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Orion Page 12

by Cyndi Goodgame

  “It’s okay, Stace. I...you can tell me later. When you’re ready.”

  I smiled. No, he would probably still hate me later. We picked up everything with a lot of unanswered questions hovering in the air.

  We were at the outside door to my dorm now with a little more light than by our bench. I turned to face him before I would open the door and not see him again for over ten hours. The boy who knew some of my secrets would be far enough away I wouldn’t know who he told after he left me for the night. He was right beside me watching as I fretted. Close! And the irritating alarm that something was as intense as back near the woods. It was there with me too.

  His face said a lot, but his mouth and hands said a lot more. I watched his lips part just slightly. His hands were flexing and stopping and he walked closer still. Our bodies touching at strategically placed spots, but no skin. He laced his fingers with mine in both hand and felt the other wince with pain standing straighter against each other. His face was close enough I could smell the mint from our snacking.

  I curled my lips in from the sensations sending his gaze to my mouth. I was fascinated by the process of kissing. When my own eyes closed, I felt his cooled lips from the night air barely touch mine. One of his hands released mine, not sure which, and slipped up my neck, searing hot. He pressed his thumbs into my neck and tipped my head back more. Little shivers shot through me. On tiptoes now, I felt his lips move slowly over mine sealing the heat in. And then it ended. Too soon. I needed more!

  He stayed there, looking in my eyes, and mine in his. Calum braced one hand against the bricks behind me, his weight shifting close enough his warmth honing in on me. I followed the forced lean. I can readily tell you it wasn’t him in itself, but the forced attention that I was of such importance that nothing else by me, myself, and I consumed his time at the moment. I was wanted.

  “Will you go with me to town next Saturday? A movie maybe?”

  I was too scared to say yes and let Calum know me more and even more frightened to say no and not have that kiss again. The yes was winning. I nodded a barely there yes feeling woozy from all the attention. After all, I’d already told him I would before today.

  “It’s a date,” he merged his smile upward.

  I managed one myself.

  Calum’s mouth curved up into a boyish grin. He pulled my head up a little and tilted his mouth to my ear. “Enjoy the interrogation.” His mouth hit my cheek.

  “Huh”? I whispered only because he did.

  And he moved away, picked up the box, and chorused, “I’ll see you at breakfast.”

  The guys dorm building was adjacent to ours with the room monitors in the middle. And sure enough, for the first time all week, I realized why they take turns standing at a post watching between them. And I was the one being watched, but not for my mission work. I giggled like a schoolgirl. Loving it too.

  I watched him till he was to the door where he also stopped and waited for me to be inside. I walked in with a small, shy wave to him blushing from afar.

  I closed the door and took a huge breath with my eyes closed and seeing stars of glittery green.

  Chapter Twelve …to thine own self be true.

  I heard a squeal and opened my eyes fast turning on my heels making the stars in my head turn to needles.

  Applause came from the entire foyer. Every girl in the dorm stood standing around in their pajamas, fuzzy slippers, face masks, and believe or not, curlers. Whistles started next as I walked backward up against the door to create distance. Liz and Maze were standing in the middle blocking my way.

  “It all spills now!” Liz blocked me. They both folded their arms over, legs apart like the Men in Black.

  “Every detail.” Maze added with a serious tone.

  Ah, the interrogation. He knew they were watching. “Um!”

  “Spill!” Maze practically threatened.

  “He kissed me!”

  “Duh! We could see that. Tongue and all. More?”

  This is kind of personal. Do girls really share all this? Do guys? No one ever did at home. But one didn’t come close to a man until after marriage.

  Maze saw my discomfort and saved me by hinting to the audience, “The untouchable Calum Green has been claimed. Mark this day on your calendar girls. It will go down in history.”

  The hallways roared with laughter, cheers, and jealous mummers.

  Maze motioned and I followed both of them down to where she and Liz shared a room. After closing the door, I sat on Maze’s bed.

