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Orion Page 10

by Cyndi Goodgame

  He carried my two books to my next class, said a “see ya in the library” and hurried off to his class across the grounds without sarcasm this time.

  I watched him go enjoying the thought of it all, but also saddened by the idea of how many secrets I was keeping from this devil of goodness. But was he really? Didn’t he meet me under the false pretense he was some kind of bad boy Hunter who couldn’t be outdone? And if he was the Hunter in the not so fake folk tale.

  A hand waved in front of my face. This was happening a lot. My zoning out and the waving of hands.

  “Close your mouth before the drool spills and burns a whole in the floor.” This was an angry Liz.

  “Sorry. Who ate your Wheaties?” I barked back quoting one of my movies.

  “I mean it. Date first. Hanky-panky later. Give him something to work for.”

  “We have a date. Unchaparoned, too.” I was starting to figure out some of the off phrases the students used for various things. It wasn’t hard to figure out what hanky-panky meant by the way her eyebrows wiggled up and down, for sure. However, Liz’s face showed the same confusion Calum’s did when I spoke the way I knew.

  She just shook her head and walked off to her class next door.

  Chapter Nine Denial…

  The next day blurred by in a whirlwind of textbooks and revisited subject matter I’d stored in memory three years back. And the next. We were on chapter three in our study dates and the real date was arranged for Saturday night.

  The next weekend the school would head to a small, mostly human, town so Calum said we make plans for then. For Saturday, he said to dress warm and meet him at 6:00 at our spot by the woods where they’d officially met for the date.

  The bus took the students once a month to visit the town across the river for frolicking and teenage fun. Movies! Ice cream! Burger joints. But in my case, a library nutcase who got thrills between the pages of Juliet, Elizabeth, and so on. Lately, I haven’t had time. But I was looking forward to it simply because I'd not done anything like it before. My brother had his own movie theater set up at the court, so my father said there was no need. Since I was often shadowed by a guard, I didn’t go anywhere with anyone too much other than Kassie, in secret, and my brother.

  Thoughts of my twin led me back to my goal.

  I’d not been able to catch the docs meeting in secret out in the open locations since the first one. I’d decided that a forced entry would have to be made by the weekend’s end to not let time lapse too far before a new discovery could be made. Antsy as I was, I wanted info. Whatever this place called “the rack” was didn’t sound pleasant and my brother wasn’t getting rescued any faster while I sat around and went on dates with Hunter boys. And the reveal. I need to know what that is.

  Saturday morning, I dressed in my favorite seafoam green running attire with the classic hoodie and headed outside to case where on the grounds I could get the closest to Dr. Green’s office and appear only excercising. I hated most that I’d yet to admit to myself that this was Calum’s father who I was now spying on. I also hated that he was not the honest father he probably made himself out to be. And I prayed that Calum was not secretly in on it, because that would be a dang shame to think about having to kill him.

  I climbed the steps in a fast walk up and down over twenty times scoping the side of the building where his office was a foot high step off the ground for me to reach. The run itself felt good. I’d done this for years, so no breathe lost, I appeared very comfortable with my footing.

  Verifying the office location, I fast walked around the building to the entrance and inside breathing harder than really needed just to explain my reason for being there if need be. I’d head to the fountain located down the hall I measured yesterday only five feet away from the door to his office. I’d scoped out cameras in my outline. There didn’t appear to be any in the entire building. This was strange to me.

  In all the missions, this being my tenth, I’d always encountered cameras and knew how to skew their feed with an adjustable false lens that fit in my left sock inside sewn pocket. My father had everything known to technology and cameras. Just not marriage ideas.

  Confirming all my suspicions and doubts, I opened the door and walked inside like I was meant to be there. Once in, finding no one, I quickly set to looking for anything that would help me. Nothing was in the desk. I would rescue my brother if it meant murder and heavy losses for myself along the way. I had no doubt. My brother and I had been on our own for the most part for too many years. Our father, Lord Hathown, stayed consumed in his work. We were just children of the court. Yes, we were the heirs, but only that. My head focused now, I stopped at the bottom file cabinet drawer when something red caught my eye. Blacks tell your enemy to back off. Turn away. Walk now or you’ll regret it. But reds…

  Right in front of me, was my brother’s polo insignia torn from his jacket the day he was taken. I snatched it without caution. He’d been riding at the stables.

