by Gloria Obizu
Getting out of the pool, her eyes went instantly in the direction of Billy who was now sited in his favorite chair as Isabel can see and two girls, each on his sides fondling with him in a manner suggesting intimacy and Isabel could see he was enjoying every bit it. Suddenly jealousy took over but not knowing how to handle the situation just then, she continued walking, passed Billy to make sure she was noticed. Alas! It was a different Billy who paid her no attention she found. Angry he reacted the way he did, she walked in quick steps headed to the living room.
Hey Loretta! Are you leaving or something? He asked in a very casual manner.
Yeah! I‘m leaving alright! She said
Come-on! The day is just beginning. Just 6pm. Why the hurry!
‘Cause I need to go home, she responded but continued walking.
Ok! Meet Samba and Quinn. Girls, here is Loretta, Billy said kissing each of the girls. Loretta! Come here! Come give Billy a kiss. She ignored him, took the whole thing in like it was a kind of let down for her but not wanting to show her true colors so early in a relationship she desperately wanted to build, she continued on her way headed for the bedroom.
Call me any time next week, okay? That was Billy’s voice reaching her as she walked even faster. Isabel still said nothing; instead she went in, dressed up and went home.
She bit Wallis to it by few hours and managed to make him a meal before she lowered her tired body into the bed and immediately fell asleep.
Chapter Twenty
The girls were in good spirit today. Tasha’s issue had been dealt with and completely forgotten about. It is been three years now since she passed, and the girls finally came to terms with the inevitable. The only memory now left with them is the consolation in the fact that they did not let her down at her final moments. They stood by their friend until her corpse was lowered to mother earth and they waved her a final bye.
Days gone by were not all that easy though, especially for Carissa. There were times of grief she had to deal with but passage in time compelled her to square up with life once again.
In lighter mood now, the girls chattered inside their living room the way they always do.
Cindy, the most talkative of the three started as always. I’m thinking of going for that ‘special extra’ on Sunday since my main man is out of town.
For real? Rita reacted.
Yeah! Why not? Jerome is out of town and instead of spending a boring weekend alone I’ll go to our usual spot.
How does that work? Carissa who never had the experience wanted to know.
You never been there before? Cindy asked.
Really! So after these years you haven’t been to the bar? Baby you are slow on this job. Anyways, there is this nice place at the corner of Deertree and Ofenda, Cindy said with a glee.
What’s so special about this particular bar? Carissa probed further.
Good question! Still giggling Cindy continued. Honey, that’s a gold mine if you are looking for money. It is special in this outside job stuff ‘cause this one is different. Rita tale Carissa about it! Cindy said.
She is right. It is a good place for quick bucks but I haven’t been out there in years. Rita lent her voice.
I want to hear more! Come-on bring it all out! Carissa urged both girls.
This place is cool. They got life shows every night and they are good at that ‘cause they give you variety, all kinds and good tones too. Now talk about their grills, girl they are so good and I love it all. But here is the main thing, that’s where you meet the rich guys in this city and where to go if you want fast bucks and sure to hit your target. But listen, you gotta wear your eyes sharp like an eagle and be wise too like an owl. Yeah babe! You got to be real bird of the night. An owl babe! Cindy continued.
But you all know I need fast bucks desperately so why are you just telling me about it? Carissa asked.
I thought you knew already! Besides! I can’t even trust you with something like this Carissa ‘cause I see you scare easily.
Cindy please don’t talk to me like kids about phantoms ‘cause I’m not like that, okay?
Hey! Baby we got to be real here! You are always scared about stuff Carissa! Cindy continued.
Not at all time, okay? I’m strong when I need to like the rest of us! Carissa said.
Then, if you wanna come to the bar with me is time to be strong. See, that’s where hard guys meet and buzz with their gangs to share their loots and once they get paid, girl they are ready to bless babes with solid gold. And if you get lucky, you could make a couple of thousands in one single night. This is the best in the business, but for some reasons one of the worse in risk taking too. Anyways I haven’t been out there in months but something tells me I’m gonna make it big this Sunday and I’m going for it. Rita you wanna come?
No Cindy! I’m done with the outside job thing and I mean it. Besides have you forgotten two of my girlfriends are coming over for the weekend?
Oh! That weird girl and her roommate! Cindy responded
Yeah! Daisy and Jinni! Why did you say that? Rita reacted.
I don’t know! May be I don’t really like them, Cindy continued
There is something about those two that make me uncomfortable whenever they come around.
Something like what? I want to know ‘cause those are my friends, Rita insist.
Something I feel inside. I probably don’t trust them, get what I’m saying? Cindy added.
Anyways, you don’t have to bother ‘cause is me they are coming to be with, okay?
Fine! Fine! You are right! It is your business not mine, Cindy affirmed.
Cindy I’m going with you, Carissa said.
Are you sure! ‘Cause I’m not gonna be dealing with drama out there!
