Lucky Number Four

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Lucky Number Four Page 17

by Amanda Jason

  “Anyone taking your fancy?” Colin asks, and I realize he’s asking if I’m into anyone.

  “Too busy. School, work, and Sunday dinners leave little time for anything else.”

  I feel Drew’s eyes on me, and then all over me as if he’s just noticed how I look. I bite my lip. I can’t remember the last time I bit my lip. I’m nervous. What does he think? Too slutty? No, Jeff wouldn’t let me look slutty, and I didn’t appear slutty in my mirror, and hey, Drew hangs around with models who look slutty all the time.

  What the hell is wrong with me? Bitchy much, Dora?

  “She’s talking to herself,” Jeff’s voice punches through my thoughts.

  “Are you talking to me?”

  “You’re the only female standing with us.”

  I look around. He’s right. Just Drew, Colin, Liam, Jeff and I are standing in this little intimate circle.

  “Shouldn’t you guys be circulating? You’re the hosts,” I say a little too quickly and maybe a little defensively.

  “So are you,” Drew replies with a little delicious smirk.

  How the hell can a smirk be delicious? What was in that wine? I feel my arm being taken, and I look up to see Drew gazing at me.

  “Come with me, Dora. We need to do some hosting.”

  I can’t think of a damn response. My brain has gone on strike, but my stomach is full of activity.

  The crowd parts as we move along, and I’m the object of many stares. Instead of being nervous, I stare back. How dare they look at me like I don’t belong here. Chilton did, but who the heck is he? I hear whispering and I want to yell that my mom taught me it’s rude to whisper. If you can’t say it out loud, then drop dead.

  Okay, my mom never said the last part, but it sounds better than what she says.

  Drew doesn’t stop as we make a sweep around the apartment, even though he’s hailed by everyone. He just smiles and keeps moving.

  “Shouldn’t you stop and speak to your fans?” I finally ask.

  “I see these people all the time. They’re phony, Dora. They only like me because they think I can help their careers. They don’t care a lick about me. They’re shallow, and I’m tired of all this bullshit.”

  He sounds so sad. I want to take him in my arms and hold him, and then run my fingers through his hair. Okay, so maybe not that, but I’m supposed to help him. I wish I could strangle Henry for being so vague. I’m not good at guessing games. I’m a spell-everything-out-for-me type of girl.

  “There are phony people everywhere,” I say, “but I’m sure not everyone in this room is fake.”

  Yeah, Dora, that sounds good. Way to pick up his mood.

  “Nope. Every single one of them, except for our little group, of course. Agents, models and makeup artists, they all want a huge piece of the pie and expect us to give it to them. I worked hard to get where I am, and I didn’t step on people to get here. Sorry to be such a downer on New Year’s. Maybe we should dance.”

  “But there’s no music,” I say as he takes me in his arms and moves flush against me and sways like he can hear music.

  He leans down. “I love that you’re wearing my present,” he whispers.

  I suddenly forget that we’re surrounded by people. My focus is solely on the sound of his heartbeat and the chime of my necklace.

  “Are you cold?” he whispers, his voice mesmerizing.

  “No, why?”

  “Because you’re shivering.”

  He pulls me closer. My legs wobble. Jumping stomach and wobbly legs are nothing to laugh at, and I’m definitely not laughing right now. I’m burning up, hotter than Hades, but I don’t want to leave his arms.

  What am I saying? Here I am in the arms of the “bad boy” of modeling and I want to stay. The flu, that’s it. I didn’t have my shot this year. All the symptoms: shivering, upset stomach, wobbly legs, and fever. Yes, it’s the flu. Whew, close one there.

  “Ten, nine, eight, seven…”

  Why is Drew counting? Oh, shit—it’s almost New Year’s, and what happens at the end of the countdown? People kiss, and I don’t want him to catch my sickness. Trying to pull away, I hear “two” and I pull a little harder, but it’s like I’m strapped into a straitjacket. I had to endure one of those in a psych class this year.

  “Happy New Year, Dora.” Drew leans down and gently lifts my chin, sealing his lips to mine.

  And then it happens.


