by John Dickie
Australia, ’ndrangheta in, 641, 648
Avanti! (newspaper), 169
Avellone, Leonardo, 162–163
Badalamenti, Gaetano (Tano), 391, 413, 415, 440, 449, 462, 463, 464, 537
Badolato, Francesca, 327
Bagarella, Leoluca, 464, 478, 602–603, 605
Ballinari, Luigi, 419
Banda della Magliana, 489–491, 553
Banditry, 288, 289–290, 300. See also Musolino, Giuseppe (King of Aspromonte)
Banking crisis of 1890s, 157–158, 160–161
Bank of Naples, 397
Bank of Sicily, 159, 160, 161, 163, 170, 177
Barbaro, Domenico, 520, 521, 522
Bardellino, Antonio, 543–545, 548–549, 586, 634, 638
Bardonecchia, 368–370
Barone, Michele, 239
Barra, Pasquale (the Student; the Animal), 454, 517–518, 522
Barra clan, 617–618
Basile, Emanuele, 503–504
Basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, 590
The Beati Paoli (Linares), 102–104
Bellocco, Umberto, 492
Bentham, Jeremy, 535
Berlusconi, Silvio, 421–422, 428, 593, 594–595, 596, 631
Big John (ship), 638
Binaggio, Charles, 321
Bi-polarism, 596
41-bis (Clause 41a), 591, 592
Biundi, Giuseppe, 73
Black economy, 621
Black Hand, 199
Black market, 278–281, 317
Blood oaths, xxxv, 236, 252, 263, 311
Blood of a Camorrista (play), 101
Bologna, Notarbartolo murder trial, 176–177
Bonanno, Joe (Bananas), 382
Bonanno Family, 435–436, 447–448
Bontate, Francesco Paolo, 387
Bontate, Giovanni, 465
Bontate, Stefano (Prince of Villagrazia), 391, 413, 415, 449, 462, 463, 464, 469, 490, 528, 556, 583
Bontate group, 391
Bontatel, Stefano, 465–466
Bordonaro, Lucio Tasca, 273
Borghese, Junio Valerio, 404–405, 406
Borgnine, Ernest, 318
Borsellino, Paolo, 65, 66, 504, 505, 528, 531, 532, 534, 537, 560–564, 571, 643
eulogy for Falcone, 577–578
maxi-trial and, 551, 552, 554, 559
murder of, 578–579, 581, 582, 589, 590, 591, 592
Borsellino, Salvatore, 591
Bossi, Umberto, 596
The Boss of Camorra (play), 101
in Naples, 5–6, 16, 19–20, 21–23, 25, 29, 32, 42
in Sicily, 49–50, 55–56
Bova, 129, 130, 132
Bowles, Paul, 376
BR. See Red Brigades
Bresci, Gaetano, 158
Il brigante Musolino (film), 309
Brotherhood of Favara, 89
Brusca, Giovanni (the Pig), 603–604, 612
Buffalo herdsmen, 230–231
Bulawayo Chronicle (newspaper), 213
Buscetta, Tommaso, 65, 382, 390, 392, 525–526, 529, 530–531, 535–536, 552–553, 556–557, 559, 560, 583
Buscetta theorem, 529–530, 536, 551, 566, 570, 571
Bush, George W., 645
Business, mafias and, 347, 360, 424, 547–549
concrete, 361–372
waste-management, 626, 627–632
See also Construction industry
Caccia, Bruno, 370
Cacciatori, 659
Cacciola, Maria Concetta, 649–650
Calabria, 117–119
Africo, 120, 127–141, 144, 145–146, 240
AMGOT in, 274–276
anti-mafia campaigns in, 231–234, 237–241, 266–269
co-management in, 124
earthquake and reconstruction of, 200
economic crisis in, 138–139
fragmentation of, 140
mafia of (see ’Ndrangheta [Calabrian mafia]; Piccioterria [Lads with Attitude])
Marzano Operation, 335, 336–345
New Organised Camorra (see Nuova Camorra Organizzata [NCO])
Plain of Gioia Tauro, 121–126
post-war neglect of, 308–309
Reggio Calabria (city), 118, 119, 120, 121, 200, 239, 354, 395, 401, 405–407, 424
Reggio Calabria (province), xxxiii, xliii, 119, 153, 334–335, 401–402, 427, 430, 549–550
stereotypes of, 113–114, 137–138, 151–152
Calderone, Antonino, 409, 411, 414, 415, 563
Calderone, Pippo, 392, 414, 465
