Cooper Bad Boys of Dry River, Wyoming Book 3

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Cooper Bad Boys of Dry River, Wyoming Book 3 Page 10

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  “You let me know if you see him when we’re together, darlin’. I’ll have a talk with him.” When she nodded, Cooper reached across the table and took her hand. “I’m serious, Kendra.”

  “All right. Let’s just enjoy tonight.”

  Cooper stared at her, and then nodded. “So, how was your first week on the job? Do you like it?”

  Kendra grinned at him. “I love it. I have a great boss. He lets me leave early on Fridays.”

  “Whoa. I don’t think he meant every Friday.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I have him wrapped around my little finger. I can leave early on Fridays.”

  “You have no idea how true that is, darlin’. I want you to come home with me tonight Kendra.”


  “I want you. I can’t get you out of my head. I go to bed thinking of you and I wake up thinking of you. I walk around with a constant hard-on.”

  Kendra gasped, and then choked on her drink. “Cooper,” she hissed.

  “I’m being honest here and I would never do anything you didn’t want me to. Just come home with me. If it doesn’t happen, fine but if it does, that’s even better.”

  “I’ll think about it during dinner.”

  Cooper grinned. “That’s all I can ask.”

  The server brought their food and they began eating. When Kendra moaned after taking a bite of shrimp, Cooper stared at her. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

  “Please don’t do that again, unless you’re under me in bed.”

  “Oh my God! You seriously need to stop, Cooper.”

  “I can’t. I want you more than I’ve wanted any other woman.”


  “Yes. I don’t lie.”

  “We’ll see what happens after dinner. I thought you were going to take me to a movie too?”

  Cooper groaned. “I can if you want me to. I’d rather take you home with me.”

  Kendra smiled at him and he swore his heart stopped. “We’ll go to your house, Cooper, or go see a movie and we’ll see what happens.” The smile left her face. “I’m nervous to be with you. I’ve only been with Jasper.”

  “I know you’re nervous and I understand but I still want we can take it slow.”

  “I would appreciate that.”

  Cooper nodded. “We’ll go to a movie, and then see what happens.”


  Kendra stared at him. Could she do it? Could she go to bed with Cooper? God knows she wanted to but the thought of disappointing him, terrified her. What if he didn’t want anything to do with her after they had sex? It would kill her. Would he figure out how she felt about him if she went to bed with him? She shivered.

  For fourteen years, she’d been in love with Cooper Lang. If it had just been a schoolgirl crush, she’d have gotten over it years ago. She looked at him through her lashes and knew she’d love him forever. It was one reason she never fell in love with Jasper. Cooper owned her heart and if she did go to bed with him, he’d know. Wouldn’t he? She mentally shook her head. She had no idea. What if she blurted it out? She widened her eyes. Dear God!

  That could never happen. She’d die of embarrassment. She married Jasper because she thought she’d never have the man she really loved. Now here, he sits across from her, telling her he wants her. She wanted him too, but her fears were taking control. She gazed at him across the table.

  “Can we see the new comedy?”


  Kendra told him what movie she was talking about, but he didn’t really seem interested in it. “We could see something else.”

  “No. That’s fine,” he told her but lowered his gaze to his plate. She had no idea what his problem with seeing a comedy was but if he agreed, then it was fine with her. Mentally shrugging, she dug into her food.

  She glanced around and smiled at people she knew. Zellene’s was a popular restaurant in the center of town. Zellene Baxter had loved her granddaughter so much that she left Chloe her large home on Main Street, and her restaurant. Zellene made the restaurant into what it was today. Home cooked food only. There wasn’t a night of the week when it wasn’t packed. Since Chloe’s parents hadn’t really cared about their daughter, Chloe spent the summer months with her grandmother. It was how everyone in Dry River knew Chloe and how Kendra and Emily had become her friends. Even during the time Chloe was back in California, they all kept in touch. Once Chloe graduated from college, she moved to Dry River to live with her grandmother. When she passed away, she left everything to Chloe and nothing to her son, Chloe’s father. Colin Baxter wasn’t happy about it, but he couldn’t do anything about it. The will was ironclad. Kendra was happy for Chloe but she knew there was an underlying sadness to her friend.