  Okay, so there are some going off outside, but I mean within me. His tongue pushes its way in, and my body goes wild, just like it did on Halloween. In fact, it’s exactly the same feeling and the same lips. Sweet Jesus, it was Drew, not Colin.

  A feeling of panic washes over me. I have to get out of here. I break contact, and before Drew can react, I lose myself in the horn-blowing, screaming crowd.

  Where the hell is my door? Great, all the tallest people in the room have surrounded me. I look up and see Jeff. He makes his way to me, looking worried.

  “Dora, what’s wrong?” he yells.

  “I have to get back to my room. Please help me.” I grab his hand and let him lead me through the mayhem. Finally, I see my door and Jeff opens it, pushing me before closing it behind him.

  “What’s up? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He reaches into the fridge, grabs a bottle of water, and then tosses it to me.

  “Worse,” I say while taking a deep swallow of the cold liquid. “I’m in a nightmare.” I cap the bottle and lie on the bed.

  “What nightmare?” Jeff lies beside me on his side, his face inches from mine. He gently pushes back a rogue hair that has come loose from my ponytail and runs his cool fingers down my heated cheeks.

  “I thought it was the flu, but it’s Drew.”

  “You’re making about as much sense as trying to make peace with zombies. Great. I got you to smile. That zombie marathon the other night is still giving me the creeps. Let’s start from when I lost you.”

  “Yeah, remind me I’m mad at you for subjecting me to all those movies after I tell you what happened,” I joke. I still have the goofy smile on my face from his zombie remark. Love my zombie movies. “I lost you, and then I found Colin, and he didn’t give me butterflies and Drew did, and it’s because it’s him, not Colin.”

  He lets out a soft chuckle. “That pretty much cleared up nothing.”

  “Oh, for the love of Sunday dinners with my family, it’s Drew. Drew is the Modelteer who kissed me on Halloween. He’s the one who almost gave me an orgasm right there in a dark hallway. Or what I think an almost orgasm feels like.”

  “Whoa, Drew? Bad boy, Drew?”

  “Yes, him. I can’t believe it. I’m going to have to move. This isn’t going to work, me living here. Why is he doing this to me? I was happy with my boring, mundane life.”

  “Thanks for calling me boring. Or am I mundane?” Jeff remarks, still wearing that silly grin of his.

  “Oh hush. You know what I meant. Sexless, dateless, and the only worries I had were passing math and enduring my crazy family. I passed math, and my family will always be crazy, so I have to deal. But having a fling with a famous—correction, mega famous—hottie isn’t needed or wanted in my world. No, sir.” A few tears slip down my face and Jeff gently wipes them away.

  “Are you finished? I think you’re overreacting. I’ve come to know Drew. Wait, it’s my time to speak,” he says, shushing me when I try to argue. “Liam says he’s a good guy. The fights in the tabloids were provoked, and the women? Each one of them only wanted to be photographed with him for their own gain. Yes, he’s slept with a few of them. He is a guy, after all. But Liam says that over the last few years, Drew’s changed and has become more distant with people. He also told Liam you’re like a breath of fresh air, and he’s happy you moved in.”

  “When did Liam tell you this? How long have you known this and let me believe he was this love-’em-and-leave-’em type of guy?” I turn so I’m facing Jeff side by side and I watch the guilty lo
ok cover his face. “Fess up, buddy.”

  “I’ve known for a short time. But wait—I saw the way he looked at you, and I guess I got a little possessive. I wanted to see if it was true before I told you. I think Liam is right. Forgive me for loving you so much.” He leans over and kisses my nose and I melt. How can I be angry after that?

  “I forgive you, and I won’t hit you for losing track of me tonight. But, Jeff, in all honesty, I felt like I had the flu when Drew and I were dancing. I had all the symptoms, and now they’ve disappeared. That can only mean one thing: I’m attracted to him. I don’t want, or need this.”

  I know I sound like I’m whining. I know a million women would love to have Drew in their sights, but it will make my life so complicated, and when it fizzles out on his end, when he’s tired of this “breath of fresh air,” how awkward will it be to be living in the same space? One of my resolutions is to move out, but that’s only if I get a good job, and the unemployment stats scare me.