Calì cartel, 638
Callea, Bruno, 133, 140
Callea, Domenico, 128–131, 132, 135, 137
Callea, Giuseppe, 140
Calò, Pippo, 553–554, 558, 566
Calvi, Roberto, 449
Cambridge History of China, 435
Il Cammorista (film), 479–480
The Camorra (Monnier), 27
Camorra (Neapolitan/Campanian mafia), xl, xlv, 6, 13, 125
Allied Liberation and, 281
anti-mafia campaigns against, 584–586
Christian Democrats and, 585
code book, 9
collapse of original, 310–312
co-management and, 16–17
contemporary, 617–626
Cosa Nostra and, 388–392, 477–478
courts, 10–11
crackdown on, 35–46
Cuocolo trial, 187–188, 189–196, 214–220
decision-making power and role of, 39
dramas about, 310–311
dress code, 12–13
drug trafficking and, 620, 623
Duisberg massacre, xxxiii, xxxiv–xxxv, 136, 644–645
emigrating to America, 197–200
enforced residence, 45–46
exploitation of political weakness, 548–549
extortion and, 17–18
fascism’s anti-mafia campaign and, 231–234
folklore about, 101–102
foundation myth of, xxv–xxvi
fragmentation of, 545–546
Garibaldean rule and, 32–34
Gomorrah, 633–636, 644
grey zone, 657–659
hackney-cab-drivers’ strike and, 111–112
‘high,’ 184–188
hunt for fugitive, 615
initiation rituals, 100, 215, 623
kidnappings and, 416
kinship and, 624
legacy of Cuocolo trial for, 214–220
link between urban and rural, 354
loan sharking and, 195–196, 203
‘low,’ 185
in Mazzoni, 229–233
meaning of term, xxx
membership fee, 128, 236
modernisation of Naples and, 217–218
myth of good camorrista, 228
NCO (see Nuova Camorra Organizzata [NCO])
’ndrangheta and, 400
NF (see Nuova Famiglia [NF])
organisation of, xl–xli, 38–39, 623–624
origin of, 3–6, 7–14, 39–40
penitents, 585
picciotteria and, 125–126
plays about, 99–101
police and, 25–31
political activity by, 19, 187
popular image of, 99–102
post-earthquake reconstruction and, 200, 481–482, 483–484, 486–487
post–World War I, 235–238
prisons and, 3–6, 7–14, 112–114
public attention to, 643–644
publicity and, 474, 476
in Puglia, 493
re-emergence of, 312–313
in straw-yellow gloves, 194–195
tattoos, 95–97, 98, 113
transsexual (femminielli), 625
wars, 462, 471–478
waste-management industry and, 626, 627–632
women and, 76–77, 624–625
See also Mafia organisations
AMGOT in, 276–281
camorra of
(see Camorra [Neapolitan/Campanian mafia]; Nuova Camorra Organizzata [NCO]; Nuova Famiglia [NF])
conflict with Nuova Famiglia, 542–545
Cosa Nostra in, 387, 388–389, 545
earthquake, 480, 481–482
garbage crisis, 627–629
Genovese in, 255–256
geography of the underworld in, 617–626
Gomorrah, 633–636, 644
post-earthquake reconstruction in, 481–482, 483–484, 486–487
Terra di Lavoro, 625–626, 631–632
Cosa Nostra in, 445–447
’ndrangheta in, 550, 641
Cantone, Raffaele, 636
Capaci massacre, 575–576
Capezzuti, Erminio, 209, 214, 217
Capizzi, Benedetto, 612, 613
Capocrimine, xliii
Capo di tutti i capi, xlii, xliii
Capomandamento, xlii
Capone, Al, 379
Caponnetto, Antonino, 528, 552, 563
Cappuccio, Ciccio (Little Lord Frankie), 108–110, 125, 281, 311, 455
Capua, Antonio, 340
Caputo, Antonio, 278
Caputo, Giuseppe, 278
Capuzza, Paolo, 575
Cacciatori, 659
Cuocolo case and, 190–196, 209–211, 213–214
fight against banditry, 300
fight against Red Brigades, 506
torture allegations against, 252–253
Car bombs, 383–384
Carnevale, Corrado, 570–571
Caruana, Alfonso, 638
