Moon Mark

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Moon Mark Page 12

by Scarlett Dawn

  One side of his lips lifted in a rare smirk, his dark eyes watching my reaction.

  Too bad my own gaze took a wander to that mouth of his. His lips were so lush I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to kiss them, to run my tongue over them and taste. To wipe that smirk away as I nibbled and…

  I squirmed in my chair, aware of the wetness in my undergarment, and pulled the sheets on the table closer to me. “So I was looking over what the council members said today…” I trailed off as he leaned closer, his right shoulder directly next to my face as he reached in front of me and moved my coffee cup to the side so he could see the papers better. I cleared my throat and pretended like his scent and warmth weren’t turning me on further. “Um, so the council members said the Imperial household has moved to a different location. If it truly is your mission to eradicate them, you can start there. I could even make an explosive weapon to help you enter the facility—”

  The rebellion leader yawed, interrupting me. “I’ve already talked with Corza about this. She agrees that your expertise could help on this mission. Though you won’t be going inside the building. I won’t take that chance with your life.”

  My brows puckered. “Okay.” I lifted one paper and read the location. “Their hideout is relatively hidden. There’s only one large province near it. We should be able to—”

  “Yes, I know,” he murmured, again stopping me. He leaned forward and placed a long finger on the bottom location—Bol province. The soothing scent of coconut oil in the heat of the sun surrounded me…and stirred my lower region to clench even further. Sweat began to bead on my forehead. “We’ll enter through here, depending on the manpower I can raise by tomorrow.” He ran his finger to the other provinces in a smooth glide, ticking them off. “Then we’ll work our way east, removing any lingering radical groups remaining. With enough men, I should be able to plan multiple surprise attacks on those groups.”

  I grunted, eyeing the paper and reviewing his plan. “That’s a decent plan since it was the last province you overtook. There will be more Dynasty supporters left there compared to any other province.” I nibbled on my bottom lip. “But what about me? I will need to work in one location to create what you’ll need.”

  “You’ll work at a site twenty clicks from here before you meet up with the group. It should take two weeks to complete the march to the Imperial family if I leave tomorrow. Will that give you enough time?”

  I nodded. “Yes, that’s plenty of time, granted you have the materials I need.”

  “Currency talks. Luckily, I have plenty of that.”

  “Enough to create a bomb.” This would be over soon. Peace could begin.

  I chuckled and peered to the side, up at his eyes.

  I stopped solid.

  The black of his eyes had dilated, and his cheeks were tinged with the slightest flush on his tan face. His nostrils were flared as he stared down at me, inhaling deeply.

  I gulped and shook my head, my voice husky. In need. “You can’t look at me that way.”

  A white brow lifted. “Then quit getting turned on in my presence.” He inhaled again and leaned closer in slow increments. “Your smell drives me just as mad as mine does for you.”

  My head shook again. “You said you didn’t want to have sex with me again!”

  “That’s not exactly what I said if you had listened.” He dipped his head down, and his lips found purchase on my tender neck. “You should pay attention when I speak to you.”

  I moaned, his teeth nibbling up to my left earlobe. “I really can’t do this with you again.”

  “I’m positive your body is saying otherwise.” He growled softly against my ear. “I don’t want this any more than you do. You’re not a full-blooded Kireg, and you’re mind is weak against attacks.”

  It came out a sigh. “Then stop.”

  He chuckled, the noise cruel. “But my body is saying otherwise, too.” His teeth nipped my earlobe hard, and I groaned. He liked that, having me susceptible to his charms, his mouth curving against my flesh. “Fuck it. You are my mate. One more time before I leave will be good for battle.”

  I sucked in a large breath when his hands found my ass. He picked me straight up off the chair, my legs holding around his waist. He shoved my back roughly against the glass and pressed a hand to it. He typed in code with fast fingers and the glass tinted gray, the doors latching in a locked position.

  “This is probably not the best place for this,” I muttered, even as I wrangled my skirt up to my waist. Then my fingers were busy undoing his belt and unzipping his pants, too lost to care when his lips found my jaw, his right hand palming my left breast over my shirt. My flesh fit his palm so damn well, creating an even more painful ache between my thighs.

