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Elizabeth's Education (Forbidden Lust)

Page 16

by Carpenter, Maggie

  By the third night she was almost in tears from her frustrated state, and during the forth, as she finished her dinner, she wondered how she would be able to get through another night of anguish. It was only one more night, she told herself as she sipped her wine. Just one more night.

  ‘Elizabeth,’ he said, startling her out of her reverie, ‘I am very pleased with you. You have accepted this period of punishment with fortitude, constraint, and good grace. I am greatly encouraged.’

  Elizabeth almost sobbed with joy, her hand trembling as she gracefully put down her wine glass. Her heart began to race and she felt her face flush.

  ‘I am seriously considering, offering you the opportunity to go through an initiation,’ he added.

  An initiation? What could he mean? She looked at him quizzically but she did not speak, for he had not asked a question nor given her permission to do so.

  ‘An initiation to prove your worthiness,’ he elaborated, anticipating her need for more information. ‘Perhaps I should become your master, after all,’ he pondered.

  A little squeal escaped her lips and she looked at him beseechingly. How she longed to serve him, completely and utterly. What was it he had said? He could only be her master if she wanted it utterly.

  ‘You have one last night of your punishment, Elizabeth,’ he continued. ‘We shall see how you cope with that, and then I’ll decide how we proceed from there.’

  She wondered why he questioned her ability to cope with another night like the previous few. With such news for inspiration she could endure much more if necessary. She smiled at him, hoping to show him she would not let him down.

  ‘Now go upstairs, take off your dress and wait for me,’ he ordered. ‘I want you kneeling in front of my armchair by the fireplace, with your hands behind your back.’

  Filled with optimism, fighting the desire to throw her arms around his neck and give him a huge kiss, she dashed quickly upstairs, undressed, and positioned herself as he had instructed. She thought he would keep her waiting for quite some time, but he didn’t. He was there just moments after she had settled.

  He sat in the chair, facing her, his legs languidly parted, his polished shoes by her calves. Without a word he reached out and felt between her thighs, and moved his finger in her wetness to her clit, and within seconds she was panting with need.

  ‘You’ve been aroused all week, Elizabeth,’ he remarked, lifting his glistening fingers from between her legs to her breasts. She sighed deeply as he touched her nipples; it seemed so long since she’d felt his hand there. He caressed and kneaded them, and she moaned with pleasure.

  ‘Would you like to go through the initiation, Elizabeth?’ he asked. ‘Would you like to see if you have the will and desire to call me your master?’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she replied.

  ‘How badly?’

  ‘Oh very, very badly, sir,’ she stressed.

  He lowered his fingers back between her legs. ‘How can you prove that to me?’ he probed, teasing her.

  She was almost overcome with desire, finding it difficult to think straight, let alone talk coherently. ‘However you wish me to, sir,’ she vowed.

  He stood up abruptly and pulled the bell cord hanging next to the fire breast.

  What was he doing? She looked up, puzzled, but then immediately remembered her place and lowered her eyes respectfully. She’d find out soon enough.

  A few minutes passed and Elizabeth was feeling increasingly nervous. Whatever he threw at her, she vowed, she would meet with courage.

  Eventually there was a knock on the door and Nancy entered. Elizabeth blushed, and though she desperately wanted to cover her nakedness, she remained obediently as she was.

  ‘Ah, good, Nancy,’ he said. ‘Come closer. I want you to touch Elizabeth intimately. Let’s see if you can bring her to the brink for me.’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ Nancy replied, without batting an eye.

  Elizabeth was utterly aghast. She looked frantically up at him, but he calmly stared back at her, daring her to rebel.

  Nancy knelt beside the distraught girl.

  ‘What was it you were saying, Elizabeth,’ he pressed, ‘about wanting to prove your desire to partake of the initiation?’

  ‘Oh I do, sir,’ she responded hastily, breathlessly, her voice quavering.

  Nancy, ignoring the dialogue, touched Elizabeth’s sensitive bud, and it took all Elizabeth’s self-control not to recoil. She had never even thought about another female touching her and flushed with the intensity of her shame, but she forced herself to stay completely still.

