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Three Page 5

by Twyla Turner

  “So Simone, if you don’t mind me asking what other nationality are you mixed with? You’re definitely not full-blooded Native American.” Xander asked curiously, while Jackson looked on equally interested.

  “My father was black.” Simone said in between bites.

  “Hmm…a lovely combination, especially where you’re concerned.” Jackson smiled approvingly.

  “Why is it that you two find me so attractive when others have not? Were you dropped on your heads as children? Because I seriously don’t get it.” Simone said truly baffled by all the attention from the gorgeous men.

  “We know a beautiful woman when we see her. But we see in the movies, TV and social media, what is considered beautiful down in the lower forty-eight. And women like that can’t make it up here. Like we said before, you have to have meat on your bones to survive Alaskan winters.” Jackson said.

  “And you can’t look like you just stepped out of the salon or a fashion show. Heels, makeup and fancy clothes don’t work up here. So we’ve spent a lifetime seeing women for who and what they really are. How beautiful you look without all the camouflage.” Xander added as Jackson nodded his agreement.

  “We just see you, Simone.” Jackson said her name quietly, almost seductively.

  “Oh,” was Simone’s only response. The men had left her speechless.

  “Are you satisfied now? Are we now free to compliment you and be attracted to you without you biting our heads off?” Xander teased her.

  “Uh…well…I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m just not used to men saying such things to me.” Simone blew out a huge breath. “You guys talk like you’re twins or like you’re one person or something. It’s weird.” Simone blurted out.

  “Hahahaha!” Both men laughed.

  “You have no idea sweetheart.” Xander winked at her, in his usual playful way.

  Simone had no idea what their reaction or that statement meant. So she just shrugged it off as some other aspect of dating and men that she didn’t know about or pretend to understand.

  “So, how are you feeling, Simone? Any aches and pains yet?” Jackson asked after Simone shifted trying to stretch her aching muscles without them noticing. Apparently I’m Captain Obvious.

  “I’m a little sore, but I’m okay. I can keep going.” Simone said putting up a brave front.

  To be honest, my hips are aching from balancing on the sled. My shoulders and arms are throbbing from trying to hold on. But other than that, I’m peachy. Simone said to herself, but not willing to admit that she couldn’t handle it. They had about two more hours to go and she didn’t want to look weak or incapable in front of the strong sturdy men. I can hang with the boys, just you wait and see.

  “I know you can do it. Plus, we’ve got a surprise for you at the lodge that will help you later too.” Xander smiled at her.

  “Okay…thanks.” Simone said uncertainly.


  Jackson watched Simone appreciatively as he followed behind her sled. The mostly dark sky couldn’t hide that form. Good lord, that ass and those hips can make a man parched! How in the hell did no guy notice those particular attributes before us? Or was she just too blind and focused on her studies to notice?

  He was pretty sure that it was the latter, because there was no earthly reason otherwise and he was sure of it. But she’s noticing now. Jackson smiled to himself. He knew when a woman was attracted to them, and Simone definitely was. They just needed to make sure they approached her in the right way.

  She was shy but spirited, and Jackson adored that about her. She was smart and goal-oriented, and had no thoughts of finding a man to take care of her, which made him want to take care of her all the more. For the first time in maybe ever, Jackson looked forward to the future.

  He had been afraid to want or have his own family again, but now he was able to see it. As unconventional as his idea of family was, the meaning was still there and meant no less. And he was starting to want it really badly with the beautiful woman in front of him and his best friend.

  Jackson could tell that this first novice run was wearing on Simone. She kept trying to adjust her position, to find a more comfortable stance. They only had about thirty minutes left before they got to Northern Lights Lodge. So Jackson pushed the dogs harder to catch up with Simone’s sled, just to keep her company and distract her from her aches.

  “Hey stranger, come here often?” Jackson joked as he pulled up alongside of her, trying a classic cheesy Xander approach to make her laugh.

