by John Dickie
coverage of Kefauver hearings, 321–323
coverage of maxi-trial, 551
mafia and, 178–180
See also specific newspapers
Mele, Ferdinando, 42–43
Meli, Antonino, 563–564
Melville, Herman, 27
Merolle, Pasquale, 33
Il Messaggero (newspaper), 417, 489
Messina, Giuseppe, 365
Messina, Leonardo, 428–429
Messina, Salvatore, 366–367
Messina Denaro, Matteo, 652–653
Miceli, Salvatore, 639
Miceli, Turi, 53–56, 74, 76, 261
Michele ‘the Town Crier,’ 31
Milan, 169–173, 415, 590
Mincione, Giovanni, 548
Minichini, Edoardo, 100, 101
Mohamed V, 376
Monarchists, 316–317
Mondragone, 630–631
Monnezza scandal, 628–629
Monnier, Marc, 26–31, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40–41, 43–45, 76, 108
Montalto, Gian Giacomo Ciaccio, 527
Montalto summit, 393–394
Montana, Beppe, 531–532, 601–602, 607
Monte Pellegrino, 364
Montesi, Wilma, 312
Montinaro, Antonio, 575–576
Moravia, Alberto, 466
Morena, Carlo, 67, 68, 86, 87–88, 90
Mori, Cesare (the Iron Prefect), 224, 226–227, 257–260, 262–265, 512
AMGOT and, 271, 273
Mori Operation, 224–227, 257–260, 262, 265
Morning Post (newspaper), 173
Moro, Aldo, 423, 483, 510, 513
Morvillo, Francesca, 565, 575
Movies, 293
about NCO, 479–480
Il brigante Musolino, 309
Il Cammorista, 479–480
The City Stands Trial, 312
Delitto a Posillipo, 355
The Godfather, 294, 379, 381, 479
Ieri, oggi, domani (Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow), 374–376, 392
The King of Poggioreale, 318
mafia, 291–301
Le mani sulla città (Hands Over the City), 361–362
In the Name of the Law (In nome della legge), 291–301, 589
Mozzarella cheese production, 230–231
Muccardo, Concetta, 374–375, 392
Banda della Magliana, 489–491
camorra, 462, 464, 471–478, 542–544, 620, 644–645
Cosa Nostra, 384, 462, 465–469, 501–505, 513–514, 575–576, 578–579, 590, 616
mafia-related, 582, 616
NCO, 471, 479–480
’ndrangheta, 408, 430–432, 549–550
NF, 471, 487–488, 542–544
Puglian, 493
Red Brigades, 423, 482, 483, 485, 506
terrorist, 405
Musolino, Anna, 148, 245
Musolino, Antonio, 198–199, 308
Musolino, Giuseppe (King of Aspromonte), 141, 142–153, 243, 245, 305–309
Musolino, Ippolita, 245, 246
Musolino, Joe, 641
Musolino, Vincenza, 245
Mussolini, Alessandra, 355
Mussolini, Benito, 223, 234, 248, 256, 261, 265, 270, 283, 309, 643
Ascension Day speech, 220, 225–226, 231–232, 233, 237
Mori Operation and, 224–227
Mussolini, Vittorio, 318
Mutolo, Gaspare (Mr Champagne), 439–440, 441–444, 448–449, 467, 478, 494, 528, 583
Muzzopapa, Concetta, 245
Myths, foundation, xxv–xxvi, 125–126
black market, 278–281, 317
camorra in, 620–623
co-management of crime in, 15–20, 25–31
construction boom and, 361–362
Cosa Nostra in, 494
forced resettlement and, 387
Forcella, 281, 315, 474, 477, 620–621, 622
fruit and vegetable market in, 346–349, 352–354
garbage crisis, 627–628, 629, 630, 633
Garibaldean rule in, 32–34, 35
guides to camorra, 97
Honoured Society and modernisation of, 217–218
myth of Musolino in, 147
original Honoured Society of, 125
as political battleground, 316–317
postwar organised crime in, 310–319
post–World War II, 276–281
prostitution in, 76–77
Sangiorgi in, 107–112
slack society, 105–114
stereotypes of, 313–314
tobacco smuggling in, 374–377, 388, 389–390, 391–392
See also Camorra (Neapolitan/Campanian mafia); Kingdom of Naples
Napoleon, 5
Napoli, Rosario, 260
