my name like a prayer. Heat floods into me, marking and claiming me as his. The moment his dick stops twitching with his release, he falls against me, kissing and licking my neck. I love that he keeps his dick inside of me for as long as it’ll stay. As though he wants to keep us linked for as long as possible.

  “Do you want a girl or a boy?”

  He answers without hesitation. “A girl.”

  “That was quick. Why?”

  “You’ve seen Nees. He’s a fucking punk. That’s my nephew. We don’t need another Koynakov boy running around.”

  I giggle, which makes my pussy clench, forcing his softening cock out of my body. His semen leaks out of me. “That’s mean,” I tell him. “Mean uncle.” I sober up as I absently run my fingers through his hair. “Is Stormy okay?”

  “Agent Gale is fine. Alive. Under Copper’s watch now.”

  “For how long?”

  “I don’t know, but I trust Copper. He’ll do what needs to be done.”

  “Thank you for not letting him kill her.”

  He lets out a heavy sigh. “Can’t promise that death won’t be more preferable for her.”

  I can’t imagine Copper torturing her like the guys did Magna and Dad. No matter what Koyn says, Copper isn’t as mean as him. I don’t think he’ll hurt her.

  “How is Filter?”

  “She wasn’t his old lady,” he grumbles. “She was a good lay, nothing more.”

  “And me?”

  The anger fades from Koyn’s features and he smiles. “You’re so much more than a good lay.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “You’re old lady material.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Carrying my kid. Damn straight.”

  “You’d get married again one day?”

  “It’s not a question, PG. You’re mine. As soon as you’re well enough, it’ll be official.”

  A silly smile stretches across my face. “Can I still call you Daddy?”

  “I’m getting to dick you on the regular now. You can call me whatever the fuck you want, baby girl.”

  “You’re such a romantic.”

  We both laugh.

  God, it feels good to laugh.

  My laughter soon becomes moans and my man shows me what it means to be “dicked” on the regular. It feels good. Really good.



  “Goddamn, Nees,” I mutter when he drops another tool, making it echo loudly in the garage. “Gonna change your name to Butterfingers.”

  Dragon laughs from across the garage where he’s doing pull-ups on a bar. Bare chested and barely fucking clothed. It’s November. This asshole acts like it’s August. “When he has a bitch in his arms, he’s pretty fucking solid,” Dragon tattles. “Doesn’t drop shit except cheesy ass pickup lines that somehow work.”

  Katana, who’s leaning against the wall watching Dragon, nods with a smirk. “Those cheesy pickup lines drop panties,” Katana agrees.

  Nees fucking preens. Prances around the garage waving his offending wrench. “Bitches like my dick. What can I say?”

  “How old are you again?” Filter grunts from beside me on the sofa. “Twelve? Have your balls even dropped yet?”

  Nees flips him off while Gibson strums his guitar and starts singing “Teenage Dirtbag” by Wheatus. Gibson gets the bird too.

  “How about you teach me some of these lines, man,” Bizzy says grumpily. “I haven’t been laid in like a year.”

  “Bitches can’t find your dick, dumbass,” Dragon grunts from the pull-up bar. “Do something about that stomach hanging over your belt.”

  Bizzy rolls his eyes. “Thick is in.”

  Dragon drops to his feet and shakes his head. “Thick bitches, yeah. Not pot-bellied loud mouths.”

  “Bizz, bro, I got you,” Nees assures him. “Bitches like to be wooed. They don’t care if you look like a psycho runway model.” He looks pointedly at Dragon. “And they certainly don’t give a shit about Fabio.” He tosses a smirk at Filter. “Bermuda…fuck, bitches love dudes like Bermuda.”

  Bermuda, with his baseball cap flipped backward, looks up from his laptop, a boyish grin on his face. “Who loves me?”

  “My dick,” Dragon says, grabbing himself through his shorts.

  “Bitches,” Nees grumbles, ignoring Dragon. “Bitches love that whole Oklahoma good ol’ boy vibe you have going on.”

  The music stops and Gibson nods. “You’ve stolen bitches right from my arms with your stupid dimples, man. And I play guitar and can fuckin’ sing!”

  Now Bermuda is fucking preening.

  I live with a bunch of females.

  Everyone’s laughter and cutting up stops when the queen of this castle storms out. Halo and Payne—her honorary guards—silently follow after.

