Cooper Bad Boys of Dry River, Wyoming Book 3

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Cooper Bad Boys of Dry River, Wyoming Book 3 Page 14

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  The women stared at her, and then burst out laughing. “Kennie, do you think any of the men we’re married to, wanted to get married?” Isabella asked.

  “They’re men. They all want sex but not a commitment. I had to offer Lucas half my ranch and even then, he was the one who said it had to be a real marriage. That was not what I was thinking when I asked him to marry me,” Emily added.

  “It took me telling Nathan I wasn’t waiting any longer before he said we’d get married,” Shelly told them.

  “I know, but I really think Cooper doesn’t want to settle down. At least not for a long time, and I’m not getting any younger. I want kids. Cooper’s just like Dakota. He thinks a wedding ring is a noose around his neck.”

  “Dakota Walker is going to meet a woman who will bring him to his knees one day. I think the same about Storm. He says he’ll never marry again, because of what Tracy did to him, but he will. I guarantee it,” Shelly said.

  Kendra sighed. “Maybe, but as I said...I can’t wait forever.”

  Chloe rubbed her back. “Do you really want a marriage without love again?”

  “Again?” Isabella asked.

  “I married Jasper as a last resort, Isabella. I knew I wasn’t in love with him but also knew I’d never have the man I did love. Cooper.” Kendra put her hands over her face. “I should never have gotten involved with him. I just knew he would break my heart again. I’m such an idiot.”

  The women hugged her, helped her dry her tears then they headed back to the men and took their seats. Kendra smiled as she watched Lucas lean over and whisper in Emily’s ear, making her blush. Then she watched as Mont placed his hand on Isabella’s nape and kissed her cheek. Nathan winked at Shelly. This is what she wanted. She shifted her gaze to Cooper. He was looking at her. She smiled and he smiled back. The food arrived and everyone dug in. The banter circled the table. The men teasing the women making them blush.

  After everyone finished eating, the group sat around talking until the restaurant was almost empty.

  “I think we need to leave. The staff is looking at us like they want to get out of here and we’re holding them up,” Cooper said and nodded toward the servers standing by the bar.

  They all stood to go. After hugging everyone, Kendra and Cooper walked to his truck. He pushed her back against it and leaned down to press his lips to hers. He raised them and whispered.

  “I’ve wanted to kiss you all night. Sitting there, listening to you laugh, seeing you smile, and nibbling on that bottom lip, had my dick twitching all night.”

  “Cooper...” Kendra moaned against his lips.

  “Stay with me tonight.”

  She stared into his eyes and knew she couldn’t tell him no. “All right.”

  He took her lips in a rough kiss. “I need to get you home now.” He opened the truck door, helped her in, and then ran around the front of the vehicle, before leaping in like an excited adolescent making her smile. He didn’t look at her as he started the truck before pulling out of the parking lot. He was well above the speed limit driving home.


  If Cooper didn’t get them to the house soon, he was going to pull the truck over and have her right there. She drove him crazy at dinner. That damn sexy laugh had his cock wanting to burst out of his jeans. He was damned uncomfortable all through dinner. He glanced over to her and saw her looking at him.

  “Stop looking at me, Kendra or I’ll stop this truck right now.” When she laughed low in her throat, he growled at her. “You think I’m kidding? I’m so fucking hard, I ache.” He glanced at her to see her lifting her hips up and slide her hands under her dress and the next thing Cooper knew, her panties were in his lap. The truck swerved and he swore. “Son of a bitch,” he muttered as he picked up her panties. “You’ll pay for this.” He put them up to his face and inhaled. “Christ, I want you.”


  “What?” he groaned as he held her panties to his face.

  “You just missed your driveway.” She burst out laughing.

  “God damn it,” he roared as he slammed on the brakes and spun around in the middle of the road. He sped back toward his driveway and pulled in. Stopping by the back door, he ran around the truck to help her out. He held her close and ran his hands up under her dress to her very center. He groaned.

  “Holy hell, you’re wet. I need you now.” He started to lift her dress.

  Her hands stopped him. “Not out here.”