  “We won’t be here long. We’ll make it quick before we head to my room,” he rumbled, assuming I would sleep in his bed again. Which I might. The bed had been very comfortable. The rebellion leader nibbled closer to my mouth. I panted hard when his lips hovered over mine, tantalizing as he teased. “The glass will hold us too. It’s bomb proof.”

  I chuckled softly. “That’s a relief.”

  I waited with my hands on his pants, just waiting for his mouth to touch mine.

  A brow quirked, his voice scratchy with need. “You’re going to hold out until I kiss your mouth?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” I hummed. I ran a finger along the waistband of his undergarment. It was my turn to tease him. I peered at his dark eyes under my lashes. “Can you do it? Can you kiss a Human?”

  He growled, “I can sure as fuck rip that soaked underwear off you.”

  I tilted my head forward, just enough to show him I would meet him half way.

  He snarled quietly deep inside his chest. “Fuck you.”

  And his mouth landed on mine.

  It wasn’t soft or gentle or sweet. His mouth took mine in an angry burst of ferocity, his lush lips demanding my total attention. I had never been taken by a kiss like this, my head swimming as I groaned in satisfaction. He tilted his head further as I melted against him, his tongue demanding entry. My nails dug into his hips as our tongues collided, warring with each other in complete abandon. His right hand lifted, and he ran his fingers through my hair, holding my head steady for his assault on my mouth. The heated air from his lungs puffed over my cheeks as he tilted his head the other way, his mouth diving back against mine.

  He took. He plundered.

  I was afraid he would take a piece of my mortality if he continued.

  I tipped my head back and nipped at his lush bottom lip. My panting breath was maybe a little embarrassing as I followed his mouth once more, uncaring the price it cost me, just as long as I had his lips to give me what I needed. His groan was guttural when our tongues touched again, the fisted hold he had on my hair tightening.

  He hissed against my mouth, “Is this what you want, Hybrid?”

  “God yes,” I moaned and dug my fingers into his flesh.

  He chuckled quietly, an all-male satisfied tone. But he didn’t stop, and he was done teasing. The rebellion leader pressed my body harder against the glass and took my mouth all over again, kissing and nibbling at his own pace, his muscular warmth flush on my soft curves. He took his time to completely examine my moans, to scrutinize my responses to his sensual assault. The man was undoing me. He was learning me as I was learning him. The king moaned every time I rubbed my tongue on his in a slow glide; his hips ground against mine every time I nipped his bottom lip. It was fucking heaven.

  Corza had said to open my heart. And I did so—a little—as he took me… body and mind.

  It wasn’t as frightening as I thought it was going to be.

  I was safe in his arms. And he was safe in mine.

  But the rebellion leader did steal something that night. It was a small piece of soul, a turning point to understanding this was where I belonged. When he eventually carried me to his room, his cheek pressed against my forehead, I pressed against him. Because
I wanted him near. I wanted this Kireg to keep me in his arms. I was changing, adapting. Perhaps Jasmine hadn’t been wrong after all.

  I blinked sleepy eyes down at the man who had woken me, his muscular frame resting lower between my spread legs. The softness of his tongue tracing circles on my bare stomach sent a splendid shiver up my spine. I hummed gently in appreciation.

  Through the fall of his white hair, his formidable eyes peered up at me. His pink tongue peeked back out as he watched me, and he traced a circle just below my belly button. His eyes flicked back and forth between mine, a gradual grin rising on his lips of satisfaction. The deep rumble of his voice was quiet. “Good morning.”

  My lips twitched as I glanced at the clock. “It’s not even four o’clock yet.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” He kissed my left hipbone.

  “No.” I stretched under him, raising my hands above my head and arching my back. A pinch of pain between my legs had me stiffening and my brows puckering. I settled back on the bed, my eyes drifting down to the rebellion leader. His hands were on my hips, and his teeth were nibbling up my right side—not softly. Any other day—or morning—I wouldn’t have minded, but today, I worried my bottom lip with my teeth. With my brows still furrowed, I hesitated a few seconds, deciding. Then I whispered, “Geo?”