Caruana, Leonardo, 468
Caruanas, 446–449
Casal di Principe, 634
Casale, Alberto, 112, 183, 185
Casalesi, 634, 635
Cascio-Ferro, Vito, 198
Casella, Angela, 587
Casella, Cesare, 587
Caselli, Gian Carlo, 582, 594, 602
Casillo, Enzo (Blacky), 484, 487–488
Cassarà, Ninni, 532–533
Cassina, Luciano, 412
Domenicantonio, 327, 329, 332
Castagna, Serafino (Monster of Presinaci), 327–334, 345
Castellammarese War, 463
Castello del Carmine, 3–5, 13
Castel Molo, 70–72
Sigismondo, 3–6, 7–14, 25, 42, 283
Catalano, Agostino, 578
Catalano, Domenico, 341–343
Catalano, Giovanni, 215–216
Catania, 465
Catholic Church, 537–539, 584, 590
Cattle rustling, 131
Cava clan, 625
Cavataio, Michele, 390–391
Celadon, Carlo, 419, 420–421
Cervantes, Miguel de, 40
Cervello, Gaspare, 575
Charcoal Burners (Carbonari), 41–42, 49, 50
Chiaiano, 630
Chief cudgel (capobastone), xxxviii, xliv, 136, 268, 396, 427, 646, 647
Chilà, Giuseppe, xxxvi
China, opium trade, 434–435
Chinnici, Rocco, 528, 537
Cholera, 106
Christian Democrats (DC), 288
anti-mafia campaign (Marzano Operation), 335, 336–345
camorra and, 585
Cirillo affair and, 483, 486
Cosa Nostra and, 301–303, 383, 384, 512–513, 538, 568, 655
demise of, 580–581
end of Cold War and, 567, 568
Fund for the South and, 363
Naples and, 316–317
’ndrangheta and, 341–343
party-ocracy, 546–547
‘Christmas train bomb,’ 553–554
Church of San Giorgio, 590
Ciaculli massacre, 384, 385
Ciancimino, Vito, 363, 365, 411, 655
Ciano, Galeazzo, 256
Ciaramitaro, Antonino, 467
Cigarettes. See Tobacco smuggling
Cirella, 247–254
Cirillo, Ciro, 482–487
The City Stands Trial (film), 312
Civil courts, 658–659
Clause 41a, 591, 592
Cocaine trafficking, ’ndrangheta and, xxxiii, 637–642
Coded jargon, 126
Colajanni, Napoleone, 177–178
Cold War, 538, 567–568, 595, 659
Colombo package, 407–408, 429
Communist Party/communists, 288, 289, 301, 383, 503, 538, 546, 595
criticism of Marzano Operation, 344–345
end of Cold War and, 567–568
La Torre and, 507–508, 509, 510, 511
mafias vs., 299–300
Compagna, Francesco, 354
Comparatico, 75
Conca d’Oro, 52, 261, 364
Concrete business, mafias and, 361–372
Confesercenti, 614
Confindustria, 614, 615
Consigliere, xli
Conso, Giovanni, 592
Construction industry, mafias and, 360, 372
camorra and, 547–549
concrete business, 361–372
’ndrangheta and, 368–370
Contorno, Totuccio, 467, 469, 529, 552
Contrada, Bruno, 583
Coppola, Agostino, 412–413
Coppola, Francis Ford, 294, 381
Coppola, Frank (Three Fingers), 367, 412, 518
Corbo, Angelo, 575
Corino, Mario, 368–369
Corleo, Luigi, 414–415
Corleone, 411, 462, 510
Corleone Family, 391
Corleonesi, 411–415, 490, 553
Bardellino and, 543–544
Riina and (see Riina, Totò [Shorty])
Second Mafia War and, 463–469
Correntisti, 314–316, 319, 354
Corriere della Sera (newspaper), 158, 179, 339, 428, 562
Corriere di Napoli (newspaper), 147
Corsican heroin trade, 437
Corso dei Mille Family, 603
Cosa Nostra: A History of the Sicilian Mafia (Dickie), xxix
Cosa Nostra (Sicilian mafia), xxix–xxx
AMGOT and, 271–274
anti-mafia campaigns against, 499–506, 512–516, 527–534, 536, 601–616, 652–654
camorra and, 388–392, 477–478
in Campania, 387, 388–389, 545
Catholic Church and, 584
Christian Democrats and, 301–303, 383, 384, 512–513, 538, 568, 655
coded dialogue, 64
control over criminals, 654
drug trafficking and, 638–639