  “Thanks for not making me embarrass myself in front of every Hunter girl in the place.”

  “No prob. Spill it sister,” she wouldn’t give till I divulged it all in her eyes.

  Several girls lined the walls of Maze and Liz’s room and shut the door again. They suggested I give details of other events of the night. After assessing their hints, I informed them that I don’t procreate before marriage. I’d never been in a room full of giggling girls like this before, so my experience with what they wanted to hear was limited. However, I’m sure I disappointed them, but I myself was very satisfied with the events of the night. At least about the boy part. It’s the idea of one’s own destiny already being predetermined that had me puzzled and dark on the inside.

  I told them everything about the picnic, Dr. Quinn giving out his advice, watching the stars, the first kiss, and goodnight kiss. And that was all. They gasped in all the right places. They can gossip what they will with that information since Calum didn’t seem to have a problem causing the gossip in front of the entire Hunter girl dorm.

  I left out the official details of my looted items being revealed, the undoing of pants and what was behind them, the real reason I thought the Doc stopped by, and obviously, the too many coincidental pieces of information like same birthday and birthmarks, lightning bolt touching, and references to Orion. TMI! Another tidbit phrase I’d learned from Maze. If it was too much for me, they’d never fathom it. Kassie and I had some lingo we used, but I’d picked up a ton since coming here is this short of time already.

  I was exhausted so I said goodnight to them and headed back to my room. I walked in, sat my half cookie I’d escaped with on the side table by my bed, and started to tear my shirt off. My fingers stopped dead cold.

  On my pillow was a note.

  I know what you are. I know why you’re here. If you want me to stay quiet, meet me at the Summerville library at 7:00 pm next Saturday. Don’t be late.

  Someone knows. I fell to the bed holding it up to analyze. Who? How? I would have to be on my guard and alert. Calum affected my focus and it needed to stop.

  Chapter Thirteen Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave…

  I didn’t sleep much. I lay there mostly pondering why Dr. Green would have the items I stole from his office and his insistence on hiding it. He must have a reason for kidnapping my brother and “hiding” me. Why hide me here in plain sight. He knows where I am and his son is ordered to “keep an eye on me”. But he couldn’t have known the things his son and I had in common. No, he doesn’t know or he’d have done something rash by now.

  Dr. Quinn must be doing the dirty work and acting as spy on the kids. One thing I did know, they or someone was on to me or keeping me at bay. It was time to act! I needed to find out what “the rack” was and where it is located. I could and would ask Calum, but not till Saturday. And as a last resort.

  I could befriend Derrick, Calum’s friend, and ask when Calum wasn’t around. That was not good for he’d tell Calum I asked about it.

  I could ask a teacher innocently. Nope, too new still. They’d wonder why I’m asking and actually check into it.

  The red headed boy. Perfect! Innocent question. I could run into him at the library before Calum get’s there. He’s there every day.

  I managed to doze off about 4:00 in the morning and felt my head pounding inside not long after that, but found Maze yelling through the door. I dreamed in that short of a period. The same dream from lying in the
garden. Back home, sometimes I would fall asleep in the azaleas by the water. A dark haired boy, gorgeous beyond belief, brooding face, my age, would carry me off in his arms. I’m physically hurt though that is not possible for me. He is frantic. I wake up. The trouble I have with the dream is not the content, it’s that I’ve made up this boy in my head and I keep dreaming it over and over. But there are worst dreams, so I’ll not complain.

  I rolled out of the covers and opened the door as Maze bounded in.

  “Oh, my. You’re a sight in the morning. Loverboy might like that.” Maze was grinning too wide for my eyes to follow.

  “Couldn’t sleep.”

  “Got it that bad. He is a dream. Cocky one, though.”

  “No, he really isn’t.”

  “Tell Dear Abby all about it!” she pouted her lip out. Her arms folded just like the night before waiting for details.

