Elizabeth's Education (Forbidden Lust)

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Elizabeth's Education (Forbidden Lust) Page 11

by Carpenter, Maggie

  He leaned close, his lips brushing her hair. ‘That will not do, Elizabeth,’ he said. ‘You must keep your eyes open and make not a sound. You must behave as if nothing is going on. I will not tell you again. And if you do not obey me I will spank you right here, in front of everyone.’

  She stared at him in disbelief. Would he really do such a thing? He was daring enough to be touching her in public, so yes, she was sure he really would do such a thing. She inhaled deeply and gathered her resolve.

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she whispered, and then took a shaky sip of champagne.

  His fingers slid upward, finding their mark, and in spite of her self-consciousness she marvelled at how they made her feel. She gazed across the aisle at an elderly couple. The man smiled at her. She knew her face was flushed, but smiled back, and felt a pinch just as she did so. Her expression froze; she wanted to flinch but she controlled herself, and did not make a sound.

  His fingers began stroking again, tight between her thighs, seeking and finding her clitoris, and she felt a rush of sexual energy suffuse her body. It was indeed thrilling for him to be doing such things to her in public. She let out a sigh of adoration, for Lord Michael truly was the most daring of men.

  He was enjoying himself immensely. The feel of her succulence was delicious, he could sense her excitement building, and just as the waiter arrived to take their orders he sank a finger into her.

  ‘What would you like, my dear?’ he asked, as if it were the most natural thing in the world to be doing what he was doing whilst giving their order. She tried to remember what she had decided upon, but couldn’t recall. All she could think about was the most astonishing sensation of him touching her so intimately whilst in such close proximity to so many obliviously unaware people.

  ‘Elizabeth, what would you like to order?’ he repeated, beginning to withdraw his finger, and the unspoken threat of a public spanking inspired her voice.

  ‘I-I was just trying to decide between the s-salmon and the ch-chicken,’ she blurted, hoping both were on the menu.

  ‘Well, the salmon is particularly good,’ the waiter endorsed.

  ‘Two salmon, then,’ Lord Michael decided, for which Elizabeth was immensely grateful because his skilled finger had lost her the use of her vocal chords once again.

  By the time the waiter arrived with their meal Elizabeth was in quite a state of fluster, but Lord Michael withdrew his hand anyway and resumed his seat on the opposite side of the small dining table.

  ‘Sir…?’ she whispered desperately, left hanging on the brink.

  ‘Eat your meal, young lady,’ he said uncompromisingly. ‘And you will receive a spanking later for such inappropriate behaviour. You should know better than to beg like a common whore.’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she replied dejectedly, sorry for her conduct but mortified by the severity of his words, ‘I’m sorry, sir.’

  The meal was eaten with an uncomfortable silence between them, Lord Michael fully aware that his beautiful young companion had an admirer in the elderly gentleman sitting nearby with his equally elderly wife.

  Once the agreeable food had been allowed to digest for a while, Lord Michael enjoying a cigar and a glass of brandy while Elizabeth sat respectfully quiet, he rose, offered his arm, and escorted her out of the rocking dining car to their compartment. Once inside he did not turn on any lighting, but closed the door and turned her to face him. ‘Elizabeth, you are to be spanked, do you remember?’ he said in the darkness.

  ‘Yes sir, I remember.’

  ‘First I have a quick errand to run, but when I return I want you naked and kneeling on the bunk, head bowed, hands behind your back. Is that clear?’

  Elizabeth wanted to ask where he was going, but dared not. He watched her drop to her knees, and then leaving her in the submissive posture he slipped out of the cabin, hoping he was not too late to instigate his plan.

  Upon returning to the compact cabin, task successfully accomplished, Lord Michael found Elizabeth obediently kneeling on the bunk, her toned body fighting the inconsistent movements of the train. She uttered not a sound as he settled in the small chair by the table, watching her, thinking how lovely she looked in the shadowy darkness.

  ‘Stand,’ he eventually ordered, and rose from his chair, telling her to close her eyes. She did so, knowing the blindfold was coming, feeling her excitement building again. She felt a soft fabric across her eyelids.