Narcotic Control Act (US), 435
Narcotics. See Drug trafficking
Navarra, Giuseppe, 317–319
Navarra, Michele, 411
Navigazione Generale Italiana (NGI), 160, 162, 166, 177
Nazzari, Amedeo, 309
NCO. See Nuova Camorra Organizzata (NCO)
’Ndrangheta (Calabrian mafia)
anti-mafia campaign against, 266–269, 335–345, 586–588, 645–651
in Bardonecchia, 368–370
beginnings of, 120–126
camorra and, 400
in Canada, 550, 641
Castagna and, 330–334
changes in coordination among, 401–402
cocaine trafficking, 637–642
conflict within, 549–550
Cosa Nostra and, 400, 426–427
the Crime (the Province), 646–651
Cutolo and, 453
emergence of, 138–140
fascism’s campaign against, 266–269
Festival of the Madonna at Polsi and, 136–137, 268–269, 337–338
First ’Ndrangheta War, 408, 430–432
foundation myth, xxv–xxvi, 125–126
grandees and, 307–308
grey zone, 657–659
hunt for fugitive, 615
initiation rituals, xxxv–xl, 646
international presence of, xxxiv, 641
kidnapping and, 409, 416–422
kinship and, 243–244, 246, 253, 648–649
Magliana Band and, 490
Mamma Santissima, 427–429, 432–433
meaning of the term, xxx, 129
membership fee, 128
naming of, 338–339
in northern Italy, 367, 368–370
oath, xxxviii
organisation of, xlii–xlv, 147, 399
outposts, 494–496
overview of, xxxiii–xxxv
penitents, 587
prostitution and, 650
in Puglia, 493
raid on annual meeting and trial of attendees, 393, 394–400
rituals and, 126, 330–331, 333, 495
Rossi’s reports on early, 145–146
Sacred United Crown and, 492–493
Salerno-Reggio Calabria and, 371–372
Scopelliti murder, 570
Second ’Ndrangheta War, 549–550
status levels/ranks, 427–429
ties to politicians, 340–343, 344
triumvirate, 401–402
urban, 424–426
urban uprising in Reggio Calabria and, 405–408
women and, 244–254, 648–650
See also Mafia organisations; Picciotteria (Lads with Attitude)
Neo-Fascists, 404, 406, 595
Neo-melodic singers, 644
Neorealism, 293
Neri, Pino, 648
Ness, Eliot, 379
Networking, mafias and, 360
New York Times (newspaper), 187, 199, 205, 209, 225, 466, 551
NF. See Nuova Famiglia (NF)
NGI. See Navigazione Generale Italiana (NGI)
Niceforo, Alfredo, 95
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 238
Nirta, Peppe, 395
bsp; Nisticò, Vittorio, 534
Nixon, Richard, 437, 440
Nola, 229, 255, 278, 353–354, 544, 549
Nord e Sud (magazine), 354
Northern League, 568, 595
Notarbartolo, Leopoldo, 161–163, 169–170, 172–173, 175, 176–177, 181
Notarbartolo case, 159–163, 169–173, 176–177, 178, 180–181
Notarbartolo di San Givanni, Emanuele, 159–160, 161, 162, 177, 186
Noto, Domenico, 235–237, 245–246
Noto, Francesco, 166–167, 174
Noto, Pietro, 166–167, 174
Novella, Carmelo, 648
Nughis, Luisa, 352
Nuova Camorra Organizzata (NCO), 450, 452–454, 456–458, 634
Cirillo affair and, 483–488
Cosa Nostra and, 470, 471–472
decline of, 542–544
film about, 479–480
investigation of, 518
Magliana Band and, 490–491
Nuova Famiglia vs., 471–478
Nuovo Camorra Pugliese, 491–492
penitents, 517–518
Poggioreale prison murders, 479–480
Tortora and, 520–525
trial against, 532
Nuova Famiglia (NF), 471–478, 480
Casillo murder, 487–488
Galasso and, 584–585
internecine struggle within, 542–545
Nuova Sacra Corona Unita, 493
Nuovo Camorra Pugliese, 491–492
Nuvoletta, Angelo, 477–478
Nuvoletta, Ciro, 477–478, 542
Nuvoletta, Gaetano, 477–478
Nuvoletta, Lorenzo, 471, 477–478, 543, 544
Nuvoletta brothers, 389, 477–478, 542–544