emigration to America, 197–199
eminent corpses, 501–505
extortion and, 613–615, 653
factions within, 462–465
First Mafia War, 383–385
forced resettlement and, 386–387
governing bodies, 382–383
grey zone, 655–657
heroin trafficking and, 435–438, 440–444
illusion of nonexistence/benignity of, 57–62
initiation ritual, xxxix–xl, 63–64, 65, 68
investigations of, 65–66, 69–72, 74–76, 78–90, 163, 164–168
Italian finance and, 496, 552
kidnapping and, 409–415, 416
longevity of, 652–657
Magliana Band and, 490
maxi-trial, 551–559, 566
media portrayals of, 380–381
’ndrangheta and, 400, 426–427
Notarbartolo affair, 159–163, 169–173, 176–177, 178, 180–181
Nuova Camorra Organizzata and, 470, 471–472
as official name, 380
organisation of, xli–xlii, 262–263
origin of, 51–56
outposts, 494
Palermo Commission, 382, 391, 398, 402, 413–414, 551, 611, 612, 652
penitents, 525–526, 563, 583–584, 591–592, 605, 608
politics/politicians and, 61–62, 218, 592–593, 655–656
post-war transition i
n, 288–290
prostitution and, 77
in Puglia, 493
pursuit of fugitives, 601–607, 608–613, 615–616
The Region, 413–414
resumption following Ciaculli bomb hiatus, 390–391
revival after World War II, 257
‘Rights and Duties,’ 610–611
rulebook, 80
Sangiorgi trial, 173–176
Second Mafia War, 462
as single organisation, 65–67
submersion strategy, 604–605, 606, 608
tobacco smuggling and, 388, 389–390, 391–392
triumvirate, 391, 402, 413
use of marriage in, 75–76, 166
vendetta, 72–76, 77–79, 81, 88
war on the state, 571, 581, 588, 589–594, 601, 604, 609
women and, 76, 77, 88
See also Mafia organisations
Cosentino, Nicola, 631
Cosenza, Vincenzo, 175, 180
Cosina, Walter Eddie, 578
Costa, Gaetano, 504
Costanza, Maurizio, 590
Costello, Frank (Francesco Castiglia), 321, 322
Craxi, Bettino, 593
Cricelli, Francesco, 334
The Crime (the Province), xliii–xliv, 308, 646–651
Crispi, Francesco, 157, 162, 163
Cuccaro, Angelo, 617
Cuffaro, Giuseppe (Pino), 445–446, 447
Cuffaro, Salvatore, 655–656
Cuntrera, Gaspare, 582
Cuntrera, Liborio, 447
Cuntrera, Paolo, 582
Cuntrera, Pasquale, 447, 582
Cuntrera-Caruana clan, 447–448, 468, 582, 638
Cuntreras clan, 446–449
Cuocolo, Gennaro, 189–196, 204, 219–220
Cuocolo case, 187–188, 189–196, 199, 202–220, 312
Cuomo, Maria Grazia, 585
Cusimano, Giovanni (Darky), 70–72, 73–74, 75, 77, 78–79, 81, 165
Cutinelli, Maria, 189, 191, 193, 194, 196
Cutolo, Raffaele (the Professor), 450–458, 534, 619
Alfieri and, 544
Barra and, 518
Cirillo affair and, 483–484, 485–486, 487–488
Cosa Nostra and, 470–472
film about, 479–480
Galasso and, 584
Magliana Band and, 490–491
Nuovo Camorra Pugliese, 491–492
Nuovo Famiglia and, 471, 472–474
operating outside Campania, 494
Pandico and, 521
Tortora and, 524
See also Nuova Camorra Organizzata (NCO)
Cutolo, Roberto, 486
Cutolo, Rosetta, 452, 624
D’Agostino, Emanuele, 467
D’Agostino, Nicola, 344–345
Daily Express (newspaper), 180
D’Alessandro, Giuseppe (Aversa Joe), 19–20, 23, 42
Dalla Chiesa, Carlo Alberto, 507, 508–516, 527, 528, 537, 538, 556, 561, 563, 566, 582
Dalla Chiesa, Nando, 516
Dalla Chiesa, Romano, 508–509
Dalla Chiesa, Romolo, 508
DC. See Christian Democrats (DC)
DDAs. See Direzioni Distrettuali Antimafia (DDAs)
De André, Fabrizio, 409
de Crescenzo, Marianna (la Sangiovannara), 22–23, 29–30, 32, 33, 35