Sugar, Spice, and Shifters: A Touch of Holiday Magic

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Sugar, Spice, and Shifters: A Touch of Holiday Magic Page 87

by Élianne Adams

  “Okay, what’s going on?” She faced Luke. “I can’t see, so you have to tell me if something is wrong.”

  “Some of the customers aren’t looking too friendly, that’s all,” he told her. “It’s nothing we can’t handle.”

  She nodded. “Does this happen to you guys a lot?”

  “No, not anymore. Once upon a time, it was common, but people are more accepting these days, for the most part,” Brycen added. “Some still don’t like to see us interacting with humans, though.”

  Are you serious? They’re upset because Luke and I are together?” As odd as it was to say that about someone she’d just met, it felt right.

  “It’s not worth worrying about,” Luke said and kissed her temple. “We’ll eat, grab some cookies—oh wait, if there isn’t any power, they can’t bake.”

  “That’s right. Maybe we can grab some things and Stella and I can bake some instead?” Maddie offered.

  “You mean it? You’ll come up to the estate for the holidays?” Luke asked, his voice lifting a little.

  She smiled in his direction and nodded. “Yeah, I’d love to spend the holidays with you if you don’t think anyone else will mind.”

  “They won’t.”

  “No, they won’t, not one bit,” Brycen added.

  “Great, let’s eat so we can get out of here before the snow begins to fall again. We’ll stop by your place and grab what you’ll need, then take the truck up. It’s too cold for me to fly you up there.”

  Fly her up there? She hadn’t even considered the possibility. “You could do that?” she asked, a little thrill of excitement rushing through her.

  “Well, yeah, if you wanted me to. You’d have to hold on, but it’s safe,” he said almost absently. “Does this smell right to you?” Luke’s hand came up to stop her from lifting the bite of omelet she had placed on her fork to her mouth.

  “No, it doesn’t. Don’t eat it,” Brycen said, his voice much sharper and colder than it had been only moments before.

  “Come on, we’ll eat at the estate,” Luke said as he stood.

  She didn’t know what was going on, but both men were pissed. She hadn’t smelled a thing, but if they could smell something wrong with the eggs, then she wasn’t about to argue.

  “Problem with the eggs?” The cranky waitress said as she came over.

  “Yeah, there is. We’re not paying for them so you can forget about that. I’ll pay for the coffee and the juice,” Luke told her.

  “Now you listen here, you ordered the food, and you’re going to pay for it.”

  “Is there a problem here, Josie?” Another man’s voice came into the conversation.

  “No problem,” Brycen added, and she felt his heat on the other side of her. “Something was added to the omelets to make my friends sick. Luckily, our noses are more sensitive than yours are. I’d suggest you all be careful with your meals,” he said loud enough for the other patrons to hear.

  “You bastard. Get the hell out of my restaurant.” Josie hissed. “There’s nothing wrong with the food here.”

  “Fine. I’ll give you fifty bucks if you take a bite of this omelet.”

  Maddie heard a scrape, and could only imagine that Brycen had grabbed one of the plates from the table to offer the woman.

  “You’re out of your mind if you think I’d eat anything a dragon had its paws on,” the woman spat.

  “I didn’t think so. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Here’s your coat, Maddie,” Luke said as he helped her into it.

  The entire place was silent, and no one bothered them as they made their way to the door.

  “Don’t bother coming back here again,” Josie yelled at them as they walked out.


  The churning in Luke’s gut intensified as they walked back toward Maddie’s apartment. Thankfully it was only a few blocks.

  “I’m sticking around until you guys get in the truck, then I’ll grab what you’ll need for the cookies before heading back up,” Brycen said.

  “Thanks,” he took Maddie’s hand in his. He didn’t want to alarm her, but the sooner they got out of Glen Farley, the better as far as he was concerned. He quickened his step a little, and she followed suit. It was probably nothing. They hadn’t seen or sensed any hunters since Brycen and Stella were mated, but that didn’t mean they weren’t around. It just meant they hadn’t been close enough to be detected.