  ‘Elizabeth, you are much too tense,’ he gently chided her. ‘Take a deep breath and relax. Nancy’s not going to harm you. Just feel and savour her touch, in the same way you feel and savour my touch.’

  Obediently she filled her lungs and closed her eyes, willing to follow any instructions that may ease her way through such a shameful ordeal. She would pretend it was his skilful touch.

  ‘No, Elizabeth,’ he said astutely, ‘eyes open. No pretending it’s me touching you. That’s cheating, and you’re not allowed to cheat, are you?’

  ‘No, sir,’ she gasped shamefully, amazed at his ability to see right through her.

  ‘Look at Nancy’s hand touching you, and relish it,’ he ordered.

  Taking another deep breath Elizabeth did as he said, and despite her anxiety, felt herself surrendering to the knowing, feminine touch.

  Nancy’s intimate contact felt different to his. It was light and danced between her lips like butterfly wings, and in her frustrated state it didn’t take long before she was swooning again. This time when she closed her eyes it was not to block out Nancy’s touch, but to savour it more acutely.

  As she reached her edge, her condition betrayed by a tiny cry and rapid breathing, Nancy removed her fingers but remained kneeling, waiting for further orders from the scrutinising male.

  ‘Very good indeed,’ he said approvingly.

  Elizabeth sighed in deep frustration, but she was secretly thrilled. She had pleased him, and once more he had proven to be right. She wanted Nancy to touch her again – very much.

  ‘Nancy, remove your blouse and lift your skirt to your waist,’ he said.

  Elizabeth, eyes downcast, felt a delicious stirring deep inside. It was a sensual curiosity, and suddenly she badly wanted to see Nancy’s breasts, almost as much as she wanted Nancy’s fingers back between her legs.

  ‘Excellent,’ he said, continuing to conduct proceedings. ‘Now look up, Elizabeth, and admire Nancy’s pretty breasts.’

  Elizabeth did look up, just as Lord Michael reached forward and pinched Nancy’s nipples. The servant’s eyelids fluttered and she let out a little sigh.

  ‘Aren’t Nancy’s breasts lovely, Elizabeth?’ he mused, almost to himself.

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she answered sincerely.

  ‘They’re a lovely size and shape, aren’t they?’ he continued, as he held and caressed them. ‘So much of them to enjoy, and such a wonderful texture.’

  Elizabeth yearned to do just that.

  ‘Wouldn’t you just love to touch them, my dear?’ He moved one hand from Nancy’s breasts to Elizabeth’s, and caressed them both in unison.

  Elizabeth was sure she would faint with pleasure. ‘Y-yes, sir,’ she managed, her lips suddenly dry with excitement, and as he continued to fondle her she found it increasingly difficult not to do exactly that.

  ‘Nancy, ask Elizabeth to stroke your breasts.’

  ‘Very good, sir,’ Nancy mumbled, turning to the spellbound girl beside her.

  ‘Miss Elizabeth, would you please stroke my breasts?’ she whispered, and taking a deep breath, the girl tentatively reached up and experimentally touched the housemaid’s erect nipples.

  Nancy let out a fluttering sigh, and encouraged, Elizabeth moved her hand over the full, plump mound. Lord Michael’s fingers were lightly pinching Elizabeth’s nipples, so she followed his lead and did the same to her.

  Nancy be
gan moaning and Elizabeth grew in confidence, coaxed by Lord Michael’s caresses, her own simmering desires, and Nancy’s alarming but delicious response to her.

  ‘That’s enough,’ Lord Michael suddenly announced, and Elizabeth, truly disappointed the moment was over, lowered her hand.

  ‘If you’re very good, Elizabeth, you’ll have many more opportunities to avail yourself of Nancy’s luscious body,’ he told her, and she looked up at him. Her eyes were alive with her unspent passion, but there was something else there as well – an excitement, a curiosity, a desire to explore and experience more. Lord Michael was very pleased; he had taken her another stage closer.

  ‘You may go, Nancy,’ he told the servant. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Thank you, sir,’ she replied dreamily, and without another word she stood up, straightening her clothes as she left the room.

  ‘No doubt her fingers will be dancing between her legs in five minutes,’ he chuckled. ‘You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Elizabeth? To finally have that release?’