  Cooper swore, and then picked her up and carried her inside. Once inside, he put her back against the wall and groaned when her legs wrapped around his waist. He took her lips in a deep kiss. He dipped his tongue in deep. Her moans set him on fire. She tore her mouth from his.

  “Let me down,” she whispered.

  “What?” He couldn’t have heard right.

  “Let me down, Cooper.”

  Taking a deep breath, he let her down and stepped back. She leaned back against the wall taking deep breaths. Then she reached out, unsnapped his jeans, lowered the zipper, and then snaked her hand inside, wrapping around him. He closed his eyes and tried to control himself. She dropped to her knees in front of him and ran her tongue along his hard length. Cooper fisted his hands at his sides. Kendra slowly slid her mouth over the head of his cock and his fingers clenched in her hair. His balls drew up tight and he couldn’t stop his hips from moving against her. She took him deep in her mouth.

  “Shit! No more, Kendra,” he said before he picked her up and put back against the wall. “Get a condom out of my wallet. Now.”

  She laughed and reached behind him for his wallet and withdrew the condom, tearing the wrapper open with her teeth. She rolled it down over him slowly, making him growl. Then he thrust into her hard.

  “Hold on tight, darlin’. This is going to be hard and fast.” He pressed his lips to hers. He couldn’t get enough of her. Then again, he wondered if he ever would. He pumped hard into her. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs tightened around his waist. All of a sudden, she pulled her mouth from his, buried her face in his neck, and moaned out his name as she clenched around his cock. Cooper was right there with her. A low groan tore from deep in his chest as he came.

  He held her against the wall for a few minutes while they tried to catch their breaths. Cooper raised his head and looked into her eyes.

  “Fuck, that was good,” he whispered.

  “Yes.” Her breath came out in a harsh whisper.

  Cooper couldn’t stop himself from leaning in to kiss her if his life depended on it. He had to taste her lips again. He lowered her slowly but caught her when her knees buckled. He grinned.

  “See? That’s great sex, when you can’t talk above a whisper, can’t catch your breath, and your knees give out.”

  Kendra sighed. “It was great...”

  “But...?” Cooper puckered his brow.

  “What’s going on with us, Cooper? I don’t want this to just be about sex.”

  “Hell, here we go,” he muttered as he zipped his jeans.

  “Here we go? I told you before I want a commitment and you said we’d talk about it later. It’s later.” She pushed away from him.

  “I’m not a commitment kind of man, Kendra. I told you that.”

  “Fine. Take me home.” She started toward the door.

  Cooper grasped her arm. “You said you’d stay.”

  “I changed my mind. I’m done. I’ll finish out the week working for you, but that’s it. I can’t be around you anymore. You don’t want what I want, so there’s no sense in going on.”


  “No! Take me home or I’ll have my dad pick me up.”

  Shit! Her dad would kick his ass. Cooper headed toward the door. “All right. Let’s go.”

  He got into the truck and watched as she walked down the steps and climbed into the truck. They didn’t speak as he drove her home.

  Later, as he drove home after dropping her off, he glanced down to the seat and saw
her panties laying there.

  ”Fuck,” he shouted.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tyler sat in a chair in the hotel room and stared at Gil Woodard as he ate fried chicken. The man had the manners of a pig. Tyler sighed and Gil glanced over to him.

  “You got something to say, Conrad?”

  “You’ve been here almost three days and haven’t done anything but eat. I want to leave but until you start paying attention to Jasper’s wife and Cooper Lang, I have to stick around.”

  Gil laughed. “We both know she ain’t his wife. But as soon as I’m done eating, you can show me Lang’s place. I need to see their schedule.” He shook his head. “I don’t understand why she doesn’t just live with him. She’s there all the time anyway.”

  “She’s working there. I heard it in town. She’s his bookkeeper.”

  “Is that what they call it now?” Gil laughed.

  Tyler clenched his jaw. He’d love nothing more than to punch Woodard in the face. “Hurry up. The quicker you see the place, the quicker I can get the fuck out of here.”