  “Huh? Oh, you sound like Xander…though that kind of stuff sounds better coming out of his mouth, and barely even then.” Simone said seriously.

  “Ow, burn!” Jackson said impressed.

  “Ha! Psych!” Simone laughed at his shocked face. “You guys aren’t the only ones with jokes and surprises. I have a sense of humor too.” Simone smiled shyly at him, as he stared down at her intently. Her smile faltered a little. “You stare a lot don’t you?” Must I really say nearly everything I’m thinking?

  “You’re just stunning and I can’t stop staring at you.” Jackson said seriously.


  “So, we’ve only got about a half hour left before we get to the other lodge. Do you have enough energy in you to make it a little longer? Otherwise, I can attach your dogs to my sled and you can ride with me.” Jackson offered.

  “Oh no, I can make it. If I’ve made it this far, I can go another couple of minutes.” Simone said firmly.

  “I’m impressed. Most girls from the lower forty-eight would be complaining or passed out by now.” Jackson said.

  “Well, I’m not like most girls.” Simone shot back.

  “There’s no doubt about that.” Jackson said still shocked by her determination.

  “Plus, not all girls in the ‘lower forty-eight’ as you call it are spoiled brats. There are quite a few of us that have had to work hard. They just don’t happen to make a trip to Alaska, either from lack of interest or funds. Now if you had made the effort to go down there, maybe you would’ve been able to meet the tougher girls, and could’ve brought one of them back with you.” Simone said logically.

  “Well, maybe I was just waiting for the right one to make her way up here.” Jackson fired back, looking at her with meaning.

  “Oh. Well…uh…ah…I…um…oh nevermind!” Simone finally gave up trying to find a clever comeback.

  Jackson just threw his head back and laughed at her discomfort. “You are a breath of fresh air, Ms. Staton. One minute, your sharp tongue cuts like a knife and the next minute, you’re all tongue tied. It’s adorable.” Jackson smiled down at her.

  “I’m glad you find me amusing.” Simone said a little disgruntled.

  “Oh, don’t be mad. You just keep me on my toes, and I like it.” Jackson tried to pacify her.

  “Uh, huh,” was Simone’s only response. “Oh look! I see light up ahead!” Simone pointed in excitement.

  “Good. Then we’re here. I’m sure you’ll definitely be ready for your surprise at this point.” Jackson said, noticing Simone’s shoulders slump in relief and fatigue.

  “Whatever the surprise is, if it involves relaxing for a little bit, I’ll be overjoyed.” Simone replied. “God, how are the dogs still going like it’s nothing?” Simone said with wonder.

  “They’re used to it. They can go all day and night.” Jackson said as they neared the lodge and Xander slowed his team to let them catch up to him.

  “Hey guys! Ready to call it a day?” Xander shouted over to them, all smiles.



  Simone tried to keep the desperation out of her voice, but Jackson could hear it. And as they pulled up to the lodge, Jackson noticed her body slump slightly and knew what would happen once she let go of the sled. Jackson instinctively jumped off of his sled towards Simone, and caught her around the waist in mid-faceplant.

  “Whoa.” Xander exclaimed as he too jumped off his sled towards them.

bsp; “I’m okay. I’m okay. I just didn’t realize that my knees were going to give out on me.” Simone said trying to break free of Jackson’s hold.

  “Are you sure?” Jackson said, as he slowly released her.

  “Yeah, I got it.” Simone said, standing up straight.

  “Well I was going to say that we could eat lunch before the surprise, but I think you need it first.” Xander said with concern.

  “Well what’s the surprise and I’ll tell you for sure?” Simone said looking over tiredly at Xander.

  “We have a full-body massage planned for you.” Xander told her.

  “Massage, please. I’m hungry, but that can wait.” Simone said without hesitation.

  “I figured as much.” Xander chuckled. “Come on, let’s head in.”

  Both men stepped to either side of her to walk her into the lodge, sandwiching her once again.

  “Hey boys!” Rachel, the lodge owner shouted out as they came through the door.