  “Take a chance, Dora. What have you got to lose? You have so much to gain. I bet that man will give you countless orgasms and you’ll think you’ve died and gone to the great beyond.”

  “Easy for you to say. And what if I don’t like orgasms? That was a stupid question. Stop laughing at me. Forget about me for a minute, what about you and Liam? Is it a go?”

  “You are so nosy, always in everyone’s business,” he says after getting his laughter under control.

  “Oh, and you don’t pry, huh? So now it’s your turn to spill.”

  “Okay.” He lies back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. I wait patiently for him to continue. “We’re talking, and we have a date for tomorrow night. Satisfied?” He rolls back and stares at me.

  “Ohhhhhh, I’m so happy. You have no idea how happy I am for you. Are you excited? Of course you are. You and Liam are perfect for each other.” I reach over and pull him in for a hug, which he reciprocates. I swear he’s breaking a few of my ribs in the process.

  “Now go back to the party and let me think. No shaking your head. I’m fine, and I want you to go back to Liam.” I push him away from me and he slowly rises.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m positive. Now get your sexy ass out there before someone steals Liam away from you.” He jumps off the bed and turns, blowing me a kiss. “I love you, Jeff.”

  “Ditto, but I love you more.” He grins and slips through the door, shutting out the loud mayhem when he closes it. I get up and lock it. He has a key, so I’m not worried. Anyway, he might get lucky and not need to sleep here tonight.

  My cell rings a few minutes later and I grab it off my dresser. It shows a picture of my mom and dad acting silly. “Happy New Year, Dora,” they yell as soon as I answer.

  “Happy New Year to you, my wonderful parentals.”

  “Have you made your resolution list yet?” Mom asks, and my dad says he loves me and I hear a click. “So, now that your dad is off the phone, I have to tell you that Henry has been bugging me to call you. He says you aren’t helping Drew, and I told him he’s wrong. Of course, Mr. Arrogant says he’s never wrong. So tell me I’m right. You are helping Drew, aren’t you, sweetie?”

  What do I say? Henry will know I’m lying, and since he has an in with upstairs management, I don’t know if pissing him off will be any good for me. But I don’t want my mom to know the truth, so I do what I’m being trained to do: I compromise.

  “Don’t worry, Mom. I’m working on it. I just wish Henry would stop being so vague about how I’m supposed to be helping Drew.” I roll my eyes and pray she doesn’t hear the little white lie in my voice.

  “Okay, I’ll tell him. So, about this Sunday, are you and Jeff free for dinner? Please tell me you are. Taylor and Bridget are going skiing and won’t be back until late, so I really need reinforcements.”

  “I’ll check with Jeff and let you know. Love you, Mom. My battery is in the red zone,” I say as another little white lie slips out.

  “All right. Please try for Sunday. I don’t ask for much. Talk to you soon. I’m off to tell Henry he’s wrong. Love it. Night, sweetie, and Happy New Year again.”

  My phone clicks before I can respond. Happy frickin’ New Year to me. All I have to look forward to in the next few days is a dysfunctional Sunday. Joy oh joy.

  “For Christ’s sake, please stop that pounding.” What time is it? I must’ve dozed off. What is that pounding noise, and where is Jeff?

  Oh, yeah … now I remember. He’s probably with Liam. The room is partially dark. The only light is a decorative flameless candle that I keep on at night so I don’t break my neck if I need to get up. The pounding is coming from the door to the loft. I slide off the bed, still in my beautiful dress and my eff- me pumps.

  “This better be important,” I remark as I open the door.

  It’s Drew. My heart starts beating crazily as he moves past me. I shut the door since the party noise is still deafening and my head isn’t really up to it.

  “Dora, we need to talk.” I find Drew standing behind me, not close, but too close for comfort.

  “Can’t it wait until tomorrow? I’m a little tired.” Please let him just go. I can’t deal with this right now. My emotions are all over the place, and the monsters in my stomach are awakening, as is my fever and wobbly legs. Great, I’m having another case of Drew flu.

  “I’ve been waiting for months now, and I know it sounds corny, but it’s a new year and I want—God, Dora, I want to talk.” He sounds so forlorn and lost, and now he’s tugging at my heart with his words, which by the way just skipped a beat. His voice is enough to make me melt into a puddle of hot goo.

