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by Gloria Obizu

  What if you find out he is messing with another babe, you still gonna stay? Isabel pressed on.

  For a person like me, that’s no big deal, understand? I don’t even see why people make such a huge issue over something that is completely manageable. We are all polygamous in nature like our fellow animals out there in the forest. Ever wondered why that verse in the Bible that urges anyone who dares to cast the first stone was put there? Come-on babe! We humans have to be realistic.

  Come-on Fajita! You need to wake up and catch up with the rest of human folks ‘because you are far behind. Is like you are out to take sides with these men folks and their evil ways, not so? If that’s what you are doing give it up right now! Men folks are no good! Baby I learnt my lessons many years ago, okay? So you better wake up before is too late. Hit him hard before he hits you babe! Yeah! That’s the game.

  Loretta! Hush! What made you like this? Is like you are out right cold, and so uncaring about anything! Like someone who cannot forgive or something!

  I don’t care! Isabel maintained.

  I don’t even know you act like this, honestly.

  So, if you discover that your so called husband is gonna have you dead, you’ll still continue to be with him? You would rather stay to your death, ha?

  I’m not even talking about something like that, okay? That’s way off the hook!

  Why should anything unhook you with something you are glued with for eternity? So you get what I’ m saying then Fajita?

  If that is what you are trying to bring out then I’m with you on that. Does your man want you dead?

  No! He is not that horrible, understand? Is just that he wants me to conform to certain standards, okay? But I’m not just the type.

  I don’t see anything wrong with that! Apparently he is marking his territory like every animal does and that’s the way of a man who loves his woman Loretta! Come-on! You got to be reasonable about this!

  Fajita you know what? The way you’re talking right now is the reason we don’t really get along so well, understand? Listen, I’m capable of making my own decisions and Loretta will continue to be the captain of her own ship till the end.

  And that’s the reason a lot of women like you are in trouble these days.

  What kind of trouble are you talking about Fajita?

  Like you came crying to me right now, what do you call that, eh? Loretta, you…………….. The buzzing sound at the other end told Fajita that Isabel dropped the line so she quickly retrieved her cell phone and went about her business without giving any further thought on the matter.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  While in the office early this Monday morning and a call from Wallis was transferred to her desk Soprana picked it up immediately. And the urgency in his voice as he talked about coming to see her in few hours, compelled her to suspend some engagements of the day and waited anxiously. The moment he walked in just before noon, Soprana could tell right away that something wasn’t right. So after the initial compliments, she took him to a more private room reserved only for VIPS.

  Nice place you’ve got here, Wallis said.

  Oh thanks! Do you need something to drink?

  No! I just don’t feel like it.

  Is everything ok? Soprana asked with a hint of concern.

  Oh no! There are loads of problems he said as Soprana came to sit by his side.

  What could the matter be? She asked, probing his eyes.

  I don’t even know how to say this but I guess I’ve to do what I must do. Soprana, you know, I don’t even know where to start. Ok! I’ve been having problems with my wife, serious issues I mean to say! And I’ve tried so hard to put the situation in check without success and now the whole thing has gotten terribly out of hand.

  And the ring off your finger too, ‘cause I don’t see it and I know you are a man strict with his marriage vows. What is going on? Soprana continued.

  Loretta wants a device.

  Are you serious? What woman would want to divorce a man like you Barry? Is she out of her mind? This is unbelievable.

  I don’t know what has gotten into her but she is been acting very strange for a long time. Anyway, I eventually come to accept what she’s been trying to communicate to me a long time.

  And that is?

  She is not committed to what we have together. I’ve tried, and when I say that, I mean I’ve tried so hard to help her with whatever problems she might be facing but as it turned out nothing I did worked, so I’m ready to through in the towel. Do you remember that when you guys came to the house yesterday she wasn’t home?

  Yes! But I didn’t want to ask questions and upset you so I kept my feelings to myself. When you asked me to make dinner for everyone, I was a little reluctant because I was thinking about how your wife would take it. But then it occurred to me that she wasn’t even home when you are down and I realized you were genuinely hungry, so I decided to do it.

  And you were right in your judgment, she was not home. Actually she left home in the early hours of that morning and stayed away for the major part of that day. I didn’t even know the time she came back. Yes! It is that bad! But when it was time for me to retire for the day, I found the bed room door locked and that was when I realized she was home. Although I couldn’t say the exact time she came in but from all indications you guys were still in the house when she got in.

  And she saw me in the kitchen, right?

  I guess so! But I’m not even bothered by that! Anyway I knocked on the door for her to let me in but she took her time. I got in eventually, tried to find out why she had to lock me out and she started talking to me without regard for my feeling like she does from time to time and continued on and on and on until she finally made her point! There is also this letter a guy wrote her which I found in the closet. That was really upsetting I tell you.

  Yet she had the got to talk to you about divorce?