  Gil stood. “Fine, let’s go then.” He tossed the chicken bones into the trashcan.

  Tyler walked out of the room with Woodard behind him. They got into the car and Tyler drove toward Lang’s ranch.

  “Who the hell could live in this two-lane town?” Gil muttered.

  “I actually think it’s kind of nice.”

  “Nice? It’s a hole in the wall.”

  “That’s what makes it nice. No traffic. Fresh air. I like it.”

  “Then fucking move here. As soon as I do whatever it is Jasper wants me to, I’m out of here.”

  “Just what is it Jasper wants you to do?”

  Gil shook his head. “I have no idea yet. He’ll let me know soon enough.”

  Tyler didn’t like the sound of that and the sooner he got away from Dry River, Wyoming, the better. He had a bad feeling about this. It was a nice, quiet town, but he didn’t want to be around when Gil did whatever it was Jasper sent him to do. He pulled the car over across the road from Lang’s ranch.

  “This is his ranch. He also has a motorcycle shop on the property. He works the ranch and has men working for him in the shop. He also has ranch hands working the ranch with him. If Jasper wants you to get to Lang, you’ll have to do it when he leaves the ranch.”

  “I’ll do what I’m told. I’m getting paid enough.”

  Tyler sighed. “Whatever. I’ve showed you the place now let’s go back to the hotel so I can pack and leave. I’ve had enough.”

  “You just said you liked this shit-hole town but you’re awful anxious to leave.”

  “I don’t want to be here when you do what Jasper wants. I want no part of it.”

  Gil burst out laughing. “I work alone anyway. Let’s go. I’ll call Jasper to tell him you’re leaving.” He pulled his cell phone out and Tyler listened as he talked to Jasper. When he hung up, he glanced over to Gil.

  “Is he all right with it?”

  Gil shrugged. “He wants you to stick around a little longer.”

  Tyler huffed. He couldn’t believe Jasper still wanted him to stay. Why? All he wanted to do was get the hell out of Dodge.


  Kendra stood and stretched. This had been the longest week of her life. It was finally Friday and her last day working for Cooper. She’d rarely seen him all week. He’d obviously steered clear of her. They didn’t speak unless it had to do with the bookkeeping. She sighed as she picked up her purse and the stack of envelopes that contained the copies of the men’s checks. She glanced around the room and blinked back tears. This was ridiculous. You knew you’d end up like this. You knew it, but you had to have him.

  The late September air had a snap to it. Cold weather would soon move down from the Big Horn Mountains. She glanced toward them and saw they were already snowcapped. She shivered as she entered the barn and walked toward Cooper’s office at the back. She knocked and entered when he told her to come in.

  “I put the checks in the boxes. You can mail me mine for this week. Goodbye, Cooper.”

  She left the office and quickly walked to her car. After starting it, she glanced toward the barn, but he hadn’t followed her. Not expecting him to but still disappointed, she wiped a tear from her cheek and pulled out. As she drove home, she noticed a black car behind her, following too close for comfort. She sped up, but the car following her did too.

  All of a sudden, the car whipped around her and pulled in front of her. Kendra slammed on the brakes to keep from slamming into it, and then watched in horror as a large man ran toward her. Back up! She told herself but she sat there frozen watching him reach her car and pull her door open. He reached in and turned off her car, pulled her out, dragging her like a ragdoll to his car where he pushed her into the backseat.

  As if watching everything from somewhere else, Kendra watched as he moved her car to the berm of the road. She was sure she was in shock with what was happening because she hadn’t seemed able to object in any manner, but the thought that came to her was that Jasper was behind this. As if suddenly waking up from a dream, she tried to open the back door but discovered it wouldn’t open. There were no door locks. What kind of car doesn’t have door locks? One, that someone with a lot of money can have made that way, that’s what kind.

  Dear God! He got to her just as she feared!

  “Where are you taking me?” Kendra demanded of the man when he climbed in behind the wheel.

  “I was told to take you back where you belong. So shut up and enjoy the ride,” the man told her.

  “Jasper sent you, didn’t he?”