Nuvoletta clan, 542–545, 549
Observer (newspaper), 551
O’Dwyer, William, 322
Office of Strategic Services (OSS), 273–274
‘Old Bridge’ operation, 611
Omertà (umiltà), xxxiii, xxviii, xxx–xxxi, 67, 175–176, 190, 215, 227, 260, 530
Operation Avalanche, 270
Operation Cassiopea, 631–632
Operation Crime, xliii, 646–651
Operation Perseus, 611–613, 643, 652, 654
Opium, 434–435. See also Heroin
Oppedisano, Domenico, xliii, 136, 646–647
L’Ora (newspaper), 178, 179, 180, 537
Order Sons of Italy in America, 379
Organisational structure
camorra, xl–xli, 38–39, 623–624
Cosa Nostra, xli–xlii, 262–263
’ndrangheta, xlii–xlv, 147, 427–429
picciotteria, 124
Orlando, Antonio, 352
Orlando, Gaetano, 352, 477
Orlando, Leoluca, 536–537, 562, 565–566
Oronzo, Romano, 492–493
Orsi, Michele, 631
OSS. See Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Ottaviano, 457–458
Pafundi, Donato, 385
Palermo, xlii, 51–52, 159, 161, 218, 265, 401
anti-mafia pool, 65, 528–529
anti-mafia sentiment in, 536–544, 580
anti-racket movement, 614–615, 653
Commission, 382, 391, 398, 402, 413–414, 471, 478, 551, 611, 612, 652
construction boom and (‘sack of Palermo’), 361, 362–367
Della Chiesa and, 509, 511–516
First Mafia War, 383–385
as Floriopolis, 166–168
La Torre and, 507–508, 509, 511–512
mafia civil war, 165
mafia infiltration of police in, 72
mafia violence in, 462–465
maxi-trial, 534, 540–541, 546–547, 551–559, 563, 566, 570
prostitution in, 76–77
revolt of 1866, 54, 58
Sangiorgi mafia trial, 173–176
Palizzolo, Raffaele, 159–160, 161, 168, 170–173, 175, 176–177, 179, 180, 185, 186
Palmi, 121–126, 131, 145, 354
Palombini, Giovanni, 420
Pandico, Giovanni, 520–522, 524, 525
Pannunzi, Roberto (Bebè), 639
Paola, Pasquale, 485
Pappalardo, Salvatore, 538–539
Parliamentary investigations, 384, 385–386, 393, 437, 462, 484, 486, 488, 509, 547–548, 643
Partanna-Mondello Family, 440, 443
Partinico Family, 412–413
Partito Comunista Italiano. See Communist Party/communists
Partito Nazionale Fascista, 224, 241. See also Fascism
Party-ocracy, 546–547
Pascoli, Giovanni, 151
Pasolini, Pier Paolo, 625–626
Passo di Rigano Family, 449
Pasta manufacturers and millers, 278
Patronage, 184–185, 303, 334
Patron saint days, mafias and, 617–618
Pazienza, Francesco, 484, 486
Peci, Patrizio, 505, 506, 510–511
Peci, Roberto, 506
Pelloux, Luigi, 163, 169, 172, 173, 175, 178, 182
Penitents, 505–506, 510–511, 517–518
camorra, 585
Cosa Nostra, 525–526, 529–531, 552–558, 560, 563, 583–584, 591–592, 605, 608
’ndrangheta, 587
Petrolo, Pasquale, 328
Petrosino, Adelina, 198
Petrosino, Giuseppe (Joe), 198–199, 200, 308
Piana dei Colli, 70–72, 165, 260–262, 363–364
Pianura, 547–548
Piccioterria (Lads with Attitude), 119–120
All Saints bagpipe party, 127–133
AMGOT and, 274–276
camorra and, 125–126
as constellation of gangs, 131
emigrating to America, 197–200
fascist campaign against, 231–234, 237–241
Giuseppe Musolino, 141, 142–153
growth of, 282, 283
initiation ritual, 124
judicial leniency and, 240–241
kinship and, 243–244, 253
lack of state interest in, 137–138
Madonna of Polsi and, 135–137
mass arrests of, 148
Maviglia murder and, 132–135
organisation of, 124
origins of, 122–126
as part of ruling class, 200–201
pimping and prostitution and, 244, 245–246
post–World War I, 235–238
prosecution of, 140–141
reason for emergence of, 138–140
