Incubus Seduction

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Incubus Seduction Page 4

by Emma Jaye

  Putting his arms around Finn’s waist, Ezra bent so his mouth touched Finn’s cheek. Then jerked Finn hard against his body and started to sway to the piano music filtering out of the restaurant.

  Lust shot through Finn at Ezra’s possessive touch.

  “Does he tie you up, spank you, kiss down your body, and suck your nipples ‘til you beg him to take you? Does he lick your balls like they’re the finest caviar, suck your dick while he fingers your hole to get you ready to take him? Does he climb up your body and pound you ’til you pass out from pleasure in a pool of your own cum? Have your balls ever felt like they’ve been wrung out because you came so much? Does your sweet hole ache for days afterwards, reminding you of what he did to you every time you sit down?”

  His soft voice and breath invaded Finn’s soul, making his heart race and his dick painfully hard. No-one had ever said anything this dirty to him. He loved it, wanted it, craved it. I should walk, no, run back to Charlie, should never see this wicked man again. His feet didn’t seem to be paying attention.

  Instead of telling Ezra to get lost, something inane fell from his lips. “He’s careful.”

  “So, you like it slow. There’s nothing wrong with that. Edging is one of the best ways to spend a Sunday afternoon. Lying in bed, driving your partner wild. Do you love it when he teases you for hours ‘til you beg him for release?”

  Handkerchief sex in a car didn’t compare. What they’d done on the two occasions he’d stayed over at Charlie’s parents’ house had only been a little better. Charlie had briefly gone down on him, then his large hand had wrapped around both their dicks and brought them off. Having someone else touching him, controlling his pleasure, had been fucking wonderful. Having that person then insist they both needed a shower, separately, and change the bed linen before they got back into bed had spoilt the mood totally. Charlie had even put boxers back on, but at least he hadn’t got out any pyjamas.

  It wasn’t easy to admit, but their lacklustre sex life wasn’t entirely Charlie’s fault. The airport fiasco had been the first time Finn had plucked up the courage to ask for more.

  This conversation in a grubby alleyway was turning Finn on more than either of the times he’d been naked in bed with Charlie. And they were both upright and fully clothed. It wasn’t right.

  “Want some help with this?” Ezra breathed into his ear as he palmed Finn’s erection. “I could do with a starter. Here, sit up on this dumpster, I don’t want to get my knees wet.”

  Ezra moved back a step, taking Finn’s elbow. The lack of a skin to skin touch and eye contact woke Finn from his lust-filled haze.

  Finn scanned his surroundings to see if anyone was watching. They were completely alone. A wave of disappointment washed over him, followed by anger at his own stupidity. Being an exhibitionist had been a secret fantasy, but he’d imagined being a superhero when he’d been a kid too, it didn’t mean he really thought he was one. This was bloody ridiculous.

  What if one of his professors happened to wander by? Getting a blowjob in an alley was hardly a recommendation to deal with vulnerable people as a social worker.

  “This isn’t right. Relationships don’t only revolve around the bedroom,” he muttered, shaking his head to clear it as he moved back a step from the man he wanted to touch, wanted to touch him, more than anything. What the hell has gotten into me?

  Ezra’s head tilted to the side. Rather than being angry at Finn’s rejection, he seemed intrigued by it.

  “Oh, I quite agree. Sex only in the bedroom is boring. I particularly like the shower, but the kitchen with all the lights on and outdoors, like we are now, is one of my favourites, especially if there’s a risk of getting caught when things get loud. And they always get loud if you’re doing it right. And Finn, I always do it right. Give me a chance and I’ll prove I can have you howling at the moon in less than two minutes.”

  Finn was glad Ezra couldn’t see his face. Charlie hardly ever made a noise during sex and he certainly didn’t talk dirty.

  Abruptly, Ezra stiffened. “Finn?”

  Looking up, even in the dim light from the streetlight at the end of the alley, he could see Ezra’s eyes were wide with what looked like outright horror... either that or it was extreme lust.

  “You have slept with him?”

  Apparently for Ezra Erotes, the thought of a relationship that didn’t include full penetrative sex was as bad as a natural disaster.