I said I’m going with you! Carissa insists.
Ok! We leave at about 8 pm on Sunday night. You take your car, I take mine and you follow behind. How cool is that?
Sounds good to me!
And now, sited at a corner inside Boomsy Bar & Grill, Cindy and Carissa ordered for beer, drinking and charting away whit sharp eyes open to everything in the room ‘cause you never catch the girls unawares. That was one of the instructions from Cindy which Carissa now implemented.
Tonight, the on stand band was playing an imitation of a familiar tune and the girls hummed along, “that thing that thing that thiiiiing” while sipping from their glasses.
They were not seated for so long when Cindy noticed a guy heading their way and passed over the final instruction to her companion. If he picks you, go with him, make it fast and come back for another one, okay? Don’t ever take too much time on a job no matter how good, understand? That’s how you gonna make it here.
That’s fine! Carissa responded.
The guy soon came to sit by Carissa’s side. The three charted and laughed for a while before the man walked out of the bar with her.
When in about two and half hours Carissa came back, she discovered that Cindy was also gone. She probably found somebody she thought as she sat alone, focusing more on a funny show on stage. Soon after, another guy approached and she agreed to do business again and went out a second time. Before long she was back but this time Cindy was sitting at their former sport and she joined her.
How much have you make? Cindy asked as soon as Carissa sat down.
Baby you are right! This is the do place! A thousand two hundred in four hours! Unbelievable! I never thought anyone makes it this fast. I really like it here! Carissa responded.
I told you! And the guys are rich so they take you to very cozy places.
Yeah! You need to see the house I went to this last time, girl I’m gonna be honest to you, I didn’t wanna leave, continued Carissa. But the show on stage which both found hilarious stole i
nto their conversation and they began laughing while it continued. Suddenly, something happened to interrupt and instantly their eyes went in the same direction. They could see a bulky man with tattoo all over his body engaged with an equally bulky skin head guy in a serious argument. Carissa was scared but said nothing. Suddenly the argument got ugly compelling Carissa to voice her feeling and she shouted out, I think we should get out of here now!
Relax! What’s the matter with you! They’re just forcing at each other, okay? There is nothing to it so don’t worry about it, Cindy tried to reassure her.
I ain’t feeling good about this, okay? I still think we should leave.
Stop it Carissa! You see why I said you scare so easily? Don’t you see that business is just picking up and you want me to leave all the good stuff I’m gonna be getting tonight just because some guys are involved in some sort of urtication? I see this every time I come here, okay? Relax! I haven’t even made as much as you got already. I brought you here and you are trying to talk me into leaving with so little. No way!
I’m not feeling comfortable and don’t really wanna stay on, Carissa insist.
I know it! I know you gonna be acting like this. I shouldn’t have come out here with you in the first place Carissa. You wanna run at every little thing? Don’t worry! You gonna be running all your life by the way you’re going about things. Continue doing it and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
Cindy hardly finished her statement when another guy approached, and as usual they tried to familiarize with each other before they stood up and left. Carissa remained alone still worried as the argument between the two men continued until another guy came along and she went away too. By the time she came back, Cindy was also back but this time around she wasn’t looking so happy.
What happened? Carissa asked as soon as she noticed how her mate’s countenance changed.
The guy didn’t pay real good.
I don’t know but some of them act like that!
How much you got?
300 bucks in two hours, is that money?
Come-on baby! You are a spoilt brat. I was so happy making six dollars an hour with Gupter and you made 150 and still complaining. I don’t know about you Cindy!
This time another good show which replaced the ugly scene rushed away whatever pain Cindy was feeling and both girls relaxed again waiting for another chance but in a long while nobody showed up. What is taking them so long, said Cindy. I need money!
You understand how it works out here better than I do, right? So I can only say be patient! Carissa added.
Be patient? Baby I need gold not patient, Cindy was beginning to say but Carissa cut her short. Wait a minute, she said. Listen! Did you hear that? Cindy stopped ranting immediately and her attention diverted to an even more serious urtication brewing on another table. Carissa was begging to try talking Cindy into living again when they heard the first gun shot and suddenly the entire place went rowdy. Then as more bullets began flying around, the girls had no choice but start seeking their escape like everyone else.
Cindy was faster since she is very familiar with the environment and moved purposefully. Occasionally she would look behind to see how Carissa is doing but couldn’t see any sign of her roommate so she continued, heading in the direction of the car park.
A bullet flew past her head and missed her by the length of her hair and Carissa docked under a table. And now using some tables as shield she began crawling towards the direction she remembered coming in from until she got to the end of a row of tables and suddenly emerged to the open. Instantly Cindy fished her out from the crowd and yelled as loud as she could. Run! Carissa runs! Cindy, her shoes in her hands was already close to the door so she made a quick exit. She knew where her car was parked and knew exactly what to do, so she found and got into her car quickly.