  He ran his tongue over my skin. His purple eyes lifted and met mine. “Hmm?”

  My cheeks were rosy red and burning with heat. I had nibbled on my bottom lip before I spewed, “I’m a little tender…down there. I’m fairly positive we shouldn’t have sex this morning. I want to be able to walk today without a limp.”

  His lips left my skin, and his eyes lowered to my stomach. He lifted to straighten his arms, staring down at my lower section. The juncture of my thighs. His white brows pinched together while he considered what I said. Until he crawled up my body. Muscled legs lay between mine, keeping my legs spread while he placed his weight on his elbows on either side of my head. His brutal features hovered over mine, his lashes hiding his full gaze.

  He answered softly, “I know I’m much stronger than you. But I can be gentler if that’s what you need.”

  My eyelashes fluttered when I understood. “Wait. You didn’t hurt me last night. That’s not it.” I shook my head and then tentatively placed my hand on his left cheek. I brushed my thumb back and forth. It was…nice…touching him like this. “I enjoy rough sex. In fact, I love it. Just, every so often, I get a little sore.”

  His brows furrowed again, and his biceps flexed. He ground his teeth together and stared severely into my eyes. Then his forehead suddenly dropped to my right shoulder. His groan wasn’t of pleasure.

  Eventually, he mumbled in disappointment, “So no sex? Really?”

  Keeping my hilarity at bay was difficult. I bit my bottom lip so deeply I nearly drew blood, and I patted the back of his head, his face still smashed against my shoulder. I wiggled my hips in an experiment and ignored the hiss that passed his lips from the movement against his hard cock. The bite of pain wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t completely enjoyable either. My chest raised and lowered as I sighed.

  “If you can be gentle like you said, then we can still have some fun this morning.”

  His head shot up off my shoulder, and his purple eyes held mine. “Are you positive?”

  I snorted in an attempt to hold back my laughter. “Yes.”

  His eyes narrowed. “This isn’t funny.” He wiggled his own hips against mine, lightly pressing his stiff dick against my tender flesh. “My balls would have been aching later if we didn’t take care of this.”

  I retorted, “And, if you’re rough, then I will be aching later.”

  “I’ll keep it tempered,” he assured precisely and brought his face close to mine. The heat from his breath on my face was a small pleasure. He brushed his lips against mine, the softness of his mouth a balm for the uncomfortableness between my legs. He kissed me again and smiled against my lips when I pressed my mouth harder to his. “Though it may prove difficult if you don’t behave.”

  I closed my eyes and tilted my head, wrapping my arms around his shoulders to keep him close. I shivered as his hard chest touched mine, the warmth delicious, and I ran my lips against his softly. “I’ll behave. I promise.”

  He chuckled quietly and rotated his wrists so he could hold my head in a controlling stroke. “From all accounts, behaving hasn’t been your specialty.”

  “Shh,” I hushed. And pressed my lips to his again and tightened my grip around him. “Quit calling out my lies, Kireg, and just kiss me.”

  He growled, “With pleasure.”

  His lips. My lips. Our tongues.

  It was the most seductive and delicate kiss I had ever encountered.

  I moaned softly against his mouth and ran the bottom of my right foot up the back of his left leg. His coarse hairs tickled my sensitive flesh. The flex of his leg had my toes digging into his calf. His fingers in my hair held me steady for his erotic assault on my mouth, and his own groan of desire stirred a fire deep in my gut, wetting my core. With my arms hugging him close, I ran my fingers over his flexing back muscles, his hot skin smooth beneath the pads of my fingers.

  Against my lips, he groaned my name quietly.

  It was a sound I was beginning to adore. Yes…adore.

  I arched and pressed my breasts against his chest more firmly, the soft pressure against my swollen flesh delightful. “This was such a good idea.”

  His shoulders shook under my arms as he snickered and brushed his lips against mine. The rebellion leader stalled a second later, his head shooting back. The flush of arousal was bold on his tan cheeks, and his lips were parted as he caught his breath.