  “Give the lady a prize. Now shut up like I said.”

  Kendra pulled at the door again. She had to get away. She reached forward and slapped at the man around the seat. “Let me go! I’ll pay you whatever I can, but let me go.”

  The man shoved her hands away, and when she moved to hit him again, he raised his hand and pointed a gun at her.

  “Sit back, damn you! I doubt you can pay me more than I’m already being paid. So shut up!”

  Kendra sat back in the seat, folded her arms around herself, and closed her eyes. She knew he’d get her again. He wasn’t the type to give up. It didn’t matter that her father had threatened him. Jasper just sent others to do his bidding. What she feared most was what he was going to do with her once she got there.


  Cooper strode out of the barn swearing the entire time. Damn it. He couldn’t believe this was happening. That’s all women seemed to think about. Getting married. Well, he wasn’t the marrying kind. Why should he settle down with just one woman? There were plenty more where she came from.

  He grunted as he entered the house. In fact, he’d find one to be with tonight. The hell with Kendra Mattingly. He’d take a quick shower and head for the Fireside. There would be plenty of women there on a Friday night. Any of them would do. He reached in, turned the shower on, and then stripped out of his clothes. He stepped into the shower and sighed when the hot water hit him. The water turned brown as it washed the dust off him. He watched it swirl down the drain. After washing his hair, he dried off and wrapped a towel around his waist. He swiped the mirror, and began shaving.

  Cooper tried thinking of anything else but Kendra wouldn’t leave his head, especially when he shaved around the dimple in his chin. He frowned as he stared into the mirror. God damn it! He wasn’t into matter how he felt about her.

  How he felt? How did he feel about her? The thought of never seeing her again or being with her again made his heart ache. Hell. Was he in love with her? Cooper clenched his jaw until his teeth ached. He could feel a muscle twitching in his cheek. He blew out a breath and tried to calm himself. It didn’t matter if there was a thousand women at the bar tonight. Not one of them was Kendra Mattingly.

  He placed his hands on the counter and hung his head. When had this happened? He couldn’t remember a time when he didn’t want her since seein
g her alongside the road with a flat tire. When she glared up at him, he felt his heart give a jolt but he had ignored it. And the sex. Jesus! The sex. It had never been like that with anyone else. Ever.

  He walked into the bedroom and dressed, and then he sat on the bed with his arms on his knees. Fuck! He never wanted to fall in love, but fall he had, and hard. He knew what he had to do. He had to tell her how he felt. He yanked on his boots then grabbed his cell and keys as he headed for the door.

  He quickly ran outside, got into his truck, and tore out of the driveway. As he was racing down the road, he spotted her car sitting on the berm. Cooper pulled in behind it and got out of his truck. He walked toward her car, a sudden sinking feeling hitting his gut.

  “Kendra?” There was no answer. Cooper could see she wasn’t in the car. Maybe she’d started walking or called her parents. He pulled his cell phone out and called her parents. Her mother answered.

  “Mrs. Mattingly, it’s Cooper. Could I speak to Kendra?”

  “She hasn’t come home yet.”

  “Uh, all right. I’ll talk to her later. Thank you.” Cooper hung up. If she wasn’t home yet, where was she? He glanced up and down the road. If she were going to walk, why wouldn’t she head back to his place since it was closer? Because she doesn’t want to see you again, fool!

  He saw a car coming toward him and recognized it as a sheriff’s cruiser. He watched the deputy pull in behind Cooper’s truck. He felt a bit of relief when he saw Mont walking toward him.

  “What’s going on, Coop?”

  Cooper explained about finding Kendra’s car and calling her mother. He ran his fingers through his still wet hair. “Where the hell is she?” Mont walked past him toward Kendra’s car. Cooper heard him swear. “What is it?”

  “There are skid marks in front of her car. Cross if someone had pulled in front of her to stop her.”

  “Who...” Cooper stopped. “Damn! She said her ex would come for her.”

  “I need to call this in and tell her parents. I’m sure they know her ex-husband’s address. I can get the FBI there. I still have connections.”


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