  ‘This is a new blindfold for you, Elizabeth,’ he told her gently. ‘Do you like the feel of it?’ She nodded. ‘Good girl. Now, hands in front of you.’ Obediently she obeyed, and felt silken ties bind her wrists together.

  ‘Stay still,’ he instructed, and she did. Then there was a hand on her neck and she was pulled down across his knees. There was a breathless pause, when the only sound in the cabin was the train rattling along the track, and just when Elizabeth relaxed a little and wondered what would happen next, his palm swept down and smacked her vulnerable bottom. She yelped as much from the shock as the pain, and then he spanked her again and again until she was squirming and writhing on his lap.

  Her bottom was scalded and stinging, but she moaned with desire as she felt him touching her again, teasing between her wet pussy lips. He toyed with her a while until she was panting from need, as opposed to the smarting smacks of his palm. When the punishment was considered concluded he helped her up, guided her to the narrow bed, and placed her on all fours again.

  The rocking of the train, the sound of the distant puffing engine, and the wheels on the rails beneath them created a converging mass of rhythms that strangely excited her. He wasted no time, and placing his erect member between her pussy lips he thrust and began fucking her avidly, skilfully utilising the motion of the train to deliver immense pleasure to them both. He clutched her hips and she cried out from the sheer pleasure of it all, but he then stopped fucking her abruptly, pulled out, and just waited at the entrance to her cunt.

  ‘Do you want more?’ he asked, his voice husky.

  Despite her adoration of the man Elizabeth, her mind and emotions in turmoil, considered this an utterly stupid question and wanted to scream the obvious affirmative, but she knew better and instead replied with as much decorum as she could muster, ‘If… if it pleases you, sir.’

  A finger touched her tiny puckered entrance and she welcomed it. She didn’t cringe or tense, or pull away. Rather, she salaciously sought it and he did not disappoint, sinking the straightened digit deep and frigging her, simultaneously thrusting his erection into her until his groin slapped noisily against her spanked buttocks.

  She cried out, craving more, feeling her bubble build. She expected him to stop again but he didn’t, and she quickly found herself on the brink awaiting his command to climax, and at last, when she was sure she could no longer control herself, she heard the words she was hungering for.

  ‘You may come, my dear girl,’ he grunted, his own passions threatening to simmering over.

  She cried out in delight and came, feeling him do the same moments later, her bottom grinding lewdly back against him until finally their mutual shuddering dissipated. He let himself slide from her clinging wet warmth. She was flopped wearily on her stomach before him, and in the darkness he watched her languidly roll over onto her back. He untied her wrists, removed the blindfold, then laid next to her, wrapping his legs around hers, feeling her surrender to his arms.

  ‘My little strumpet,’ he said warmly, pulling her close.

  ‘Yes sir,’ she sighed contentedly, ‘I am your little strumpet.’

  ‘You’re showing a lot of promise, Elizabeth.’

  ‘Thank you, sir.’ She yawned, already succumbing to the creeping fringes of sleep.

  He listened to her even breathing, feeling deeply satisfied; things were moving along very nicely. As he let himself drift off too he thought about the things he had planned for his young supplicant, and he had to admit, he felt rather optimistic about them.

  As the train pulled into their de
stination stop it was met by sunny skies, which matched Elizabeth’s mood. She looked out of the window, sighing happily. The journey had already been more than she could have dreamed. She had been woken by Lord Michael fucking her from behind, and when that wonderful moment arrived her orgasm was a series of gentle waves that left her tingling and breathless.

  He emerged from the tiny bathroom and saw her gazing wide-eyed at the early morning hustle and bustle on the station platform. He placed his arms around her shoulders and she melted back into his chest. There was no doubt they were extremely comfortable in each other’s company, which was a pleasant and surprising bonus to him, considering the age gap.

  Twenty minutes later he instructed the carriage driver of their required destination, and then again admired Elizabeth’s shapely figure as she climbed up and settled in. He sat opposite her, and with a languid flick of the whip and a few clucking noises from the driver, the carriage moved off.

  Elizabeth’s curiosity was working overtime, and in no time at all it got the better of her, as he knew it surely would. ‘Please sir,’ she said, simply unable to contain herself, ‘exactly where we are going?’