  She wanted a play by play details of the kiss. She’d given up last night only because of the time, but today was a different story. “Not gonna happen.”

  Still pouting, “Fine. But you can’t go to Sunday breakfast looking like this.”

  “I’ll slip on my jeans.”

  “Um, no can do! Sunday breakfast is slightly formal.”

  “Hence the curlers and face masks last night.”

  “You nailed it.”

  “Okay. I didn’t bring much in the way of formal. I can get something on Saturday in town.”

  “No good today, you’ll borrow mine. We are the same size about. At least in dress size for sure.”

  I was taller by three inches at least. My father made me wear a dress for presentation days back home, political dinners, and various balls.

  I followed her to her room, tried on a few things, decided on a emerald green sundress to match my eyes, not to mention his name, and headed back to my room and then to the shower. Since my pouch didn’t leave my side, I was forced to move the letter into the pouch. Luck was with me last night when it wasn’t sandwiched with the other two items. I knew now I wasn’t ready for Calum to know simply because I couldn't predict what might happen next.

  “One tincy wincy detail?”

  I rolled my eyes. “What do you want to know that isn’t going to be plastered against the notes of desks all day tomorrow if I tell you?”

  She wiggled her eyes up and down, “Inquiring minds simply want to know...does he taste good?”

  Easy! “Mmm! Really good. Like a musk and mint all rolled into one. Smooth.” I’d got caught up in the memory of it and said the words before playing them back in my mind. “This better not go anywhere else. I will know if it does.”

  “Oh I promise. If they ask, I’ll just let the rumors fly of how good a kisser he is. Let that go to his head.”

  I blushed. High School drama. Unavoidable now and even a bit fun!

  Dressed, smelling like my favorite shampoo with a touch of cinnamon, I popped my lips with lip gloss and headed out the door. I was always known to be as good as any warrior, so I was always amazed in the mirror at how dainty I looked in a sundress. My shoulder pouch flopped a bit more than I wanted, but acted as a constant reminder that my investments were protected and safe.

  Maze didn’t wait for me, but rather knocked on my door and quipped that she wanted to be there early to watch Calum’s face when I walked in. These girls were really into their romance.

  Worries forgotten for the moment, I rounded the corner and pushed open the double French doors to my dorm and there he was, leaning on the outside wall by the front steps. I couldn’t help the first thought that came to my brain. It just happened. “Orion,” I whispered.

  His eyebrow raised and he dropped his folded arms. I looked him up and down and threw in with a whisper, “minus the sword” in my pretend fairy tale sarcastic voice. I took note of the polished appearance. A tucked in polo smoothed over with belted khakis, and brown loafers with no socks.

  “Anat, minus the jeans.” Calum looked me over stopping momentarily at my legs that were poking out of an above the knee length making me, for the first time, self-conscious.

  “Well, Maze made me.”

  “I like it. Loses the warrior look for which you handle both well. Green is my favorite color you know.” We were walking now. He took my hand sending a fresh jolt up both our arms. I was starting to wonder if he was looking forward to the fast bits of fire as much as I was. It reminded me of just how much we have in common and never met before. It made me wonder who else knew and how much. He broke us apart for a second to wring his hand out.

  “I imagined you’d hate green by now with the name.”

  “Did, then you walked in.” He’d stopped and looked at my eyes, super close.

  “You are so not the standoffish guy I met a week ago. Where did he go?”

  “You ran him off and found the real guy hiding underneath. Don’t get me wrong. I’m still macho in the ring. I’ll let you watch.”

  “Let me?” I tilted my head. He pulled my hand back to him and we fell into the dining room doors laughing.

  Obvious that we were late due to the fact that it was entirely full, I tried not to stop when every eye in the place stopped and looked at us. I worried he planned it, but I was the one late.

  They watched us step by step to the table where he dropped me off and walked away flicking his wrist in a goodbye, catch you later wave from his waist and went to sit with Derrick and Lee.