  Rachel was a short round feisty older woman, who ran her lodge like a well-oiled machine. Xander and Jackson loved her like a favorite aunt. She had given Xander advice and guidance often when he was first starting his lodge. And they regularly found themselves getting dating advice from the cantankerous woman as well. She was a permanent fixture in their lives, and they wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “Hey, Rachel!” Xander shouted back. “How’s our favorite lady doing?”

  “Oh, I’m alive and kickin’.” She replied as she walked up to them to receive her customary hugs and kisses on the cheek from the two large men. “So, who’s this adorable creature you have with you today?” Rachel said, looking intently at Simone as she blushed profusely.

  “This is Simone Staton. She’s an RN from Washington. She’s gonna be here for a few weeks to meet her mother’s family.” Xander introduced.

  “Simone, this little spitfire is Rachel Thomas. She owns this lodge and runs it like a drill sergeant.” Jackson teased, as the two women shook hands.

  “Oh hush. You’re not too old to be put over my knee, young man.” Rachel warned.

  “Yes ma’am.” Jackson grinned down at her, not afraid of her empty threat.

  “So are the pups out front?” Rachel asked Xander.

  “Yeah.” Xander answered.

  “Well I’ll get some of the staff to come out and put them in the kennel.” Rachel said as the very staff she had mentioned that were hovering nearby, sprang into action.

  “We can come out and help in a minute. We just wanted to make sure that we setup a full-body massage for Simone. It was her first sled run and she did a wonderful job, but it was longer than most novice runs and she’s tired and needs to relax.” Xander told the older woman.

  “Sure, I’ll get her situated. You just leave it to me. She’ll be in good hands.” Rachel said, putting her hand on Simone’s back and guiding her out of the foyer.

  The men looked on with big grins on their faces, knowing that Rachel could be a big help in their plans to get Simone to agree to a relationship with them. Rachel looked back, catching them staring, and gave them a knowing smile.


  Rachel led Simone down a hall lined with different rooms with different types of spa treatments. The sounds of soothing water and low relaxing music reached Simone’s ears. The atmosphere was very calming and relaxing.

  “So just strip down and put on this robe and I’ll take you to the room you’ll get massaged in.” Rachel said leading Simone into a posh changing room and handing her a white fluffy robe.

  “Totally naked?” Simone whispered.

  “Of course, honey. Haven’t you ever gotten a massage before?” Rachel looked at Simone curiously.

  “No, ma’am. Never had the money for one before.” Simone said truthfully.

  “Oh well then, you are in for a treat. My masseurs are the best in the region. Xander tries to steal them from me, but they’re loyal. I told him that he can have them when I’m cold and dead in the ground, but until then, don’t even think about it or I’ll have your balls in a vice.” Rachel smiled deviously, as Simone giggled.

  “Wow, I bet you keep Xander in line.” Simone said amused at Rachel’s gruffness.

  “Hell, I keep both of them in line. Two peas in a pod, those two.” Rachel grinned at the thought of the men. “You have a lot of work cut out for you with those two, but it’ll be worth it. If only I was younger…” Rachel said shaking her head.

  “What do you mean? They’re just helping me find my mother’s tribe.” Simone denied.

  “If you believe that you’re either blind or dense, honey. Those two couldn’t keep their eyes off of you. I noticed the moment you walked through my front door.” Rachel said, looking at Simone like she was an idiot.

  “I’m neither blind nor dense. I just don’t have any experience with men. I don’t understand them and don’t pretend to.” Simone said in a huff.

  “Good, you’re shy buy feisty. You’ll keep them on their toes and won’t let them completely walk all over you.” Rachel grinned happily.

  “Why do you keep saying them? It’s either one or the other, and I have absolutely no idea how I would ever choose between the two. So it’s best if I choose neither and just stick to finding my family.” Simone said matter-of-factly.

