My Two Doms

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My Two Doms Page 10

by G. G. Royale

  Haley glanced in that direction, and her heart stopped. She even went so far as to raise her hand to her chest to feel it, to convince herself that she hadn’t died right then and there.

  Standing on either side of a high, black leather-clad bondage bed were Jason and Gregory. Jason had a flail in his hands, and Gregory stood staring at her with his arms crossed. They both looked exceedingly displeased. Haley started shaking her head slowly, realizing she couldn’t possibly do this. She turned to leave, but Gregory’s voice called out, “Stop!” over all the other sounds in the room, and every muscle froze as if he had a direct line to her brain. Which, she supposed, he did. Her gaze found Margot’s, and in that look, Haley knew Margot had set her up. There was no birthday party here. Only two men who wouldn’t let her live with the decision she’d made. She swore she’d get back at Margot first chance she had.

  “Come here,” Jason called, and—as with Gregory—she couldn’t stop herself. Haley crossed the room to where they stood. She eyed the bed and the shackles and straps that already hung from the sides, waiting for her.

  “You disappointed us last weekend,” Gregory said.

  “We think you must have forgotten who is in charge,” Jason told her. He stepped forward, placed a hand on her back. “For that, you should be punished.”

  Haley nodded slightly and dropped her gaze to the floor. She had forgotten, but the need to keep her own sanity had to overrule her desire to be dominated. While a good dynamic existed between the three of them in play, it definitely left something to be desired outside the scene. Haley had reached a point in her life when she knew she needed the love and the play; she loved both these men and wanted them present in all areas of her life.

  Maybe she needed to submit now and give it a final chance?

  Jason maneuvered her to the bondage bed and pressed her down onto it. Her ass stuck out, and without warning, Jason smacked it three times in quick succession with the flail. She felt her skin burn and tears threaten again, but she took her swats without protest.

  “Straighten up,” Jason told her after a moment. She did, smoothing down the bottom of her romper.

  “I like the costume,” Gregory said, “but you need to take it off. Now.”

  Haley didn’t hesitate. She started to undo the laces, zippers, and straps that held her costume together. In a moment, all the pieces lay on the floor, and Haley stood there, naked except for her black boots and ears. The two men’s gazes burned into her. She could feel their desire as if it had its own existence in the room. Moisture began to seep from her cunt.

  “We didn’t get to finish what we started the other night,” Gregory said. “We want to do that now.”

  For all the heat and frustration Haley had felt downstairs, now her nipples pebbled and goose bumps broke out over her skin. She shivered and wanted to cross her arms over her chest to cover herself, but she didn’t dare.

  “Jason?” Gregory prompted, and Jason dropped his flail and began stripping too. Soon he stood naked. He bent down and picked up a large wedge of vinyl-covered foam and placed that on the bed. Then he climbed on it himself.

  “Get on,” Jason told her, and he offered her one of his hands to help her climb up.

  Haley raised her hand to reach for it, but then she stopped herself. “No,” she whispered.

  “What?” Gregory asked.

  “I won’t do it.”

  “Yes, you will.” Jason wiggled his fingers at her, but still she refused to take his hand.

  “I can’t do it. I can’t live with two men who don’t—”

  “What? Cooperate, like each other, love each other?” Gregory sighed. “Haley, neither of us will ever be hot for each other, but Jason and I can cooperate. We got you here tonight, didn’t we? And we both love you enough to work on this.”

  “We love you,” Jason repeated.

  She felt tears in her eyes. He’d finally told her they loved her. But would it be enough?

  “Now, do you love us enough to trust that we can make this work?” Jason asked.

  Haley’s head spun. All her self-doubt seemed to rise to the surface. It battled against the love she saw in the two men standing before her. Could she put up with their bickering and fighting to have what she wanted? What mattered more?

  “Haley, here you need to submit to us…to what we can become together,” Gregory told her.

  “But I can’t live with the way you two treat—”

  “Tonight that choice is not yours,” Jason cut in. “We are making it for you.”

  Haley’s stomach flipped.

  “Tonight you do what I—what we say.” Jason’s voice carried all the dominance he’d ever shown Haley.

  She couldn’t say no to him…to them. She felt her chin tremble slightly as an anxious pain bloomed beneath her breastbone. She took a few deep breaths. Could she do it? Haley nodded slightly and steeled her nerves. She had to. “Yes, Sirs,” she finally managed, and when she said it, the anxiety disappeared. Giving up control freed her. “I do love you both enough.” She reached out her hand, and Jason pulled her up. Whatever happened after this, Haley only had herself to blame.