  “The food is great. I could eat here every night,” Cooper said, drawing her away from her thoughts.

  “I could too, but I’d gain a hundred pounds.”

  “You’d just have to work it off in some way.” Cooper grinned at her.

  The man had no problem making her blush. “You love embarrassing me, don’t you?”

  Cooper’s eyebrows went up. “What did I say? I was talking about exercise. What were you thinking?”

  “You said you didn’t lie, Cooper.”

  Cooper burst out laughing. “Okay, you got me. I do tell little fibs like that.”

  Kendra stared at him and his eyes met hers. Her heart fell to her stomach. The man was so gorgeous. Those blue eyes were beautiful in his tanned face. Even the crow’s feet at the corner of his eyes were sexy. Although he was clean-shaven, she could see the faint shadow on his cheeks and jaw.

  “Let’s skip the movie,” she whispered.

  Cooper reared back. “What?”

  “I want to go home with you but could we take it slow, when we get there?”

  “Of course, but I make no promises on the next time, or the time after that. You will not leave my bed until tomorrow morning, Kendra.”

  “You’d better make a damn good breakfast, Lang. I’m sure I’ll be starving.”

  He laughed. “So will I, darlin’. So will I.”

  Kendra felt the heat in her cheeks, but she smiled. “Good.”

  “Eat up. You’ll need your strength.” Cooper growled.

  Kendra chuckled. “So will you.” When he groaned, she burst out laughing. Her nerves were going crazy. She wanted him, and she wished she had the strength not to deny herself any longer but she was scared too. This might just be a very long night.

  Chapter Nine

  Kendra was a bundle of nerves as they drove toward Cooper’s ranch. Was she really going to do this? She wanted to, but she was so scared. It’s just sex. She tried to tell herself, repeating the words in her head. She muttered under her breath and saw Cooper glance over at her.

  “Did you say something?”

  “No., I didn’t say anything,” she stammered.

  Cooper sighed. “Kendra, we don’t have to do anything. Let’s just go to my place and relax. I’ll pour you a glass of wine and we’ll talk. It will go no further unless you want it to. I’ve never forced a woman in my life, I’m not about to start now.”

  “I know that, Cooper.” She blew out a breath. “A glass of wine sounds good.” She smiled.

  Cooper pulled the truck up to the back door of his house and shut off the truck. They sat there for a few minutes before he opened the door and hopped out. He started walking around to the passenger side to help her out, but she opened the door and climbed out on her own. He took her hand, leading her into the house, and then to the living room.

  “Have a seat. I’ll get you some wine.”

  Kendra sat down and gazed around the room. The house was beautiful with its huge windows facing the front driveway and two long windows on each side of the brick fireplace. The dark oak hardwood floors showed years of wear but were still in good shape. It was a lived in home and it looked as if Cooper took great care of it. Even though she’d worked here a week, she spent most of he
r time in the office. She leaned her head back and stared at the ceiling. Wooden beams crossed the ceiling making squares. She’d never even noticed that.

  “Here you go,” Cooper said as he handed her a glass of wine.

  Kendra sat forward and took the glass from him. “Thank you.”

  Cooper sat down beside her and sipped from a bottle of beer. “Kendra, please relax. I’m not going to attack you.”

  She sat forward and placed her glass on the coffee table. “I know. I’m trying.”

  His hand moved under her hair and massaged the nape of her neck. “Kendra, I want to kiss you.”

  She turned her gaze to him. “Yes.”

  He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. “Open for me, darlin’.”

  When she did, he growled deep in his throat and deepened the kiss. He moved his tongue into her mouth and moaned when she touched her tongue to his.

  Kendra loved the way he kissed. She’d never experienced anything like it. He definitely knew what he was doing. She wrapped her arms around his neck and felt him smile against her lips. She smiled back. Cooper pulled her across his lap, and kissed her hard and deep. He raised his mouth from hers.