  “We’ve been going out for nearly two years. What do you think?” It wasn’t the answer to the question he’d posed, but thankfully Ezra didn’t pursue it.

  “And how long did it take him to get into your underwear?”

  Finn tried to push the bigger man away with a hand on his chest. It was like trying to move a brick wall.

  Ezra caught his wrist, the heat of his palm almost scorched Finn’s skin.

  “Don’t hide yourself from me, Finn. I’m your friend, remember?”

  “Yeah, but it’s hard to just come out and say it, you know?”

  “I do. But I can help with that. Look at me.”

  As soon as he obeyed, Finn felt oddly relaxed, as if his mind was taking a vacation from reality. “Are you helping now?”

  Ezra cupped his face in his large hands, keeping Finn still as he gazed into his eyes. “A little. Do you mind?”

  Finn nuzzled his cheek into Ezra’s palm. “No. I was worried before. Now I’m not. It’s nice. You’re nice.”

  At Ezra’s gentle smile, warmth spread through him. Pleasing Ezra felt good.

  “I’d like to know you, Finn. About what you like, what you don’t like. Are you gay, or bi? Is Charlie your first boyfriend?”

  “Yeah, he is. I lied before though. We haven’t...”

  Ezra’s smile was accepting, encouraging. “I know. Tell me about you being gay.”

  “Before Charlie, I wasn’t sure, but I think I’m pretty much gay. I did fancy one or two tomboys in school, but I never managed to pluck up enough courage to ask a girl out. Pixie does nothing for me.”

  “Me neither,” Ezra said. They shared a smile.

  “Charlie picked me up at the cafe where I worked over the summer and we went for a drive. We always go for a drive.” His voice sounded sad, even to himself.

  “What happens on these drives?” Ezra pulled him even closer. His breath was minty, warm and enticing. Finn tried to kiss him; Ezra’s lips were a magnet he couldn’t resist.

  “Later, little one, I promise, but for now, just talk.” Ezra pulled Finn’s shirt up, his palm gently sweeping up and down the exposed skin of his back.

  Finn found himself telling Ezra about his hopes and disappointments regarding Charlie. All the time, Ezra kept touching him, whispering that he was beautiful, clever and so very hot.

  Then he was against the wall, every inch of his body pinned by Ezra’s weight. He tried to reach for Ezra, wanting to touch, to experience, but found his wrists pinned above his head. Panting, almost exploding from desire, he tried to thrust against Ezra, but his hips were trapped too.

  Ezra’s shaft pressed against his own, showing that he, Finn Barrett, turned this man on just as much as he was being turned on. He felt dizzy with the desire swirling around him. His balls were so full they ached and if he didn’t get off soon, he was going to spontaneously combust.

  Ezra’s lips and hot breath were against his ear. “Tell me you want me.”

  “I do, more than anything. I want you in me, on me, everything. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard in my life.”

  Ezra chuckled in his ear. “I can feel it, believe me.”

  Then Ezra kissed him and every lucid thought drained from his mind to be replaced by nothing but lust. This was no delicate, hesitant first kiss. Ezra took, and Finn gave willingly, surrendering as the dominant man plundered and possessed his mouth.

  The familiar tingle in his balls had him moaning, “Stop, stop, I’m going to–”

  Ezra didn’t. He ground his groin into Finn’s even ha
rder, thrusting their lengths together, silencing him with his mouth. Holding both of Finn’s wrists with one hand, his other hand slid to Finn’s backside, rubbing the crease through the fabric, going lower as Finn arched his spine, craving his touch. Firm pressure against his perineum made him gasp in shocked arousal. Then the hand withdrew, only to return, sliding inside the back of his trousers.

  “Oh, God,” he gasped.

  “I’m no god, Finn. I’m too wicked for that,” Ezra murmured.

  For the first time, Finn felt a finger that wasn’t his at his entrance. He arched into the contact as Ezra’s other hand left his wrists, pushed under his shirt and pinched his nipple.

  The world faded away; he became nothing but sensation as Ezra’s musky scent surrounded him. He felt a brief moment of panic at the unstoppable force of the climax thundering towards him.