  ‘Yes sir,’ she said humbly, frankly. ‘I would like that, it is true.’

  ‘But I have said you must wait,’ he went on, ‘and wait you must. I cannot go back on that, now can I?’

  ‘No, sir,’ she replied, knowing he was right.

  ‘And if I did you’d be disappointed, wouldn’t you?’

  She pondered his question, and concluded that he was right. It was odd, but he was exactly right. She nodded. ‘Yes, sir,’ she acknowledged. ‘I don’t quite understand it, but yes, I would be disappointed.’

  ‘Good, it pleases me to hear you say so. Now crawl to your blanket, and tomorrow morning you shall have your moment.’

  On her hands and knees, her pussy wet, her breasts still warm from his long awaited touch, she crept submissively across the room. Lord Michael watched her delicious bottom as she did so, and moving behind her, gave her a sharp smack on both cheeks. Not hard enough to sting terribly, but enough for her to feel his hand smartly.

  ‘A little something to send you to bed with,’ he said, satisfied. It was far too tempting a target to just let slip by.

  Bottom tingling from his hand, frustrated but happy, she settled under her blanket, and fell asleep to thoughts of Nancy’s beautiful breasts, and of whatever awaited her on the morrow.

  When Elizabeth awoke Lord Michael was sitting on the edge of the bed, looming over her, feet firmly planted apart on the carpet, his very stiff penis in his fist.

  ‘Pull your blanket aside, spread your legs and touch yourself,’ he ordered, and transfixed by his fleshy column she immediately did as he ordered and moved her hand between her legs.

  ‘Show me your fingers,’ he instructed. ‘Still nice and wet,’ he observed, ‘good. Now stand up and bend over the bed next to me.’

  Excited, she rose from the floor and positioned herself as he demanded, next to him, her bottom by his ruddy face. He ran his hand over the smoothly taut cheeks, the stripes just showing the first hints of fading. He raised his hand and spanked her, bringing a bright pink blush to the skin.

  ‘Your bottom should always be red from my hand, and your cunt wet for my cock,’ he announced with a crudity that surprised, shocked and thrilled her.

  He fingered between her legs, his little spanking sending sparks through her loins, his exploring touch electrifying her pussy.

  ‘Next time you feel a need to be disciplined, what will you do, my dear?’ he asked, removing his hand. He stood up behind her, and placed his manhood at her wet entrance.

  ‘Tell you, sir,’ she gasped, feeling his bulbous knob probing against her.

  ‘That’s right. You’ll tell me, and I’ll decide what method of punishment you’ll receive.’

  With that he spanked her again, several times, until she was wriggling salaciously and her bottom was nicely scarlet. Then grabbing her hips he penetrated her to the hilt with one long thrust. She cried out, burying her face in the soft mattress. He felt incredible inside her and she pushed back against him, wanting more.

  He fucked her aggressively, fuelled by the passion that had been building in him all week. She wasn’t the only one who was in need, and as she attempted to tell him she couldn’t control herself, that her moment was nigh, he burst inside her, pumping frantically, and she let out a shriek as a powerful, long awaited orgasm surged through her bent body.

  She felt she was bursting into a thousand pieces, so strong were her convulsions. Even after he had become flaccid inside her she continued to spasm, until finally, completely exhausted and totally spent, she collapsed on the enveloping bed.

  Chapter 13

  The following two days were the happiest Elizabeth had ever known. Her trunk arrived during her punishment period, and Nancy had taken care of her clothes, pressing and hanging them in the guest room.

  And it was just as well, for she needed her wardrobe. During the day, while Lord Michael worked, she wandered the shops and lunched with some friends who resided in the city at some very nice cafés. At night Lord Michael took her to dinner, the theatre, even the ballet. Elizabeth behaved admirably, and he rewarded her with light spankings that spread tantalising heat through her nether regions. He also tied her up and made love to her morning and night. He was affectionate and kind, though he remained admirably strict at all times.

  Elizabeth, however, could not stop thinking about the promised initiation, despite her ongoing mood of contentment. One evening she had just sat down in the sitting room after dinner, wondering if he was planning on taking her out again, when he entered and she looked up at him expectantly.