Now, driving like crazy, she got out of the premises and was about making a corner when by coincidence she saw her. Limping, Carissa ran out of the front door to the bar and now headed the opposite direction on the street. Cindy managed to hold the car on a tight space made even more difficult by distance Police siren and yelled out, Carissa! Carissa! She heard the familiar voice of her roommate, made a very quick search and found her car stationed some poles behind. Over here! Cindy shouted even louder, flung the door of the car open and Carissa limped even faster until she got to her destination. Get in! Get in now, Cindy shouted and Carissa barely managed to throw herself inside the car before Cindy sped off leaving behind the Police siren that was almost closing in on them.
For a while nothing was said as Carissa struggled to recover her breath but then without warning she began.
Why didn’t you tell me this was gonna happen? Why?
I told you. May be you weren’t listening or something but I told you everything, okay? Where is one of your shoes anyways? And that she was laughing while talking got Carissa really mad.
There is nothing funny about this, okay? I probably broke a bone or something ‘cause I hit my leg on some shit. If we left the time I said we should, do you think all this will be happening right now? As you can see I also lost my shoe and is one of my best but I lost it. You see only one in my hand and no one goes about with a shoe on one leg damn it!
Carissa, listen! I have done this many times, okay? I know how to take care of this kind of stuff well enough and thought I was gonna have everything in check, get what I’m saying? Besides is not every time you hit the bar you get this kind of thing. I don’t know why it happened today.
It happened because it was supposed to happen, okay? You messed up, girl! This is the kind of thing I’m talking about, understand? What about my car? Carissa continued.
We can’t go just yet ‘cause the Police should be all over the place by now, Cindy tried to explain.
But I need my car! Carissa continued.
We’ll go get it as soon as everything clears up, don’t you understand? Is because of this kind of thing I didn’t want you park inside.
Who cares about that?
You better calm down Carissa. The Police are behind me right now. I think they wanna pull us over so you better put up a face like everything is ok, understand? We’ll be smiling when they get here or they pull a fast one on us.
There are no more fast ones to pull on me ‘cause you used it up already. Besides I did nothing wrong, okay? So, don’t you dare try to intimidate me with this Police stuff and shit, Carissa continued
Calm down Carissa. You are over-reacting! Listen, the guys could give us some liquor test, that’s what I’m talking about, okay? So stop running your mouth like hell ‘cause you know we loaded with stuff.
An Officer signaled her to pull over and Cindy did as she was told.
The officer approached cautiously. What do we have here? He asked leaning on the car window.
Nothing! It’s just me and my friend, Cindy answered calmly.
And where are you guys heading tonight?
That should sound like, where are you guys coming from ‘cause we are going home. We went to visit a friend Officer, Cindy continued while Carissa looked on.
Is that right? What’s your friend’s residence?
Cindy was fast to come up with an address.
Ok! The Officer said. You guys been drinking tonight?
No! We don’t drink much, Cindy said.
That’s nice! Let me have your driving license, registration and Insurance?
No Officer gets Cindy on that ‘cause she is always prepared. The Officer went to run her ID and back. Tell me some? You girls been picking up guys? He asked.
Give me a break, okay? Did you see any guy in the damned car? Cindy reacted aggressively.
No! But I’m just asking, continued the officer who chose to remain
I already told you where we are coming from, okay?
That’s ok! I’m gonna let you guys go but watch your steps girls!
Then you have yourself a good one, Officer. Cindy said and then drove around for a while before she headed back to the club until she got to where Carissa’s car was packed. Sure you can drive? Cindy asked.
I hurt on my left leg, so I’ll make it; Carissa said, hoped into her car and began the journey towards home but soliloquizing thought the drive. I could have lost my life tonight. I could have lost it and that will be it! I’m gonna give that Cindy a piece of my mind when we get home tonight, she continued repeatedly. And true to her words they barely got into their apartment before she started again. Cindy I’m really pissed by the way you treated me out there, understand? I don’t appreciate it at all. No! I told you it was time to leave but you wouldn’t listen, ‘cause you always think only about yourself.
Carissa! I heard enough already, okay? Cindy who was not ready to take more reacted. I don’t want you to keep talking to me like that, do you understand? Do you understand?
Rita heard the shouting bout and came out of her room. What’s up with you girls?
Ask Carissa what she is forcing about, ‘cause I don’t really understand what’s her problem?
Hey Carissa! What’s going on? Rita started.
Carissa re-counted all their experiences that night in anger with emphasis on all the efforts she made trying to persuade Cindy it was time to leave to no avail. But the reaction she got was not what she expected at all ‘cause she expected Rita to reason with her but she started laughing and that got Carissa real mad. Rita what’s so funny? She reacted.
I don’t know?
This is no fun piece at all, Carissa continued. Look at my leg, it’s all swollen and shit. I probably broke a bone or something ‘cause I’m in so much pain right now, and you make the whole thing look like joke? Unbelievable!