  Or congratulate.

  She heaved over him and settled chest to chest. Their eyes met, and she felt a rush of love overtake her. She leaned down to kiss him, and he met her lips. For a moment, she lost herself in the warmth and tenderness there. Then she felt a swat on her ass.

  “Now, now,” Gregory said. She felt leather cuffs encircling her ankles, and while Jason held her on top of him, his hot, erect penis against her belly, Gregory strapped her to the bed by her ankles and wrists. She had just enough give in the tethers to move a few inches, but she would not be able to get off without somebody setting her free.

  Jason held her hips, a smile on his face, as she waited for the next move.

  “Spread your legs,” she heard Gregory say, and she did.

  She craned her neck around to see him climbing up onto the bed. He straddled Jason’s legs as he fitted his knees on either side, tucked between hers.

  Haley swallowed hard.

  “You there.” Jason waved at a nearby slave who scampered up. “The lube.” He pointed to a table, and the slave fetched the small tub and returned with it. Jason set it on the edge of the wide platform and then looked at Haley.

  Gregory ran his hands up her sides and cupped her breasts from behind. He pinched her nipples and flicked her piercings. She arched her back, reveling in the feeling of being trapped between these two men, but fearing what would come next. She’d never had double penetration, and though the “training” they’d put her through last weekend had hinted at its possibilities, the real thing scared her. And had the training even been enough? Could one night of it possibly prepare her for what would happen now? She doubted it.

  Jason could probably tell the thoughts running through her mind by the look on her face, because he said, “We are going to make this great for you.”

  Haley forced a smile, but it became real as Jason scooted down a little to rub his cock through her dampening folds. She moaned as he did that and Gregory played with her breasts. She wished she could move, to grab on to something, but the cuffs kept her arms to either side of the wedge that Jason leaned against.

  Gregory ran his hands down her back and clutched her ass cheeks. He spread them.

  “It’s perfect. Beautiful. I can’t wait to see it stretched around my cock,” he said and leaned down to flick his tongue over her rear hole. Haley hissed at the sensation and then went rigid as he pushed into her anus with his tongue. She had never experienced that; the feeling made her tingle all over.

  “She’s so wet,” Jason said.

  “Good,” Gregory replied after he straightened back up.

  Haley watched, eyes frozen open as Jason opened the tub of lube and held it out for Gregory. Gregory dug his big fingers in and pulled out a measure of it. Haley felt them at her ass again, dipping inside, slick with the buttery substance. She groaned and p
ushed against his fingers, realizing how much she liked it.

  Then his fingers were gone, and she could hear him gasp.

  “He’s got his hand on his cock now,” Jason told her. “He’s getting it ready for you.”

  Haley whimpered.

  “Are you ready?” Jason asked.

  “Yes, Sir,” Haley murmured, her voice barely louder than a thought.

  “I’m going to slip in first then,” Jason told her. He reached down and grasped his cock. Haley watched as he dipped it down through her folds and nudged at the entrance to her now soaking wet pussy. With one thrust, he was inside her, and Haley felt at home.

  “You can’t come until we’re both inside you,” Gregory said, and Haley nodded.

  Jason pumped his hips rhythmically beneath her, driving into her slowly with long, steady drags. He brushed her clit, and she could already feel her orgasm blooming within her. She tried to stop it. Her hands balled into fists.

  “She’s relaxed and ready,” Jason said.

  She felt Gregory’s hands on her hips again, then on her ass. He parted her cheeks, and the cool air kissed the lube and caused her to shiver.

  She felt the head of his cock against her sphincter. Jason murmured reassuring things to her, and she barely registered them. Her world focused to the tiny pinpoint of apprehension that existed behind her. What if she couldn’t take it? What if she didn’t like it? What if all this was just—

  And then Gregory drove inside her and held. All doubts, fears, worries, concerns…everything fled from her mind as her body surged with the feeling of both men within her. She had never felt so right, so complete, as if the missing puzzle piece in her life had been found beneath the couch, and voila! Fourth of July fireworks.

  She gasped and keened as both men found their pace, pumping into her.

  “She’s so tight this way,” Jason said through gritted teeth.

  Gregory didn’t respond, only kept working her ass, driving into her.

  Haley didn’t know if others watched. All she saw was Jason’s face, the love in his eyes. She knew Gregory’s face, behind her, would hold the same expression of love and acceptance.