  Sitting, I smiled at Maze and Liz who were simply just shaking their heads. I glanced up at the teacher’s table and watched Dr. Quinn lean into Dr. Green and whisper. My confidence faded more when I switched back a second later quickly because both sets of eyes were locked on me. I faked laughed at whatever the girls had just said and didn’t look back. They were in on it up to their ears. They knew something I didn’t.

  “Like a pill he can't live without, you have him so hooked. All anyone can talk about is how Calum Freakalicious Green has never given the time of day to any girl except flirting, and first base, and being the perfect gentlemen to hold your doors, and here you’ve got him following you door to freaking door.” Liz finally took a breath.

  “Watch out, your jealousy is showing,” Maze rocked her voice back and forth between words.

  “You bet. He’s Calum Freakalicious Green.”

  I ignored the bantering. Lee, Calum’s friend just arrived now, after us. Not too strange, but worth noting. I looked around the room at all the pretty dresses, curled locks of hair, make-up, polo shirts and belts, and the really strong smell of cologne and perfume. It kind of reminded me of home.

  When we finished eating and everyone had vacated the room, I had managed to catch in the conversations that most everyone was heading outside to hang out, play badminton, cards, or soccer. I wanted some ME time so I told Maze I was shedding the dress and going to the knife range. Calum asked me to join him outside, but I needed to clear my head. He’d promised the guys a soccer game and I told him to not let them down and to join me when he finished a game.

  I quickly changed checking my shoulder pouch and heading to the range across the gym. I’d hidden my throwing knives back home inside the mattress for safekeeping. These are my #2’s. Second choice didn’t mean bad, just not as familiar with them as I was my #1’s. This set was less sentimental, but still trustworthy. I was still missing one of my favorites lost in a mission, yet no one knows I have back now. I shut off that thought hating to think back on it.

  Decorated in black with ivory handles, I was reminded by both sets of knives how linked to Orion I really was. And recent events left me wondering how much more there might be.

  I began with just throwing one and worked up to all six, now seven. I could easily do all seven at first, but practice made my power stronger and my steadiness unfaltering. Aim and target accuracy were never a problem.

  I decided that I needed to pay a visit somehow to Dr. Quinn’s room one more time, maybe tomorrow. I started plotting the outline in my head when I heard a noise in the quiet
of the gym. By the swords. Unfortunately, my body spazed out with the same pangs of alarm from before like an alarm system for danger or something crazy like that. It wasn’t just Calum that made new waves. Something about the school, or near the gym in particular, sent this other weird pattern of signals. Signaling something. That’s what it felt like it was telling me.

  I turned in full defense mode like I knew my Valkyrie body could turn and no one was standing there. The sound? A sword hilt clicking against the floor. Valkyrie ears, very sharp. Too sharp sometimes.

  I stood there a second, my suspicions aroused, and watched the empty space. I backed up in an attempt to seem as if continuing my range time, and that’s when I caught sight of the blurring hand motion that shot out behind the armor wall. A weapon no doubt. I clicked my heels to continue my façade wanting to know who it was, not run them off.

  With no other sign of an intrusion, although a student or teacher has as much right if not more than me to be in the gym, I stood there wondering why a student or teacher would hide. But really, my thoughts from last night drifted through me reminding me of the possibility of the legend/folktale idea. And who might be spying on me. What if this person was my enemy, perhaps connected to my brother and Calum? Could all the species and races come together if we learned to not spread the hate? Kassie’s research sounded so much like the story my father used to tell me as a child’s bedtime story but I feared now he'd altered it.

  Yet, the prophecy thing possibly included the two of us somehow. No one but me knows I’d been plagued by dreams about it for years. Just teenagers in an overbearing politically run world where no one really wants to work together. Granted teenagers in the supernatural world were put in adult positions as early as sixteen and thrown into society. Humans underestimate their young. I finally decided to play nice girl, with caution. “Hey, who’s there? Come to practice?”


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