  “Okay, but let me go splash some water on my face first.”

  I don’t wait for an answer as I move past him to the bathroom. I need to pee, but I didn’t want to discuss bodily functions when most of my body is not functioning right as it is. I turn on the faucet so it will mask the noise, and then I wash my hands, splashing a little cool water on my face. I don’t want to mess up my makeup since I want to look halfway decent when we talk.

  What is there to talk about? He kissed me on Halloween and tonight, big deal. I guess I need to go find out.

  Calm down, Dora. It’s just Drew.

  “Sorry, it took me so long. Wine is not my friend, and it makes me sleepy. I’m awake now, so what’s up?” I hope I sound calm. I think I do. Nonchalant is what I’m really going for.

  Shut up, Dora, and listen to him.

  “It’s okay.” Drew is sitting on the couch, and I watch as he runs his hand through his hair. By the look of it, he’s done it more than a few times since I left him in. “Come sit beside me, please.” He pats the leather cushion next to him, and I wobble on my heels over to him.

  “Wait, let me take these damn shoes off before I fall and break my neck.” Stop rambling, Dora.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?”

  I stumble at the huskiness in his voice and look up to see him watching me remove my shoes. I kick them aside and sit on the edge of the cushion, not knowing what to do with my hands. I end up placing them in my lap as our eyes meet.

  “First, I want to explain Halloween.”

  My eyes drop down to my lap when he bows his head. “You don’t have to. You were drunk and I was there, and well, we kissed.”

  “I wasn’t drunk. In fact, I hadn’t had a sip of anything but water. I saw you as soon as I walked into the room, and I followed you. From the first time I met you, you have haunted my thoughts, and I needed to see if what I felt was real. It was real. I’ve never felt anything more real in my life. My question is: Do I have a chance with you?”

  His head is still bowed, and I’m speechless. He wants to have a chance with me. Maybe I didn’t hear him right. My heart is pounding loudly and the menacing butterflies are going hog wild. Maybe I’m dreaming.

  Ow! Pinching myself proves I’m wide awake.

  “Dora, did you hear me?” He lifts his head, and I see the co
nfident Drew missing.

  This is real. He wants me. What should I do? Kiss him, fool, inner Dora shouts. I move closer and take his head in my hands and pull him close so his lips are even with mine. Then I kiss him. This time it’s my tongue that is the initiator, and I feel myself go from warm to burning hot in a matter of milliseconds.

  I want this man. I really want him. Not just a kiss, but all of him. I want him in my bed with our bodies fused together. Even if it’s only for a short while, I want him and he wants me.

  I push any doubts aside and moan as he pulls me into his arms, deepening the kiss. I feel his hands burning a trail up and down my back, and he pulls me with him as he lays down on the couch. I’m on fire, everywhere. I want him naked, and I boldly reach between us and undo his jeans. He stills, and I wonder if I’ve done something wrong.

  “Dora, are you sure?” he whispers as he breaks contact with my mouth.

  “I’m so sure,” I say.

  He abruptly sits up and lifts me like I weigh ounces instead of pounds. He pulls back the covers on the bed and places me gently on the cool sheets. I panic as he stands up straight, and I think maybe he’s changing his mind, but instead he yanks the polo he’s wearing over his head, revealing the most beautiful twelve pack I remember from art class. With a ghost of a smile, he finishes the job I started and pulls down his jeans, removing his underwear and socks and kicking off his shoes in one fluid motion. The low light in the room shows the extent of his lean muscles, and I’m itching to touch every inch of him. He’s hard and ready, and I stroke him, delighted when he closes his eyes and moans. I can’t believe I made him do that.

  He leans down and puts his hand on my thigh, slowly moving up, taking my dress as he goes. Impatiently, I sit up and turn my back to him so he can unzip my dress, which he does again slowly, caressing every inch of my naked skin as it’s unveiled. I shimmy out of it, not sexy, but I’ll make a better effort next time. I shiver as the cool air hits my skin, and I sit there dressed only in my barely-there underwear.


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