  “Ha! We’ll see about that. But I’m not gonna explain things to you, that’s their job.” Rachel wisely stated, keeping the boys’ secret, knowing they must not want it shared if they hadn’t told the girl yet. “So would you prefer a woman or a man masseur?” Rachel asked, changing subjects.

  “A woman, please.” Simone replied, still trying to figure out what Rachel meant.

  “Damn, I was hoping you’d say a man. There’s nothing like a little jealousy to keep a man on his toes. But I have a great female masseuse for you. I’ll let her know and make sure the room is ready for you while you change. Oh, and take down your hair. Part of the full body massage is a to-die-for head and scalp massage.” Rachel said walking out of the changing room so Simone could have some privacy while changing.

  Once Simone had stripped down, put on the comfy robe and taken down her braids, she stepped out into the hallway where Rachel was waiting to take her to the right room. They walked down a couple doors and Rachel opened the door to the room where Simone would be getting her massage.

  The large room had the same rich brown wood that made up the whole lodge. It was decorated in calming shades of blue, tan and brown. A babbling water fountain was in the corner and soothing music was playing from cleverly hidden speakers. The atmosphere alone was making Simone relaxed enough to pass out. The only thing that kept her slightly tense was the fact that there were three padded tables setup side-by-side. Oh God, please don’t let the guys get a massage at the same time as me!

  “Gretchen will be in in just a second. Go ahead and take off the robe and lay down on your stomach on the table.” Rachel instructed, as Simone looked at her with trepidation. “Don’t worry, I won’t look, just lay down.” Rachel said holding up a giant towel to Simone’s body as she turned her head away.

  “Okay.” Simone said blushing.

  She took off the robe and Rachel held up the towel to her, covering her naked form. Simone laid down on the middle table that Rachel had pointed to, as the older woman covered her lower half with the towel.

  “Now just relax. You’re in for a treat young lady.” Rachel said before she left the room.


  “That child is about as innocent as a newborn baby. You two would do good not to scare her half to death with your…charms.” Rachel said with a raised brow, looking Jackson and Xander up and down in just towels wrapped around their waists, as they stood outside of the door to the massage room. “You two are a whole lot of man individually, but combined you’d scare a seasoned prostitute half to death! Just take care.” Rachel warned before opening the door for them.

  The men just quietly chuckled at the older woman, before they entered. Both inhaled s
harply at the sight of Simone’s oiled naked back and narrow waist that the tall blonde masseuse was in the process of working on. Simone’s insanely luscious hips and ass were barely concealed by the towel. And her jet black wavy hair also slick with oils from a deep scalp massage, spilled over the side, practically touching the floor.

  They both adjusted their towels, in a poor attempt to cover their arousal. Gretchen looked up at them when she realized they were in the room. Her eyes widen perceptively at their ‘situations’ barely hidden behind their towels, and she grinned knowingly. Both men actually blushed at being caught with their proverbial pants down around their ankles.

  Xander took the table to the right of Simone and Jackson took the one on the left. Both took a moment to adjust themselves comfortably on the tables. But they were finding that it wasn’t easy to lay on their stomachs with massive erections. And just when they thought they had their passions under control, Gretchen must have hit a good spot on Simone’s back, because she moaned passionately in the back of her throat. And both men quickly glanced at her and grimaced in pain. They looked at each other, empathizing with the other nonverbally.

  “Oh my God Gretchen, thank you so much. I was already tense when I got on the dogsled, but by the time I got off my muscles were screaming at me. You’re hands are like a miracle. Am I allowed to tip you?” Simone said in between groans of ecstasy.

  “We’ll take care of the tip.” Jackson said to Simone, startling her.

  Simone quickly scrambled up on her elbows at the sound of Jackson’s voice. Swiping her hair out of her face, she realized that she was naked and likely giving him a show and just as quickly flopped back down on the table and then covered her face in mortification. Jackson caught a quick glimpse of the side of her pert breast and a dark brown nipple before she dropped back down. The peek was enough to make him weep inside with need.

  “What are you doing in here?” Simone said through her fingers that covered her face.


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