tattoos, 124
See also Camorra (Neapolitan/Campanian mafia)
Picciotti de sgarro, 39
Picciotto d’onore, xlv
Piccola Pretura (Lo Schiavo), 294–296, 299
Piccoli, Flaminio, 485, 486
Piedmont, ’ndrangheta in, 495–496
Pimping, 76–77, 96, 244
Pinelli, Giuseppe, 404
Pirandello, Luigi, 306
Pirelli, 158
Piromalli, Gioacchino, 401, 407
Piromalli, Girolamo (Mommo), 401–402, 429, 430, 431, 432
Piromalli, Giuseppe, 432, 490, 594
Piromalli clan, 616
Pistone, Joseph D. (Donnie Brasco), 447–448
Pizza Connection, 438, 448
Plain of Gioia Tauro, 121–126
Platì, 266, 417, 615, 619
P2 Masonic Lodge, 449, 484, 513
Poems and Thoughts (Cutolo), 454, 456, 458
Poggioreale prison, 348, 431, 451–452, 455, 472–473, 479–480, 518, 584
Cuocolo trial and, 214–217
fight against banditry, 300
mafia-fighters, 67–68
torture and, 533
See also Carabinieri
Police alliance
with Calabrian mafia, 15–20, 25–31
with ’ndrangheta, 124
with Sicilian mafia, 72
Political Prisons and Jails (Castromediano), 14
Politicians, mafias and, 655–
camorra, 44
Cold War and, 567–568
’ndrangheta, 340–343, 344
piccotteria and strong-arm politics, 139–140
Sicilian mafia, 61–62, 218, 592–593, 655–656
See also The Left (Italian coalition); The Right (Italian coalition)
Polito, Francesco, 247–248, 251, 252, 253
Polito, Maria, 327
Polito, Nicola, 327
Pollifroni, Nicola, 248, 252
Porta Nuova Family, 529, 553
Portobello (television show), 519–520
Positivist sociology, mafia and, 94–98
Poverty of southern Italy, 120, 178, 195, 234, 328, 333, 361, 363, 476–477, 537, 620–621
Prepotenza, 129, 130
Prestigiacomo, Giovanni, 467
Prezzolini, Giuseppe, 324
Price fixing, Naples fruit and vegetable market, 352–354
Princi, Antonio, 144
Principle of the line, 243
Prison gangs, 138
Prison system as theatre of mafia activity, 3–6, 7–14, 112–114, 123, 126, 138, 452, 658
Procida prison, 9–10
Profaci, Joe, 378
La Propaganda (newspaper), 183
Propaganda 2 (P2), 428
Pro Sicilia Committee, 179–181
Prostitution/prostitutes, 76–77, 125, 244, 245–246, 277–278, 650
Protection rackets, 288
camorra, 4–5, 7, 76, 101, 109, 230–231, 275, 313, 626
mafiosi and, 167
’ndrangheta, 427, 651
piccioterria, 122, 240
Sicilian mafia, 54–55, 58, 60, 164, 167, 288, 295–296, 364, 610, 613–614, 653
Provenzano, Bernardo (the Tractor), 411, 413, 414, 415, 604–606, 608–610, 613, 655
Psychological Warfare
Branch (PWB), 277, 278, 280
Puglia, 462
mafias’ presence in, 493
Sacred United Crown, 491–493
Puglia, Giuseppe Mario, 294–295
Puppet theatre, 310–311
Purita, Latino, 330, 332
PWB. See Psychological Warfare Branch (PWB)
Quindici, Antonio (‘O Grifone), 315–316
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, 511
Radical Party, 524
Railways, role in emergence of piccotteria, 139
Rapi, Giovanni (Johnny the Teacher), 193, 194, 199–200, 204, 213
Ravelli, Aldo, 496
Razor slash (sfregio), 38, 77, 123, 125, 207
Red Brigades, 503, 505–506, 528
Cirillo affair and, 482–487
Della Chiesa and, 510–511
kidnappings and, 423
Reggio Calabria (city), 118, 119, 120, 121, 200, 239, 354, 395, 401, 424
Colombo package, 407–408, 429
uprising in, 405–407
Reggio Calabria (province), xliii, xxxiii, 119, 153, 334–335, 401–402, 427, 430, 549–550
Reina, Michele, 502–503
Ricci, Enrica, 69
Riccobono, Giuseppe (Thanks be to God), 77
Riccobono, Rosario, 467
Riccobono, Saro, 440, 443, 468
RICO Act, 511