  In my mindless reach, I couldn’t have predicted what I’d find next. My knife! The one I’d lost when I was twelve. Five years ago. Right here, lying in the Hunter school head masters drawer. The Hunter. Calum’s father. What does this mean?

  And then I saw it. Calum described it perfectly in class the other day. He’d told me how his mother had died when he was born, like me, and she’d left him something. He’d found it years ago and didn’t understand it and then lost it. An envelope, old, with Calum’s name on the top. On it, a replica of the sword his father had made in honor of his mother to be given to Calum when he’d started his weapons training at the early age of five. Another thing we had in common. He’d claimed the letter went missing from his room at this school, when he was twelve coincidently was the same time I’d lost my knife. Twelve. How old is Calum?

  A noise clicked behind the door. I quickly stuffed all three items down my shirt and in my pockets for best concealment silently cursing myself for leaving my pouch in the room. I headed back to the door peering out to see the janitor heading my way. There was no other exit and he was getting closer. I stood directly behind the door, intending to duck out as soon as he entered enough steps into the room, but just as he was upon the door he stopped at the water fountain to get a drink. I ducked as quickly as I could out of the room, pulled the door and bounded around opposite him. Panting out loud, I caught his attention and waved at him as if I were dry heaving motioning for him to move over. When he did, I drank heavily knowing he was looking at my backside a little more than I felt comfortable with but needed the distraction. I hoped to find out one day that not all men were as distasteful when it came to degrading women with their eyes alone.

  “Thank you, kind sir.”

  And I knew he watched me as I fast walked back out of the building, across the lawn, and up to my dorm room. I couldn’t afford to hide my find in my room for fear of unknown thieves. If Dr. Green did find them missing, I felt like I might just be somewhere on the list of search and destroy. So for safe keeping, my little side pouch would not leave my side.

  I’d brought my belt with the zip compartment also. So the letter could fit neatly into it and not get crumbled. The belt poked where my #6 knife hit, but that’s okay. All my knives were numbered. The other two items fit nicely in my pouch. For some reason, I felt like that letter was extremely important, though it had nothing to do with my brother and me. Two Valkyrie. Twins who’d lost their mother, and not about to lose each other now. I told father when Szar was taken I’d better be chosen to bring him back. I’m not a sideliner.

  Confident in my progress, I headed off to the showers with my purse and belt, as well as the clothes I’d picked out. Dressing in a long sleeve red glittery sweater and my favorite snug tight jeans, I was almost ready for my date. I spent the afternoon in my room fast reading Anne Rice novels for Lit class while I listened to doors slam in and out and laughter and gossip from every dorm room around me. I read it and several other vampire fiction novels previously when I
was thirteen. Were’s when I was fourteen. Hunters when I was fifteen. And many others after that. But the four factions were most important. They are the strongholds. But only because they haven’t fallen apart yet. Yet.

  Mission, not making friends. I tried to remember, but I’d never been immersed in anything like this. I felt like I’d spent seventeen years in a dry desert and now, for the first time, I was in a tropical storm of life and laughter. It was so…fascinating. And tempting, but I couldn’t. These Hunters would never remain my friends once they knew the truth. I was not their kind.

  I really tried to tell myself these things. And…finding my brother.

  Dressed, I checked my face and hair in the mirror for the second time. I’d never obsessed with my appearance, but quick observation of the Hunter girls ahead of me in chemistry the last few days showed me that my favorite sparkly lip gloss wasn’t enough in their eyes. I borrowed Liz’s pink blush and “eye candy” as she called it. Feeling like my cheeks might hide behind the make-up a bit with his compliments, I checked for my side purse, belt, and headed out the door. Maze was waiting by the inside door to the building. She’d spent the better part of my shower standing outside the door giving me pointers. She giggled and laughed more than actual words telling me it was due time I had my first kiss. She also felt it was her right to know every detail, but I knew better. The school seemed to transfer information like mice in a maze. It would be told in every dorm room, cubby hole, classroom chatter, and cafeteria circle before noon tomorrow if I told. So, I reserved that if this famous kiss did in fact happen, the details would be kept to myself.