  He knew something was wrong the moment they opened the front door to the apartment building. The entire lobby reeked of foul human stench. It wasn’t that all humans smelled bad. Maddie was proof that some smelled damned amazing, but it was the adrenaline combined with the fear when humans were up to no good that stunk so bad.

  “Do you smell that?” Luke asked for the second time that day.

  “Yep,” Brycen answered. “How about if you take Maddie home, and I’ll see what’s what?”

  “Wait, I need my things,” Maddie said. “Whatever you’re smelling, surely I can run in and grab a few things. I’ll make it quick.”

  “How about if we let Brycen take a look around, and as long as it’s safe to go in, we will.” He didn’t want to freak her out, but her safety came first, even before her sense of independence.

  “Okay,” she agreed. “Be careful. Here’s my key.” She fished it out of her pocket and held it for him to take. “I’m on the second floor, third door on the left, apartment C.”

  The moment he opened the door to the stairwell, the stench intensified. Whoever was there, or had been there, had used the stairs. Luke gave Brycen a pointed look. His jaw ached as fury roiled inside him, and his teeth poked at his gums, threatening to push through.

  It took Brycen less than a minute to get to her apartment. His mighty roar shook the walls, letting Luke know that whatever he’d found, wasn’t good. Maddie gasped and clung tighter to his hand. Luke wanted to rush up there, but there was no way he was leaving Maddie unprotected.

  “We should go up there and help him,” she said, her voice high pitched and tight.

  “He’s okay. If he were in battle, I’d hear it,” he assured her. He didn’t mention that most of Glen Farley would hear it if that were the case.

  When the door to the stairwell slammed open again, Brycen stalked through. “It’s safe to go up. There’s no one in the apartment, but I have to tell you, Maddie, someone was there. The place was trashed.”

  She released his hand, her own coming up to cover her mouth. When she was able to talk, she lowered them again. “Why would someone do that? I have nothing of value in there.”

  “I don’t know, love. But we’ll figure it out.” Luke grabbed his cell and dialed 911. Might as well get this sorted out, then they could go. She wouldn’t be allowed to take any of her things until the police had come and gone, anyway.

  Brycen stepped off to the side, but didn’t go far, and made a call to Stella, letting her know that they’d be later than expected. It didn’t take long that two uniformed officers came in. Brycen told him what he’d seen, and assured them that he hadn’t touched anything before they went up to investigate.

  “You’re free to go up now. Be careful, there’s broken glass and debris on the floor,” the officers warned when they finally came down again. “I’d like to remind you, gentlemen, that we will take care of the investigation, and everything to do with this case.”

  Luke could only nod, fury making it impossible for him to utter a word.

  “Of course, officer,” Brycen replied.

  Maddie, who had been quiet since they’d arrived, trembled when he took her into his arms. He shoved the dragon back with all his might, forcing his jaw to work. She wasn’t in danger, but she needed him, and flying into a rage wouldn’t help soothe her. “Let’s get your things.”

  He let her lead the way, even though he wanted to keep her right next to him, or even behind him so he could shield her, but he wouldn’t take away her power.

  When they reached the second floor, the d
ragon surged forward again. His scales came as close to the surface as they could come without breaking through. On the wall leading to her apartment, someone had spray painted in large red letters, “dragon whore”, and “dragon fucker”.

  Her door was busted open, and hanging on one hinge. Inside her furniture was streaked with the same red paint. Someone had taken a knife to her couch cushions, and her things were thrown everywhere.

  He couldn’t contain his growl when it broke free, low, and mean. Whoever had done it, hadn’t left anything intact. Nothing of hers was salvageable.

  “Luke, tell me,” she pleaded.

  “He can’t talk right now, Maddie,” Brycen stepped in. “I can take you to your room while Luke gets his thoughts together, but I don’t think anything can be saved. I’m sorry.”