  ‘So, Elizabeth,’ he said, ‘you’ve had a rather splendid time of it over the last couple of days.’

  ‘I have, sir,’ she agreed. ‘Thank you so much. It’s been marvellous.’

  ‘It is clear you’ve fully recovered from your punishment.’

  ‘I have, sir. Though I’ll never forget it.’

  ‘Exactly as it should be. I think it did you the world of good. The cane can be very convincing, along with all other elements of well structured discipline.’

  She blushed, for the memory of the cane sent a chill down her spine. In truth it had hurt terribly. ‘Yes, sir, I was deserving of every strike. I know that, sir.’

  ‘Yes, you were indeed,’ he agreed, sat down next to her, took her hands in his, and ordered her to her knees, causing her heart to skip a beat.

  ‘Now then, have you given any more thought to your proposed initiation?’ he asked.

  ‘I didn’t need to, sir. There’s nothing I wish for more, than to call you my master.’

  He nodded and pondered her words. ‘Very well, we shall begin tonight. We will be going out, but you need not change your clothes. Just take off all your undergarments, then gather your coat and meet me at the front door.’

  Pulse racing, Elizabeth did as he said, and soon they were stepping out into the cool night air. She felt wicked, being out in the streets of London wearing only a dress over her naked body. The carriage was awaiting them, and as it pulled away she suddenly found herself over his knee, wriggling wildly as he spanked her with considerable force.

  ‘I have to make sure you behave yourself tonight, and do exactly as I tell you, Elizabeth,’ he said.

  ‘I will, sir,’ she cried. ‘I promise.’

  ‘Then you can start by being quiet.’

  ‘Yes sir,’ she said contritely, accepting the short but sound spanking with fortitude.

  He eased her off his lap, made her kneel on the floor of the covered carriage, dress up around her hips, red bottom facing him. She could feel the cold air on her burning, naked flesh, and in the passing streetlamps he could see her sex lips were moist and glistening. Running his hands over the scorched flesh of her buttocks he touched between her lips, found her gratifyingly wet, then pulled her skirt down and helped her sit up next to him. Her face was flushed, her eyes sparkling.

  He studied her for a moment, and then cupping her delectable chin in his hands, ki
ssed her affectionately on the lips, a firm but tender kiss that made her toes curl. The discipline and the unexpectedly passionate kiss made her head spin, and she sank into him, surrendering. He silently applauded himself; she was now in the perfect state, both physically and emotionally.

  The remainder of the short journey was spent in silence, but by the time the cab came to a halt she was in quite a state.

  She looked out the window and found they had stopped in front of a rather unimpressive brownstone. As he stepped down and then helped her out she wondered where on earth they were. At a friend’s house?

  When they reached the front door he knocked three times, waited, and then knocked three times again. The door creaked open, and she heard the muted sound of laughter and music coming from within. The woman who welcomed them was wearing a rather revealing dress, at least as far as Elizabeth was concerned, but Lord Michael didn’t seem to notice.

  ‘Everything is prepared for you, Lord Michael,’ the woman said obsequiously, ushering them inside. ‘Please, do come this way.’

  Nervously clutching Lord Michael’s hand, Elizabeth found herself being led down a narrow hallway, carpeted in rich burgundy, the walls adorned with erotic paintings of nudes that made her blush and try to avert her eyes.

  The woman showed them into a small but tastefully furnished room, complete with chilled champagne, but the odd thing was – at least Elizabeth thought it odd – there was an armless chair sitting by itself, right in the centre of the floor.

  Lord Michael said something to the woman, who turned and left them alone. He then guided Elizabeth to the sofa that squatted against one wall, and without further ado he proceeded to unbutton the front of her dress, pulling it down off her smooth shoulders, leaving her naked from the waist up.

  Overcome with his sudden attention she leaned back, closing her eyes, and felt his lips and tongue teasing her nipples and licking her cleavage. She felt his hand pulling up her skirt, and shuddered as his fingers found their way between her pussy lips, teasing her clit again. She was losing herself in the moment, when abruptly he sat up, grabbed her by the hand, and lifted her to her feet. The dress fell from her body and she gasped as he moved her quickly to the chair in the centre of the tiny room, ordering her to sit down and place her hands behind her.


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