  “You are looking all cute. I wish I had that hair. You definitely stand out around here. He can’t help but want to steal you fast.”

  I frowned knowing I still needed to blend in more, not stand out.

  “No frowning. You have a date with the hottest guy in the school on a perfect night. The stars are awesome.”

  I froze a little at that, Orion filling my mind’s eye.

  Maze misread the gesture and told me, “Don’t be nervous. It will be great. And don’t return without a kiss. And I will be waiting for details since you are knocking on my door if it’s past curfew.” She talked too fast, making me dizzy to hear her. She opened the door indicating for me to walk through and begin a night that would change my life forever.

  Chapter Ten …ain’t just a river in Egypt.

  It was pitch dark since the grounds didn't have lights on the backside by the gym. I feel like I should have knives drawn walking into a fight in this darkness, not walking to meet a Hunter boy whom I was not betrothed to and not under a chaperone’s eye. Never mind, it’s perfect.

  Just as I rounded the guy's dorm I saw two men talking around the end of the gym building in the darkest of shadows recognizing one as Quinn. He looked and gave off the vibes of pure fear, not menace. He was afraid of the man he stood with. I inched as close as I could get and heard only the tail end of whatever occurred between them. The other man, in his later thirties I guessed, dark headed and had a resonantly powerful voice like television announcer said to Quinn, “Wrap it up. Make her visible and closer to finding the boy.”

  With that, he left. Quinn doubled back the way he’d obviously came and I was alone. Shaken and without a clue, I mulled over what I’d just heard and came to not one logical conclusion. Did he mean to make me exposed and wanted to lock me up with Szar? What part did he want ended? Visible to who? Who knows at this point? Either way, Quinn had to be on the bad side and there was a darker force above him calling the shots. The catch is, who?

  As I drew closer to our spot near the woods I eyed a blanket hidden close to the trees with a box in the middle of it next to our bench where we’d spoken for the first time days ago. I didn’t see Calum and the darkness didn’t help. My mind was still reeling through Quinn’s motives and next moves. I glanced up momentarily to the stars forgetting the ugliness of why I was here and what I’d just eavesdropped on. There were so many stars out. I’ve never seen so many—

  My thoughts were interrupted by an arm on mine. Unfortunately, instinct kicked in. I elbowed my attacker with a hard left and drew my leg up to angle between the legs. The attacker’s other arm caught the leg and down both, I and my attacker, went. Me on top. Again.

  “We have to stop meeting like this,” Calum coaxed playfully but forceful enough. “You can’t startle me like that and not expect me to not react.”

  “I’ll be sure to announce myself next time, you might have met your other intended target just now and then where would we be?”

  I blushed, but he surely couldn’t tell. It was too dark and make-up hid it well. Thank goodness for the blush I’d borrowed. My mouth quivered with the anxiety of the unknown just as his grin promised all too well that he’d known exactly the right thing to make the heat rise in my cheeks.

  “You know, you’re mouth draws in when you’re blushing. It’s really cute.” He could tell reminding me of his keen perception.

  “Alright, Hyde. You’re turn is coming. Can I get up now? Or is this the date?” His face was half in the shadows mimicking my nickname for him. Ha!

  His mind seemed to be pondering my statement when a wicked grin that rarely left his face, played on his lips. He wiggled the eyebrow, still holding me down.

  “Stop that. Don't say you don't have weapons.”

  “Weapon. I like it. Brings out the Hyde side,” he said acknowledging the alias I termed him with. I dusted myself off and he led me to the blanket, patiently, but definitely waiting for any response by the look on his face.