  This is not even the first time but I never really took it to heart. But when this time around she told me she was going to see an attorney the next day, I realized she meant business. After so much persuasion I got her to dialogue and from all I could gather she has made up her mind to leave. My only demand is that she allows me time to find better ways of breaking up ‘cause I don’t want my good name in the mood. We even dragged on with that for long before she agreed to terms and is for this reason I’m here to see you. I know your firm handle this sort of thing and I’m asking your help on how best to go about it in such a way that it doesn’t get out there to the public. I’m a very private person, you know, so I don’t want this thing to turn dirty and everyone gets to hear about it. No! All I want is a clean break and we go our separate ways, understand? I’m ready to give her what I can to make her leave quietly.

  Soprana stretched out her hand, both hands met and they remained locked like that for a while looking each other in the eyes for a while before she continued.

  Wallis I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Well, we take on divorce cases and this coming from you is really special to me. But for my firm, divorce is considered a last resort. We like to encourage couples to seek all possible means and resolve their differences first, but when that fails, then we have no choice but help them salvage whatever they can of a bad situation. We do understand that sometimes it’s better over than for two to continue a life in misery. If a union between a man and a woman does not guarantee happiness and peace of mind, I don’t see the use of it.

  Me neither.

  Do you think there is nothing more you can do to try resolve this? She asked.

  From the look of things, she is determined and nothing will stop her. There are no hopeful signs that I see. I ain’t getting younger you know! My dream has always been of a happy family with kids running around the house. Some big dreams of a happy home, and what did I get? It was for that reason I
bought a bigger house. You saw the place when you guys came around, right?

  Yeah! Any woman would love to make that a home!

  Not Loretta! And I don’t think that house is a place meant just for two. I spent a lot of money on it because I wanted her to be happy, you know and also to orientate her towards starting a family but the last thing in her mind is making babies. She wouldn’t hear of it, not at all! And how long am I gonna continue this way, ha? She is only interested in parties and doing all sorts of wired things with people I don’t even know. She would rather spend time with this lady she calls Penney.

  Penney Lantana! Soprana cut in.

  I don’t even know her last name but she leaves on Highlight Avenue!

  Is the same lady I’m talking about! She is one of the notorious women about town. Okay! I now know why you are having problems. How did she get herself involved with someone like that?

  I don’t know! But all she talks about twenty-four-seven is Penney this Penney that! I guess this Billy of a guy is all part of it all. Anyway I blame myself in some ways


  I noticed all the tell-tale signs that she might be into an affair but because I was too occupied with so many things at the same time I didn’t really pay attention. I should have done more when it mattered.

  Don’t blame yourself for nothing. She chose her way, that’s it! There is no way you could have stopped her from doing what she wanted to do.

  I now know I married the wrong woman. What I hear people say about some birds is true, they just can’t be caged. And I believe she is one of those so I’ll go ahead and let her loose to fly high to be free and happy.

  Did you at any point discuss this with the Pastor and his wife?

  I tried many times to get her to go with me to see the Aches but she refused blatantly.

  What about you? How prepared are you for this? Soprana said sounding emotional.

  I’ve got no choice, understand? So I’ll take whatever it is that is coming in whatsoever form or shape it takes.

  I understand! But in spite of everything, Barry I’ll still plead with you to try one more time to talk her out of this divorce thing and may be give her a little time to see what happens, what do you think?

  Please Soprana, let’s not take to that direction. I know who I’m dealing with, okay? Talking to her a thousand times is not going to change anything. Loretta is a very strong willed person so forget it. I appreciate what you’re trying to do though but I also want you to know that the idea won’t work.

  So there is no hope at all.

  None that I can see!

  Well, that being the case, I’ll need you to make a formal petition on the case. You know, give me all the details of the matter in writing and leave the rest to me.

  About how long does this kind of thing take?

  Two to three months but for your sake I‘ll make it faster. Remember it’s my field and I understand how it works well enough so don’t worry about anything. I’ll make this personal.

  And what is it gonna cost me!

  Peace of mind if that’s what you seek! Soprana said.

  I mean to say, what is your charge like? Wallis asked again.

  Don’t worry about that!

  Are you serious?

  Oh yes! Don’t worry! You’ve done even more for everybody so this is nothing!

  Well, thanks a lot! I really appreciate this!

  That’s ok! It’s time for lunch and I’m hungry, she continued. You want to join me?

  Sure! Where do you go?

  There is a favorite place of mine ran by Italians. I hope you’ll like it too.

  It was drizzling when both left the office together and it continued pretty much so until they got to their destination. It was a good place by Wallis’s estimate, besides he was in a hand of comfort so relaxed. After a short wait the meals came cooked a’ la carte and both settled down to lunch.

  What a nice meal! Wallis said as he chopped on a lamb steak in a very special source he tasted for the very first time. There are all kinds of sauce and spices out there but this is really different, he said as he began chewing on his meat.