  But he wasn’t looking at me. He was staring at the headboard above my head.

  His eyes suddenly flashed in danger. A predator staring out.

  I froze underneath him, my arms stable around his shoulders.

  He hissed in a deadly whisper, “Hunters are here.”

  My brows slammed together, and I jerked my arms away from him. This wasn’t the time to be underneath the soon-to-be king. With much speed, I was out from beneath him and standing next to the bed. I skittered back a step when he snarled in fury, not pleased with my getaway. I held my hands up in the air, my palms out toward him. “No offense, but you look like you could kill someone right now. And we have more issues to worry about, like being kidnapped by the hunters again.”

  Geo shoved off the bed and towered over me, a flash of concern reflecting in his purple eyes before it vanished. Only fury took its place. But I could still see he was worried. Possibly even scared by the narrowing of his eyes. He bent and shoved his face right in front of mine, and growled, “There will be no ‘we’ where the hunters are concerned. They are coming for me. Not you. You need to hide in my bathroom while I take care of this.”

  I sucked in a harsh breath. He was protecting me again. It wasn’t anything I generally minded, but as I stared into his purple gaze, it hit me hard. I didn’t want him taken away. I wanted him next to me, safe and happy. “We will handle the hunters. You can protect me against their mind hold, and I can shoot a gun with accuracy. We will take care of this.” I glared. “Together.”

  He grabbed my chin in a brutal hold. “You choose now to fall for me?”

  My eyes flicked between his, but I held perfectly still. I didn’t flinch as I told the truth. “You’ve been growing on me. It wasn’t immediate.”

  His nostrils flared, and his hold on my chin gentled. “You aren’t entirely awful, either.”

  I grinned in his face. “So you’re falling for me, too.”

  The rebellion leader repeated my words. “You’ve been growing on me.” He inhaled heavily and cupped my cheeks. “Listen to me. I won’t let them harm you. They won’t take my mate.”

  I blinked rapidly, my eyes stinging with unexpected tears. “I know.” My own nostrils flared. “I’ll help you as much as I can.” I pulled my face from his grip and sped
around his room, opening random drawers. I tossed clothes at him and grabbed a random shirt and a pair of his sweatpants for myself. I started dressing in a rush, mumbling, “My guns….my guns.” I thought a second as I pulled the sweatpants up, the material far too long on my legs and too wide around the stomach. “They’re next to the couch, I think.”

  Geo dressed just as quickly. He opened his nightstand drawer and drew out the guns I already knew were there from my snooping. “Prepare yourself. There are more than a few.”

  “Of course.” It was never simple.

  I shoved the shirt over my head and ran to the couch. “How much longer?”

  “They’re close.” King Jordan typed code into a safe on his wall. It opened instantly.

  I blinked as he slammed his hand against the back of it over a white sensor. A red horizontal line scanned down the screen, evaluating his handprint. When the screen flashed white, and a digital set of black numbers appeared, and he typed in code again.

  My entire body flinched as a blaring jarred overhead—and the alarm sounded.

  Then the blue lights were flashing in great annoyance from ‘fire detectors.’

  “I hate that shit,” I mumbled. But I aimed at the door.

  Geo whispered, “Three… Two…”

  His solid wooden door slammed open and crashed against the wall.

  I zeroed in, focusing on any exposed flesh I could see outside of their tactical body armor.

  Their throats. I began shooting in rapid succession. So did the rebellion leader.

  I groaned when our bullets ran out. But the people stomping over the dead bodies didn’t.

  I jerked my guns up when Geo launched himself at the intruders. I ducked behind his couch, scanning his room for any type of weapon. The snarling and ripping of body limbs were gruesome behind me as I stopped to stare at a coat rack. It was metal and long with only two hooks on it. That I could definitely use.

  I dropped my useless guns on the ground and dove across the floor, rolling on the carpeting as freaking darts barely missed my stomach and right leg. I grabbed the coat hanger, swiftly pivoted, and brought the metal down on one assailant’s throat. My grin was sadistic as he garbled to breathe through his own crushed esophagus.


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