  “Tell me if I’m going too fast,” he whispered before pressing his lips to hers again.

  “You’re not going fast enough,” she told him, her voice catching in her throat.

  He raised his head and stared at her. “What are you saying?”

  “Take me to bed.”

  Cooper pressed his lips to hers and kissed her deeply, thrusting his tongue deep inside. He stood in one fluid motion and carried her to his bedroom. Once inside, he laid her on the center of the bed and settled in beside her. Kendra moaned and reached for the bottom of his T-shirt and pulled it off over his head. She raked her fingernails down his hard chest and to his six-pack abdomen. Cooper pulled her shirt from her jeans and snaked his hand under it and up to her breast. Kendra arched into his hand. He sat up, removed her heels, tossed them to the floor, and then pulled off his boots. He leaned over her and stared down into her face.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her again.

  Kendra’s hands moved into the silky strands of his hair and pulled him tighter to her. She didn’t want him to stop kissing her but his lips moved across her cheek to her ear. He took the lobe between his teeth and tugged on it, and then his lips moved down her neck. He pulled back from her, lifted her shirt over her head, and groaned when he saw her demi-cup white lace bra. As he stared into her eyes, he unhooked the front clasp, and then watched as her breasts spilled free. He leaned down to take her nipple into his mouth and suckled it. Kendra gasped and held his head close to her. Jasper never did anything like this. He’d only cared about himself. She clutched Cooper’s hair. He raised his head, and his blue eyes were dark with desire.

  “Are you all right?” he asked her.

  “Yes...that feels amazing.” A breathless yet nervous laugh came from her.

  Cooper grinned at her and lowered his head again to her other nipple. His hand moved down her stomach to the snap of her jeans. Once unsnapped, he lowered the zipper and slipped his hand inside and into her folds. She squeezed her legs together.

  “Do I need to stop, darlin’?”

  “I...I’m not sure...” she whispered making him still his hand.

  “If you’re not ready...”

  “I want this, Cooper, I...” Kendra turned her head and pushed back tears, which threatened to spill forth. She wasn’t ready. She felt as if she’d deceived Cooper.

  “It’s okay, darlin’, really,” Cooper said in a gentle voice withdrawing his hand and reaching up to smooth her hair from her face.

  He caught her chin with his fingers and turned her so she was looking into gentle blue eyes. He wasn’t angry. Unlike Jasper when he didn’t get his way, she knew Cooper was understanding and fair. He thought himself such a bad boy whereas the truth of it was he was pure gentleman, kind, caring, and respectful. Nothing like Jasper. Maybe she could do this after all.

  “Kennie, as much as I want you right now, if you’re not completely in, I won’t enjoy it either so come here...” Cooper pulled her in close to him and rested her head against his shoulder. “I want you with me tonight. If this is all there is, I’m good. If you’re content, I’m content.”

  Kendra looked up at the man she was fast beginning to admire even more than the man she loved all these years. Cooper Lang was a good man. For the first time, in a long time, she felt trust, in her heart and in her mind. She nodded her head.

  Cooper reached down, pulled a light coverlet up over them, pressed a kiss to her lips, and smiled down at her. He nuzzled his nose in her hair and she swore she heard him sigh. His arousal still pressed against her thigh but he made no move to force her. Was it possible such a man truly existed? A man who didn’t take what he wanted without a care for her feelings or desires. Perhaps he did.


  The next morning, the sun was beginning to peak through the blinds when she slowly opened her eyes. She glanced over to the pillow beside her. Cooper was there, sleeping yet, his features looking soft and handsome. Kendra watched him sleep for a few minutes. Last night was wonderful. He hadn’t rushed her. He hadn’t demanded anything. He’d simply accepted her resignation, cuddled with her, and together they’d fallen asleep. She smiled at the thought of his gentleness with her. She knew he’d be like this in every manner.

  She lifted her hand and lightly traced his brow with her fingertip. He was so handsome. His dark lashes fluttered and she found herself staring into his beautiful blue eyes. He smiled at her.

  “Hi,” Cooper said, his voice sounding gravely with leftover sleep still hanging on it.