  Heat swelled inside, gathering in her belly and traveling outward to all extremities. It was as if the emotion these two men had for her were a palpable force, a magnetic field of sorts, pulling them all together into one sexual being.

  She could feel the energy flowing between them, elevating them all to a place none could reach on his or her own.

  “Together,” Gregory said, his voice thick and low. A command to all of them, even to himself.

  Jason responded, snapping into her more quickly, his thrusts in sharp counterpoint to Gregory’s, and Haley could only ride it out, take what they gave her, love every second of it until…


  All three cried out, filling the large room with the sound of their ecstasy. Haley felt all of her body throb and spasm as the men against her did the same.

  They stilled together, and Haley collapsed against Jason, and Gregory collapsed against her.

  Sandwiched between them, their subsiding cocks still buried within her, Haley realized she could never want for anything else in her life.


  Haley rubbed her eyes and sat up. The air conditioner was off for some reason, and the room felt stifling, even with the ceiling fan turning overhead. She turned to glance at the clock, and her body protested at even that small movement. Everything ached as if she had been well used.

  But she knew it was Saturday morning, and she could smell cooking coming from the kitchen. She tossed a light satin robe over her naked form and headed in.

  “Gel?” she whispered.

  But it wasn’t him. Jason and Gregory stood over the stove; they had obviously not heard her. Instead they were cooking together.

  “And that’s how you crack an egg one-handed,” Jason said. He stepped back from the pan, and Haley watched as Gregory tried. Bits of shell fell into the skillet. “It takes some practice.”

  “I’ve never even tried that before.” Gregory sounded…happy.

  Haley raised her eyebrows.

  “Those potatoes smell great,” Jason said as he put the carton of eggs back in the refrigerator.

  “It’s how my mom always cooked them,” Gregory said. He poked around another frying pan with a spatula.

  Haley felt her heart soar into her throat. She wanted to jump up and down, clapping her hands, but she kept herself under control. Here were her men working together to cook breakfast, a simple, everyday task, and they did it without fighting. The sight gave her hope a future could exist for the three of them as one unit. She’d never really had a chance to see them together when she wasn’t present, in a real-life situation, not fighting over her. Their interactions to this point had all been about which would end up with her. Now that argument was settled, a certain ease had come between them. Haley could see it in the way they stood near one another, in the way their shoulders seemed relaxed.

  “Morning, gentleman,” she said loudly enough for them to hear, but her voice trembled, betraying the swell of emotion she felt.

  Jason turned and smiled.

  “Hope you don’t mind we helped ourselves to the contents of the fridge,” Gregory said.

  In a flood, everything that had happened the night before came back to Haley. The lump in her throat grew, and tears filled her eyes. She took the last few steps separating her from the men and threw herself into their waiting arms.

  After a brief hug, they pushed her back.

  “We forgot to give you something last night,” Jason said.

  “A little present,” Gregory added. He set down the spatula he held and went to the kitchen table, where two white gift boxes sat.

  He opened the first and took something out of it. Haley squealed and ran over. It was the finest collar she had ever seen, a simple silver band with a locking nut. Not a dog collar or a kitten collar or a bridle, but a simple statement of intent and commitment on Gregory’s part to her.

  He put it on and tightened the clasp.

  But then Haley looked at Jason. “What about…?”

  He smiled and walked over to the table too. He opened the smaller box and held up, dangling from his index finger, two silver cuffs that matched the collar. They both had a tiny captured ring in them. He fastened them on her wrists.

  The weight at her throat and wrists told her everything she needed to know about her status with these men.

  They would overcome whatever obstacles confronted them as a group, the men united with her for a single cause: their love.

  She took them both by the hands and dragged them back to the bedroom. “Breakfast can wait,” she said.

  “Hey,” Jason protested.

  “Who’s supposed to give the orders around here?” Gregory asked, but Haley didn’t listen as, with a laugh that filled the house, she pulled them down on top of her.

  Loose Id Titles by G. G. Royale

  My Two Doms

  The Flapper and the Fellow

  The Lovely Kittengirls of Mew Orleans

  G. G. Royale

  G.G. Royale grew up in a small town on the Central Coast of California. She started writing erotica while in college. Her inspiration came from reading a copy of Anais Nin's Little Birds while traveling abroad.

  She began working as an editor of erotic romance in 2004 with Liquid Silver Books. In 2006, she moved to Loose Id, LLC, where she still works.

  Currently, she lives in the Deep South. Ms. Royale has had many short stories published under various names. She is definitely looking forward to 2011!



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