  Her distressed whimper snapped him out of the rage gripping him. In an instant, he took her in his arms. He took long deep breaths as she cried against his chest, struggling to regain his control. By the time she stopped sniffling, he was ready to help her deal with whatever she needed.

  “Tell me what you need, and I’ll see if we can bring it,” he offered. “You won’t be able to walk around without getting hurt.”

  “I don’t want anything. Let’s go. Maybe we can stop at the store before heading out? I’ll need a change of clothes, some toiletries, and maybe a toothbrush.” She shuddered against him, then pulled back, straightening her spine. “Oh, I need my walking cane. I keep it by the door. I didn’t grab it when we left earlier because you were with me.”

  Luke looked at Brycen, who snapped his teeth together and shook his head.

  “I’m sorry, baby, we’ll get you a new one,” he said.

  She made a strangled sound but then lifted her chin again. “I have to order it online. They don’t sell anything like that here. I’ll be fine. I’ll have to be careful and do a lot of counting once we get to your house, but I’ll be okay.”

  “That’s right. And there’s plenty of us around to help you when you need it.”

  “How many people live there?” she asked.

  “Thirteen, but at any given time, half the men are on assignment. Most of them will be home for Christmas though.” He hoped she didn’t mind the chaos of the household when everyone was around.

  “And poor Stella has to take care of all of you?” she said, her eyebrows lifting high as they walked across the lobby toward the front door again.

  “See, already she knows how you guys use and abuse me,” Stella said as she came off the wall she’d been leaning against.

  “Hey, what are you doing here?” Brycen asked as he went to his mate and gave her a big kiss on the lips.

  As always, seeing the two of them together made him smile. “Stella, this is Maddie. Maddie, Stella,” Luke introduced them once Brycen released her.

  “I’m so glad to meet you. When Luke told us he’d found you, we were all very excited,” Stella said. “I decided to come into the village to meet you since Brycen was being so mysterious when he called.”

  Luke breathed a sigh of relief when she didn’t bring up the break in. Brycen had told her about it on the phone. He’d whispered, so he didn’t think Maddie had heard, but Luke hadn’t missed a word. It was just like Stella to come rushing over to make sure they were alright.

  “Stella, we have to go do some shopping, and then we’re going to head home. Maddie has agreed to stay with us for the holidays.”

  “Are you freaking kidding me?” Stella shouted with a high pitched squeal. “That’s fantastic. I haven’t been shopping with a girl in forever, and I’m not going to be the only girl around the house for a change.” She came over and linked her arm around Maddie’s and led her to the front door. “This is going to be so much fun.”

  Luke grinned at Brycen, loving Stella a little bit more for the warm welcome she’d given his mate. Not that he’d expected anything less from her, but it made his heart swell just the same.


  Maddie stood at the register, another protest teetering at the tip of her tongue. They had already gone through the first of two department stores in Glen Farley and purchased way more clothes and other things they all thought she needed than she could afford in a year, and here they were in the other, ringing up yet another ridiculously large order. While the two women shopped for clothing, the men had gone off, claiming to save time by getting the baking supplies they needed for the cookies, but she knew they wanted to discuss the break-in at her place.

  “Oh, wait,” Stella said. “We need to get you something sexy to sleep in.”

  Maddie’s cheeks burned. “That’s not necessary. This is so much more than I should be getting already.”

  “Nonsense. Luke will love it,” Stella protested.

  “Really, I can’t afford this. Even if I don’t spend a penny on anything else for the next three years, I won’t be able to pay for this,” she whispered. She hated admitting it to her new friend, but she had to say something.

  Stella laughed and took her by the hand. “Are you kidding me? Our men have more money than any of us could spend in our lifetimes, and dragons do live long. Come on, just a couple more things.”

  Maddie took a deep breath, and caught a whiff of Luke nearby, but she let Stella drag her off again. By the time they were all done, the men had to make two trips back and forth from their carts to the truck that Brycen had so kindly flown to get after they’d left her place.