  Ezra lifted him. Finn wrapped his legs around him, humping his belly through his trousers without shame.

  “That’s it, give it to me, all of it,” Ezra encouraged as he pushed his finger into his hole and nailed Finn’s prostate without mercy.

  It hit. All Finn could do was hold on to the man causing it, the man who was smothering his howl with his mouth. Ezra continued to work Finn’s body, ruthlessly extracting every ounce of pleasure from him until he tried to pull away at the now painful stimulation.

  Head spinning, Finn sagged as his feet returned to the ground. If Ezra, hadn’t had a good hold of him, he was sure he’d be on the pavement. Instead, he let his head fall back against the brick wall with a thump. The pain helped to bring the world back into focus.

  He’d come like a schoolboy in his underwear. It was mortifying. He’d wanted to appear so together, so sophisticated, so... worthy of this man.

  He couldn’t meet Ezra’s eyes. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to...”

  Ezra held Finn’s chin, making him look at him. “That was my choice, not yours, and you were stunning.”

  “Really?” The pathetic, hopeful tone in his own voice made him cringe, but the soft smile on Ezra’s face in the faint light from the streetlamp reassured him.

  “You did exactly what I intended,” Ezra said, his eyes smiling. “No, actually, you did far more than I intended.”

  Finn’s face heated, and he tried to look away.

  Ezra didn’t let him. Holding Finn against his chest, he cupped his face with his other hand. “I expected you to come, actually you’d didn’t have a lot of choice about it, but I never expected you’d be so... spectacular. That boyfriend of yours doesn’t appreciate what he has.”

  It felt like a ton of bricks had landed on his head. Fuck, I just cheated on Charlie.

  “Look at me, Finn.” The command had Finn obeying instantly. Ezra’s eyes were glowing. Fear stabbed his heart.

  What the fuck? Finn tried to pull away, tried to escape, but against a demon, he didn’t have a chance.

  EZRA WATCHED WITH SATISFACTION as his prey’s face went slack before he collapsed into his arms. It was a shame his new pet wouldn’t remember this, but the little trial he’d just conducted proved what he hadn’t dared to let himself suspect ever since he’d touched Finn in the shop.

  The spirit, the fight, and finally the lust and climax had been one of the best hunts he’d ever conducted, and he hadn’t even touched the boy’s dick or penetrated him with more than a finger. It was a shame he’d had to use a strong compulsion in the end, but it had been so worth it, even if it was illegal. The boy was a walking, talking, goldmine. A ticket to the top, if Ezra played him correctly.

  He couldn’t believe his luck that another sex demon hadn’t picked Finn up already. But against all the odds, Finn had ended up in his territory and so he had first dibs according to incubus law.

  He could have made a fortune selling the mortal to another of his kind, and he might have done a decade ago, if he could have sneaked his prize out from underneath the previous owner of this territory, his mother. He certainly wouldn’t have handed Finn over to her, no matter what incubus custom required. As much as he hated it, in this case the supernatural council laws took precedence, trading in humans was even more illegal than using compulsion on one.

  If the old bat had found Finn first, the crusty old bat might have survived for another century. But his mother was dead, and it was time to consolidate his position. The problem was, in these modern times, slavery was illegal. Finn would have to accept his fate willingly or at least give the appearance of being willing.

  His manipulations would have to be a hell of a lot subtler than he’d managed tonight. It was a risk/reward challenge Ezra couldn’t pass up. There was a lot of groundwork to put in place and the sooner it happened the better.

  Carrying the delightfully slender, fit body over his shoulder, Ezra grinned at a group of students coming the other way as he exited the alley.

  “Bloody first years can’t take their beer. I just hope he doesn’t yack down my back.” To prove he wasn’t carrying a corpse, he pinched Finn’s thigh, eliciting a weak groan.

  The students laughed. “Good luck with that, mate,” one called out, while their helpless fellow student was bundled into the back of a car by a smiling demon.

  Once in the driving seat of his red Lexus, Ezra took out his phone and dialled. “Did you know?”