  “Hi yourself,” she replied with a smile.

  She leaned in and pressed her lips to his. His arms slid around her and pulled her close. It felt so natural to be in his arms that she allowed herself to melt into him. His body was hard against her.

  “Thank you for staying last night,” he said kissing her again while his hands traced slowly down her back making her shiver. It was then she realized she wore nothing but her panties. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “Don’t you dare,” she answered wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

  When his hands caressed her bottom and one slid around front tracing along the thin fabric separating his hand from her hot flesh, she drew a quick breath. He stopped.

  “Like I said...don’t you dare.”

  Cooper chuckled, and slipped his fingers beneath the edge of the cloth. Slowly, hesitantly, he slipped his fingers in between her folds. The sensation was amazing and she discovered she wanted it. She wasn’t scared, she wasn’t hesitant, she wanted it, and she wanted him.

  “Yes.” The word exited her lips on a sigh as her lips parted and her eyes fluttered shut.

  Cooper took her lips in a hard kiss and thrust his tongue inside. She moved her tongue against his as he moved his finger up and down her folds, making her wetter. This time, she knew she didn’t want him to stop for fear she would go insane if he did.


  Cooper was slowly dying. He was sure of it. Her skin was so soft and he wanted to touch and taste every inch of it, but he knew he had to go slow. She was ready for him and he knew she wanted it this time and he no longer feared scaring her but he wanted to savor every minute. Her fingers moved through his hair, to his shoulders, and then back to his hair. He wanted them everywhere.

  “Kendra, touch me,” he said against her lips.

  “I want to...”

  “Then do it. I want to feel your hands on me, everywhere.” He groaned when her hands moved down his back and grasped his ass through his briefs. He remembered getting up after she fell asleep and undressing before climbing back into bed and pulling her warm, sweet smelling body against him again. Sleeping with her had been a joy. Now, he rolled her to her side, moved his hand from her feminine core to her ass, and squeezed. “You have a
n amazing ass.”

  Kendra laughed. “You say the sexiest things.”

  Cooper chuckled. “I try. And that laugh of yours is so fucking sexy. Every time I hear it, it shoots straight to my cock. It’s the reason I didn’t want to see a comedy with you. I’d be hard all through the movie.”

  “Cooper!” Kendra burst out laughing.

  “Stop it,” he growled. “You’re killing me. I’m so hard I ache.”

  Kendra sobered. “Kiss me again.”

  Cooper pressed his lips to hers and moved his tongue deep into her mouth. When she moaned, he almost lost it. He pulled back and looked down at her. She was beautiful with her hair spread out on the pillow like a frame on a masterpiece, her eyes still lazy with sleep. She was wearing nothing but white lace panties.

  He kissed her mouth then each cheek before trailing his lips along her jaw, and then onto her neck. He heard her moan and the sound empowered him. His fingers looped into the top of her panties and he lowered them, following down with his mouth, to press hot kisses against her quivering belly. Pulling them off, he gazed down at her and swallowed hard. He ran his hands up her calves to her thighs and back down. She squirmed under his touch. He leaned down and ran his tongue along her shin to her thigh where he parted her legs and kissed her small strip of curls. Hearing her gasp urged him on. He pushed her legs apart and ran his tongue along her wet folds. When he put his mouth over her, he felt her tense up.

  “You all right?”

  “Yes,” she hissed.

  “Good,” he whispered and put his mouth back on her and sucked on her clitoris. Her hands fisted in his hair. He slowly inched two fingers into her as he feasted on her. It wasn’t long before he felt her inner muscles clenching around his fingers. She clutched his hair so hard, he was sure she was pulling some out by the roots. She screamed his name as she came. Cooper smiled and kissed his way up her stomach to her breasts, and finally to her lips.

  “You taste so good,” he murmured against her lips as he reached into the bedside table to retrieve a condom. After sheathing himself, he inched into her slowly, letting her adjust to his size. Cooper wasn’t vain but he was a big man in more ways, than one. When he was in as far as he could go, he stilled, and gazed down into her face.


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