  ‘You’ll see,’ he answered dismissively, and her sigh was followed by a tut. ‘Excuse me?’ he said, not having missed the instinctively impertinent reaction.

  ‘I’m sorry, sir,’ she said hastily, recognising her petulant response. ‘I’m just curious. I simply want to know where we are going. I don’t know why I can’t—’

  He cut her off with a look of steely menace. ‘Elizabeth, I have arranged something for you, but in addition you are now going to be punished for that outburst. I do not appreciate the tone of your voice and persistent questioning of my plans, and it would appear that you are being impatient and impertinent once again despite my previous words and efforts. Am I wasting my valuable time on you after all?’

  Elizabeth felt her face flush and the severe disappointment of disappointing him. She had let him and herself down again. He considered her impatient and impertinent, and now her bottom would pay the price.

  ‘Now, you are to remain ladylike and quiet for the duration of the short last leg of our journey,’ he ordered sternly. ‘Do you think you can manage that?’

  The sarcasm questioning her resolve hurt her, but she nodded demurely, and uttered not another word.

  Eventually Elizabeth glanced out of the carriage window and spied the frontage of a modest but lovely old home. They drove up the short drive and came to a halt in front of it, and the driver hopped down and opened the door for them. Lord Michael paid the man, then carrying their bags he led the way to the front door.

  To her surprise he did not use the iron knocker, but set one of the bags down and opened the door. Entering the house Elizabeth gazed around, and broke into a broad smile. It appeared to be beautifully furnished, through an open door she could spy a welcoming fire burning in the sitting room to the right, and the aroma of spicy cooking filled the air.

  Just then a robust, red-cheeked, grey-haired woman bustled into the hall.

  ‘Lord Michael!’ she beamed. ‘How are you? It’s been too long.’ Her Scottish accent was broad, and Elizabeth could barely understand her.

  ‘Hello, Millie, how’s my favourite housekeeper?’ He leaned down, pecking her on a ruddy cheek, and she laughed merrily.

  ‘Oh, Lord Michael, you haven’t changed at all. Lunch will be ready at twelve midday, sir, just as you ordered, then you’ll have the place to yourselves.’

  He nodded his satisfaction of her efficiency. ‘Elizabeth, this is Mrs O’Grady,’ he introduced them. ‘Millie, this is my charge, Elizabeth Barrett.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you, I’m sure,’ the rotund lady boomed heartily. ‘Lord Michael knows where you can rest up and have a bath after your journey.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Elizabeth answered politely. ‘It’s lovely to meet you.’

  ‘I’ll leave you to it, then,’ Millicent went on. ‘I mustn’t let anything burn.’ She waddled away.

  ‘Come along, Elizabeth,’ Lord Michael said brusquely, and as he led her upstairs she could not take her eyes off the portraits adorning the walls.

  ‘May I ask, sir, who lives here?’ she ventured.

  ‘This house belongs to a good friend of mine,’ he informed her, ‘Sir Andrew. He doesn’t actually live here, he just uses it as a getaway and he was happy to lend it to me for a short break, along with Millie’s fabulous cooking.’

  ‘How kind of him,’ she remarked. ‘He must be a very nice man.’

  Lord Michael smiled to himself. Yes, he was a very nice man. He was also a very strict man. They went along the short landing and stopped at a heavy oak door, which he opened grandly. The bedroom was lovely, with thick rugs on the floors, a fire burning, heavy red curtains at the windows, and most importantly, a four-poster bed with a canopy, boasting yards of fine drapery.

  ‘Oh, Lord Michael!’ she squealed animatedly. ‘What a beautiful room!’

  ‘Yes, it is indeed,’ he concurred. ‘And we are going to make full use of it, I assure you.’

  Later, after a hearty lunch that was as delicious as he knew it would be, Lord Michael checked his pocket watch as he made his way downstairs. It was three-twenty, and Oliver Chadwick would be arriving in ten minutes. He made his way to the sitting room and poured himself a brandy, settling by the fire, warm and comfortable.