  “Know what? What did you do to him? He’s not like the–”

  “Don’t get your knickers in a knot. I just put him to sleep, no big deal. He got a bit panicky when I started to remove the glamour after I fed. He even resisted for a while.” Ezra chuckled as he watched the sleeping human in his back seat. “It was like going big game fishing. I landed him in the end, even though I had to glamour him half unconscious before he gave it up.”

  “You are such an evil bastard. He’s a good–”

  “Demon, remember? Finn still is good, for a little while longer anyway. He’s also very special. I can’t believe no one’s had him yet, but it makes him even more perfect. When I get the chance, I’ll have to look into his parentage. If there are any more like him out there, I want them.” Ezra paused in his instructions to take the roundabout next to Brighton Pier.

  “I’m on my way back with him. Pour some booze down his throat so he’s got a reason why he passed out. Then we need to work out how to break his weird dependence on that boyfriend before I begin his training.”

  “Training? What for? You’ve never kept one before, it’s illegal, you’ll–”

  “Just tell me about the boyfriend and if you breathe a word I’ll make sure a certain person finds out what you did. You’ll be locked up right alongside me if you survive, and the only secret you’ll be collecting is how many cockroaches live in your cell.”

  A frustrated huff came out of the phone, but his procurer answered. “I’ve got a friend keeping an eye on Mr Whittaker, from a distance of course. I don’t think he’s going to be a problem. Humans can be almost as devious as your lot sometimes.”

  Ezra smiled. “Should I be insulted by that?”

  “Take it whatever way you want, you fucking parasite.”

  A booming laugh filled the car but Finn didn’t stir. “Love you too. If you carry on flattering me and serving up delicacies like this one, I might even release you in another couple of decades.”

  “You’ll look after him, right?”

  The concern in her voice was unexpected. Usually Pixie didn’t give any more of a damn about the humans she sourced for him than he did.

  “This one’s special to you, isn’t he?”

  “Don’t you dare use that against him, or me for that matter.”

  Checking to his right, Ezra pulled onto the road where Finn lived. “Too late, fae. Too late. He’s a keeper, not fast food. You’re right, he’s not like anything else you’ve found for me. I’ve got big plans for our little Finn. See if you can persuade him to take that bloody chain off, and then lose it, permanently. I can feed, but I can’t bond him while he’s wearing another’s token, even if it belongs to a huma
n. Either Finn or the prick who put it there has to remove it or I would have compelled someone to do it tonight. Unfortunately, that’s the one thing I can’t compel him to do.”

  “What d’you mean, bond him? You’ve never said anything about that before, I–”

  “Just do it, Pixie. I won’t be staying when I’ve dropped him off. He’s given me the munchies. But if anything happens to him, I’m taking it out of your hide. He’s worth a thousand of you.”


  The little man with a jackhammer in Finn’s head was well deserved. Cracking his eyelids with trepidation, he was pleased to find himself in his own bed.

  Naked as the day he was born.

  Fuck, fuck and triple fuck. What the hell did I do? Poking at his mind with a mental stick didn’t help; he couldn’t remember a damn thing after he’d started on the wine. Judging by the rumble in his belly, he’d either not eaten a thing, or he’d spectacularly thrown up.

  His groan was followed by a quiet knock on his door. “You ok in there?” Pixie asked.

  “Unless you’ve got a tranq gun, or double strength coffee and a bucket of painkillers, leave me to die.”

  The door opened and Pixie sidled into his shabby little room, with a heavenly mug of what smelled like strong black coffee and a blister pack of pills. Perching on the edge of his bed, she waited until he laboriously sat up, then handed over her treasures.

  He took a sip, downed a couple of pills then took a longer gulp. “Turn around.”

  Pixie’s eyes narrowed. “What for?”

  “I want to check you for wings, because you must be an angel.”

  Pixie shifted uncomfortably as she let out a nervous giggle. “Insults? That’s the thanks I get for looking after you all night and bringing you medicine?”

  Finn rubbed his fist over his forehead, keeping his eyes closed. “Is it going to make it better or worse if you tell me how I ended up in my own bed completely starkers?”

  Crossing her legs in some sort of yoga pose, she asked, “What do you remember?”


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