  I’m happy you liked it, Soprana added.

  We’ll be coming here quite often then, what do you think? He asked with some charm put to it.

  As they began touching on more personal matters, the rain came along with them and poured insistently with their soul until he cut into it. I’ve to go continue with business he said as soon as it was over, but expect my call soon.

  Okay! Soprana said before both went their separate ways.

  When Wallis got back home later that day Isabel had already moved some of her things out of the house to his embarrassment. It was kind of a rude awakening to him because he never thought she would act so fast and certainly not without informing him about it but he took it all calmly since he was determined to keep the Police out of the matter. All he hoped for was that Soprana acts fast with the divorce and she did. Three weeks was all it took before she handed the papers to Wallis. .

  Confronted by the reality of it all, he felt a certain kind of pain. That moment he finally got all the papers which clearly stated that the marriage between him and Isabel was over was one moment Wallis will never forget. There was some mixed emotion that came with it all but he fought hard and overcame. Looking back in an instance, he could see the hand of God in not granting fruits in a marriage destined to go in ruin. One of those decisions made outside of the Almighty God’s domain, he thought as he contemplates but now that he knows better and ready to face life from a different perspective, in his next move, he will be riding on the almighty’s wings. He then took the papers back home to Isabel and with a check to an amount of money they agreed to keep away from public eyes, she set on her way.

  Her smiling face clearly reflected what was in her own mind as she literally snatched the check off Wallis’s hand. Soon she took off in her car and went back to Billy’s Palace Mansion. She has already moved much of her stuff to the house anyway and now lives there more or less so that driving back there was like going back home.

  We won! We won! She shouted out with pride and glee as she sat side by side with Billy on a couch in the bed room, both smoking grass. Mmmmm! This is sheer heaven; she reacted as the drugs began to kick in while she fed Billy with all the details about the last stages of her life with Wallis.

  How much you got from him? He asked after a long pause during which he busied himself with a fat Cigar.

  50 million grand!

  What! That’s chicken change! Know what I’m saying? Babe you could do better than that! Is like you are all bark and no bite kind of a girl! Know what I mean? Did you talk to Penney about this business?

  Billy you better chill! I think I’m okay with what I got, okay? Isabel said.

  But I’m not! You could do better! That’s the much I expect from any girl I deal with, understand? Right now you are considered one of Billy’s favorite girls, okay?

  Come-on Billy! I could have made more if I wanted but not when you’ve got much more than what my ex will make in his life time.

  You are right about that babe! But you know how I made it? For me every dine counts and for me money is all that is important and you court it like you do your lover or you lose it, okay? Come here! He becomes on Isabel and she moves even closer to him. How do we handle whatever it is you got from that ex of yours?

  What do you mean? She demanded.

  You heard me, right? How do we take care of the dough?

  Oh the money! What do you have in mind?

  We put it in a joint account where you can have it when you need it, what do you say about that? Eh? Eh?

  I got to think about it and stuff, understand? Isabel said.

  Okay! You always want things your way, right? I’ m
only trying to help keep it safe while you decide what you wanna do with it and when you’re ready you get your money, that’s it!

  I don’t like this idea of joint bank account stuff with somebody ‘cause I don’t really trust no one, get what I’m saying. I guess with you everything is a little different, Billy. One thing though, I’m not gonna have the whole thing in a single account ‘cause I wanna leave some five millions in me only account so I can have every day spending money, get what I’m saying?

  I can’t argue with you on that ‘cause is no use, so have it any way you please!

  You don’t have to say that Billy! Anyways when do we fix the whole thing?

  I’ve no idea.

  What about tomorrow? She asked

  I don’t think I’ll have the time tomorrow ‘cause a business associate of mine is coming to town. Hey! We can do it right now if you want ‘cause we don’t really have to leave the house for that shit. All you need is write a check to the amount you want in the bank and one of my aids will contact one of those greedy bankers to come down here for the paper work and all their banking stuff, we sign off some dotted lines and we are done. That’s it!

  I’ve to trust you with this Billy. I guess there are times you just let things pass for some reasons; otherwise I don’t ever do my thing this way.

  I’ve heard that bullshit many times now, okay? You can’t be here if you can’t trust me Loretta so don’t bug me with that topic further!! Address your check to Waterfalls Bank In., alright?

  She went, produced the check and handed it over to Billy. I’ll tell you a little secret, Isabel continued. That dough for me only account is for the kind of wedding I want next though. It sure gonna be something huge. I’m already imagining what my gown will look like on me. I’m thinking of something made from the most expensive material out there and that day I’ll sparkle like never before. Then I’ll have this wide sort of party with friends and everyone getting high. How does that sound Billy?

  Is that all you ever think about?


  I mean is marriage the only stuff you’ve got in your pretty head? Billy repeated.


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