  He thought about how well Elizabeth was responding to his training. She was a natural submissive, but so full of herself this hidden side to her had to be unearthed carefully. He had to admit he found her high-spirited nature amusing, and it did make things very interesting.

  A knock at the front door broke into his thoughts, and knowing Mrs O’Grady had finished for the day, he moved to answer it. Oliver Chadwick, the elderly gentleman from the train, stood in the porch, holding a leather briefcase and looking quite flushed with anticipation. Lord Michael ushered him into the sitting room, offered him a brandy, which was accepted, and the two men sat comfortably by the fire.

  ‘Mr Chadwick,’ Lord Michael began.

  ‘Oliver, please,’ the older man insisted.

  ‘Oliver…’ the host nodded almost imperceptibly and smiled congenially, ‘I shall waste no time in reaching the point. I must assume I guessed correctly, that you are a participant in the art of the rod, and the training of recalcitrant women?’

  ‘Yes, sir, I most certainly am,’ the man acknowledged, ‘and should I assume the young lady with you on the train is in the process of her education?’

  ‘Indeed she is. Her name is Elizabeth, and she is quite a handful.’

  ‘Ah,’ the man mused, ‘Emily was like that. Still is from time to time, but I’ve always found the spirited females the most rewarding.’

  ‘I would have to concur. I must warm her bottom and keep her needy a great deal of the time. Speaking of which, I asked you here today because that is exactly what’s in store for her this evening, and I thought you might like to view the proceedings.’

  ‘I would be delighted, dear fellow. I’m most flattered. As a matter of fact, anticipating such an invitation I have brought something with me. You may find it quite effective.’

  ‘Really? How very decent of you. Please, Oliver, I am most intrigued.’

  Chadwick lifted the small case onto his lap, opened it, produced a beautiful riding crop and handed it to Lord Michael.

  ‘Oh, how very handsome,’ the recipient said sincerely as he turned it reverently in his hands, for it truly was a fine example of a master craftsman’s work. The tip splayed into a number of leather strips, each one knotted at the very end.

  ‘Custom made,’ Chadwick announced proudly. ‘Doesn’t cut the skin or leave marks, but it carries a considerable sting which fair takes the breath away and quite some time to ease.’

  ‘Oliver, this is indeed perfect for this evening’s session,’ Lord Michael said appreciatively. ‘Elizabeth was quite misbehaved at times today. And whilst I gave her a few good smacks
earlier, she has to learn that she will not be let off so easily if she persists in letting her standards slip. This is just the ticket, thank you, dear chap.’

  Chadwick was elated; he was to see the employment of his favourite instrument of discipline on the cheeks of a delicious young lady – the very same young lady he had lusted after so recently on the train without ever imagining his secret fantasy involving her would ever actually come true.

  ‘There’s just one problem,’ Lord Michael said, furrowing his brow. ‘Whilst it will afford me great pleasure to share this evening with a gentleman so obviously a connoisseur of the art of discipline, I don’t think Elizabeth is quite up to an audience just yet, so at the risk of offending my guest, I will have to ask you to observe in secret.’

  Chadwick nodded his understanding.

  ‘Elizabeth is blindfolded, waiting upstairs on the bed,’ Lord Michael explained, ‘and as my welcome guest you may sit quite comfortably and watch the proceedings. But before we venture further,’ he continued, a glint in his eye, ‘if you would give me your contact information in London, I’m sure other opportunities will arise, and as the girl accepts her submissive station over time I am sure you will be able to partake in her training in due course.’

  Oliver Chadwick reached into his breast pocket and withdrew his card. He handed it to Lord Michael, an ebullient smile on his face. ‘Any time, sir,’ he said knowingly. ‘I would be honoured to assist and offer any experiences that may be beneficial to you in the girl’s training at any time you think appropriate.’

  Lord Michael placed the card in his pocket, and then carrying the crop, showed Chadwick up the stairs.

  When they entered the bedroom even the host caught his breath. Elizabeth looked positively breathtaking. Her naked and supine body was bathed in the warm, flickering firelight, legs parted as she’d been previously told to remain, bound hands on her tummy, blindfolded, her nipples pert and her curly bush glistening from her hunger.


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