  “I can’t explain it. My stomach knots up. My legs wobble. I’m trained for no emotion. Yet, you seem to bring out emotions I’ve not heard or felt by just using your face or hands, or words. But mostly your mouth. I mean…you’re smile. I…” I talked too much. Shut the crap up, I told myself.

  “Don’t stop. I want to know. Really want to know. I’m having a hard time fathoming the idea that you’ve not been stolen from some other guy before now. You are so honest and not afraid to speak. It’s intriguing.”

  He thinks I’m honest. Oh no. He couldn’t be more wrong. My face was surely giving off bad vibes.

  “You okay?”

  “Yes!” I smiled the best I could. He forgot his sarcasm for a moment. I stared at that sarcastic mouth while he watched me do it. There was just enough light to see each other once our eyes had adjusted. But I couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss that hadn’t happened yet.

  Interrupting the silence my thoughts were screaming at me, he nudged the box beside us. “No picnic basket around here, so a box of goodies it is. I have…”

  I watched his hands as he pulled items from the box. “Two sodas, a bag of brownies, two of Miss Lan’s homemade cookies,” he bent close and whispered like he needed to be careful speaking too loud, “maid on my floor, best around, and a bag of chocolate mints to top it off.”

  “A feast for kings and queens.” He was definitely not without cash. A teenager with no job and not in a court like myself had to get money somewhere. His father was banking. Not that I was new to wealth, just new to boys with wealth who spent it on me.

  “Just one queen.”

  Did he know something? I pretended to blush. “I said it was your turn to blush. Stop that.”

  He didn’t apologize and I didn’t really want him to stop. Having this much attention was one of the best feelings I’ve ever experienced.

  He laid on his back before opening up any food, and put his right arm out. I’d laid out with Kassie plenty of times for our starry nights, but we were never near each other. This was different. Figuring he wanted me to lie down, I landed right beside him, not touching.

  “You can lay your head on my arm.” Statement, not a command or question.

  I looked at both of our long sleeved shirts. He saw what my eyes did and knew my reluctance. He smiled easing my anxiety. “Why I said dress warm. Not that I don’t welcome the sparks.”

; I wasn’t ready to talk about that just yet. Not sure what to say. We lay there for a while in silence.

  “That’s the Great Bear.” He pointed with the other hand. “And that’s Cassiopeia.”

  I was silent. Watching and knowing the exact spots he referred to, I wanted this to be harmless chatter. I had a feeling inside that something else was building.

  “There’s Orion. His belt—“

  “The three starts make his belt.” I finished his sentence hurriedly.

  “My middle name is Rigel. It is the star in—

  “His left foot.”

  “You know all this?” his head tilted to mine.

  “I’ve been obsessed with Orion since I was old enough be tutored and asked. It’s a hobby of mine I guess.” Harmless to tell, right?

  “What else do you know?” His breathe permeating heat on my arm now through my shirt sleeve. I felt the intensity of his apprehension shooting out stronger than he ever had. I still felt the fear in the woods coming strong from the other night, as if I’m in tune with the animals or something. It stayed with me lately. I ruled out the possibility that someone was standing there watching me since I’d had no attack in several days of being at the school. Still, I thought to make note in case.

  Orion's fate was inevitable. Could he be the Hunter and I the—whatever I am? He would find out the truth one day anyway or laugh in my face. It might be better to leave clues. Or, just out right bluntness.

  “You know, your silence leads me to believe you know more than you act. You seem reasonably calm about the fact that electronic voltage seems to spike through us every time we touch skin on skin. You seem to be especially knowledgeable about the constellations. That only alarms me because I have good reason to study them myself. Our mothers both died in childbirth. And I’m fairly sure you held back in the ring with me. Which leads me to believe you are more than you say you are, and yet feel the same sudden desire to be with me twenty four hours a day that I feel with you.” Calum took a breath noting my silence, “I’m going out on a limb here, but I know you feel the same. So you can either own up or…or…” I swiveled to face him with a few different emotions surfacing simultaneously.


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