  “What part of ‘Go outside and play with your stupid bikes so I can study’ did you assholes not understand?” Hadley looks fine as fuck in a pair of yoga pants and an off the shoulder TU sweatshirt. The moment she mentioned an interest in college, I made it happen. Sure, her high school grades were okay, but not stellar. But what the fuck is the point of being a hacker if you don’t use your shit to help the ones you love. I adjusted some of her grades and wormed my way into TU’s admissions system. Signed my old lady up because she wanted to go to school. I can’t deny her a goddamn thing.

  “Hello? Dumbasses. Talking to all of you.” She taps her shoe on the concrete. Then, she looks over at Halo and Payne. “Well, not you two because you’re perfect little shadows, who also happen to know a thing or two about college algebra. I love you two.”

  Halo smirks and Payne winks at her.

  All right. Enough of that fucking shit.

  “Get over here, brat,” I bark out.

  She flashes me a silly grin, no longer angry at being interrupted, and saunters over to me. Filter scoots over to give her some room so she can squeeze between us.

  “How’s my baby girl?” she croons, stroking her thumb over our daughter’s dark hair.

  “She sleeps like her momma.”

  “Nees tried to wake her up,” Dragon tattles. “Want me to kill him for you, PG?” He waggles his brows at my old lady. Fucker.

  “Hmmm,” Hadley says, pondering his words.

  “I could help,” Katana offers.

  “Aww, I love you, Katana.”

  Nees groans. “Seriously. You all suck.”

  “I like it when you take me to Sonic,” Hadley admits. “You’re my cherry limeade guy.”

  “’Cause that’s not gay or anything,” Bizzy says with a snort.

  “Even gay, Nees gets more action than you, Santa,” Dragon reminds him.

  Jesus Christ.

  These guys bicker like little fucking girls.

  And I love it.

  My family.

  This small MC gang. My wife. Our sweet little angel.

  “Have you talked to Copper about Thanksgiving?” Hadley asks me, turning her sweet eyes on me. Fuck.

  Filter grunts in annoyance and stands. He makes up some lame excuse about taking a nap. Once he’s gone, I let out a sigh.

  “Copper said he’ll think about it.”

  “Not good enough,” Hadley sasses. “I want to see her. She hasn’t seen Caydence yet.”

  The big badass bikers who are supposed to back me up slowly retreat. Stormy is a touchy subject around here. Ever since that night she blew in like the fucking cavalry, I researched every bit of information I could find on her. It’d be better if she were dead. Might even give Filter some closure because he feels deeply betrayed by the fact he was literally sleeping with the enemy.

  But Copper is a stubborn ass with his own agenda.

  “I didn’t want anything for my birthday except this, Jared. Just this.”


  She’s throwing out the big guns now. My real name. Her birthday that we recently celebrated.

  “Fine,” I
grunt. “I’ll make it happen.”

  “Yay!” she squeals, waking our daughter. “I love you!”

  I lean in to accept her kiss. She tastes like coffee. If I didn’t have a curious infant trying to tug at her momma’s hair right now, I’d pull my woman in my lap and try to knock her skinny ass up again.

  “You know it’s going to be a fucked up Thanksgiving if he brings her,” I mutter against her lips.

  “I know.”

  “Filter will probably bail.”

  She sighs. “I know.”

  “Copper will probably be an asshole.”

  “Yeah, I know.”


  She smiles. “But they’re family. Copper and Filter are yours, and even though it pisses all of you off, Stormy is mine.”

  And now that my brother officially quit the FBI and has patched in as a Royal Bastard, his word is binding when it comes to Stormy. He’s claimed her as his—even if she ain’t his old lady. The fucker has had her this entire time. No matter what bullshit Stormy pulled on us, the brotherhood of this MC is what’s going to save her lying ass. One of our main rules is never fuck with another member’s old lady. Stormy is his unspoken old lady. Even if he hates her and treats her like a prisoner. She’s still his.

  “Let me see my cuz,” Nees says, holding his arms out.

  I clutch my daughter tight. “And risk you dropping her ass on the floor? Fuck no.”

  “I already told you, man. I’m good with the ladies.” He fucking smirks like he wants me to punch it right off his face.

  “Call me man again and I’ll make you scream like a girl.”

  “Dude, er, Prez,” he grumbles. “I was just trying to give you and your old lady some alone time. I’ll take little Cay to her room.”

  With a groan, I relinquish my angel to her dumbass cousin. As soon as he’s safely inside and away from bikes, tools, and concrete, I pull my old lady into my lap. The guys scatter, which is a good goddamn thing because I’m about to fuck this woman right here on the couch.

  “Pull your pants down and sit on my dick, baby girl,” I command, nipping at her throat.

  She moans, grinding her pussy against my hard dick through our clothes. “Someone will see.”


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