  Each time Stella and Brycen were close, she heard the smooches and Stella’s giggles. It was obvious she adored her mate, and he her as well. The first snowflakes came down as they said goodbye to Brycen, and Stella, who chose to fly home rather than ride. She thanked them both for their help, and then they were gone. Luke didn’t talk much on the way up the mountain. He drove slowly, and she had to wonder how bad the roads were, but she wasn’t afraid. He’d keep her safe. When he’d lost control in her apartment, and he’d held her, his scales had been just under his skin. She could feel them where her cheek had rested on his chest, and where she’d snuck her fingers under his open jacket, but he’d been so gentle, so tender. The beast inside him did not define the man.

  “Thank you for today, Luke. I don’t know what I would have done without you,” she said.

  He reached over and linked his fingers through hers, bringing them up to his lips for a kiss. “Spoiling you will be my new life’s mission,” he told her.

  “I think you’ve done enough. Seriously, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  The truck slid a little to the side, proving that the roads were as slick as she’d imagined. “Is it much farther?”

  “Nope, we’ll be turning off onto our private property here in a sec.” He let go of her hand as he slowed the vehicle and the click of the turn signal sounded.

  It had taken less than an hour to get there, even with the weather. After a few minutes, he pulled the truck to a stop, waited a few seconds, then drove a short distance. She waited for him to round the truck to help her climb back down. Her feet landed on cement, and the mechanical smells of a garage greeted her.

  “There you guys are. I thought we’d have to send a search party,” Stella said when Luke led her inside.

  “Can you show her around the main living quarters? I’m sure there are some things that Maddie will need to know so she can familiarize herself—”

  “Yeah, yeah, don’t worry, we’ll be fine,” Stella said as she took her hand and led her away. “So from the garage, you turn right to go into the main living area. To the right are the living quarters of some of the men, but you won’t need to go in there too much. Luke lives in the other wing. That’s where Brycen and I are, as well as some of the others. It’s a huge place, but you’ll get used to it.”

  Maddie took a few steps when Luke’s hand came to rest on her shoulder. He cleared his throat before speaking. “I have three bedrooms in my private quarters. Two spare rooms, and my own room. I know where I want you to stay, but it’s
your choice, love. Where should I bring your new things?”

  Her cheeks heated. Stella was still right next to her, but it didn’t matter. She didn’t want to be anywhere else. “If it’s okay, I’d like to stay with you,” she said.

  “It’s more than okay. Have fun. I’ll come looking for you once I get the stuff out of the truck and upstairs.” He gave her a quick kiss on the lips, and she smiled.

  “Okay.” She imagined she must look pretty goofy, but she didn’t care. If all the smooching she heard going on in the stores were anything to go by, the others in the house would be used to seeing it.


  Luke gave Stella as much time as he could tolerate with Maddie before he went looking for her. He’d gone in search of his clan mates and told them of what had happened. Of course, Brycen had already informed them, and a plan was being put in place to seek out the bastards who had trashed her house. Next, he sought out his clansmen who were handy with tools, putting together a team to go to her apartment to start fixing the place up again. He hoped she’d stay with him, but if she wanted to go back there, he didn’t want her to have to deal with any of it.

  He looked at his watch, certain it had been hours since he’s seen her, when it hadn’t even been one. He found the women in the kitchen. Maddie had her hands buried in a large bowl that smelled of something sweet with nutmeg. His stomach growled, reminding him that it was time to get some real food into his woman. The fast food burger and fries they’d eaten between department stores was long gone, at least, it was for him.

  “Smells delicious already. I can’t wait until you get those in the oven.” The way her smile widened when she heard his voice had his heart beating a little faster, and his own smile splitting his face. He went over to her, wrapped his arms around her waist and pressed a kiss to her neck. He’d love nothing more than to steal her away and spend some time alone with her in his quarters, but he wouldn’t be selfish. The joy shining on her face more than made up for the time he had to share her with Stella. “Do you want a bite to eat? I’m famished.”


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